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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Darkes  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Darkes  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_61 That Mary Ann Darke (61) was the mother of John Bevan (30)  
I had the marriage certificate for John Bevan and Louisa Jones by 1980, so I knew about William Prout Bevan but had little else to go on, and practically no access to any relevant records. A marriage for William Prout Bevan, and a plausible baptism of a John Bevan around 1825 proved impossible to find. PP_60  
The first real progress was in 1999, when the IGI (which had just become available on the Internet) showed a Prout - Bevan marriage in 1796 - Susan Prout marrying Thomas Bevon in Barnstaple, Devon. M_1796  
Soon after, I noticed that the CD containing the 1851 census index for Norfolk (a dry run for the full 1881 census index) also contained the census index for Devon (how things have changed since those days!!).  I bought the CD and found William P. Bevan and his wife Mary Ann both aged 55 in Barnstaple. The census entries show the Bevans in Barnstaple living with lodgers called Nomall and Howard, possibly related, and a possible son Thomas Bevan living with his mother-in-law Sarah Darke , sister-in-law Sarah Darke, and niece Mary Ann Darke. C_1851  
Nothing pointed to what the maiden name of Mary Ann, wife of William Prout Bevan, might be. So, in 2005, on the off-chance that investigating the Darkes might lead somewhere, I ordered a copy of the marriage of Thomas Bevan and Mary Ann Darke in 1845. This showed her father as Edward Darke, a gentleman - so likely to have been well off, and someone who might have left a PCC Will - which proved the case. M_1845  
In fact, the will of Edward Rolle Darke states that Mary Ann the wife of William Prout Bevan is his daughter, and that Mary Ann the wife of Thomas Bevan was his illegitimate daughter by his second (common-law) wife Sarah Brand (or Darke). So father and son married half-sisters! 1836  
Mary Ann daughter of Edward Rolle Darke and Mary was baptised on 6 January 1796 in Barstaple, exactly one week before her future husband William Prout Bevan! B_1796  
So the mother of John Bevan (30),  
Mary Ann Darke (61), born in 1796 in Barnstaple,  
married to William Prout Bevan (60) in 1816 in Barnstaple,  
died in 1879 in Barnstaple, was the daughter of  
Edward Rolle Darke (122), and Mary (123). PP_122  
PP_122 That Edward Rolle Darke (122) was the father of Mary Ann Darke (61)  
Mary Ann daughter of Edward Rolle Darke and Mary was baptised on 6 January 1796 in Barstaple, exactly one week before her future husband William Prout Bevan! PP_61  
Edward Rolle Darke and Mary had 3 children baptised in Barnstaple between 1791 and 1798 - Edward Rolle in 1791 (died 1798), Sally in 1793, and Mary Ann in 1796.  
Edward Rolle Darke and Mary Ramsey married in Barstaple on 4 July 1790. M_1790  
Two other children baptised as sons of Edward Rolle Darke and Mary in Barnstaple - John in 1800 and Thomas in 1801 - were rejected by him as not from him in his will of 1836.There he acknowledges Mary Ann and Sarah as his own, and his illegiitimate children with his second, common-law wife Sarah Brand, He leaves Sarah Brand his personal estate. W_1836  
Edward Rolle Darke of Mile End Old Town was buried in St. Dunstan, Stepney on 10 November 1836 aged 69 (born c. 1767). M_1790  
The will of John Darke, watchmaker of Barnstaple of 1814 names his sons John and Edward Rolle Darke, and his granddaughters Sarah and Mary Ann, daughters of Edward Rolle Drake. W_1714  
The will of John Darke, clockmaker of Barnstaple of 1825 names his brother Edward Rolle Darke, and his niece Mary the wife of William Prout Bevan. W_1725  
Edward Roll son of John and Elizabeth Dark was baptised on 25 January 1767. W_1767  
So the father of Mary Ann Darke (61),  
Edward Rolle Darke (122), born in 1767 in Barnstaple,  
married to Mary Ramsey (123) in 1790 in Barnstaple, PP_123  
died in 1836 in Mile End Old Town, was the son of  
John Darke (244), and Elizabeth (245). PP_244  
PP_244 That John Darke (244) was the father of Edward Rolle Darke (122)  
Edward Roll son of John and Elizabeth Dark was baptised on 25 January 1767. PP_122  
John and Elizabeth Dark baptised 5 children in Barnstaple between 1767 and 1773 - Edward Roll in 1767, Elizabeth in 1768, Sarah in 1769, John in 1772, ans William in 1773.  
John Dark of Holsworthy and Elizabeth Bowen of Barnstaple married in Barnstaple on 25 April 1766. M_1766  
The will of Edward Rolle, reverend of Berwick in Wiltshire mentions his nephews Thomas, Rolle, William, and John Darke. W_1791  
The will of John Darke, watchmaker of Barnstaple of 1814 names his sons John and Edward Rolle Darke, and his granddaughters Sarah and Mary Ann, daughters of Edward Rolle Drake. W_1714  
John the son of Roger and Sarah Darke was baptised in Holsworthy on 19 February 1740. B_1740  
So the father of Edward Rolle Darke (122),  
John Darke (244), born in 1740 in Holsworthy,  
married to Elizabeth Bowen (245) in 1766 in Barnstaple, PP_245  
died in 1814 in Barnstaple, was the son of  
Roger Darke (488), and Sarah Rolle (489). PP_488  
PP_488 That Roger Darke (488) was the father of John Darke (244)  
John the son of Roger and Sarah Darke was baptised in Holsworthy on 19 February 1740. PP_244  
Roger and Sarah Darke baptised 11 children in Holsworthy between 1723 and 1745, of which John Darke was the 9th - Thomas in 1723, Honnour in 1725 (dies in 1725), Susan in 1726, Rolle in 1728, Sarah in 1729 (died in 1732), Sarah in 1732 (died in 1745), Roger in 1735, William in 1737, John in 1740, Dennis in 1742 (died in 1750), and Honor in 1745 (died in 1750).  
Roger Dark of Holsworthy and Sarah Rolle daughter of Robert Rolle, gent. Married in Meeth, Devon on 10 February 1723. M_1723  
Roger Dark of Holsworthy left a will in 1781. W_1781  
A Roger son of Thomas Dark and Honor was baptised on 27 April 1701 in Kilkhampton, Cornwall - which is 9 miles north-west of Holsworthy, Devon. B_1701  
Thomas Dark and Honor baptised 7 children between 1699 and 1709, the first 4 in Kilkhampton and the last 3 in Holsworthy. These are Thomas in 1699, Roger in 1701, Elizabeth in 1702, and Thomas in 1704 all in Kilkhampton, and Mary in 1705 (died in 1705), John in 1707, and Honnor in 1709, all in Holsworthy.   
So the father of John Darke (244),  
Roger Darke (488), born in 1701 in Kilkhampton,  
married to Sarah Rolle (489) in 1723 in Meeth, PP_489  
died in 1781 in Holsworthy, was the son of  
Thomas Darke (976), and Honor (977). PP_976  
PP_976 That Thomas Darke (976) was the father of Roger Darke (488)  
PP_1952 That William Darke (1952) was the father of Thomas Darke (976)  
PP_3904 That John Darke (3904) was the father of William Darke (1952)  
PP_7808 That Robert Darke (7808) was the father of John Darke (3904)  
Records The Records  
1529-1532 Court of Chancery Records (TNA, C 1/668/25, 2005)  
William Robert. v. John Darke and Isot, his wife, late the wife of John Payne.: Withdrawal by defendants of their recognition of parole grants of pasture for complainant's kine made by the said John and Isot Payne, the consideration for which was that complainant should marry (1) Isot, the said John Payne's cousin, and (2) Johan Bysshop, which he did. Devon  
Access conditions  Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years  
Closure status Open Document, Open Description  
Held by The National Archives, Kew  
CW: possible connection with marriage in 1617? Location?  
M_1617 1617-08-11 Marriage in Bradworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Robert (7808)  
Robert Dark & Isott Bishopp Isott (7809)  
1620-03-05 Baptism in Bradworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Robert (7808)  
Agnes Darke d. Robert Darke  
1620-03-11 Burial in Bradworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Robert (7808)  
Agnes Darke d. Robert Darke  
B_1621 1621-03-01 Baptism in Bradworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Robert (7808)  
John Darke s. Robert Darke John (3904)  
M_1646 1646-01-21 Marriage in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
John Dark & Elizabeth Warmington Elizabeth (3905)  
1649-04-25 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
John Darke s. John Darke & Elizabeth Elizabeth (3905)  
B_1652 1652-07-17 Baptism in Bradworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
William Darck s. John Darck William (1952)  
1655-05-10 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
Elizabeth Darke d. John Darke & Elizabeth Elizabeth (3905)  
1657-06-03 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
Mary Darke d. John Darke & Elizabeth Elizabeth (3905)  
1660-11-05 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
Grace Darke d. John Darke & Elizabeth Elizabeth (3905)  
1660-11-05 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) John (3904)  
Nathaniell Darke s. John Darke & Elizabeth Elizabeth (3905)  
B_1673 1673-10-22 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) William (1952) 1673
Thomas Darke s. William Darke & Susan Susan (1953)  
  Thomas (976)  
1677-03-29 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) William (1952)  
Elizabeth Darke d. William Darke & Elizabeth Susan (1953)  
1682-12-17 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) William (1952)  
Mary Darke d. William Darke Susan (1953)  
M_1697 1697-06-10 Marriage in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005; Nancy Cunningham: FamilySearch, Cornwall Parish Registers 1538-2010, Cornwall, Kilkhampton, image 84, 2020) Thomas (976) 1697
Thomas Darke & Honor Heale Honor (977)  
1699-08-30 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Thomas Dark s. Thomas & Honor Darke Honor (977)  
B_1701 1701-04-27 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005; Nancy Cunningham: FamilySearch, Cornwall Parish Registers 1538-2010, Cornwall, Kilkhampton, image 41, 2020) Thomas (976) 1701
Rodger son of Thomas & Honner Darke Honor (977)  
  Roger (488)  
1702-04-16 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Elizabeth Dark d. Thomas Dark & Honor Honor (977)  
1704-03-30 Baptism in Kilkhampton, Cornwall (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Thomas Dark s. Thomas Dark & Honor Honor (977)  
1705-04-06 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Mary Dark d. Thomas Dark & Honnour Honor (977)  
1705-04-11 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Mary Dark d. Thomas Dark & Honnour Honor (977)  
1707-07-28 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
John Dark s. Thomas Dark & Honnor Honor (977)  
1709-08-09 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Thomas (976)  
Honnor Dark d. Thomas Dark & Honnor Honor (977)  
M_1723 1723-02-10 Marriage in Meeth, Devon (DRO) Roger (488) 1723
Roger Dark of the parish of Holsworthy & Sarah Rolle daughter of Robert Rolle Gent. of this parish were married by Licence from the Court of Exon Feb 10 1722 Sarah (489)  
1723-12-25 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Thomas Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1725-08-25 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Honnour Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1725-09-24 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Honnour Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1726-08-16 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Susana Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1728-03-27 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Role Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1729-02-02 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Sarah Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1732-07-03 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Sarah Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1732-08-26 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Sarah Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1735-05-19 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Roger Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1737-03 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
William Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
B_1740 1740-02-19 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (DRO) Roger (488) 1740
John son of Roger & Sarah Darke Sarah (489)  
  John (244)  
1742-09-02 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Dennis Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1745-06-29 Baptism in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Honor Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1745-12-18 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Sarah Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1750-11-27 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Dennis Dark s. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
1750-12-03 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (IGI, 2005) Roger (488)  
Honor Dark d. Roger Dark & Sarah Sarah (489)  
W_1753 1753 Will in Holsworthy, Devon (Devonshire Wills, 2012) Thomas (976)  
Thomas Darke  
M_1766 1766-04-25 Marriage in Barnstaple, Devon (DRO) John (244) 1766
Banns were published December 29 and Jan 5 & 12 between Jn Dark of this parish of Holsworthy and Elizabeth Bowen of this parish and were married in this church by Banns this twenty-fifth day of Aprill in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-six by me, William Marshall Vicar Elizabeth (245)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                John Darke  
                                                                                      Elizabeth Darke late Bowen  
   In the presence of     Judith Chappell  
                                     Walter Bowen  
B_1767 1767-01-25 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (DRO) John (244) 1767
Edward Roll, son of John & Elizabeth Dark, bapt 25 January 1767 Elizabeth (245)  
  Edward (122)  
1768-07-06 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (244)  
Elizabeth Dark d. John Dark & Elizabeth Elizabeth (245)  
1769-10-01 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (244)  
Sarah Darke d. John Dark & Elizabeth Elizabeth (245)  
1772-02-12 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (244)  
John Darke d. John Dark & Elizabeth Elizabeth (245)  
D_1773S 1773-01-07 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (FamilySearch, Holsworthy, Devon, England 1612–1811 Baptism Record, Burial Record, image 122, 2020) Sarah (489) 1773
Sarah wife of Roger Darke Roger (488)  
1773-01-17 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (244)  
William son of John Dark & Elizabeth Elizabeth (245)  
D_1773 1773-04-03 Burial in Barnstaple, Devon (Barnstaple Parish Register, 2020) Elizabeth (245)  
Elizabeth wife of John Dark John (244)  
1773-05-18 Burial in Barnstaple, Devon (Barnstaple Parish Register, 2020) Elizabeth (245)  
William son of John Dark John (244)  
D_1781 1781-04-08 Burial in Holsworthy, Devon (FamilySearch, Holsworthy, Devon, England 1612–1811 Baptism Record, Burial Record, image 148, 2020) Roger (488) 1781
Roger Darke  
W_1781 1781 Will in Holsworthy, Devon (Devonshire Wills, 2012) Roger (488)  
Roger Darke  
1786-08-14 Marriage in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) John (244)  
John Dark & Mary Harding  
M_1790 1790-07-04 Marriage in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005; Devon RO, 2011) Edward (122) 1790
Edward Rolle Darke of this parish Batchelor and Mary Ramsey of the same parish Spinster were married in this church by Licence this 4th day of July in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety by me, William Marshall Vicar Mary (123)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Edward Rolle Darke  
                                                                                      Mary Ramsey  
   In the presence of     Sarah Darke  
                                     Wm Westcott Jun  
1791-04-27 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) Edward (122)  
Edward Rolle Darke s. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary Mary (123)  
W_1791 1791-10-08 Will (PRO PROB 11/1210 Image 79, Copy, 2005) Family (489)  
Testator: Edward Rolle -1791, Reverend, Berwick, Wiltshire John (244)  
Executor: Nephew Roger Darke  
Date: 13 April 1789, proved 8 October 1791  
Witnesses: James Foot, Samuel Foot  
Will: - confirms wife's will, mentioning £1500, and £1000 held in trust to him  
- out of that £1000 and other amounts saved  
- £100 to New College in Oxford  
- £100 each to nephews Thomas Rolle William and John Darke  
- £5 a year to servant Mary Wise for her lifetime  
- £10 each to other 2 servants  
- £10 each to the poor of his 2 parishes Berwick and Moorlinth  
- £5 to the Clerk of Berwick  
- £21 each to Revd Mr. Richard Ford and Revd Mr. Thomas Smith  
- rest to nephew Roger Darke  
1793-01-01 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) Edward (122)  
Sally Darke d. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary Mary (123)  
B_1796 1796-01-06 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005; PR, SoG, 2000) Edward (122) 1796
Mary Ann Darke d. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary Mary (123)  
  Mary (61)  
1798-03-22 Burial in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) Edward (122)  
Edward Rolle Darke s. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary Mary (123)  
1798-09-09 Marriage in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005)  
Sarah Dark & William Stanberry  
1799 Leases (A2A, 2005) John (244)  
North Devon Record Office: Barnstaple Leases and Title Deeds  
Catalogue Ref. 2664  
    FILE  [no title] - ref.  2664/9  - date: 1799  
       2. John Darke, p. Barnstaple, watchmaker  
1800-02-18 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005) Family (244)  
John Darke s. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary  
1801-06-07 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (IGI, 2005; Peter Ritchie: Barnstaple Parish Register, 2020) Edward (122)  
Thomas Darke s. Edward Rolle Darke & Mary Mary (123)  
CRW: but see his will in 1836  
1802 Leases (A2A, 2005) John (244)  
Catalogue Ref. 3479 M  
       FILE  [no title] - ref.  3479 M/L10  - date: 1802  
          [from Scope and Content] 2. John Darke of Barnstaple, watch maker  
1810-10-10 Baptism in Barnstaple, Devon (Peter Ritchie: Barnstaple Parish Register, 2020) Mary (123)  
James Darke son of Mary Darke  
CRW: but see Edward Rolle Darke's will in 1836  
1810 Birth in Bow, Middlesex (PRO/CD 1891 Census, 2000) Edward (122)  
Matilda Darke d. Edward Rolle Darke & Sarah  
1814 Leases (A2A, 2005) John (244)  
Catalogue Ref. 3479 M  
FILE  [no title] - ref.  3479 M/L14  - date: 1814  
          [from Scope and Content] 1. John Darke of Barnstaple, watchmaker  
D_1813 1813-08-24 Burial in Barnstaple, Devon (FamilySearch, Barnstaple, Devon, England, 1813–1822 Baptism Record, Burial Record, image 37, 2020) John (244) 1813
John Darke sen., High street, aged 73  
W_1814 1814-09-14 Will (PRO PROB 11/1560 Image 199, Copy, 2005) 1814 John (244)  
Testator: John Darke -1814, Watchmaker, Barnstaple, Devon Edward (122)  
Executors: Josias Weeks Druggist James Scisure? Clothier and Joseph Wingyett Hunt Scrivener  
Date: 6 July 1806, proved 14 September 1814  
Witnesses: C. W. Stevens, K. H. Hawkins, William Weeks  
Will: - £50 and £100 in stocks to son Edward Rolle Darke  
- trade tools etc. valued at £50 and £250 in South Sea Annuities to son John  
- household goods & furniture, profits from messuage & dwellinghouse in Holland St. in Barnstaple, and income from £200 to daughter Sarah wife of William Stanbury Mariner for her lifetime, thereafter all to grandchildren Mary & Betsey Stanbury equally  
- £5 each to granddaughters Sarah & Mary Ann daughters of son Edward Rolle Darke, and granddaughters Betsey & Mary Stanbury when 21  
- profit from dwelling house at Ilfordcombe to dear wife for her lifetime or until her remarriage, thereafter to daughter Betsey  
- £300 in South Sea Annuities and £6 per year out of messuage in High Street Barnstaple where he resides to wife for her lifetime or until her remarriage, thereafter to son William for his lifetime and thereafter to his eldest son  
etc. etc.  
- £200 to Josias Weeks James Scisure? and Joseph Wingyett Hunt  
- interest on £150 to son William for his lifetime, thereafter to his children, failing that to daughter Betsey  
- £200 to Josias Weeks James Scisure? and Joseph Wingyett Hunt  
- interest of £200 in South Sea annuities to daughter Betsey for her lifetime, thererafter to her children  
- household goods & furniture to children William & Betsey  
- stable & court in Elephant Lane in Barnstaple to son John  
- rest convert to money for raising son William & daughter Betsey, remainder to them at 21  
1816-06-02 Baptism in St. John Hackney, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Edward (122) 1816
Mary Ann d. Edward & Sarah Darke, abode: Bow, Msx, profession: East India Labourer  
M_1816 1816-08-26 Marriage solemnized in the Parish of Barnstaple in the District of Barnstaple in the County of Devon, in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen (Steve Farmer, ???, 2020) William (60) 1816
William Prout Bevan of this Parish and Mary Ann Darke of this Parish were married in this church by banns with Consent of Parents this twenty sixth Day of August in the Year One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, by me Henry Nicholls, minister Mary (61)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                William Prout Bevan  
                                                                                      Mary Ann Darke  
   In the presence of     Samuel Sanders  
                                     Mary Ann Boyne  
1817-10-05 Birth in St. John Hackney, Middlesex (PRO/CD 1891 Census, 2000; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Edward (122)  
Sarah Ann d. Edward & Sarah Darke, abode: Bow, Msx, profession: Labourer  
M_1818 1818-02-18 Marriage solemnized in the Parish of Barnstaple in the District of Barnstaple in the County of Devon, in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen (Steve Farmer, ???, 2020) Family (122) 1818
John Chapple of this Parish bachelor and Sally Darke of this Parish spinster were married in this church by banns this eighteenth Day of February in the Year One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, by me Henry Nicholls, minister William (60)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                John Chapple Mary (61)  
                                                                                      Sally Darke  
   In the presence of     Wm Prout Beaven  
                                     Mary Ann Beaven  
W_1825 1825-05-27 Will (PRO PROB 11/1699 Image 41, Copy, 2005) 1825 Family (244)  
Testator: John Darke -1825, Clockmaker, Barnstaple, Devon Edward (122)  
Executors: Josias Weeks John Bowen and Joseph Wingnott Hunt Mary (61)  
Date: 28 April 1825, proved 27 May 1825  
Witnesses: J. C. March, Oliver Veale  
Will: - £100 to brother Edward Rolle Darke  
- £100 to the female who now resides and cohabits with my said brother and is the mother of several children by him  
- £100 to sister Betsy Darke  
- £120 to faithful servant Grace Lashbrook  
- £15 to friend Josias Weeks  
- £20 to friend John Bowen  
- £20 to friend Joseph Wingnott Hunt   
- £10 to friend William Reed  
- £50 to cousin Mary Darke Widow  
- £200 upon trust for niece Betsy the wife of    Robinson  
- £150 upon trust for brother in law William Darke  
- £50 upon trust for niece Sally the wife of      Chappell  
- £50 upon trust for niece Mary the wife of William Prout Bevan  
- 2s per week to apprentice Thomas Churchill  
- rest equally among children of brother Edward Rolle Darke by the female with whom he now resides and cohabits  
- £20 to Mr. Arin Brimson of the India Company  
D_1836 1836-11-10 Burial in St. Dunstan, Stepney, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk) Edward (122) 1836
Edward Rolle Darke, Mile End Old Town, aged 69  
1836-11-19 Death Notice (British Newspaper Archive, Western Times) Edward (122) 1836
In London, Mr. Edward Rolle Darke, eldest son of the late Mr. John Darke, of Barnstaple, watchmaker John (244)  
W_1836 1836-11-29 Will (PRO PROB 11/1761 Image 17, Copy, 2005) 1836 Edward (122) 1836
Testator: Edward Rolle Darke -1836, of the India Company's Civil Department, Bow, Middlesex Mary (61)  
Executrix: Sarah Brand otherwise Darke  
Date: 20 May 1825, proved 29 November 1836  
Witnesses: Marianne Hunt, James Chamberlin  
Will: - estate of brother to be divided among his children:  
- legitimate children Mary Ann the wife of William Prout Bevan and Sally the wife of John Chappell by his wife (unnamed)  
- but not "Thomas and James I positively declare are not mine nor was either of them begotten by me but they are Bastards and aliens from my blood in the strongest sense and manner of the words"  
- illegitimate children William Matilda Thomas Mary and Sally by Sarah Brand better known as Sarah Darke  
- personal estate to Sarah Brand otherwise Darke  
1841-06-07 Census record for Barnstaple, Devon (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (122)  
Salem Place  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   Sarah Darke 60 F Ind N  
   Matilda do 25 F do N  
   Mary do 20 F Dressmaker N  
   Sarah do 20 F do N  
   Mary do 5 F N  
M_1845 1845-06-10 Marriage solemnized at Barnstaple in the District of Barnstaple in the County of Devon, Registration District: Barnstaple (GRO, Copy, 2005) Family (122) 1845
   Name and Surname                    Thomas Bevan                       Mary Ann Darke  
   Age                                             full                                           full  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                 Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Plasterer                                  Dressmaker  
   Residence                                   Barnstaple                               Barnstaple  
   Father's Name and Surname      William Prout Bevan             Edward Darke  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Cooper                                     Gentleman  
Married in the Independent Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Independents by me, B. Kent  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Tho Bevan  
                                                                                      Mary Ann Darke  
   In the presence of     Thirza Webber  
                                     Thomas Ridler  
1851-03-30 Census record for Barnstaple, Devon (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (122)  
Back Lane  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born *  
   Thomas Bevan Head M 31 M Plasterer DEV Barnstaple  
   Mary Ann Bevan Wife M 33 F Wife MSX Y  
   William E. Bevan Son U 5 M - DEV Barnstaple  
   Thomas Bevan Son U 3 M - DEV Barnstaple  
   Emily M. Bevan Dau. U 2 F - DEV Barnstaple  
   Louisa A. Bevan Dau. U 5 F - DEV Barnstaple  
   Sarah Darke MotL W 73 F Annuitant MSX Y  
   Sarah Darke SisL U 31 F Dressmaker MSX Y  
   Mary Ann Darke Niec U 15 F Servant MSX Y  
   * Whether Blind, or Deaf and Dumb (CW: certainly not true – all born outside county as in 1841 census)  
1861-2Q Marriage in Barnstaple, Devon (FreeBMD, 2011) Family (122)  
John Lee & Sarah Ann Darke  
1861-04-08 Census record for Barnstaple, Devon (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (122)  
Trinity Street  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John Lee Head M 61 M Retired Farmer Bratton Fleming Dev  
   Sarah Ann do wife M 43 F School Mistress London Msx  
   Matilda Darke sister U 51 F School Mistress London Msx  
1871 Lease (Google, 2009) Family (122)  
North Devon Record Office Mary (61)  
Reference 2664  
Covering dates 1768 - 1871  
Held by North Devon Record Office  
Extent 34 files  
[no title]  2664/33  1871  
Assignment and confirmation  
1. Thomas Darke, Barnstaple, gardener  
2. William Darke  
Matilda Darke, Barnstaple, spinster  
Thomas Darke  
Mary Ann, wife of Thomas Bevan, Barnstaple, plasterer  
Thomas [Bevan] her husband  
Sarah Lee, p. Fremington, widow  
Sally Chapple, Langport, Southampton, widow  
Mary Ann Bevan, wife of William Prout Bevan, Barnstaple, cooper  
William Prout Bevan her husband  
3. Thomas Powning, Barnstaple, dyer  
Garden etc., Tooley Street, Barnstaple  
D_1879 1879-Q3 Death (Ancestry.co.uk, England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index) Mary (61)  
Mary Ann Bevan aged 83 Barnstaple 5b 262  
1891-04-05 Census record for Barnstaple, Devon (Ancestry.com, Copy, 2005) Family (122)  
36 Richmond St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Bevan Head M 71 M Plasterer Wilts Salisbury  
   Mary Ann do wife M 73 F - London Bow  
   Mary Elizabeth do dau U 28 F Dressmaker Devon Barnstaple  
   Matilda Darke bdr U 82 F Living on own means London Bow  
© C. R. Watts 2020  created 10.12.2005, revised 02.12.2020  