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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Williams  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Williamss  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_4467 Jane Williams al. Cromwell (4467),  the mother of Susanna Palavicino (2233)  
Jane Williams al. Cromwell and her husband Tobias Palavicino had several children between 1611 and 1620, amongst them Susanna Palavicino born 1618. PP_2233  
Jane Cromwell (Williams al. Cromwell) and Tobias Palavicino were married in 1606 in Huntingdon All Saints. Marriage  
Jane Palavicino, daughter of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell, died in 1638 aged almost 43. Death  
Jane, daughter of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell was born about April 1595. Birth  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell married Elizabeth Bromley in 1584. Marriage  
Elizabeth the wife of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell died in 1600, so after Jane Cromwell was born. Death  
So the mother of Susanna Palavicino (2233),  
Jane Williams al. Cromwell (4467), born in 1595 in Huntingdon?,  
married to Toby Palavicino (4466) in 1606 in Huntingdon,  
died in 1638 in Chipping Ongar, was the daughter of  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934), and Elizabeth Bromley (8935). PP_8934  
L_8934 Oliver Williams al. Cromwell  (8934) HoP HoP
PP_8934 Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934), the father of Jane Williams al. Cromwell (4467)  
Jane Williams al. Cromwell, daughter of Oliver was born about April 1595. MI  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell had children baptized in Huntingdon: Henry in 1586, John and Katherine in 1589 and 1594 (wife Elizabeth also recorded). According to the HoP they had 4 sons and 4 daughters. Birth  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell married Elizabeth Bromley in 1584. Marriage  
Elizabeth the wife of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell died in 1600. Death  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell died famously in 1655 aged 92 by falling into his own fireplace. Death  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell was born c. 1562. Birth  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell is given as the son of Henry Williams al. Cromwell's  IPM in 1604. IPM  
Henry Williams al. Cromwell and Joan Warren were married in c. 1558. Marriage  
So the father of Jane Williams al. Cromwell (4467),  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934), born in 1562x3 in Hinchenbrooke?,  
married to Elizabeth Bromley (8935) in 1584 in ?,  
died in 1655 in Ramsey, was the son of  
Henry Williams al. Cromwell (17868), and Joan Warren (17869). PP_17868  
L_17868 Henry Williams al. Cromwell  (17868) HoP HoP
  (DNB) (DNB)
PP_17868 Henry Williams al. Cromwell (17868), the father of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934)  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell is given as the son of Henry Williams al. Cromwell's IPM in 1604. IPM  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell was born c. 1562, 4 years after Henry Williams al. Cromwell married Joan Warren. Marriage  
Henry Williams al. Cromwell son of Richard Williams al. Cromwell was born in 1537 Birth  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell married Frances Murfyn in about 1534. Marriage  
So the father of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934),  
Henry Williams al. Cromwell (17868), born in 1537 in Hinchenbrooke,  
married to Joan Warren (17869) in 1558c in ?,  
died in 1604 in Hinchenbrooke, was the son of  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell (35736), and Frances Murfyn (35737). PP_35736  
L_35736 Richard Williams al. Cromwell  (35736) HoP HoP
PP_35736 Richard Williams al. Cromwell (35736), the father of Henry Williams al. Cromwell (17868)  
Henry Williams al. Cromwell son of Richard Williams al. Cromwell was born in 1537 Birth  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell married Frances Murfyn in about 1534. Marriage  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell was born sometime around 1608 (married c. 1534, aged c. 36).  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell was the son of Morgan Williams and Catherine Cromwell, sister of the famed Thomas Cromwell d. 1540.  
In his will of 1544 Richard Williams al. Cromwell names his son and heir apparent as Henry Williams al. Cromwell.  
So the father of Henry Williams al. Cromwell (17868),  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell (35736), born in <1512 in ?,  
married to Frances Murfyn (35737) in 1534c in ?,  
died in 1544 in Huntingdon, was the son of  
Morgan Williams (71472), and Catherine Cromwell (71473). PP_71472  
L_71472 Morgan Williams  (71472) (HoP) (HoP)
PP_71472 Morgan Williams (71472), the father of Richard Williams al. Cromwell (35736)  
Records The Records  
M_1495c 1495c Marriage in ? (?) Morgan (71472)  
Morgan Williams and Catherine Cromwell Catherine (71473)  
M_1534c 1534c Marriage in ? (?) Richard (35736)  
Sir Richard Williams al. Cromwell and Frances Murfyn Frances (35737)  
Richard Williams al. Cromwell did not marry Frances Murfyn in 1518 as stated by Noble, as she was unmarried in her father's will in 1523.  
They had married by 8 March 1534 according to the HoP.  
B_1537 1537 Baptism in Hinchingbroke () aged 7 in 1544 Henry (17868)  
Henry son of Sir Richard Williams al. Cromwell Richard (35736)  
W_1540 1540 Will (Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, Merriman, 1902, pp. 56-63) Transcription  
Testator: Thomas Cromell of London gentleman  
Executors: Stephen Vaughan, Ralph Sadler, my servants, John Williams my brother-in-law  
Overseer: Roger More  
Date: 12 July 1529, with later ammendments, never proved (executed 1540)  
Witnesses: -  
Will:  - body to be buried where it shall please God to ordain me to die  
  - son Gregory Cromwell £666 13s 4d to executors to invest for an income of £33 6s 8d per year for life  
  - son Gregory Cromwell £200 when 24 & household stuff  
  - daughter Anne an hundred marks and £40 toward her finding handled by friend John Cook, one of the six Clerks of the King’s Chancery  
  - sister Elizabeth Wellyfed £40  
  - nephew Richard Williams servant with my Lord Marquess Dorset £40 Richard (35736)  
  - nephew Christopher Wellyfed £40  
  - nephew William Wellyfed the younger £20  
  - niece Alice Wellyfed, to her marriage, £20, if she die to Anne and Grace, my daughters to Richard Williams and Walter Williams, my nephews Richard (35736)  
  - mother-in-law Mercy Prior, £40  
  - brother-in-law William Wellyfed, £20  
  - John Williams my brother-in-law 100 marks, Joan, his wife, £40, Joan Williams, their daughter, to her marriage, £20  
  - Walter Williams, my nephew, £20  
  - Ralph Sadler, my servant, 200 marks  
  - Hugh Whalley, my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - Stephen Vaughan, sometime my servant, 100 marks  
  - Page, my servant, otherwise called John De Fount, £6 13s 4d  
  - Elizabeth Gregory, sometime my servant, £20  
  - Thomas Averey, my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - John Cooke, one of the six Master Clerks of the Chancery, £10  
  - Roger More, servant of the King’s bakehouse, £6 13s 4d, to Maudelyn, his wife, £3 6s 8d  
  - John Horwood, £6 13s 4d  
  - little daughter Grace 100 marks  
  - brother-in-law William (Wellyfed) and Elizabeth his wife, my only sister, £20 yearly from farm of Carberry  
  - priest to sing for my soul by the space of seven years £6 13s 4d  
  - toward making of highways in this realm £20  
  - five orders of Friars within the City of London 20s  
  - 60 poor maidens in marriage, £40  
  - poor people householders, to pray for my soul, £20  
  - poor parishioners of the parish £10  
  - parish church for my tithes forgotten, 20 shillings  
  - poor prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate, King’s Bench, and Marshalsea £10  
  - William Brabazon, my servant, £20 8s  
  - John Avery Yeoman of the King’s Bedchamber £6 13s 4d  
  - Thurston, my cook.  £6 13s 4d  
  - William Body my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - Peter Mewtas my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - Ric. Sleysh my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - George Wilkinson, my servant, £6 13s 4d  
  - friend Thomas Alvard  £10  
  - friend Thomas Rush, £10  
  - John Hynde, my horsekeeper, £3 6s 8d  
  - son Gregory revenue from manor of Romney  
F_1540x1 1540x1 Final Accord (A Calendar of the Feet of Fines relating to the County of Huntingdon, 1913, p. 130) Richard (35736) 1540x1
Richard Williams alias Cromwell, knight, & Frances his wife Frances (35737)  
Between Walter Luke, knight, a justice of the king's bench - and Richard Williams, knight, otherwise called Richard Crumwell', knight, and Frances, his wife - of the manor of Toweslond', and of six hundred acres of land, one hundred acres of meadow, six hundred acres of pasture, forty acres of wood and six pounds of rent in Toweslond', Yllyng', Hemyngford' Abbott and Paxton Magna.  
F_1542 1542-06 Final Accord (A Calendar of the Feet of Fines relating to the County of Huntingdon, 1913, p. 131-2) Richard (35736) 1542
Richard Williams alias Cromwell, knight, & Frances his wife Frances (35737)  
Between John Sewster, gentleman - and Richard Williams, knight, otherwise called Richard Crumwell', knight, and Frances, his wife - of the manors of Raveley Magna and Moynes, and ofg fifteen messuages, seven cottages, five hundred acres of land, one hundred acres of meadow, three hundred acres of pasture, twenty acres of wood, two hundred acres of furze and heath, one hundred acres of marsh and forts shillings of rent in Raveley Magna and Moynes.  
D_1544 1544-10-20 Inquisition Post Mortem (TNA C 142/70/10) Richard (35736) 1544
Richard Williams alias Cromwell … died 20 October [1544] … Henry Williams alias Cromwell his son … at the time of death … aged 7 years  
W_1546 1546-11-24 Will (TNA PROB 11/31/335) Transcription 1546
Testator: Richard Williams alias Cromwell, knight, gentleman of the King's Privy Chamber Richard (35736)  
Executors: Sir Edward North Chancellor of Court of Augmentations, Gabriell Donne clerk, Andrew Judd, William Cooke, Philipp Lentall, Richard Servington  
Supervisors: John Aplworth, Thomas Tunny gent  
Date: 20 June 1544, proved 24 November 1546  
Witnesses: John Tebolde, Thomas Avery, William Hawkins, John Swallow, Edward Catlyn, William Typcel  
Will:  - buried in the parish church of that town where he dies  
  - Henry Crumwell son and heir apparent £500 when 21 Henry (17868)  
  - executors have all my farms and leases for 10 years to perform will  
  - after 10 years property in Seveneth to son Francis  
  - executors have same property until Francis is 18  
  - all other property to son Henry after 10 years  
  - King Henry VIII 3 best horses  
  - Joan brother Water Crumwell’s daughter £200  
  - Anne brother Water Crumwell’s daughter £200  
  - if ward Thomas Wingfield marries Joan or Anne, bequest void  
  - Sir John Williams 2 great horses  
  - Lord Cromwell 1 quarterhorse  
  - Susanne my maid £10  
  - Swallow my attorney in the Exchequer £10  
  - executors Sir Edward North £50, Gabriell Donne £40, Andrew Judd £40, William Cooke £40, Phillipp Lentall £40  
  - Lady Dennys Sir Thomas Dennys wife late wife’s best gown  
  - supervisors John Aplworth £10, Thomas Tunny £10  
  - son Henry all household stuff at Bynging and Hinchingbroke when 21  
  - John Leche £5 yearly to take care of son Henry until he is 21  
  - Ramses Witch Bigging, B? in High Mongrove? Upwood Little Raveley Hunts ½ of manor of Broughton property in  Bottesham and Cambridge property in Humeldon in Rutland one part  
  - Richard Servington keeping of Bigging for life £13 6s 8d yearly for life  
  - Richard Servington parsonage of Upwood and Rapiley for 15 years  
  - St Needs Hardewick Grossham Walton Wood Walton Huntington and Hinchingbroke 1/2 of the ? manor of Broughton parsonage of Fulborne  Cambs, Lordship of Nethe?, property in Wales one part to son Francis  
  - manor of Warboys  manor of Wistow, manors of Sawtre Juett? and Sawtre moines, in Staplehow Bedford, property in Great Paxton Hamberton Stewkeley and Brampton one part to executors to execute will and pay debt of £3000  
  - James Crumwell brother Water’s son parsonage of Fulhorne  
  - servant Henry Williams £40 yearly for life  
  - William Cooke house of Hinchinbroke for 15 years  
  - Alice Crumwell brother Water’s wife £6 13s 4d yearly for life  
His wife Frances is not mentioned, so must have died between June 1542 (fine above) and 20 June 1544 (date of this will).  
W_1553 1553-08-04 Will (TNA PROB 11/36/217)  
Testator: Ralph Warren -1553, knight, Citizen and Alderman of London Ralph (35738)  
Executrix: wife Dame Johan Joan (35739)  
Overseers: Sir Edward North privy counsellor, Mr Edward Griffith esquire King’s attorney, Nicholas Rokewood gent, William Gifford mercer, John Christoferson gent  
Date: 4 July 1552, proved 4 August 1553  
Witnesses: Edward Griffyn, William Roper, Nicholas Rokewode, William Gyfford, John Christoferson  
Will:  - buried at St. Benet Sherehog where late wife Dame Christian is buried  
  - …  
  - Item I bequeath to Henry Cromwell alias Williams my ward a standing cup with the cover of silver and gilt of the value of ten pounds to be delivered unto him at such time as he shall marry with my daughter Johan Warren over and beside such part and portion of my goods as to the said Johan shall belong according to the custom of the City, and a ring of 40s Henry (17868)  
  - … Joan (17869)  
Henry was 16 years old in 1553, and Joan Warren 29.  
M_1558c 1558c Marriage in ? (?) Henry (17868)  
Sir Henry Cromwell and Joan Warren Joan (17869)  
Henry was 21, of full age in 1558, so would no doubt have married Joan by this date.  
B_1562x3 1562-08-26 x 1563-08-25 Birth (BHO; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 48) aged 92 in 1655 Oliver (8934)  
Oliver son of Sir Henry Cromwell Henry (17868)  
F_1563x4 1563x4 Final Accord (A Calendar of the Feet of Fines relating to the County of Huntingdon, 1913, p. 155) Richard (35736) 1563x4
Henry Williams otherwise Cromwell, esquire, & Joan his wife Frances (35737)  
D_1572 1572-10-08 Death in Hinchingbroke, Huntingtonshire (The Diary of Henry Machyn, edited by John Gough Nichols, 1848, p. 330) Joan (35739)  
Lady Joan Warren, aforesaid, one of the daughters and heirs of John Lake, deceased at the house of Sir Henry Williams alias Cromwell knight, her son in law, called Hinchingbroke, in the county of Huntington, on Wednesday 8th of October, 1572, and the 14th year of our most gracious sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth, and was buried in the parish church of St. Benet Sherehog in London, on Tuesday the . . . . . vember, in the year aforesaid. Henry (17868)  
A_1578 1578 Admission to Queens' College, Cambridge  (Ancestry.co.uk, Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900)  
Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
Matric. Fell.-Com. from QUEENS', Lent, 1578-9. Of Huntingdonshire. 1st s. of Sir Henry (1540), of Hinchinbrook. B. 1562. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 12, 1582. Uncle of the Protector. Of Hinchinbrook, Esq., where he entertained King James, in 1603. Knighted, 1603. A strong royalist. M.P. for Hunts. in seven Parliaments. Died 1655. Buried at Ramsey, Aug. 28. Father of Henry (1600), John (1604), Thomas (1604), William (1604) and brother of Robert (1578-9).  
A_1582 1582-05-12 Admission to Lincoln's Inn (Lincoln's Inn Admission Register, 1420-1893, p. 96) Admission  
Oliver Cromwell of Hunts., Robert Cromwell of Hunts. Oliver (8934)  
Admission to one of the Inns of Court, London  
M_1584 1584 Marriage Contract in Huntington (TNA C 142/283/106 IPM Henry Williams alias Cromwell 1604-5) Contract Oliver (8934) 1584
between Oliver Williams alias Cromwell son Henry Williams alias Cromwell and Elizabeth Bromley a daughter of Thomas Bromley Elizabeth (8935)  
B_1586 1586 Baptism in St. John Huntingdon (Ancestry, England Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975)  
Henrie son of Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
1589-08-27 Baptism in St. John Huntingdon (Ancestry, England Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975)  
John son of Oliver + Elizabeth Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
1594 Baptism in St. John Huntingdon (Ancestry, England Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975)  
Katheren dau. of Oliver + Elizabeth Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
B_1595 1595-04c Baptism in ? (?) D_1638 Jane (4467)  
Jane daughter of Sir Oliver and Elizabeth Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
D_1600 1600-07-27 Death in Godmanchester (BHO; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 77) Elizabeth (8935)  
Elizabeth wife of Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
D_1600B 1600-08-17 Death in All Saints Huntingdon (BHO; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 77) Elizabeth (8935)  
Elizabeth wife of Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
M_1601 1601-07-05 Marriage in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Oliver (8934) 1601
Sir Oliver Cromwell and Anne Palavicine Anne (8933)  
D_1604 1604-01-06 Death in Huntingdon? (HOP; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 22; Visitation of Huntingdon, 1613, pp. 79-80) Henry (17868)  
Sir Henry Cromwell  
HoP has his date of death as 6 January. The Visitation has his burial on 24 January, which would be consistent with the preparation of his ostentatious funeral, but his burial is not recorded in the Huntingdon All Saints parish record.  
I_1604 1604-06-02 Inquisition Indentata in Ramsey (TNA, C 142/283/106) Latin Henry (17868)  
Inquisition Indentata taken at Ramsey County Huntingdon the second day of June in the ? year James by the grace of God King of England Scotland France Ireland defender of the Faith … Elizabeth (8935)  
 … post mortem Henry Williams alias Cromwell knight …  
Indenture tripartite bearing date … Elizabeth … Queen England 26 [17.11.1583-16.11.1584] made between the honorable Sir Thomas Bromley Lord Chancellor of England of the first part and the said Henry Williams alias Cromwell ... and Dame Joan Williams [alias Cromwell wife of the said Henry] Williams alias Cromwell of the third part and Richard Warren armiger and Henry Bromley armiger son and heir apparent of the said Thomas Bromley of the third part and in consideration of a marriage between Oliver Williams alias Cromwell [son of the said] Henry Williams alias Cromwell and Elizabeth Bromley a daughter of the said Thomas Bromley  
1606-04-24 Marriage Licence in Babraham (Regr. of Chaderton Bishop of Lincoln, 2010)  
Henry son and heir of Sir Horace Palavasyne, knt and Katherine dau. of Sir Oliver Cromwell, knt  
M_1606L 1606-04-24 Marriage Licence Babraham (Regr. Of Chaderton Bishop of Lincoln, 2010) Jane (4467) 1606
Tobias son of Sir Horace Palavasyne, knt and Jane dau. of Sir Oliver Cromwell, knt Toby (4466)  
M_1606 1606-04-24 Marriage in Huntington, Hunts. (SoG, Huntington Registers All Saints) 1606
Henry Palavicino & Katherine Cromwell Toby (4466)  
Tobyas Palavicino & Jeane Cromwell Jane (4467)  
M_1609c 1609c Marriage in ? (?)  
Henry Cromwell & Baptina Palavicino  
1626-12-26 Burial in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Anne (8933) 1626
Lady Anne Cromwell, wife of Sir Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
Born Anne Hooftman, and widow of Sir Horatio Palavicino  
D_1638 1638-03-24 Monumental Inscription in Chipping Ongar, Essex Photo Jane (4467)  
Jane Palavicine d. Sir Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
Here lies Jane daughter of Oliver Cromwell …, wife of Tobias Palavicino, aged forty and almost reaching her third … buried 24 March 1637. Toby (4466)  
If she was almost 43 years old on 24 March 1638 (1637/8), then she must have been born around April 1595.  
1638-04-27 Burial in Chipping Ongar (Chipping Ongar Registers ES/R20, SoG 2012) Jane (4467) 1638
Mrs. Jane Pallavicine  
D_1655 1655-08-26 Burial in Ramsey (BHO; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 48) HoP Oliver (8934)  
Sir Oliver Cromwell in the 93rd year of his age  
If this is accurate, he was born between 26 August 1562 and 25 August 1563.  
© C. R. Watts 2023 created 01.12.2010, revised 24.03.2023  