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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Buchans  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Buchans  
Proofs Proofs  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
PP_14 That Richard Buchan (14) was the father of Lily Buchan (7)  
John Little and Lily Buchan married on 28 January 1922 in Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool. Her father was given as Richard Buchan. M_1922  
Her age was given as 31, which made it easy to locate her birth on 9 July 1890 in Everton, where her parents are given as Richard Buchan and Susan Bevan. B_1890  
Richard Buchan and Susan Bevan married in 1880 in Liverpool. M_1880  
Richard and Susan Buchan had 3 children by the 1891 census  in Walton-on-the-Hill, including Lily (Libby), Richard is given as aged 33 (born c. 1857), and born in Perth, Scotland. C_1891c  
Richard and Susan Buchan had a further 4 children by the 1901 census  in Walton-on-the-Hill. Richard is given as aged 43 (born c. 1857), and born in Perth, Scotland. C_1901b  
Richard and Susan Buchan still had 4 children living with them at the time of the 1911 census  in Walton-on-the-Hill. Richard is given as aged 53 (born c. 1857), and born in Perth, Scotland. C_1911  
Richard Buchan, stevedore, of 6 Chepstow Street, Walton died in the first quarter of 1929 aged 71 (born c. 1858). D_1929  
Richard Buchan, son of Alexander Buchan, block printer, and Margaret Buchan née Percy [reads Pearson] was born at 7 am 12 July 1857 in Dovecotland, Perth. D_1857  
So the father of Lily Buchan (7),  
Richard Buchan (14), born in 1857 in Perth,  
married to Susan Bevan (15) in 1880 in Liverpool, PP_15  
died in 1929 in West Derby, was the son of  
Alexander Buchan (28), and Margaret (29). PP_28  
PP_28 That Alexander Buchan (28) was the father of Richard Buchan (14)  
Richard Buchan, son of Alexander Buchan, block printer, and Margaret Buchan née Percy [reads Pearson] was born at 7 am 12 July 1857 in Dovecotland, Perth. PP_14  
A Scottish friend of ours from Dundee went by the local record office and found Alexander and Margaret Buchan in the 1851 census, Alexander aged 28 and Margaret 31 - i.e. Alexander should be born in 1822. C_1851b  
On a later visit to the Society of Genealogists I found a baptism for Alexander Buchan on 30 June 1822, son of Henry Buchan and Ann Barber. B_1822  
So the father of Richard Buchan (14),  
Alexander Buchan (28), born in 1822 in Perth,  
married to Margaret Percy (29) in 1843 in Glasgow, PP_29  
died in 1902 in Liverpool, was the son of  
Henry Buchan (56), and Ann Barber (57). PP_56  
PP_56 That Henry Buchan (56) was the father of Alexander Buchan (28)  
Alexander, son of Henry Buchan and Ann Barber was baptised in Perth, Scotlandon 30 June 1822. B_1822  
Henry Buchan and Ann Barber had about 8 children between 1811 and 1835, including Alexander in 1822. B_1822  
Henry Buchan and Ann Barber married at Kingstown, St. Vincent in 1810. M_1810  
The Perth 1841 census shows Henry and Ann Buchan living with a son Alaxander aged 15. C_1841  
Henry Buchan, Chelsea pensioner, was 71 years old in 1851 (born c. 1780). C_1851a  
Alexander Buchan remarried after Margaret's death in 1857, and moving to Liverpool - and the marriage certificate lists his father as Henry Buchan. M_1865  
Henry Buchan enlisted in the army on 7 March 1794 and was supposedly aged 18 at the time, so born in 1775 or 1776. A_1816  
Henry son of Alexander Buchan was baptised in Redgorton on 22 March 1778 - so was barely 16 when he enlisted. B_1778  
So the father of Alexander Buchan (28),  
Henry Buchan (56), born in 1778 in Redgorton,  
married to Ann Barber (57) in 1810 in St. Vincent, PP_57  
died in 1860 in Perth, was the son of  
Alexander Buchan (112), and Mary (113). PP_112  
PP_112 That Alexander Buchan (112) was the father of Henry Buchan (56)  
Henry son of Alexander Buchan was baptised in Redgorton on 22 March 1778 - so was barely 16 when he enlisted. PP_56  
Alexander and Mary Buchan had about 7 childreen: Alexander in 1768 & Ann in 1770 baptised in Madderty, Katherine in 1772 & James in 1774 in Tibbermore, Henry in 1778 in Redgorton, Thomas in 1780 in Perth, and Mary in 1788 in Tibbermore.  
Alexander Buchan and Mary Buchan married in Madderty in 1767. M_1767  
The death certificate for Henry Buchan in 1860, gives his parents as Alexander Buchan and Mary Buchan (maiden name). D_1860  
So the father of Henry Buchan (56),  
Alexander Buchan (112), born in 1744? in Trinity Gask,  
married to Mary Buchan (113) in 1767 in Madderty, PP_113  
died in  in , was the son of  
Alexander? Buchan (224), and Ann? McKinnen? (225). PP_224  
Records The Records  
M_1767 1767-07-05 Marriage at Madderty O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112) 1767
Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1768-09-11 Baptism at Madderty O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
Alexander Buchan son of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1770-05-13 Baptism at Madderty O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
Ann Buchan son of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1772-12-06 Baptism at Tibbermore O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
Katherine Buchan son of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1774-05-08 Baptism at Tibbermore O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
James Buchan son of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
B_1778 1778-03-22 Baptism at Redgorton O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112) 1778
Henry Buchan son of Alexander Buchan Mary (113)  
  Henry (56)  
1780-06-04 Baptism at Perth O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
Thomas Buchan son of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1788-03-02 Baptism at Tibbermore O.P.R. index (Copy, 1997) Alexander (112)  
Mary Buchan dau. of Alexander Buchan & Mary Buchan Mary (113)  
1801 Campaign Medal (Ancestry.co.uk, UK Military Campaign Medal and Award Rolls, 1783-1949) Henry (56)  
Henry Buchan, medal and bar for Egypt  
M_1810 1810-02-28 Marriage at St. George's Church, Kingstown, St. Vincent (Copy, 2002) Henry (56) 1810
Henry Buchan & Ann Barber of 90 Regt Ann (57)  
1810 Campaign Medal (Ancestry.co.uk, UK Military Campaign Medal and Award Rolls, 1783-1949) Henry (56)  
Henry Buchan, for Martinique and Guadeloupe  
1814 Regimental Book (Canada, British Regimental Registers of Sevice, 1756-1900) Henry (56)  
90th Perthshire Regiment  
Henry Buchan, size: 5' 6-1/2", age: 25 years 7 months, complexion: dark, eyes: grey, hair: brown, where born: Perth, Perthshire, trade: labourer  
1814 Regimental Book (Canada, British Regimental Registers of Sevice, 1756-1900) Henry (56)  
90th Perthshire Regiment  
Sergeants Corporals Drummers  
Henry Buchan, size: 5' 6-1/2", age: 25 years 7 months, where born: Perth, Perthshire, promoted 28 Nov 1804  
James Buchan, size: 5' 11", age: 26 years 1 months, where born: Perth, Perthshire, promoted 30 June 1804  
A_1816 1816-03-24 Discharge Paper 90th Regiment of Light Infantry  (PRO, Copy, 1997) Henry (56)  
   HIS MAJESTY'S 90th Regiment of Light Infantry whereof Lieut. General ? Lord Lynedock K.G.B. is Colonel  
   THESE are to certify, that Henry Buchan, Sergeant, in Captain Manby Dixon's Company in the Regiment aforesaid born in the Parish of Perth in or near the Town of Perth in the County of Perth was enlisted at the age of Eighteen years and hath served in the said Regiment for the space of Twenty two Years and Eighteen days, as well as in other Corps, after the age of Eighteen, according to the following statement; but in consequence of Diseased Liver  
   is considered unfit for further service, and is hereby discharged; having first received all just Demands of Pay, Clothing, &c. from his entry into the said Regiment, to the date of this Discharge, as appears by the Receipt on the back hereof.  
   And to prevent any improper use being made of this Discharge by its falling into other Hands, the following is a Description of the said Henry Buchan. He is about Forty Years of Age, is Five Feet Seven Inches in height, Brown Hair, Grey Eyes, Dark Complexion, by Trade a Labourer.  
   Statement of Service  
   In what Corps 90th Regt  
   Period from 7 March 1794 to 24 March 1816  
   Sergeant 11 Yrs 118 Days  
   Corporal 3 Yrs 138 Days  
   Private 7 Yrs 127 Days  
   In East or West Indies, included in the aforegoing Total 9 Years 108 Days  
   Given under my Hand and Seal of the Regiment, at Plymouth the 24th Day of March 1816  
   John McNash  
   Lt. Col. Comm. 90th Reg.  
   I, Henry Buchan, do acknowledge that I have received all my Clothing, Pay, Arrears of Pay, and all just Demands whatsoever, from the Time of my enlisted in the Regiment mentioned on the other side, to this Day of my Discharge  
   As witness my Hand this 25th Day of March 1816 H. Buchan  
   Witness James Crawford Lieut. Maj. 90th Inf. Sergt 90th  
   I do hereby certify, that the cause, which has rendered it necessary to discharge the within-mentioned Henry Buchan as stated on the opposite side, has not arisen from vice or misconduct, and that he is not to my knowledge incapacitated by the Sentence of a General Court Martial from receiving his Pension. I further certify that he served the campaign of H.M. in Egypt in ? gallant manner there & in Martinique + Guadeloupe in 1809 + 1810.  
   Surgeon Commanding  
1817-07-13 Baptism Perth O.P.R. (Copy, 1992) Henry (56)  
Henry Buchan son of Henry Buchan & Ann Barber Ann (57)  
B_1822 1822-06-30 Baptism Perth O.P.R. (Copy, 1992) Henry (56) 1822
Alexander Buchan son of Henry Buchan & Ann Barber Ann (57)  
  Alexander (28)  
C_1841 1841 Census record for East Church of Perth, Dovecotland, Perth, Scotland (Copy, 2002) Henry (56)  
Dovecotland Ann (57)  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Born in County Alexander (28)  
   Henry Buchan 55 M Ag. Lab Y  
   Ann do 45 F - N  
   Emily do 20 F Y  
   Alexander do 15 M Y  
   James do 15 M Y  
   Richard do 10 M Y  
   Ann do 8 F Y  
CRW: I'm pretty sure 'Emily' is a clerical error for 'Henry'  
1842-05-06 Marriage Perth O.P.R. (Copy, 2002) Family (56) 1842
Henry Buchan Calico Printer in the East Church Parish of Perth and Sarah Percay in the Middle Church Parish of Perth daughter of Samuel Percay Bleacher in Glasgow - Elder Robert Buist - The persons before named were regularly proclaimed and married sixth day of May said year by the Reverend Mr. William Lindsay Minister of the First Relief Congregation in Perth.  
M_1843 1843-04-09 Marriage Glasgow O.P.R. (Copy, 2002) Alexander (28) 1843
Buchan Alexander Printer in Glasgow and Margaret Percy residing there. Margaret (29)  
1843-4 Perth P.O. Directory  (Copy, 1992) Henry (56)  
   Buchan, Henry, weaver, Dovecotland  
   Buchan, James, weaver, 327 High street  
   Buchan, John, weaver, Leonard street  
   Buchan, Mrs. Archibald, lodgings, Bridgend  
   Buchan & Low, grocers and ironmongers, 107 High street - house, King street, east side  
C_1851a 1851 Census record for East Church of Perth, Dovecotland, Perth, Scotland (PKDA, Copy, 1992) Henry (56)  
38, Dovecotland Ann (57)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Henry Buchan Head M 71 M Chelsea pensioner Perth  
   Ann do Wife M 66 F - do  
   James do son 24 M Calico printer do  
   Richard do son 19 M prints Cutter do  
   Ann do daur 16 F Dress Maker do  
   James McQueen gson 7 M Scholar do  
C_1851b 1851 Census record Perth, Scotland (PKDA, Copy, 1992) Alexander (28)  
302 High Street Margaret (29)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexr Buchan Head M 28 M Printer Silk Perthsh.  
   Margt do Wife M 31 F - Dumbartonsh.  
   John do 8 M - Perthsh. Dumb  
   Ann do 3 F - Ayrshire  
   Alexr do 5m M - Perthshire  
1852-3 Perth P.O. Directory  (Copy, 1992) Alexander (28)  
   Buchan, Alexander, calico-printer, Dovecotland Henry (56)  
   Buchan, Henry, calico-printer, Dovecotland  
   Buchan, Henry, pensioner, Dovecotland  
1855-01-06 Birth in Perth, Perthshire  (IGI, 2002) Alexander (28)  
   Margaret Buchan, father Alexander Buchan, mother Margaret Piercy Margaret (29)  
B_1855 1855-01-06 Birth in Perth, Perthshire  (OPR, copy 2003) 1855
Surname and name:                                                         Margaret Buchan  
When and where born with hour of birth:                     1855, Jan. 6, 11 a.m., Dovecotland, Perth  
Sex:                                                                                  F  
Name, surname, and rank or profession of father:          Alexander Buchan, Calico Printer, 33, born in Perth  
Married:                                                                           1843 Glasgow, 2 Girls 1 Boy living, 2 Boys 1 Girl Deceased  
Mother:                                                                            Margaret Buchan, Maiden Name Piercy, her 6th child,  
                                                                                         36 years, born Ireland  
Informant:                                                                        Alexander Buchan, Father  
1855-03-26 Birth in Milton, Glasgow, Lanark  (IGI, 2002)  
   Gavin Muirhead, father James Muirhead, mother Elizabeth Percy  
B_1857 1857-07-12 Birth Extract of an entry in a Register of Births (GROS, Copy, 1986) Alexander (28) 1857
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965 Margaret (29)  
Surname and name (if given) Name, when given or altered in baptism, or otherwise, after Richard (14)  
registration of birth:                                                         Buchan Richard  
When and where born with hour of birth:                     1857, July Twelfth, 7h a.m., Dovecotland, Perth  
Sex:                                                                                  M  
Name, surname, and rank or profession of father:          Alexander Buchan, Block Printer  
Name, and maiden surname of mother:                           Margaret Buchan, Maiden Name Pearson  
Signature, qualification and residence of informant,  
  if out of the house in which the birth occurred:             Alexander Buchan, Father, (Present)  
When and where registered and signature of registrar:   1857, July 24th, At Perth, signed Robert Buist Junr,                                                                                 Assistant Registrar (Initd) RB  
The above particulars are extracted from a Register of Births for the Burgh of Perth in the County of Perth on 6th November 1986.  
1860-1 Perth P.O. Directory  (Copy, 1991) Henry (56)  
   Buchan, Henry, pensioner, Dovecotland  
   Buchan, James (of Buchan & Low), 3 Athole Street  
   Buchan, James, calico-printer, 152 South street  
   Buchan, John, weaver, Thimblerow  
   Buchan & Low, grocers and ironmerchants, 107 High street  
   Buchan, Miss, dairy, Craigie Mill  
   Buchan, Miss, lodgings, 9 North Methven street  
D_1860 1860-07-24 Death in the Burgh of Perth in the County of Perth, Scotland (SGRO, Copy, 2000) Henry (56) 1860
Where and when died:               24 July 1860, 3:30 am, Dovecotland, Perth Alexander (112)  
Name and surname:                   Henry Buchan Mary (113)  
Sex:                                            Male  
Age:                                           86 years  
Occupation:                                Pensioner  
Condition:                                  Married  
Father:                                        Alexander Buchan, Farm Servant, deceased  
Mother:                                      Mary Buchan (maiden name), deceased  
Cause of death:                          Old age, seriously ill about 12 months, no medical attention as certified by John Farquharson,                                                                  Superintendant  
Burial Place:                              Wellshill Cemetery, Perth  
Signature, description, and  
  residence of informant:            James Buchan, Son  
When registered:                        25 July 1860  
Signature of registrar:                ? enner Assistant Registrar  
1861 Census record for Perth, Perthshire, Scotland (SRO, 2001) Ann (57)  
12 Long Causeway  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Mrs. Ann Buchan Head M 70 F Pensioners wife Glasgow, Lanarks.  
   James McEwan gson U 17 M Silk Dyer Perth Perthshire  
1861 Census record for Kirkdale, Liverpool, England (Ancestry, 1861 England Census, 2022) Alexander (28) 1861
7 Factory Cottages Margaret (29)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Richard (14)  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 39 F Fireman Scotland  
   Margrett Buchan wife M 38 F - Scotland  
   Anne Buchan dau U 13 F - Scotland  
   Alexander Buchan son U 10 M - Scotland  
   Margret Buchan dau U 6 F - Scotland  
   Richard Buchan son U 3 M - Scotland  
D_1863 1863 Death West Derby, Liverpool (Ancestry, England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915, 2022) Margaret (29)  
Margaret Buchanan died MAR 8b 366  
CRW: This is no doubt Margaret Buchan, who was alive in 1861 (census) but had died by 1865 (marriage below)  
M_1865 1865-12-13 Marriage solemnized at St. Nicholas church in the parish of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster (GRO, Copy, 2003) Alexander (28) 1865
   Name and Surname                    Alexander Buchan               Ann Young  
   Age                                             full                                         full  
   Condition                                    Widower                               Widow  
   Rank or Profession                     Fireman                                 -  
   Residence                                   Hopwood Street                    Hopwood Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      Henry Buchan                       Samuel Lyons  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Labourer                               Shoemaker  
Married in the said church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, W. R. Duncan, curate  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Alexander (x) Buchan  
                                                                                       Ann (X) Young  
   In the presence of     John (x) Making  
                                     Mary Ann Making  
1871 Census record for Perth, Perthshire, Scotland (SRO, 2001) Ann (57)  
32 Long Causeway  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Ann Buchan Head W 81 F Glasgow  
1871-04-02 Census record for Everton, Liverpool, Lancs. (Ancestry.co.uk 2005) Alexander (28)  
7 Ellison St. Richard (14)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 46 M Labourer Perth, Scotland  
   Ann “ wife M 42 F - Roscom., Ireland  
   Alexander “ son U 20 M Labourer Perth, Scotland  
   Margaret “ dau. U 16 F Perth, Scotland  
   Richard “ son U 13 M Labourer Perth, Scotland  
   Ann Jane “ dau. U 8 F Liverpool  
   Sarah “ dau. U 4 F Liverpool  
1872 Perth P.O. Directory  (Copy, 1991) Ann (57)  
   Buchan, David, tailor, 38 Athole Street  
   Buchan, James, silk printer, 139 South street  
   Buchan, James (of Buchan & Low), 4 St. Leonard's Bank  
   Buchan, James, slater, 32 1/2 Mill St. house 204 High St.  
   Buchan, John, slater, 364 High Street  
   Buchan, John, weaver, 27 Thimblerow  
   Buchan & Low, grocers and ironmerchants, 107 High street  
   Buchan, Miss, lodgings, 9 North Methven St.  
   Buchan, Mrs. Henry, 32 Long causeway  
   Buchan, William, baker, 2 Union lane  
H_1880 1880 History (Records of the 90th Regiment", Delavoye, 1880) Henry (56) 1880
The 90th Perthshire Regiment during the Napoleonic wars 1794-1816.  
M_1880 1880-12-25 Marriage solemnized at the church in the parish of All Saints L'pool in the County of Lancaster (GRO, Copy, 1980) Richard (14) 1880
   Name and Surname                    Richard Buchan               Susan Bevan Susan (15)  
   Age                                             23                                       21 Alexander (28)  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                            Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Miller                                 -  
   Residence                                   24 Bean Street                    35 Bean Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      Alexander Buchan              John Bevan  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Labourer                             Mariner  
Married in the said church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Frank B. Tyrer M.A. Vicar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Richard Buchan  
                                                                                       Susan Bevan  
   In the presence of     Thomas Barnes  
                                     Louisa Emily Stotart  
1881-04-03 Census record for Dovecotland, Perth East Church, Perth (SRO/Internet, 2000) Ann (57)  
32 Long Causey  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Mrs. Henry Buchan Head W 94 F annuitant Glasgow, Lanark  
   Mrs. Mary McEwan dau. W 65 F BS general servant Granada, W. Indies   
1881-04-03 Census record for Tibbermore, Perth Family (56)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James McEwan head M 38 M Finisher at dye work Perth  
   Margaret " wife M 37 F Perth  
   Alexander " son U 14 M Dyers apprentice Perth  
   Elizabeth " dau U 11 F Scholar Perth  
   Ann C. " dau U 9 F Scholar Perth  
   James B. " son U 7 M Scholar Perth  
   Margaret S. " dau U 5 F Scholar Perth  
   Mary Jane B. " dau U 2 F Perth  
1881-04-03 Census record for Glasgow, Lanark (LDS/CD, 2002) Family (56)  
297 Argyle St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Henry Buchanan Head W 60 M Steamboat fireman Perth  
   Isabella " dau. U 30 F Perth  
   John " son U 26 M Rivetter Perth  
   Richard son U 20 M appr. rivetter Glasgow  
   Gavin Muirhead neph U 26 M Steamboat engineer Glasgow  
1881-04-03 Census record for Perth West Church, Perth Family (56)  
103 Canal St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James Buchan head W 54 M Silk Printer Perth  
   Richard " son U 19 M Tinsmith Perth  
   Ann " dau 14 F Feather Curler Perth  
   Hellen " dau 12 F Scholar Perth  
   Alexanderina " dau 9 F Scholar Perth  
   James " son 7 M Scholar Perth  
   David " son 5 M instructed at home Perth  
1881-04-03 Census record for Perth East Church, Perth (LDS/CD, 2002) Family (28)  
4 Milne Street  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John Buchan Head M 40 M Chelsea pensioner * Perth, Perth  
   Alexis " wife M 31 F Perth, Perth  
   * & shoemaker  
1881 Census record for Exeter St. Sidwell, Devon (LDS/CD, 2002) Family (28)  
64 Victoria Rd.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 31 M Foreman of fitters* Scotland  
   Mary E. " wife M 25 F Newton St Cyre, Dev.  
   Percy A. " son U 1 M Exeter, Devon  
   William Giddinss brdr M 28 M Iron Turner * Wraxett, Wilts.  
   * Fathers Locomotive Engine Shops  
1881-04-03 Census record for Everton, Liverpool (PRO, Copy, 2000) Richard (14)  
9 Calder St. Susan (15)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John Bevan Head M 55 M Sailor Mdsx London  
   Louisa do Wife M 44 F - Ire. Mayo Co.  
   Willis J. do son 15 M Mill Labourer Lanc. Lpool  
   John E. do son 12 M - Lanc. Lpool  
   Sarah E. do daur 10 F - Lanc. Lpool  
   Richard Buchan sonl M 23 M Mill Labourer Scotland  
   Susan do daur M 22 F - Lanc. Lpool  
D_1885 1885-12-17 Death in the District of Perth in the County of Perth, Scotland (SGRO, Copy, 2000) Ann (57) 1885
Where and when died:               17 December 1885, 7:30 am, 32 Long Causeway, Perth  
Name and surname:                   Ann Buchan  
Sex:                                            Female  
Age:                                           99 years  
Occupation:                                -  
Condition:                                  Widow of Henry Buchan, Sergt 90th Regt  
Father:                                         -  
Mother:                                       -  
Cause of death:                          Old age, as cert by Jas Ferguson, M.B.C.M.  
Signature, description, and  
  residence of informant:            Henry Buchan, his mark, Son  
Witness:                                     D. Strang Assist. Regr.  No 51 Paisley Road, Glasgow  
When registered:                       19 December 1885  
Signature of registrar:                D. Strang Assistant Registrar  
O_1885 1885-12-22 Obituary in the Perthshire Courier (Copy, 2001) Ann (57) 1885
DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN IN PERTH: Mrs. Henry Buchan, who resided at Dovecotland, Perth, widow of Colour-Sergeant Henry Buchan of the 90th Regiment, died on Thursday last in the 100th year of her age, having been born on 15th May 1786. Deceased was a native of Glasgow and was married in the Isle of St. Vincent, West Indies, in 1810. She was with her husband's regiment in all its campaigns, and after that until his discharge. While the regiment was on its way home from America it was ordered to Waterloo, which was reached just the day after the battle was fought. The deceased visited the battlefield and saw the mangled victims. Mrs. Buchan, who has been a resident of Perth for about 70 years, was highly respected. She was pre-deceased by her husband about 26 years ago. She has left a family of four sons and two daughters, besides a large number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  
CRW: Ann Barber, daughter of Alexander Barber and Helen Duncan was baptised in Perth on 12 April 1785. If she is the Ann Barber who married Henry Buchan, she was 100 years old and in her 101st year when she died.  
CRW: the battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815, while the 90th Regiment only arrived off Spithead on 3 August 1815 and was redirected to Ostend to participate in the occupation in France.  
1885-12-25 Obituary in the newspaper, Dundee Courier (Copy, 2013)  
B_1890 1890-07-09 Birth in the Sub-district of Everton North in the County of Liverpool, Richard (14) 1890
Registration District: West Derby (GRO, Copy, 1978) Susan (15)  
When and where born:                  Ninth July 1890, 13 Rubens Street, U.S.D. Lily (7)  
Name, if any:                                Lily  
Sex:                                               Girl  
Name and surname of father:       Richard Buchan  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Susan Buchan formerly Bevan  
Occupation of father:                   Dock Labourer  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                S. Buchan, Mother, 13 Rubens Street, Everton  
When registered:                          Nineteenth August 1890  
Signature of registrar:                  Geoff Cl?,  Registrar  
1891-04-05 Census record for Walton-on-the-Hill, Lancashire (Ancestry.co.uk, Copy, 2013) Alexander (28)  
25 Eastbourne Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 64 M Dock Labourer Scotland  
   Ann “ wife M 65 F Housekeeper Ireland  
   Ann Jane Young serv U 28 F Domestic Servant Liverpool, Lancs  
   Lincoln W Lynn bdr U 25 M Railway Stoker Liverpool, Lancs  
1891-04-05 Census record for Perth (Scottish Origins, Internet, 2002) Family (28)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John Buchan Head M 49 M Perth, Perth  
   Alexis " wife M 31 F Perth, Perth  
   James" son U 9 M Perth, Perth  
   Christina " dau. U 6 F Perth, Perth  
   Mary " dau. U 4 F Perth, Perth  
C_1891c 1891-04-05 Census record for Everton, Liverpool (PRO, Copy, 1992) Richard (14)  
13 Rubens St. Susan (15)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Lily (7)  
   Richard Buchan Head M 33 M Labourer Scotland Perth  
   Susan do Wife M 32 F - Lanc. Lpool  
   Richard do son 9 M Scholar do do  
   John do son 6 M - do do  
   Libby do daur 0 F - do do  
1891-04-05 Census record for Dennistoun, Glasgow (Scottish Origins, Internet, 2002)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Richard Buchan brdr U 29 M Tinsmith Perth  
1894 Kelly's Directory of Liverpool and Suburbs Alexander (28)  
132 Longmoor Lane  
Alexander Buchan, labourer  
45, North Dingle, Kirkdale  
Alexander Buchan, dock foreman  
35, Poveril Street, Walton  
Richard Buchan  
O_1897 1897 Obituary (Perthshire Courier, Copy 2003) Family (56)  
It is not generally known that there resides in Perth a lady of advanced years whose father was among the first to join the 90th (Perthshire) Light Infantry (a regiment of which every Perthshireman is so greatly proud), and who herself was born in the regiment while it was on foreign service. The subject of our sketch is Mrs. Mary Buchan or McEwan, who resides with her son, Mr. James McEwan, dyer, Bathousie Terrace, Dunkeld Road, Perth. Mrs. McEwan was born in the Isle of St. Vincent, West Indies, in 1811, and was the eldest of eight of a family. At the time of her birth, Mrs. McEwan's father, Henry Buchan, was a colour-sergeant in the 90th Regiment. A native of the parish of Tibbermuir, Colour-Sergeant Buchan was among the first of the brave young men who responded to the earnest appeal of the famous Lord Lynedoch, who had set his heart on raising a regiment comprised entirely of Perthshire men at a time when Napoleon, in the full tide of victory, threatened to invade Great Britain. Young Buchan was induced all the more readily to volunteer for service against the French, who were then the terror of Europe, from the fact that he had as comrades not a few whom he had known from childhood. With his regiment, the gallant 90th, Colour-Sergeant Buchan served in Egypt in 1801 under the renowned Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and was for his service awarded the Egyptian medal and three clasps, each clasp representing a separate engagement. It was while with his regiment in the Isle of St. Vincent that Colour-Sergeant Buchan entered into the married state, his wife being a native of Glasgow, and the daughter of a soldier. Mrs. McEwan is thus the grand-daughter of a soldier, as well as the daughter of a soldier.  
The 90th Regiment was on the way home from South America, after a considerable spell of foreign service, when it was intercepted by orders from the War Office, and ordered to proceed to the Peninsula, where Napoleon, having escaped from the island of Elba, was massing an enormous army, preparatory to the last stand against the combined Powers of Europe. On being landed in the Peninsula, the 90th Light Infantry proceeded by forded marches towards Brussels. Though Mrs. McEwan was thus a child of little more than four years, she retains a lively recollection of the hurry and bustle which characterise a gallant regiment anxious to add to its fame, and eager to get to the scene of action before the fighting finished. Anxious as they were to get to the front, they only succeeded in joining the Duke of Wellington's forces on the 19th of June, the day after the decisive battle of Waterloo was fought. It was while the 90th Regiment was on the march that Colour-Sergeant Buchan had an addition made to his family, and found himself the proud parent of two daughters. Mrs. McEwan relates how, on reaching Waterloo, she eluded her mother's supervision, and wandering from the camp on to the battlefield, she saw dead men and dead horses lying in heaps. She was too young at the time to take particular notice of events that would have made a lasting impression upon a child a year or two older. She never, she says, had the pleasure of seeing the Great Duke, but she well remembers the intense interest which her mother manifested in her new and startling surroundings. Another thing which she recollects quite distinctly was the horrifying spectacle that the field of Waterloo presented before the remains of the dead warriors were put under the sod. The 90th Light Infantry formed part of the army of occupation after the final defeat and flight of Napoleon. Thrown into the society of youngsters of her own age, the subject of our sketch readily adopted the French patois. So proficient did she become in the lingo, that her own parents did not understand her. Her mother, as became the wife of a patriotic Scottish soldier, had no special liking for anything French; and the French language in particular, or "gibberish", as she was wont to contemptuously call it, had a grating sound, even coming from the lips of her own child.   
In the autumn of 1815 the regiment disembarked at Southampton, and proceeded to Scotland. After completing his period of service, Colour-Sergeant Buchan retired on a pension, which he continued to draw for 44 years, he having died in 1860 at the age of 86. He resided for many years at Dovecotland, Perth. His wife, who outlived him by fully a quarter of a century, died about eleven years ago, at the ripe age of 100. As was to be expected, Mrs. McEwan took a keen interest in all the proceedings connected with the unveiling of the monument on the North Inch to the regiment to which her father had belonged, though she was not privileged to be present as a spectator. Lord Wolseley was proud of the array of old warriors assembled on the North Inch in honour of the 90th Regiment; but there were few there that day who were cognisant of the fact that there was within hail an old lady who was born in the brave old corps 86 years ago, and who had followed its fortunes in the days of her childhood. Though so much advanced beyond the allotted span, Mrs. McEwan is still hale and hearty. The only thing she suffers from is a slight deafness. She has lived to see her great-grandchildren, by whom as well as by the other generations of her family she is worshipped as only a true-hearted, motherly woman can be. Our illustration is from a photograph by Mr. Ireland, photographer, Perth.  
CRW: the battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815, while the 90th Regiment only arrived off Spithead on 3 August 1815 and was redirected to Ostend to participate in the occupation in France.  
1901-03-31 Census record for Walton on the Hill, Bootle, Lancs (PRO Internet, 2002) Alexander (28)  
132 Longmoor Lane  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 78 M Docks Labourer Scotland  
   Ann " wife M 74 F Ireland  
   Ann J. Lynn dau. M 39 F Liverpool  
   Lincoln W. " sonL M 36 M Railway Eng. Driver Liverpool  
   Thomas H. " gson 8 M Liverpool  
   James W. " gson 6 M Liverpool  
   Emily E. V. " gdau 4 F Liverpool  
   Eva A. " gdau 1 F Liverpool  
   Annie Buchan gdau 14 F Liverpool  
   John Boland brdr S 42 M Carter Ireland  
   Alfred Boulton brdr W 54 M Mechanical Fitter Liverpool  
   John E. Smith brdr S 28 M * Liverpool  
   * Locomotive Boiler Washer  
C_1901b 1901-03-31 Census record for Kirkdale, Lancs (PRO Internet, 2002) Richard (14)  
35 Goodall Street Susan (15)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Lily (7)  
   Richard Buchan Head M 43 M Dock Labourer Scotland  
   Susan " wife M 41 F Liverpool  
   Richard " son S 19 M Asst Boot Warehouse Liverpool  
   John " son S 16 M Telegraph Messenger Liverpool  
   Liley " dau. S 10 F Liverpool  
   Walter " son S 8 M Liverpool  
   William " son S 6 M Liverpool  
   Florence " dau. S 4 F Liverpool  
   Ethel " dau. 1 F Liverpool  
1901-03-31 Census record for Southampton, Hamps (PRO Internet, 2002) Alexander (28)  
73 Northam Rd.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Alexander Buchan Head M 56 M Locomotive Engineer* Scotland  
   Mary Ellen " wife M 44 F Newton St. Cyres  
   Lionel William H. " son 18 M ** Southhampton, Hants.  
* Superintendent  
** Apprentice Locomotive Engineering Worker  
1901-03-31 Census record for Tibbermore, Perth? (Scottish Origins, Internet, 2002)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James McEwan head M 57 M Perth  
   Margaret " wife M 57 F Perth  
   Mary " dau U 21 F Perth  
D_1902 1902 Death West Derby (FRC, 2003) Alexander (28)  
Alexander Buchan 77 died SEP 8b 361  
1909 Directory Liverpool (1992)  
Richard Buchan labourer 35 Goodall St. Kirkdale  
P_1909 1909c Photo 1909 Lily (7)  
Lily Buchan  
C_1911 1911-04-02 Census record for Walton-on-the-Hill, Lancashire (Ancestry.co.uk, 2013, Copy) Richard (14)  
22 Nelson? St Susan (15)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Lily (7)  
   Richard Buchan Head M 53 M Dock Labourer Perth, Scotland  
   Susan “ wife M 52 F - Liverpool, Lancs  
   John “ son U 26 M Shipchandler Liverpool, Lancs  
   Lilley “ dau. U 20 F Waitress Liverpool, Lancs  
   William “ son U 16 M not working at present Liverpool, Lancs  
   Florence “ dau. U 14 F School Liverpool, Lancs  
   John Macdonalson bdr U 26 M Cabinet Maker Beith, Ayrshir  
M_1922 1922-01-28 Marriage solemnized at County Road Wesleyan Chapel, Walton on the Hill in the district of West Derby in the County of Liverpool (GRO, Copy, 1978) John (6) 1922
   Name and Surname                    John Little                            Lily Buchan Lily (7)  
   Age                                             29                                          31 Susan (15)  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster Richard (14)  
   Rank or Profession                     Steward Merchant Service   Tobacco Cutter  
   Residence                                   14 Salop St. Kirkdale            6 Chepstow St. Kirkdale  
   Father's Name and Surname      John Edward Little                Richard Buchan  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Tram Driver                          Dock Labourer  
Married in the County Road Wesleyan Chapel to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Wesleyan Methodists by Certificate  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                John Little  
                                                                                       Lily Buchan  
   In the presence of     A. Loftus  
                                     F. Buchan  
   And in the presence of W. Tanner, Authorized Person for said Place of Worship.  
1924 Directory Kelly (1989) Richard (14)  
Buchan Richard Stevedore 6 Chepstow St. Walton N  
D_1927 1929-4Q Death Register (PRO, 2011) Susan (15)  
Susan Buchan 68 W. Derby 8b 394  
D_1929 1929-1Q Death Register (PRO, 1999) Richard (14)  
Richard Buchan 71 W. Derby 8b 866  
D_1969 1969-3Q Death Register (TNA, 2011) Lily (7)  
Lily Griffiths 1890 Ormskirk, Lancs.  
© C. R. Watts 2022 created 11.04.1978, revised 09.11.2022  