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Tracing the Littles  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Littles  
Tracing my mother's family, the Littles, has never been easy, partly as Little is quite a common name, but also because my mother's father died when she was 4 years old and her mother re-married - so the only 'father' she knew, her stepfather, was not a Little. She left home as soon as she could, was never interested in the past, and kept almost no documents or family records.  
One of the first certificates I ordered from the PRO (now TNA) was the marriage certificate of my maternal grandparents John Little and Lily Buchan. This was already misleading, as John Little was not his full name, which was John Edward Little. and he was not 29, but 25 years old (as his bride was 31, I suppose that he was trying to disguise the age difference). His father is given as John Edward Little (also not his full name), a tram driver. Marriage  
By 1989, on the basis of my mother's recollections, I had the death certificate of John Little, which showed his full name as John Edward Little, and his actual age as 31 on 26 June 1928 - pointing to a birth in the year before 27 June 1897. Death  
There were 3 John Edward Littles born in that year - 2 in West Derby, and 1 in Carlisle, so I ordered all 3 certificates The one in Carlisle had a father Thomas, so could be eliminated, but both in West Derby had fathers called John - John Little and Maud Allen for the one, and John Edward Little and Rachel Norris for the other. As the latter was John Edward Little, this seemed the most likely. Birth  
I then searched for the death of Rachel Norris - which turned up quite soon, being in 1908 already. This showed her husband as John Edward Little, and electric car driver (which sounds very trendy today, 112 years later). So this has to be the right one. On seeing this information, my mother remembered that "there was a Rachel in there somewhere", so that seems to clinch it! Death  
I already had the marriage certificate for John Edward Little and Rachel Norris in Walton in 1895. He was working as a furniture packer, aged 21, so born in the year before 20 October 1874, and his father was George Little, a cotton porter. Marriage  
In 1997, the index to the 1881 census became available, and true to form, there were 2 John Littles with fathers called George in Liverpool. The one in Medlock street fit best with the age, address and occupations, and later proved correct. So George Little was 54 in 1881, a tailor born in Carlisle, his wife was Mary Ann, 47, born in Penrith, and their sons were William, 20, a warehouseman born in Carlisle, George, 13, Joseph, 11, and John Edward, 6, all born in Liverpool. Census  
Of the sons, only George's birth in 1867 was easy to identify. His birth certificate shows his parents as George Little, tailor master, and Mary Ann Little, formerly Atkinson. Birth  
Their marriage in 1857 was then easy to identify - George Little was aged 29, a tailor living in Coathill, Wetheral, son of George Little, husbandman deceased, and Mary Ann Atkinson was 26, living in Cumwhinton, Wetheral, daughter of George Atkinson, a miller deceased. Marriage  
Confirming the above, George and Mary Ann's first child was Martha born in 1859 (q.v.). She married Thomas Duke in 1882 (q.v.), and it was with them that John Edward Sampson Little and his son John Edward Little were living in the 1911 census (q.v.). Census  
In around 2005 I googled "John Edward Little", and found a mail from a 1st cousin 1x removed of mine on the Little side, Ray Callaghan, who I had never heard of. He pointed out that the birth of John Edward Sampson Little had been registered as 'Edward Sampson Little'. Birth  
A few years later, Ancestry.co.uk included baptisms for this time period, including that for John Edward Sampson Little. Baptism  
Proofs Proofs  
CRW: records deleted for privacy PP_13  
PP_12 That John Edward Sampson Little (12) was the father of John Edward Little (6)  
My brother's and my descent from our grandfather John Edward Little is confirmed by our DNA matches with a half-2nd cousin, a granddaughter of his half-brother William J. Buchan Little b. 1784. DNA  
Our descent from John Edward Sampson Little is also confirmed by my brother, myself and our half-2nd cousin having around 15 DNA matches (average around 50cM) with several descendants of his uncles William James Little and George Little.  
John Little and Lily Buchan married on 28 January 1922 in Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool. His father was given as John Edward Little, a tram driver. Marriage  
The search for John Edward Little, the tram driver is described above in 'Tracing the Littles'. Tracing  
John Edward Little was born in 1896, the son of another John Edward Little, a furniture remover, and Rachel Little formerly Norris. Birth  
The elder John Edward Little, 21 (born c. 1874), a furniture packer, and Rachel Norris married in Walton on the Hill in 1895. The groom's father is given as George Little, a cotton porter. Marriage  
The 1901 census has John E. Little aged 27 (born c. 1874), electric car driver, living in Walton with wife Rachel, son John aged 4, and daughter Rachel aged 3. Census  
Edward Sampson Little born 18 Nov. 1874, son of George & Mary Ann Little (formerly Atkinson) of 46 Friar Street, Everton, Birth  
was baptized as John Edward Sampson Little on 2 June 1875. Baptism  
John Edward Sampson Little died on 15 March 1939 aged 64 years at 68 Kelso Road, Liverpool. Death  
As already mentioned above, our descent from John Edward Sampson Little is confirmed by DNA matches with several descendants of his brothers William James Little and George Little. DNA  
So the father of John Edward Little (6),  
John Edward Sampson Little (12), born in 1874 in West Derby,  
married to Rachel Norris (13) in 1895 in Walton on the Hill,  
died in 1939 in West Derby, was the son of  
George Little (24), and PP_24  
Mary Ann Atkinson (25).  
PP_24 That George Little (24) was the father of John Edward Sampson Little (12) PP_12  
John Edward Sampson Little was on born 18 Nov. 1874, son of George Little, porter, and Mary Ann Little (formerly Atkinson) of 46 Friar Street, Everton. Birth  
The 1881 census has John Little aged 6, Joseph 11, George 13, William 20, sons of George Little aged 54, tailor, born in Carlisle and Mary Ann his wife aged 47 born in Penrith. Census  
The 1871 census has Joseph 2, George 14, William J. 10 (the same sons as in 1881), and daughter Martha 12 living with of George Little aged 43, tailor, born in Cumberland and Mary Ann his wife aged 40 born in Cumberland, at 46 Friar Street - where John Edward Sampson Little was born in 1874. Census  
The 1861 census has Martha 2 and Ann 3 living with of George Little aged 31, tailor, born in Somerby, Cumberland and Margaret (Mary Ann?) his wife aged 31 born in Longtown Cumberland in Wetheral, Cumberland. Census  
George Little aged 29 of Wetheral, son of George Little, husbandman, deceased, and Mary Ann Atkinson aged 26 of Wetheral, daughter of George Atkinson, miller, deceased, married on 12 Dec. 1857 in Carlisle. Marriage  
George Little aged 29 of Wetheral in 1857 (b. 1828) is most likely the George, son of George Little and Alice Baty in Wetheral in 1828. Birth  
George Little aged 22 is no doubt the one in 1851 living in St. Cuthbert's lane in Carlisle, draper, born in Crosby, Cumberland. Census  
George Little aged 13 and Hannah aged 15 were living in 1841 at Greenburn farm in Kingwater, Cumberland with their father George a shepherd (whose age is given as 45, but must have been around 55). Census  
The wife of George Little's father, Alice, is not present in the 1841 census, having died in 1833. Death  
George Little's father George is still living at Greenburn farm in 1851, an agricultural labourer aged 66, born in Askerton, with Hannah 24 (his youngest daughter), her daughter Alice 11, and two other grandchildren - George Little 11, and Isabella Fishburn 9. Census  
Five siblings of George Little b. 1828 married and had children, but I have not so far been able to find any of their descendants with a DNA match to any of George's descendants. But my brother and I do have matches to 2 descendants of a sister of his probable paternal grandmother Mary Bell, so that my confirm our descent from George Little as well. DNA  
So the father of John Edward Sampson Little (12),  
George Little (24), born in 1828 in Wetheral,  
married to Mary Ann Atkinson (25) in 1857 in Carlisle,  
died in 1899 in Walton on the Hill, was the son of  
George Little (48), and PP_48  
Alice Baty (49).  
PP_48 That George Little (48) was the father of George Little (24) PP_24  
We found above that George Little aged 29 of Wetheral in 1857 is pretty certainly the George, son of George Little and Alice Baty born in Wetheral in 1828. Birth  
George Little a bachelor and Alice Baty a spinster married in Lanercost on 20 May 1807, witnessed by Andrew and Elizabeth Baty Marriage  
George Little and Alice Baty had 9 children between 1808 and 1828 - Mary 1808, Jane 1810, John 1813, Ann 1816 (died 1821), Elizabeth 1818 (died 1840), Andrew Baty 1821, George 1824 (died 1824), Hannah 1825 and George 1828.  
As we saw above, George Little is still living at Greenburn farm in 1851, an agricultural labourer aged 66, born in Askerton, with Hannah 24 (his youngest daughter), her daughter Alice 11, and two other grandchildren - George Little 11, and Isabella Fishburn 9. Census  
Aged 66 in 1851 points to a birth in 1784 or 1785, so the baptism of George Little in Lanercost in 1784, the son of John Little, a clogger, and his wife Mary, is likely to be him. Birth  
In which case, his parents are likely to be the John Little and Mary Bell married in nearby Brampton in 1781. Marriage  
My brother and I have matches to 2 descendants of a probable sister of this Mary Bell, so she may be confirmed as an ancestor, as would our whole Little line right down to myself and my brother. DNA  
So the father of George Little (24),  
George Little (48), born in 1784 in Lanercost,  
married to Alice Baty (49) in 1807 in Lanercost,  
died in <1857 in Wetheral?, was the son of  
John Little (96), and  
Mary Bell (97).  
PP_96 That John Little (96) was the father of George Little (48) PP_48  
So the father of George Little (48),  
John Little (96), born in 1759c in Lanercost,  
married to Mary Bell (97) in 1781 in Brampton,  
died in  in , was the son of  
Richard Little (192), and  
Janet Graham (193).  
PP_192 That Richard Little (192) was the father of John Little (96)  
Records The Records  
M_1781 1781-05-17 Marriage in the parish of Brampton, Cumberland () John (96) 1781
John Little and Mary Bell Mary (97)  
B_1784 1784-01-18 Baptism in the parish of Lanercost, Cumberland () George (48) 1784
George son of John Little of Banks burne a clogger and Mary his wife John (96)  
  Mary (97)  
M_1807 1807-05-20 Marriage in the parish of Lanercost, Cumberland (IGI/1999, Cumbria RO/2002 Copy) George (48) 1807
George Little of this parish a Bachelor & Alice Baty of this parish spinster were married in this church by banns this twentieth day of May in the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven, by me Geo Gilbanks, Minister. Alice (49)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                George Little  
                                                                                      Aliy Battie  
   In the presence of     Andrew Baty  
                                     Elizabeth Baty  
1808 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Mary Little daughter of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1810 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Jane Little daughter of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1813 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
John Little son of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1816 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Ann Little daughter of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1818 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Elizabeth Little daughter of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1821 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Andrew Baty Little son of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
1824-03-21 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998, CRO/2002 Copy) George (48)  
George Little son of George Little and Alice Baty, Abode Scotby, Labourer Alice (49)  
1824-03-27 Burial in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (CRO/2002 Copy) George (48)  
George Little, infant, Abode Scotby Alice (49)  
1826 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998) George (48)  
Hannah Little daughter of George Little and Alice Baty Alice (49)  
B_1828 1828-11-09 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (IGI/1998, CRO/2002 Copy) George (48) 1828
George Little son of George Little and Alice Baty, Abode Scotby, Labourer Alice (49)  
  George (24)  
D_1833 1833-03-10 Burial in the parish of Wetheral, Cumberland (from G. Callaghan from T. Huber, Bishop's Transcripts) Alice (49)  
Alice Little, aged 44, Abode Scotby  
C_1841 1841-06-07 Census record for Kingswater, Eskdale Ward, Lanercost Abbey, Cumberland (PRO, Copy) George (48)  
Greenburn (farm) George (24)  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   George Little 45 M Shepherd Y  
   Hannah do 15 F - Y  
   George do 13 M - Y  
CRW: George Little, shepherd, was more likely 56 - see 1851 census below  
C_1851a 1851-03-30 Census record for Kingwater, Cumberland (Copy) George (48)  
Greenburn (farm)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   George Little Head W 66 M Ag. Lab. Askerton, Cumb.  
   Hannah do dau U 24 F Ag. Lab. Wetheral, Cumb.  
   Alice do gdau U 11m F - Kingwater, Cumb  
   George do rel U 11 M Lab. Scotland  
   Isabella Fishburn rel U 9 F Visator St. Cuthberts, Cumb.  
C_1851b 1851-03-30 Census record for Carlisle, Cumberland (Copy) George (24)  
St Cuthberts lane  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   George Little ldgr U 22 M Draper Crosby, Cumb.  
M_1857 1857-12-12 Marriage solemnized at the Register Office in the District of Carlisle in the County of Cumberland (GRO, Copy, 1998) George (24) 1857
   Name and Surname                    George Little                       Mary Ann Atkinson Mary (25)  
   Age                                             29                                          26  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Tailor                                    -  
   Residence                                   Coathill, Wetheral                Cumwhinton, Wetheral  
   Father's Name and Surname      George Little                        George Atkinson  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Husbandman (deceased)      Miller (deceased)  
Married in the Register Office by me, Wm Birrell, Registrar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                George Little  
                                                                                      Mary Ann Atkinson  
   In the presence of     Thomas Bell  
                                     Eleanor Bell  
1859-02-06 Baptism in the parish of Wetheral, County of Cumberland (IGI, 1999) George (24)  
Martha Little daughter of George and Mary Ann Mary (25)  
C_1861 1861-04-07 Census record for Wetheral, Cumberland (PRO, Copy, 1992) George (24)  
Coathill Mary (25)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   George Little Head M 31 M Master Tailor Somerby, Cumb.  
   Margaret do wife M 27 F - Longtown  
   Ann do dau U 3 F - Wetheral  
   Martha do dau U 2 F - do  
   William James do son U 2m M - do  
   John Pickering appr U 18 M Tailor apprentice Penrith Cumb.  
   Joseph Cockton jman U 26 M Tailor Journeyman Westward  
B_1867 1867-06-14 Birth in the Sub-district of West Derby in the County of Lancaster, George (24)  
Registration District: West Derby and Toxteth Park (GRO, Copy, 1997) Mary (25)  
When and where born:                  Fourteenth June 1867, 12 Job Street  
Name, if any:                                George  
Sex:                                               Boy  
Name and surname of father:       George Little  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Mary Ann Little formerly Atkinson  
Occupation of father:                   Tailor Master  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                George Little, Father, 12 Job Street, West Derby  
When registered:                          Twenty-Third July 1867  
Signature of registrar:                  Richard Bradshaw,  Registrar  
C_1871 1871-04-02 Census record for Everton, Liverpool, Lancs. (Ancestry.co.uk 2005) George (24)  
46 Friar? St. Mary (25)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   George Little Head M 43 M Tailor Cumberland  
   Mary Ann do wife M 40 F - do  
   Martha do dau U 12 F - do  
   Wm J? do son U 10 M Scholar do  
   George do son U 4 M - Liverpool  
   Joseph do son U 2 M - do  
B_1874 1874-11-18 Birth in the Sub-district of Everton in the County of Lancaster, George (24) 1874
Registration District: West Derby and Toxteth Park (GRO, Copy, 2005) Mary (25)  
When and where born:                  Eighteenth November 1874, 46 Friar Street, Everton John (12)  
Name, if any:                                Edward Sampson   
Sex:                                               Boy  
Name and surname of father:       George Little  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Mary Ann Little formerly Atkinson  
Occupation of father:                   Porter  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                X the mark of Mary Ann Little, Mother, 46 Friar Street, Everton  
When registered:                          Twenty-Fourth December 1874  
Signature of registrar:                  S. Potts, deputy Registrar  
CRW: baptised John Edward Sampson Little - see below  
B_1875 1875-06-02 Baptism in St. Saviour, Everton, Lancs (Ancestry.co.uk, 2013) George (24)  
John Edward Sampson son of George & Mary Little, 46 Friar Street, Warehouseman, born 18 November 1874 Mary (25)  
  John (12)  
C_1881 1881-04-08 Census record for Kirkdale, County of Lancashire (IGI, 1997; PRO/CD, 2000) George (24)  
27 Medlock Street Mary (25)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born John (12)  
   George Little Head M 54 M Tailor CUL Carlisle  
   Mary Ann Wife M 47 F - CUL Penrith  
   William Son U 20 M Warehouseman CUL Carlisle  
   George Son - 13 M Scholar LAN Liverpool  
   Joseph Son - 11 M Scholar LAN Liverpool  
   John Son - 6 M Scholar LAN Liverpool  
1881-04-08 Census record for Everton, County of Lancashire (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (24)  
22 Sherlock St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John M. Toll U 44 M Plymouth, Devon draper master empl. 6  
   men 8 women, 1 lad  
   Martha Little U 21 F Carlisle, CUM dom. servant  
1882 Marriage in West Derby, County of Lancashire (FreeBMD, 2003) Family (24)  
Martha Little married Thomas Duke JUN 8b 849  
1891-04-05 Census record for Kirkdale, Liverpool, Lancs. (Ancestry.co.uk, 2005) George (24)  
12 Pugin St. Mary (25)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born John (12)  
   George Little Head M 66 M Tailor Cumberland  
   Mary A. do wife M 57 F - do  
   Joseph do son U 22 M Railway Porter do  
   John do son U 17 M Railway Porter do  
1891-04-05 Census record for Walton on the Hill, Liverpool (Ancestry.co.uk, 2005) Family (24)  
22 Ismay St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Duke Head M 35 M Brazier Tin Smith Liverpool, Lancs  
   Martha do wife M 31 F Cumberland  
   Johnston R. do son U 8 M Scholar Liverpool, Lancs  
   Martha do dau. U 6 F do Liverpool, Lancs  
D_1895 1895 Death in Liverpool, County of Lancashire (FreeBMD, 2003) Mary (25)  
Mary Ann Little died aged 58 SEP 8b 96  
M_1895 1895-10-20 Marriage solemnized at St. Marys Kirkdale in the parish of Walton on the Hill in the County of Lancaster (GRO, Copy, 1989) John (12) 1895
   Name and Surname                    John Edward Little             Rachel Norris Rachel (13)  
   Age                                             21                                          21  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Furniture Packer                   -  
   Residence                                   5 Furness Street                    35 Westminster Rd  
   Father's Name and Surname      George Little                         Richard Norris  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Cotton Porter                        Deceased  
Married in the church aforesaid according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, T. Major Lester  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                John Edward Little  
                                                                                      Rachel Norris  
   In the presence of     Thomas Lloyd  
                                     Margaret Lewis  
B_1896 1896-10-07 Birth in the Sub-district of Everton North in the County of Liverpool, John (12) 1896
Registration District: West Derby (GRO, Copy, 1989) Rachel (13)  
When and where born:                  Seventh October 1896, 35 Seacome Street, W.D. John (6)  
Name, if any:                                John Edward  
Sex:                                               Boy  
Name and surname of father:       John Edward Little  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Rachel Little formerly Norris  
Occupation of father:                   Furniture Remover  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                R. Little, Mother, 35 Seacome Street, Everton  
When registered:                          Third November 1896  
Signature of registrar:                  W.G. Guilbert,  Registrar  
D_1899 1899-03-21 Death in the Sub-district of Walton, in the Counties of Bootle, Lancaster and Liverpool, Registration District: West Derby (GRO, Copy, 1999) George (24) 1899
Where and when died:                   Twentyfirst March 1899, Workhouse, Walton, Liverpool  
Name and surname:                       George Little  
Sex:                                                Male  
Age:                                               73 years  
Occupation:                                    Dock Porter of Walton  
Cause of death:                               Aortic Regurgitation, certified  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  M. Duke, daughter, 2 Wilburn Street, Walton  
When registered:                            Twentysecond March 1899  
Signature of registrar:                     Edwin Smith Registrar  
C_1901a 1901-03-31 Census record for Wavertree, Walton, Lancs (PRO Internet, 2002) John (12)  
25 Abyssinia St. Rachel (13)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born John (6)  
   John E. Little Head M 27 M Electric Car Driver Liverpool  
   Rachel " wife M 27 F Liverpool  
   John " son 4 M Liverpool  
   Rachel " dau. 3m F Liverpool  
1901-03-31 Census record for Walton, Liverpool (PRO Internet, 2002) Family (24)  
2 Wilburn St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Duke Head M 45 M Sheet Metal Worker Liverpool, Lancs  
   Martha " wife M 42 F Carlisle  
   John R. " son S 18 M App Plumber Liverpool, Lancs  
   Martha " dau. S 16 F App Coal Pressure Wkr Liverpool, Lancs  
1908 Liverpool Directory (Seen, 1993) John (12)  
John E. Little, tramdriver, 14 Gordon St., Wavertree W. (1905-1908)  
D_1908 1908-10-24 Death in the Sub-district of West Derby Western in the County of Liverpool, Rachel (13) 1908
Registration District: West Derby (GRO, Copy, 1993) John (12)  
Where and when died:                   Twenty fourth October 1908, 11 Wells Street, Wavertree, Liverpool, U.D.  
Name and surname:                       Rachel Little  
Sex:                                                Female  
Age:                                               33 years  
Occupation:                                    Wife of John Edward Little, Electric Car Driver  
Cause of death:                               Acute Pheneses(?) 8 months Exhaustion  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  J. E. Little, Widower of deceased, Present at death, 11 Wells Street, Wavertree  
When registered:                            Twenty fourth October 1908  
Signature of registrar:                     James Maguire Registrar  
C_1911 1911-04-02 Census record for Kirkdale, Liverpool (Ancestry.co.uk, 2013, Copy) Family (24)  
14 Salop St. John (12)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born John (6)  
   Thomas Duke Head M 59 M Sheet Metal Worker Liverpool, Lancs  
   Martha “ wife M 53 F Carlisle, Cumb  
   John Edward Little binL W 37 M Tram driver electric Liverpool, Lancs  
   John Edward “ neph U 14 M Shifting points apprent. Liverpool, Lancs  
   Rachel “ niece U 10 F School Liverpool, Lancs  
   George “ neph U 8 M School Liverpool, Lancs  
   Elizabeth “ niece U 3 F - Liverpool, Lancs  
   Gertrude Atherton bdr U 20 F Machine worker Woodesford, Yorks  
P_1916c 1916c Photo John (6)  
John Edward Little  
M_1922 1922-01-28 Marriage solemnized at County Road Wesleyan Chapel, Walton on the Hill in the district of West Derby in the County of Liverpool (GRO, Copy, 1978) John (6) 1922
   Name and Surname                    John Little                            Lily Buchan Lily (7)  
   Age                                             29                                          31  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Steward Merchant Service   Tobacco Cutter  
   Residence                                   14 Salop St. Kirkdale            6 Chepstow St. Kirkdale  
   Father's Name and Surname      John Edward Little                Richard Buchan  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Tram Driver                          Dock Labourer  
Married in the County Road Wesleyan Chapel to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Wesleyan Methodists by Certificate  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                John Little  
                                                                                       Lily Buchan  
   In the presence of     A. Loftus  
                                     F. Buchan  
   And in the presence of W. Tanner, Authorized Person for said Place of Worship.  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
D_1928 1928-06-26 Death in the Sub-district of Abercromby in the County of Liverpool, C.B., Registration District: Liverpool (GRO, Copy, 1989) John (6) 1928
Where and when died:                   Twenty sixth June 1928, Royal Infirmary, u.d.  
Name and surname:                       John Edward Little  
Sex:                                                Male  
Age:                                               31 years  
Occupation:                                    Of "Fairmeade", Freshfield Road, Formby, U.D., Butler (Domestic)  
Cause of death:                               I (a) Haematemesis (b) Gastric Ulcer, No. P. M., Certified by J. McHugh, M.B.  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  L. Little, Widow of the deceased, Freshfield Road, Formby  
When registered:                            Twenty Sixth June 1928  
Signature of registrar:                     J. R. Kirkwood Registrar  
D_1939 1939-03-15 Burial Anfield Cemetery, Merseyside, England (Ancestry, Liverpool, Anfield Cemetery, Register of Burials, 5566) John (12) 1928
John Edward Sampson Little, 64 years, 68 Kelso Road, Liverpool  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 27.10.1977, revised 19.10.2024  
