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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Bromleys  
The records  
Tracing the Bromleys  
Elizabeth Bromley (8935), the mother of Jane Williams al. Cromwell (795)  
Jane Williams al. Cromwell, daughter of Oliver was born about April 1595. MI  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell had children baptized in Huntingdon: Henry in 1586, John and Katherine in 1589 and 1594 (wife Elizabeth also recorded). According to the HoP they had 4 sons and 4 daughters. Birth  
Oliver Williams al. Cromwell married Elizabeth Bromley in 1584. Their marriage agreement is documented in the Inquisition Post Mortem held in 1604 on the death of Oliver's father Henry Williams alias Cromwell, and there Elizabeth's father is identified as Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor of England. Marriage  
Elizabeth the wife of Oliver Williams al. Cromwell died in 1600. Death  
Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Bromley was born in 1567 in London. Birth  
Thomas Bromley died in 1587, and his memorial in Westminster Abbey gives his wife as Elizabeth Fortescue. MI  
So the mother of Jane Williams al. Cromwell (795),  
Elizabeth Bromley (8935), born in 1567 in St Andrew/Wardrobe,  
married to Oliver Williams al. Cromwell (8934) in 1584 in ?,  
died in 1600 in Hitchingbrooke, was the daughter of  
Thomas Bromley (17870), and Elizabeth Fortescue (17871). PP_17870  
Thomas Bromley (17870) DNB DNB
Thomas Bromley (17870), the father of Elizabeth Bromley (8935)  
Thomas Bromley had  8 children baptized in London between 1561 and 1572 - Henry 1561, Margaret 1562, Thomas 1563, Agnes and Meriall 1565, Jane 1566, Elizabeth 1567 and Jarret 1572. Birth  
Margaret died in 1567, and a last child Edward was born after 1572, but his baptism record is proving elusive.  
Thomas Bromley married Elizabeth Fortescue by 1560. Marriage  
Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor of England, died in 1587 and was buried in Westminster Abbey MI  
The 4 sons and 4 daughters shown on his memorial correspond to the baptisms mentioned above.  
Thomas Bromley died on 12 April 1587 aged 57, so was born in late 1529 or early 1530. MI  
Thomas Bromley's parents were George Bromley d. 1534 of Hodnet, Shropshire and Jane daughter of Sir Thomas Lacon of Willey, Shropshire, according to the DNB, DNB DNB
and Visitation of Shropshire of 1623. Visitation  
So the father of Elizabeth Bromley (8935),  
Thomas Bromley (17870), born in 1529x30 in Hodnet,  
married to Elizabeth Fortescue (17871) in 1560c in ?,  
died in 1587 in Westminster Abbey, was the son of  
George Bromley (35740), and Jane Lacon (35741). PP_35740  
George Bromley (35740) (DNB) DNB
George Bromley (35740), the father of Thomas Bromley (17870)  
The Inquisition Post Mortem for George Bromley held in 1534x5 names his son Thomas, and his sons and heir George. IPM  
His first son George Bromley was born in 1524 or 1525, having died 2 March 1588 aged 63. Birth  
His second son Thomas Bromley was born in 1529 or 1530, having died on 12 April 1587 aged 57. MI  
Thomas Bromley's will in 1587 mentions his 'brother' Ralph Egerton. Will  
Ralph Egerton born 1539 in Betley was the son of William Egerton and his wife Jane. Birth  
That is, William Egerton and Jane Bromley née Lacon must have married between 1535 and 1539. Their last child baptized in Betley was on the last day of December 1541 (buried the same day), so Jane can hardly have been born much before the year 1500, and was probably born around 1503, say. Birth  
George Bromley and Jane Lacon must have married not long before 1524, considering her probable year of birth, and the birth of her son George in 1524 or 1525.  
But the records show that George was elected Recorder of Shrewsbury in 1508, and held this office at least until 1527, so must have been considerably older than Jane. Recorder  
In fact George is already recorded in 1500 in a position of some responsibility. IPM  
Burke in his 'Landed Gentry of Great Britain' states that George Bromley was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Sandford. Burke  
Supporting this assertion there is a feoffment together with the Sandfords in 1503, Feoffment  
a grant together with the Sandfords in 1510, Grant  
and a bond together with the Sandfords in 1520. Bond  
This must mean that George Bromley married Elizabeth Sandford around 1500, that they had no surviving children, that she died around 1520 or so, and that George then married the much younger Jane Lacon in the hope of fathering an heir, which succeeded.  
George Bromley died in 1534 or 1535. IPM  
George Bromley was well-established by 1500, so must have been born around 1470.  
According to the Visitation of Shropshire in 1623, George Bromley's parents were William Bromley of Mittley and Beatrix daughter of Humphrey Hill of Blore and Buntingdale. Visitation  
So the father of Thomas Bromley (17870),  
George Bromley (35740), born in 1470c in Hodnet,  
married to Jane Lacon (35741) in 1521x4 in ?, PP_35741  
died in 1534x5 in Hodnet, was the son of  
William Bromley (71480), and Beatrice Hill (71481). PP_71480  
William Bromley (71480), the father of George Bromley (35740)  
The Records  
1470c Birth in ?Hodnet, Shropshire (?) George (35740)  
George Bromley  
1484-03-18 Inquisition Post Mortem in Shropshire (CIPM, 1483-1485, Vol. XXXV, p. 25)  
Humphrey Hille  
Jurors: William Bromley of Hodnet, Richard Sonford esquire, etc. William (71480)  
1500c Marriage (A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, B. Burke, Vol. 2, 1879, p. 1410)  
George Bromley and Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Sandford and Jane, daughter of Humphrey Peshall of Knightly, Staffs. George (35740)  
1500-05-10 Inquisition Post Mortem in Shropshire (CIPM, Henry VII, Vol. 2, 1497-1505, p. 222)  
John Mitton  
The said John Mitton, named in the writ, was seised of the undermentioned four parts of the manor of Weston Hues etc. in fee, and, being so seised, long before his decease, by his writing indented gave them to George, Earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas, his brother, Richard Salter, doctor of decrees, and George Bromley and their heirs, for the performance of his will etc. George (35740)  
1502-06-11 Commission of the Peace in Shropshire (CPR, Henry VII, Vol. 2, 1494-1509, p. 656)  
H. Archbishop of Canterbury, W. Bishop of Lincoln, George Earl of Shrewsbury, knights William Hody, Thomas Trelayne, Richard Croft, Henry Vernon, William Uvedale, Thomas Bloute, Thomas Leyghton, Thomas Inglefield, Gilbert Talbot, Richard Corbet, Thomas Cornwaill, clerk Robert Frost, David Philip, Thomas Poyntz, William Grevill, Richard Littleton, Thomas Mitton, Thomas Scryven, Peter Neuton, John Salter, George Bromley, Thomas Lynon George (35740)  
1503-10-17 Feoffment (Shropshire Archives, 465/36)  
Description: William de Sondford of the Lee and Richard Sondford his son and heir have enfeoffed Randulf Brereton of the Malpas, knight, Richard Sonford of Sonford, esquire, Ralph Brereton, gentleman, and George Bromley, in messuages, lands, tenements, rents and services with the appurtenances in the Lee, with all other lands and tenements in the parish of Whitchurch, to the use of William during his life and that of Alice his wife after his decease, to the use of Richard his son and heir. George (35740)  
Docketed: Entail of Lea 19 Henry VII, October 17, 1503.  
Written in English. 2 seal tags, one seal.  
1504-01 Parliament Rolls (BHO, 'Henry VII: January 1504', in Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, ed. Chris Given-Wilson, etc. (Woodbridge, 2005))  
The County of Shropshire: knights Thomas Blount, Robert Corbet, John Leghton, esquires John Newport, Thomas Mytton, George Bromley, John Salter, Thomas Laken, Thomas Skryven George (35740)  
1507-07-28 Commission (CPR, Henry VII, Vol. 2, 1494-1509, p. 531)  
Commission to John Salter, George Bromley, Thomas Scryven, Thomas Kynnaston and Roger Thomas to deliver the gaol of the castle of Shrewsbury. George (35740)  
1507-11-09 Grant (TNA, Catalogue of Ancient Deeds Vol. 1)  
Cheshire C. 898 Grant by John Eggerton, esquire to … all his messuages, lands, etc. … to the use of Honor Eggerton the grantor's wife for life … Appointment of William Eggerton and Robert Wibbunbury attorneys to deliver seisin. Witnesses: George Bromley acting as Justice of Chester, and others. Wistaston, 9 November 23 Henry VII. George (35740)  
1508 Election as Recorder of Shrewsbury (A history of Shrewsbury, H. Owen and J.B. Blakeway)  
George Bromley. In 1511 it is ordered that he have a fee of £1 6s 8d as recorder, and that his former grant be resumed. He was still recorder in 1527. George (35740)  
1509-08-07 King's Commissioner (Harl. MS. 2159, f. 95. B.M., BHO, 'Henry VIII: August 1509', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), pp. 71-82)  
Award between the abbot and convent of St. Warburge in Chester and the mayor and citizens about the keeping of "St. Warburge fayre" and other matters. 7 Aug. "in the first year of the reign of King Henry the Eight." Arbitrators:—Charles Booth, clk., Sir Wm. Uvedall and George Bromley, three of the King's commissioners, Anthony Fitzherbert, serjeant-at-law, and William Rudell, the Queen's attorney. George (35740)  
1510-03-12 Grant (Shropshire Archives, 465/39) George (35740)  
Description: By Richard Sondford son and heir of William Sondford deceased to Ranulf Brereton knight, Ranulf Brereton his son and heir apparent, George Bromley, Ralph Brereton and Bartholomew Brereton, of all his messuages, lands and tenements, rents, etc. in the parish of Whitchurch. To have and to hold by above parties during the natural life of Alice Bromley, wife of William Bromley, to the use of Alice. Annual rent after the death of William Bromley, 40s. Power of attorney granted to John Holford and Thomas Broghton. (William (71480))  
Witnessess: George Maynwaryng, esquire, Dominus Thomas Gales chaplain, Robert Chesshir, William Webster, and multis aliis.  
Five seal tags.  
Docketed: Richard Son of William Sandford, 1 Henry 8 March 12 1510  
12 March 1 Henry VIII 1509/10  
1513 Will (TNA, PROB 11/17/f. 214-5)  
Whereas I, Sir Robert Corbet, knight, have made a feoffment by deed unto Sir Henry Vernon, knight, Thomas Englefield, knight, Thomas Cornwall, knight, Thomas Lacon, esquire, Roger Corbet, my son and heir apparent, esquire, Richard Vernon, esquire, Roger Thornes, esquire and George Onslowe…  
I make and ordain Thomas Cornwall, knight, Thomas [ ], esquire, Elizabeth, my wife, George Bromley and George Onslowe my executors, and Henry Vernon, knight, and Richard Vernon, his son and heir, overseers… George (35740)  
1520-01-14 Bond (Shropshire Archives, 465/478)  
Description: William Bromley of Hodnet, and Alice his wife to Richard Sandforde of Alvelde, for 200 to be paid to Richard or his attorney, by the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist next following the sealing of this bond.
(above in Latin).
Condition of the obligation that William Bromley and Alice his wife, keep the award of George Earl of Shrewsbury "umpior" and Richard Sandford esq., of Sandford, Gryff. Hynton of Hynton, gent. Hugh Sandford of Acheley gent, William Sandford of Criche, Derbyshire. gent, arbitrators.
Parchment seal tag.
Endorsed: Bond to stand to the award of George Earl of Shrewsbury, Richard Sandford and others. George Bromley and his wife to Richard Sandford delivered.
Dated in the 11th year of king Henry 8th.
George (35740)  
1520x1 Inquisition Post Mortem (TNA, C 142/35/115, E 150/841/3)  
Richard Sandford, Shropshire  
1521 Sheriff of Shropshire (Wikipedia) Wikipedia  
George Bromley George (35740)  
1521x4 Death (?)  
Elizabeth Sandford, first wife of George Bromley? George (35740)  
1521x4 Marriage (?) PP_35740 George (35740)  
George Bromley and Jane Lacon Jane (35741)  
1524-08-01 Commission to collect the Subsidy (BHO, Henry VIII: August 1524, 1-9', Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4: 1524-1530 (1875), pp. 232-251)  
Salop:—Ralph Egerton, Wm. Woodall, Wm. Thomas, Thos. Blounte, Peter Newton, Ric. Bruerton, Geo. Bromley, Thos. Laykyn, Thos. Newport, Thos. Skreven, Wm. Wotley, Francis Yong, John Salter, John Cotes, Thos. Wotley, Ric. Horde, Wm. Gattaker, Nich. Gorbyn, Humph. Goldston, the bailiffs of the town of Wenlok, Thos. Laken, Lawrence Lodlowe, Ric. Charleton, Edw. Moche, John Mynsterley, Thos. Monshowe, Wm. Bentall, Rog. Horton. George (35740)  
1524x5 Baptism in ?Hodnet, Shropshire (Visitation of Shropshire, 1623) Visitation  
George Bromley died 2 March 1588 aged 63 George (35740)  
  Jane (35741)  
1529x30 Baptism in ?Hodnet, Shropshire (Westminster Abbey, MI) MI Thomas (17870)  
[Thomas Bromley] lived 57 years and died on the 12th of April 1587 (Latin) George (35740)  
  Jane (35741)  
1534x5 Inquisition Post Mortem in Shropshire (TNA, C 142/56/2) George (35740) 1534x5
George Bromley & Joanne his wife, son Thomas, son & heir George Jane (35741)  
  Thomas (17870)  
1560c Marriage (DNB) Thomas (17870)  
By 1560 [Thomas Bromley] had married Elizabeth (b. c.1540), daughter of Sir Adrian Fortescue of Shirburn, Oxfordshire, who survived him. Elizabeth (17871)  
1561-02-12 Baptism in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1561
Henry Bromley 12 February 1560 Thomas (17870)  
1562-08-05 Baptism in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1562
Margaret Bromley 5 August 1562 Thomas (17870)  
1563-09-12 Baptism in St. Mary Woolnoth, London (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1563
The xiith day of the same month of September was baptized Thomas the sone of Thomas Bromley Survyer Thomas (17870)  
1565-08-11 Baptisms in St. Margaret's, Westminster (??) 1565
Agnes and Meriall daughters of Thomas Bromley 11 August 1565 Thomas (17870)  
1566-10-14 Baptism in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London  (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1566
Jane Bromley 14 October 1566 Thomas (17870)  
1567-06-13 Burial in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London  (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1567
Margaret Bromley 2 December 1567 Thomas (17870)  
1567-12-02 Baptism in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London  (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) Elizabeth (8935) 1567
Elizabeth Bromley 2 December 1567 Thomas (17870)  
1572-04-14 Baptism in St. Martin Ludgate, London  (Ancestry.co.uk, London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) 1572
The xiiiith of Aprill was christened Jarret the son of Thomas Bromley gent. 1572 Thomas (17870)  
157? Baptism in ?, London  ()  
Edward the son of Thomas Bromley Thomas (17870)  
1578-10-28 Burial in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) Jane (35741) 1578
Jana Egerton widow buried 22 October 1578 (Latin)  
1584 Marriage Contract in Huntington (TNA C 142/283/106 IPM Henry Williams alias Cromwell 1604-5) Contract Oliver (8934)  
between Oliver Williams alias Cromwell son Henry Williams alias Cromwell and Elizabeth Bromley a daughter of Thomas Bromley Elizabeth (8935)  
1587-04-12 Death (Memorial, Westminster Abbey; Collins's Peerage of England, Brydges, Vol. VII, p. 251) Thomas (17870) Memorial
Thomas Bromley Arms
He lies buried in Westminster Abbey…  
[The Latin inscription on his tomb] has been thus translated: “Thomas Bromley, Knt. remarkable for his wisdom, piety, and knowledge of the law, Privy-counsellor to Queen Elizabeth, and Lord Chancellor; when he had for eight years delivered equity with singular integrity and temper of mind, being snatched away, to the grief of all good men, was here buried. He lived 57 years, and died on the 12th of April, 1587. He left by his Lady Elizabeth, of the family of the Fortescues, eight children. Henry his son has, to the best of fathers, erected this monument.” Elizabeth (17871)  
1587-04-27 Will (TNA PROB 11/70/219) Transcription Thomas (17870) 1587
Testator: Thomas Bromley, knight, Lord Chancellor of England  
Executors: son Henry Bromley & brother in law Thomas Parry  
Date: 10 April 1587, proved 27 April 1587  
Witnesses: Richard Branthwaite, John Glascock, Roger Screven, Robert Heynes  
Will:  - well beloved wife Dame Elizabeth £100 and £200 in plate  
  - daughter Meryell Bromley £1000 on marriage  
  - daughter Meryell Bromley £100 per year until marriage and £40 in plate  
  - three sons Thomas, Gerrard and Edward Bromley £100 apiece  
  - sons Thomas, Gerrard and Edward Bromley share Manor of Red Castle during the minority of the heirs of Robert Corbett esquire deceased  
  - sons Thomas, Gerrard and Edward Bromley share £15 per year  
  - gold ring to brother Sir George Bromley & his wife, Sir William Pelham, Sir Henry Cromwell, Lodwick Grevyle esquire, brothers in law John and Thomas Fortescue esquires, married daughters and sons in law, brother Raphe Egerton esquire & his wife, brother in law Sandford esquire & his wife, brother in law Thomas Vernon esquire & his wife, brother in law Thomas Parry esquire & his wife  
[Sir George Bromley is his brother] HoP  
[Sir William Pelham is the father of Elizabeth, the wife of his son and heir Henry Bromley] Wikipedia  
[Sir Henry Cromwell is the father of Oliver, the husband of his daughter Elizabeth] HoP  
[Lodwick Grevyle is the father of Edward, the husband of his daughter Jane] HoP  
[John and Thomas Fortescue are brothers of his wife Elizabeth]  
[Ralph Egerton is his half-brother, both being sons of Jane Lacon]  
[brother-in-law Sandford is probably a son of one of the brothers of his father's first wife Elizabeth Sandford]  
[Thomas Vernon is the husband of his half-sister Dorothy née Egerton, another child of Jane Lacon]  
[Thomas Parry is the son of his wife Elizabeth Fortescue's half-brother Thomas Parry, both children of Anne Rede] HoP  
  - brother Parry £10 in plate  
  - his gentlemen attending him in ordinary four marks apiece, his yeomen attending upon him in ordinary 40s apiece  
  - servant Robert Heynes annuity of £10 for life  
  - servant Richard Cope annuity of £5 for life  
  - gold ring to John Glascock gent  
  - rest to son Henry Bromley  
1600-07-27 Death in Godmanchester (BHO; Memoirs of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell, Noble, 1787, v. 1, p. 77) Elizabeth (8935)  
Elizabeth née Bromley, wife of Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8934)  
© C. R. Watts 2023 created 01.12.2010, revised 14.04.2023