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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Palavicinos  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Palavicinos  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_2233 Susanna Palavicino (2233), the mother of Edward Sedgwick (1116)  
Susannah Palavivino and her husband Edward Sedgwick had 13 children between 1641 and 1658 in Chipping Ongar and London, the last of which being Edward Sedgwick, vicar 1658-1729. PP_1116  
Susannah Palavicine and Edward Sedgwick (the father) were married in London in 1640. Marriage  
Susanna Sedgwick died in May 1680 leaving a will mentioning her sons Thomas, Horatio and Edward Sedgwick, and daughters Susanna Broad and Eusebia Sedgwick. Death  
Susannah Palavisine's age in 1640 is given as 22, but no record of her birth has been found. Allegation  
All of the births of her siblings Horatio 1611, Tobias 1612, Elizabeth 1618, and James 1620 in Babraham, Cambs. and of Anne 1614 and Henry 1616 in Huntingdon show them to be the children of Tobyas Palavasine and his wife Jane. Births  
Horatio Palavicino (the eldest sibling) died in 1648 and mentioned his sisters Anne Young and Susannah Sedgwick in his will. Will  
Tobyas Palavicino and Jane Cromwell (Williams al. Cromwell) were married in 1606 in Babraham. Marriage  
So the mother of Edward Sedgwick (1116),  
Susanna Palavicino (2233), born in 1618 in Babraham?,  
married to Edward Sedgwick (2232) in 1640 in St. Stephen Walbrook,  
died in 1680 in Chichester, was the daughter of  
Toby Palavicino (4466), and Jane Williams (4467). PP_4466  
PP_4466 Toby Palavicino (4466), the father of Susanna Palavicino (2233)  
Tobias Palavicino and his wife Jane Williams al. Cromwell had seven children between 1611 and 1620, amongst them Susanna Palavicino born 1618. PP_2233  
Tobias Palavicino is named as the father of Susannah in her marriage allegation in 1640. Allegation  
Tobias Palavicino and Jane Cromwell (Williams al. Cromwell) were married in 1606 in Huntingdon All Saints.. Marriage  
Tobias Palavicino died sometime between 1648 and 1660. Death  
Tobias Palavicino was born in 1593, the eldest son of Horatio Palavicino and Anna Hooftman. Birth  
Horatio Palavicino married Anna Hooftman in Frankfurt in 1591. Marriage  
So the father of Susanna Palavicino (2233),  
Toby Palavicino (4466), born in 1593 in Babraham,  
married to Jane Williams al. Cromwell (4467) in 1606 in Huntingdon,  
died in 1648x60 in London?, was the son of  
Horatio (Orazio) Palavicino (8932), and Anne Hooftman (8933). PP_8932  
L_8932 Horatio (Orazio) Palavicino  (8932)  
There is an excellent biography for Horatio Palavicino: An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino, by Lawrence Stone, 1956.  
Horatio Palavicino is also included in the Dictionary of National Biography. DNB DNB
PP_8932 Horatio (Orazio) Palavicino (8932), the father of Toby Palavicino (4466)  
Horatio Palavicino and his wife Anne had 3 children between 1592 and 1594, Henry in 1592, Tobias in 1593 in Babraham, and Baptina in 1594 in Babraham. Birth  
Horatio 's brother Henry died in 1615 without issue, and left a will giving everything to hiy brother Tobias.. Death  
Horatio 's sister Baptina died in 1619 died 2 months before her only daughter Battina, leaving Tobias as the only living child of Horatio Palavicino (aside from his natural son Edward). Death  
Horatio Palavicino married Anna Hooftman in Frankfurt in 1591. Marriage  
Horatio Palavicino died on the 6th of July 1600 in Babraham. Death  
PP_17864 Tobias Palavicino (17864), the father of Horatio (Orazio) Palavicino (8932)  
Records The Records  
1576-07-01 Letter  (Correspondance de Philippe II sur les affaires des Pays-Bas, M. Gachard, 1861, v. 4, p. 223, An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino, Lawrence Stone, 1956, p. 3n)  
Letter from Geronimo de Roda to King Philip II, Brussels, 1 July 1576  
… Mais il dit que je sers d'espion, et que j'écris à V.M. tout ce qui se passe, et toujours en opposition à ce que le conseil écrit lui-même: qu'en conseil j'entrave les affaires, que rien ne se fait que ce que je veux, et là-dessus deux mille extravagances. Il y a quatre jours, il convia Alessandro Gonzaga et Orazio Pallavicini, et ne se lassa pas de dire du mal de moi: que je désirais la guerre: que j'empêchais la pacification: qu'enfin je détruirais tout, et que si j'allais en Espagne, j'y ferais encore plus mal qu'ici, parce que V. M m'emploierait dans les affaires concernant ces provinces. ... Horatio (8932)  
Horatio Palavicino appears for the first time in public records, as agent for his family at Antwerp and in the acquaintance of such Catholic aristocrats as the Duke of Aershot. He could hardly be much under 30 years old at this time, so born in the mid 1640s, most likely.  
1576-11 Raid on a mass at the lodgings of the Portugese ambassador (Annals of the Reformation, Strype, Vol. 2, part 2, 1824, p. 30) Horatio (8932)  
There was a tall young fellow, an Italian, that was very wanton with us; and it hath been told me sithence, that he and others are kept here for two causes: the one for uttering the pope's allom [alum]; and the other to serve for intelligencer: which, I think, are very spies. This youth was very busy, and bestirred him as though he had been treading of a galliard.  
This may be an early sighting of Horatio Palavicino, attending a mass in London. The Palavicini had a papal monopoly on the trade in alum, useful for dyeing fabrics, for many years, and Horatio certainly served as a source of information for the Queen, Walsingham, Burley, et. al.  
O_1578 1578 Dutch War Loan  (An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino, Lawrence Stone, 1956, pp. 58-9)  
By 1578 Brabant and Flanders were temporarily united with Holland and Zeeland in opposition to Spanish pretentions.  
The financial position of the rebels was very precarious. The church plate of Ghent had already been melted down, and only if they could turn the queen's [Elizabeth I] credit into ready cash could they stave off defeat for a few months. But all the great bankers, including the Welsers and Fuggers, had withdrawn from Antwerp to Germany or France owing to the political uncertainty, and the Dutch could not find anyone on hand who was prepared to advance money on the queens's obligations. At this crisis Horatio Palavicino and his associate Battista Spinols made their offer. Horatio (8932)  
They had large stocks of alum lying at Antwerp and in Italy, which they proposed to lend to the States General, who could then sell it to the clothiers for cash. In return the Dutch were to give adequate security for early repayment, their own bonds being underwritten by others from the Queen and the City of London; lastly - and this was the crux of the bargain - they were to grant the two merchants a six-year monopoly of all alum imports into the Low Countries.  
Elizabeth and Burghley gave their approval to this ingenious proposition and the Dutch had no choice but to accept. Next  
O_1578a 1578 Obligation to repay the Dutch War loan within 18 months (BHO, Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House, Volume 18: 1606 (1940), pp. 371-462 Horatio Palavicino’s debt) BHO Horatio (8932) O_1578a
In September 1578 a debt amounting to £28757 was created, £16636 owed to Horatio Palavicino and his brother, and £12121 to Battista Spinola and Gerard Birboom. Previous  
W_1580 1589-10-29 Will in London (TNA, PROB 11/62/240, transcript and translation by Nina Green ©2011) Green 1580
Testator: Benedict Spinola  
Executors: brothers Pasquale & Giacomo Spinola  
Overseer: nephew Hannibal Spinola  
Date: 6 July 1580, proved 29 October 1580  
Witnesses: Horatio Palavicino, Pierro de Marini, Matteo Raffo, Giovanni Battista Giustiniano, Henry Lempereur, Doctor Ruy Lopez, Giulio Bonanome Horatio (8932)  
Will:  - £50 to hospitals and charitable institutions of London  
  - 500 scudi of gold in gold of Italy to charitable institutions of my native city of Genoa  
  - all property movable and immovable to brothers Pasquale & Giacomo Spinola in equal shares  
  - the debt he owes me to brother Pasquale  
  - £120 he owes me to former servant Agostino Graffigna  
I, Benedetto Spinola, son(?) of the late Mr Battista, affirm that the whole contents of this writing are my true testament and last will, and that I requested Mr Horatio Pallavicino, my most trusted confidant, to write it with his own hand this 6 day of July 1580, I being seated in my bed. Horatio (8932)  
O_1580 1580-12 Obligation to repay the Dutch War loan (BHO, Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House, Volume 18: 1606 (1940), pp. 371-462 Horatio Palavicino’s debt) BHO Horatio (8932) O_1580
In December 1580 the debt was many months overdue, and bonds totalling £4616 were given to the creditors for the interest, making the total debt £33374. Previous  
1581-06-24 Report Name of Strangers that goe not to church (Returns of aliens dwelling in the city and suburbs of London from the reign of Henry VIII to that of James I, Huguenot Society, vol. 10, part 2, 1902, p. 219) Horatio (8932)  
Horacio Pallavicino, Tower Ward (first in the list)  
1582-06-13 Letter (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, pp. 76-90) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1582
88. Horatio Pallavicino to Walsingham.  
Horatio reports that he received letters from Rome on the 28th saying that his brother had been released from prison after having been tortured and left in a bad state. He says "I never believed that the tyranny of that government could have gone to such excesses against an innocent person, and one against whom it was impossible to have any lawful evidence. But their malignity and perfidious disposition has easily broken all the bounds of law and justice. I pray God to do vengeance for it, or permit honest men to do it on earth with their hands; and I hope to see it, if I die of no ill other than old age."  
Add. Endd. Ital. 1 p. [France VII. 103.]  
Neither the Spanish nor the Pope could be expected to approve of the catholic Genoese Palavicini aiding the protestant Dutch revolt against the catholic Spanish empire (for financial gain), so they were trying to break the Palavicino alum import monopoly, and resorted to torturing Horatio's brother so severely that he still could not move a month later. News of Horatio's anti-papal statements reached the ears of the Inquisition, and early in 1583 Horatio was officially summoned to Rome to defend himself on a charge of heresy. (An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino, Lawrence Stone, 1956, p. 10) Needless to say, he didn't obey the summons,  
1582-3 Report Church members (Returns of aliens dwelling in the city and suburbs of London from the reign of Henry VIII to that of James I, Huguenot Society, vol. 10, part 2, 1902, p. 279) Horatio (8932)  
Horatio Palavisino and John Baptista Justiniano, Tower Ward (of no churche)  
1585-08-22 Speech (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, pp. 717-719) BHO Horatio (8932) S_1585
Speech of Horatio Palavicino to the French King [Henry III]  
Endd. “Copy of Mr. Horatio Palavicino his speech, delivered to the French King; being sent by her Majesty, Aug. 1585.” Italian, in Palavicino's hand. 3 pp. [France XIV. 72 bis.]  
L_1585 1585-11-13 Letter of Denization (Letters of denization and acts of naturalization for aliens in England, 1509-1603, Huguenot Society, vol. 8, 1893, p. 185) Horatio (8932)  
Horatio Palavicino, born in Genoa in Italy. (Privy Seal Docket) Sir Horatio Palavicino, money lender and banker (Cal. S. P. D., Eliz.)  
1586-02-05 Bond (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-89, pp. 131-133) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1586a
242. Bond for Sir Horatio Palavicino.  
Sir Horatio Palavicino is instructed by the Queen to procure 50'000 French crowns, or money worth £15468 to be ready either in Nuremburg, Frankfurt, Strassburg or Westminster.  
1586-09-14 Letter (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, pp. 80-89) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1586b
Lazaro Grimaldo to Horatio Palavicino.  
Horatio was in touch with Genoa (the contents of his letter were communicated to Prince Doris there) about the progress of the war in Flanders, etc. Horatio's brother Signor Fabritio is mentioned. Grimaldo is critical of 'Cavalier Drake' and his actions in Ireland, thinking it will distress the poor people, hardly affect the King (of Spain?), and benefit the Queen very little.  
Add. Endd. by Maynard. Italian. 1½ pp. [Germany, States IV. 83.]  
1586-09-10 Letter (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, pp. 80-89) Horatio (8932) L_1586c
Dr. P. Beutterich to Horatio Palavicino.  
Horatio has been sent to encourage a coalition of German protestant princes, expecially John Casimir, Count Palatine of the Rhine, with a loan of 50 thousand crowns, to support the Protestant cause through force of arms.  BHO  
Holograph. Endd. Add. to Palavicino as ambassador for the Queen of England. Fr. 1 p. [Germany, States IV. 84.]  
1587-01-11 Bond (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, pp. 184-190) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1586f
John Casimir, Count Palatine of the Rhine, gives a bond to repay 155'000 florins he has received from the Queen of England, delivered by Horatio Palavicino. Also, he expects the Protestant princes to agree to contribute a similar amout before the muster of the army.  
Copy. Endd. Fr. 1½ pp. [Germany, States V. 3.]  
K_1587 1587-11-16 Horatio Palavicino knighted (Letters of Philip Gawdy of West Harling, Norfolk, and of London to various members of his family, 1579-1616, 1906, p. 22) Horatio (8932)  
Being at the court upon Sunday last I saw the making of 2 new knights Sir Henry Graye and Sir Horatio Paliveseno [Palivicino].    
1588-01-04 Certificate  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, pp. 472-487) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588a
Duke John Casimir, Count Palatine of the Rhine, etc. etc. that he has received 40,000 florins in virtue of a letter from Sir Horatio Palavicino by order of the Queen of England,.  
[This document and the following have not been executed.] Copy. French, ½ p. [German States V. 65.]  
1588-01-08 Letter (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, pp. 472-487) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588b
Stafford to Burghley.  
… "I did ever take Mr. 'Palavesin' for my very good friend, but your lordship's assurance of it will make me love him the more. He hath also written to me how much I am bounden to your lordship. . . . . [Line with date cut away.]  
Holograph. Add. Endd. "8 Jan. 1587  
1588-01-21 Bonds  (Longleat House DE/BOX V/71a & b) Horatio (8932)  
Bonds by Robert [Devereux], Earl of Essex, to Horatio Palavicino, of Genoa, in £500 and £600 for the payments of £300 and £400. Dat. 21 Jan. 31 Eliz  
1588-06-05 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 211, June, 1588, pp. 486-497) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588c
6. Sir Horatio Palavicino to Walsyngham  
From a letter from a captain of the Armada at Lisbon, it appears that the number of men and supply of munition is not as great as expected, and the Armada is delayed, waiting to conduct the Plate fleet.  
1588-07-19 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 212, July 1-21, 1588, pp. 497-508) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588d
66. Lord Burghley to Walsyngham  
Is greatly troubled at the demand for money for maintaining the fleet. Has spoken with Palavicino and Saltonstall for tborrowing  £40'000 or £50'000 at 10 per cent.  
1588-07-21 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 212, July 1-21, 1588, pp. 497-508) BHO L_1588e
On board the Arke, off Plymouth - 80. Lord Adm. Howard to Walsyngham.   
The Spanish fleet off the Lizard has more than 100 ships, many of them of great burden. Engaged at 9 o'clock, but kept our distance, them being so strong.  
1588-07-22 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 213, July 22-31, 1588, pp. 508-520) BHO L_1588f
1. John Popham, Attorney General, to Walsyngham.  
Spanish fleet of 96 sails engaged by the Lord Admiral from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.  
1588-07-24 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 213, July 22-31, 1588, pp. 508-520) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588g
The Court - 19. Horatio Palavicino to Walsyngham.  
Desires to be especially remembered to the Earl of Leicester, and requests permission to assist in the English fleet under the Lord Admiral. Italian.  
1588-07-29 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 213, July 22-31, 1588, pp. 508-520) BHO L_1588i
65. Sir Fr. Drake to Walsyngham.   
They have driven the enemy so far to windward that the Dukes of Parma and Sidona should not be able to link up for several days.  
1588-07-30 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 213, July 22-31, 1588, pp. 508-520) BHO L_1588j
Isle of Walcheren - 67. Richard Tomson to Walsyngham.   
Account of 4 encounters with the Spainish since their first appearance. They had 136 ships, 90 of which very great, the Englaish not more than 67. The Spaniards anchored off Calais on Saturday, the English anchored to windward of them. On Sunday midbnight fire ships were sent toward the Spanish, causing them to slip their cables and run out to sea. Of 124 ships off Calais, only 86 can be found.  
1588-08-12 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 215, August 12-31, 1588, pp. 529-541) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588k
6. Sir Horatio Palavicino to Walsyngham  
Gives his opinion for overcoming the residue of the Armada.. Italian.  
1588-08-22 Letter  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 215, August 12-31, 1588, pp. 529-541) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588l
The Park, (Isle of Wight) 37. Sir Geo. Carey to his father, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain.  
A bark from Scotland reports 100 great ships steering between the Orkneys and Fair Island (the survivors of the Armada returning toward Spain).  
1588-08 List  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 215, August 12-31, 1588, pp. 529-541) BHO L_1588m
76. List of the whole army at sea against the Spanish Armada.  
1588-08 Narrative  (BHO, Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Volume 215, August 12-31, 1588, pp. 529-541) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1588n
77. Narrative of the voyage of the Spanish Armada, from the day of its departure from Lisbon till its arrival off the English coasts; with an account of the several engagements with the English fleet, and its return northward by Scotland; by Horatio Palavicino.  
P_1588 1588 Portrait  (Bristish Museum website) Portrait Horatio (8932)  
Horatio Palavicino, as depicted on the Armada tapestry  
1589-01-07 Letter  (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3192-3206, Folio 397) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Gilbert, Lord Talbot, from London, 7 January 1588/9, giving foreign news, including that of the deaths of [Francis] Duke of Guise and of his brother [Charles] Cardinal [of Lorraine]. 2pp. Italian. Damaged Ms.  
1590 Letter  (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 27) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, no place, no date [1590], sending compliments and discussing the disgrace of Sir John Perrot. 1p. Damaged Ms. Italian.  
1591-04-01 Acquittance  (Society of Antiquaries of London SAL/MS/777/7) Horatio (8932)  
Acquittance by Henri de la Tour, Vicomte de Turenne, Ambassador of Henry IV, to Sir Horatio Palavicino, legate of Queen Elizabeth in Germany  
For moneys advanced by the Queen; Frankfurt on Main. Signature and papered seal of Turenne. Attestation and impressed sign of a public notary.  
M_1591 1591-04-27 Marriage in Frankfurt (An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino, Lawrence Stone, 1956, p. 27n; W. Murdin, State Papers … left by Lord Burley, 1759, p. 796) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Pallavicino marryed at Frankford Anne (8933)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino & Anna Hooftman daughter of Egidus Hooftman Egidus (17866)  
1592-08-21 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 385) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., from Babraham, 21 August 1592, sending news from the Court and from abroad, knowing how much the Earl likes to receive it. 3pp. Italian. Endorsed.  
1593-01-13 Letter of Denization  (Letters of denization and acts of naturalization for aliens in England, 1509-1603, Huguenot Society, vol. 8, 1893, p. 185) Anne (8933)  
Lady Anne Palavicino, the wife of Horatius Palavicino, knight, and a daughter of Giles Hoostman, from Antwerp in Lower Germany, with special licence that the said Anne may from time to time depart out of the realm of England, and return again at her good pleaseure  (Pat., 35 Eliz., p. 5, m. 32) Horatio (8932)  
1593-04-09 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.705 Folio 79) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palauicino to [the Earl of Shrewsbury], from Babraham, [co. Camb.], 9 April 1593, referring to earlier correspondence. 1p. Italian.  
B_1593 1593-05-20 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Horatio (8932) 1593
Toby Palavicino son of Sir Horaco Toby (4466)  
1593-09-28 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 565) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., from Babraham, 28 September 1593. He has no wish to make the Earl sell land; he spoke to Mr. Hammon [William Hamond] about it only in a preliminary way. He will do all he can to help the Earl to raise money in other ways. 2pp. Italian. Endorsed.  
1593-10-28 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 571) Horatio (8932)  
[Robert] Kidman to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Windsor, 28 October 1593. Sir Horatio Palavicino has offered to lend the Earl £2,000 upon the bond of the Earl and John Talbot of Grafton, to be repaid within six months, but wants to know to what use the money is to be put; he is upset that his wife accepted the jewels brought to his house as surety. Lord Burghley is still bedridden. Sir Robert Cecil has told him that fresh complaints have been laid against the Earl by Sir Francis Leake and by 'my old lady' [the Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury] which are to be heard before the Privy Council. In the matter of Glossopdale, Cecil told him that, though the Queen favoured the tenants in the sixth Earl's time, 'your case were much different'. 4pp. Clerk's hand, signature and end of letter missing. Endorsed. 'To my lorde'. Address in seventh Earl's hand.  
1593-11-22 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 593) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 22 November 1593. He has been negotiating with Mr. [Robert] Kidman about the purchase [of Kingston Lisle]. If within two or three years the Earl wishes to regain the land, he will be able to do so by repaying Palavicino £5,000. 3pp. Italian. Endorsed. Address in seventh Earl's hand.  
1593-11-26 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 595) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 26 November 1593. His agent in London, Francesco Rizzo, hopes to be able to pay Shrewsbury £2,000 by 9 December [cf. folio 593]. 1p. Italian. Endorsed.  
O_1593 1593-12 Obligation to repay the Dutch War loan (BHO, Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House, Volume 18: 1606 (1940), pp. 371-462 Horatio Palavicino’s debt) BHO Horatio (8932) O_1593
Queen Elizabeth paid Horatio installments of £3337 for 11 years [from 1581] plus other payments over a year and a half amounting to a total payment of £45479. Previous  
The principal now due remains at £28948 Next  
1593-12-11 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.705 Folio 86) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palauicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, [co. Camb.], 11 December 1593, relating to an intended loan to the Earl and the mortgage [of Kingston manor], the legal negotiations being carried out for the Earl by [William] Fletcher, and mentioning a transaction with Sir Thomas Cecil. 3pp. Italian. Seal. Endorsed.  
1593-12-11 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 607) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 11 December 1593. He hopes to raise a total of £4,000 for the Earl. He will send men to survey Sawley. He adds a caveat: 'the lawes... suffer not mortgage without many accidents and inconveniences to which it is not wisdom to subject a man's self'. 2pp. Copy, translated from Italian. Address in seventh Earl's hand.  
1593-12-13 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.705 Folio 96) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palauicino to [the Earl of Shrewsbury], from Babraham, [co. Camb.], 13 December 1593, acknowledging a letter brought by the falconer Banister, who had been sent by the Earl to initiate Palavicino in the art of falconry. 2pp. Italian. Endorsed. Torn.  
1593-12-17 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.705 Folio 77) Horatio (8932)  
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Horatio [Palavicino], 17 December 1593, containing proposals for the mortgage of his manor of Kingston in payment of a debt of £3000, with remarks about usury. [Edmund Lodge, Illustrations of British History, 1791, 2nd edition, 1838, iii, unpublished papers 73 (565) and passim.] 4pp. Draft. Endorsed.  
1593-12-19 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.707 1453-1666) Horatio (8932)  
Nicholas Williamson to the Earl of Shrewsbury, at Handsworth, [co. York], from Wilne, [co. Derby], 19 December 1593, about two plans of Kingston made for the Earl and Sir Horatio Palavicino's men who had been there, and had also taken copies of surveys etc. Legal business relating to [ ] Boune and [ ] Hattoft. 1p. Seal. Endorsed.  
1593-12-20 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 619) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 20 December 1593. His pension is stopped by the Queen's sudden displeasure - he will let the Earl know as soon as possible about the money. 3pp. Italian. Endorsed. Address in seventh Earl's hand. see above  
1594-01-26 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 659) Horatio (8932)  
William Hamond to the Earl of Shrewsbury, [London], 26 January 1593/4. He has been to Sir Horatio [Palavicino] and discussed the matter of the loan of £3,000 which was under negotiation. Sir Horatio is sorry that his present state does not permit him to go ahead with lending the Earl the money by bond [cf. folio 619] but, if the Earl could find a surety and would make a conveyance of Kingston [Lisle] to Sir Horatio and Lady [Palavicino] by way of mortgage, the money will be raised by 2 February. 2pp. Seal. Address in seventh Earl's hand. (Edmund Lodge, Illustrations of British History (second edition, 1838), ii.451)  
1594-02-03 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Shrewsbury Papers MS.705 Folio 82) Horatio (8932)  
[Sir Horatio Palavicino] to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from London, 3 February 1593/4, about some matter of business and his need for security for his children. 1p. Italian. Seal. Endorsed.  
1594-02-27 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 693) Horatio (8932)  
William Hamond to the Earl of Shrewsbury at Handsworth, from Babraham, 27 February 1593/4. He has delivered the mortgage of Kingston [Lisle] to Sir Horatio Palavicino but it is objected to in five respects by Palavicino's lawyers. 1p. Clerk's hand, signed. Endorsed. Address in seventh Earl's hand.  
1594-03-02 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Enclosing folio 689) Horatio (8932)  
A note of Sir Horatio Palavicino's lawyers' objections to the mortgage of Kingston [Lisle]. 2pp. Clerk's hand.  
1594-03-02 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 697) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 2 March 1593/4, telling of the objections made by his lawyers to the mortgage of Kingston [Lisle]. 3pp. Italian. Endorsed. Address.  
1594-03-15 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 707) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., from Babraham, 15 March 1593/4. Gout is preventing him from attending Court to take leave of the Queen before leaving for Holland. He will extend the mortgage on Kingston [cf. folio 693] rather than buy land from the Earl to Shrewsbury's disadvantage. 3pp. Italian. Endorsed. Address.  
1594-05-22 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 731) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from Babraham, 22 May 1594. He had hoped to see Mr. Hamond about the Earl's affairs in London last week but did not do so. He sends his servant to the Earl to defend himself against accusations; Palavicino will not take him back unless the Earl clears him. 2pp. Italian. Endorsed. Address.  
1594-09-03 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 771) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., from Babraham, 3 September 1594. Compliments. All the Earl's debts to Sir Horatio are now paid. 1p. Italian. Endorsed. Address. 'Stag's blud'.  
B_1594 1594-09-22 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Horatio (8932) 1594
Baptina Palavicino daughter of Sir Horatio  
1594 Legal Dispute (TNA C 2/Eliz/D6/27) Horatio (8932)  
Garrett [?Gerrard] de Malynes of London, merchant stranger v Sir John Hawkins and Sir Horatio Palavacino. Conspiracy to defraud plaintiff by suit in London court on bond for debt. Bill, answer. Short title: De Malynes v Hawkins etc.  
1596-05-13 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, p. 175) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1596
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.  
Horatio sends his natural son Edward to Cecil who promised to employ him, and has given him a small pension to support him.   
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 75.)  
1597-01-08 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597, p. 11) BHO Horatio (8932) L_1597
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil concerning Edward Palavicino  
His natural son Edward has not been employed as expected by, so Horation has set him to study Englaih law in the meantime.  
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 6.)  
1598-03-20 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 901) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Thomas Cooke, from Babraham, 20 March 1597/8, asking him to settle the fine which must be paid by the [unnamed] bearer. Palavicino will pay any outstanding sum. 1p. Clerk's hand, signed. Endorsed. Address in seventh Earl's hand.  
1598-06-08 Letter (TNA, Lambeth Palace Library, Talbot Papers MS.3199 1570-1599, Folio 921) Horatio (8932)  
Sir Horatio Palavicino to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., from Babraham, 8 June 1598, trusting that the Earl is well and has benefitted from the attentions of the Italian surgeon de la Falca [cf. folio 905]. 1p. Italian. Endorsed. Address.  
1598 Legal Dispute (TNA C 2/Eliz/D6/62) Horatio (8932)  
Gerrard [?Garrett] de Malynes, merchant stranger v John Hunger of High Germany, merchant stranger or his 'procurator' Augustine de ?Coleno. Defrauding of plaintiff on sums agreed for goods from Spanish carrack from East Indies; case involves George Clifford, third earl of Cumberland, Charles Howard, first earl of Nottingham, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Horatio Palavacini.   
1599-08-17 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599, p. 303) BHO L_1599
Edward Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.  
Asks for letters of recommendation to Sir Francis Vere and Captain Vavisour, for employment in the Low Countries.—London, August 17, 1599.  
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 90.)  
D_1600 1600-07-06 Death in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Horatio (8932) 1600
Sir Horatio Palavicino died July 6 & his body was buried July 17 & his funeral kept Aug 4  
W_1600 1600-10-20 Will in Babraham (TNA, PROB 11/96/240) Transcription Horatio (8932) 1600-1
Testator: Horatio Palavicino, Babraham, Cambs, knight 1600-2
Executors: wife Anne Palavicino, faithful friend John Baptista Justiniano, trusty servant Francisco Rizzo (codicil: eliminate the second as he has emigrated, and the third as he is unsuited to the task) Anne (8933)  
Overseers: Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, Privy Counsellor Sir Robert Cecil knight, brothers Fabritio Palavicino and John Andrea Palavicino  
Date: 15 March 1595, proved 20 October 1600  
Witnesses: William Cornwallis, Edward Whalley, George Mandicke, Felix Chambers, Robert Smith  
Will:  - £300 to build a new church at Westacre, Norfolk   
  - £100 to hospitals of Christchurch St. Thomas and the Savoy and others in London  
  - £50 to the poor of Cambridge  
  - £20 to the poor of Babraham  
  - £300 toward the marriage of Lucrezia Bans  
  - £80 to servant Felix Chambers  
  - 100 marks among the rest of his servants  
  - £20 of plate to John Baptista Aurelis Minister of the Italian church  
  - £50 to friend Edward Whalley of Fleet Street  
  - £600 to trusty friend John Baptista Justiniano  
  - £600 to trusty servant Francisco Rizzo  
  - pension due from the city of Genoa to the poor there  
  - £300 per year to well beloved daughter Batina Palavicino, and £5000 on her marriage  
  - of £28948 owed by Queen Elizabeth, £1948 belongs to Lady Ursula Walsingham widow the late wife of Sir Francis Walsingham knight her Majesty’s late Secretary deceased, and £11782 belongs to well beloved brother Fabricio Palavicino  
  - £7237 owed by Queen Elizabeth  
  - weapons to sons Henry Pallacvicino and Tobye Palavicino Toby (4466)  
  - son Henry Palavicino to be page to & educated by Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury his godfather  
  - half of stock money debts & of the profits and commodities to son Henry on his marriage or when 25  
  - other half to son Toby Toby (4466)  
1601-01-08 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, p. 6) BHO L_1601
Edward Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.  
  Reports that his step-mother has not respected his father Horatio's wish that he have a reasonable allowance, unless Cecil can help or employ him.  
  Holograph. 1 p. (75. 111.)  
M_1601 1601-07-05 Marriage in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Anne (8933) 1601
Sir Oliver Cromwell and Anne Palavicine Oliver (8934)  
1605-05-08 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, p. 196) BHO L_1605
Edward Palavicino to the Earl of Salisbury.  
Acting as some sort of courier, he reports from Flushing.  
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 76.)  
1605-05-10 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, p. 207) BHO L_1605a
Sir William Browne to the Earl of Salisbury.  
Gives news of the States' Army in Flanders, and mentions "your follower Mr. [Edward] Palavicino" disembarked at Sass, and proceeding to Ghent.  
Holograph, but signature torn off. Endorsed: "Sir William Browne to my Lord." 1 p. (110. 146.)  
1606-04-24 Marriage Licence in Babraham (Regr. of Chaderton Bishop of Lincoln, 2010)  
Henry son and heir of Sir Horace Palavasyne, knt and Katherine dau. of Sir Oliver Cromwell, knt  
M_1606L 1606-04-24 Marriage Licence Babraham (Regr. Of Chaderton Bishop of Lincoln, 2010) Toby (4466) 1606
Tobias son of Sir Horace Palavasyne, knt and Jane dau. of Sir Oliver Cromwell, knt Jane (4467)  
M_1606 1606-04-24 Marriage in Huntington, Hunts. (SoG, Huntington Registers All Saints 1565-1680) Toby (4466) 1606
Henry Palavicino & Katherine Cromwell Jane (4467)  
Tobyas Palavicino & Jeane Cromwell  
O_1606 1606 Obligation to repay the Dutch War loan (BHO, Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House, Volume 18: 1606 (1940), pp. 371-462 Horatio Palavicino’s debt) BHO Horatio (8932) O_1606
26 payments of the annuity between December 1593 July 1606 have been missed, the principal now is £37633. Previous  
[Grand Total] £66581  
The City of London is bound under its seal for this debt. Shortly before his death Horatio brought a suit against the City, and his brother Fabrizio caused goods of Richard Stapers citizen of London to be arrested. On preparing to seize other goods in Genoa he is assured satisfaction in July 1600 if he releases the goods. He accordingly desists.  
The debt is now in existance for 28 years, at 10%, less than others have paid in the past. Horatio spent what he received in interest on duties in the Queen's service, and had goods worth £5000 and his brothers goods worth £10000 confiscated in Rome.  
Copy, Italian. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 59.)  
1608-07-29 Letter (BHO, Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, p. 203-224) BHO L_1608
Edward Palavicino  
Acknowledgment of receipt by Edward Palavicin from "Mr Steward" by the appointment of "my Lord", of 30l 8s to be paid to the French Ambassador's secretary, "for those men that brought the Estriges to the King."—29 July, 1608.  
½ p. (214 60.)  
B_1611 1611-09-01 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1611
Horatio son of Mr. Toby Pallavicina and Mrs. Jane Jane (4467)  
1612-07-14 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1611
Tobias Palavicine (B. T. son of Tobyas & Jane) Jane (4467)  
1614-02-17 Burial in Huntington, Hunts. (SoG, Huntington Registers All Saints 1565-1680) 1614
The Ladye Paulavinsino  
(this is Katherine née Cromwell, wife of Henry Palavicino)  
1614-04-03 Baptism in Huntingdon, Hunts. (SoG, Huntingdon Registers All Saints 1565-1680) Toby (4466) 1614
Anne Pollevesine d. Mr. Tobe  
M_1615 1615-02-21 Marriage in Babraham (Ely Episcopal records - Internet, 2010)  
Sir Hy Palavasin and Mris Eliz Alington married Feb 21   
W_1615 1615-11-24 Will in Babraham PROB 11/126/515 (National Archives, copy, 2010) Transcription 1615
Testator: Henry Palavicine, Barbraham, Cambs, knight  
Executor: brother Toby Palavicine Toby (4466)  
Date: 17 Septemeber 1615, proved 24 November 1615  
Witnesses: Elizabeth Palavicine, Thomas Parkynson vicar de Babraham, Thomas Bannock, John Adams  
Will:  - £20 to the poor of Babraham   
  - £100, her jewels and clothes, and one jewel as a remembrance to wife Elizabeth  
  - rest to brother Toby  
1616-01-10 Baptism in Huntingdon, Hunts. (SoG, Huntingdon Registers All Saints 1565-1680) Toby (4466) 1616
Henry Pollevesine s. Mr. Tobe  
1616-07-28 Baptism in Huntingdon All Saints (SoG, Huntingdon Registers 1565-1680) 1616
Battynne daughter of Mr. Henry Cromwell  
1617-10-30 Marriage in Babraham (Ely Episcopal records - Internet, 2010)  
Sir Wm Clopton and Lady Eliz Palavacine married Oct 30   
B_1618 1618 Birth in ? (Ancestry.co.uk, Marriage Allegation in the Registry of the Bishop of London, 2013) Toby (4466)  
Susannah daughter of Tobias Palavicino esq. Jane (4467)  
Susannah Palavicino's age was given as 22 on her marriage licence in 1640, but record of her baptism has not been found. aged 22 in 1640  
1618-10-28 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1618
Elysabeth Palavicine daughter of Mr. Tobias & Mistris Jane Jane (4467)  
D_1619 1619-04-10 Burial in Huntingdon All Saints (SoG, Huntingdon Registers 1565-1680) 1619
Mrs. Baptinnae Cromwell wife of Mr. Henry Cromwell  
1619-06-07 Burial in Huntingdon All Saints (SoG, Huntingdon Registers 1565-1680) 1619
Battynne daughter of Mr. Henry Cromwell  
1620-05-23 Burial in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1620
Elizabeth Pallavicine daughter of Mr. Toby & Mris Jane  Jane (4467)  
1620-12-03 Baptism in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1620
James Palavicine son of Mr. Toby & Mris Jane  Jane (4467)  
1626-12-26 Burial in Babraham (SoG, Babraham Registers 1561-1925) Toby (4466) 1626
Lady Anne Cromwell, wife of Sir Oliver Cromwell Jane (4467)  
Born Anne Hooftman, and widow of Sir Horatio Palavicino  
D_1638 1638-03-24 Monumental Inscription in Chipping Ongar, Essex Photo Jane (4467)  
Jane Palavicine d. Sir Oliver Cromwell Oliver (8930)  
Upon a black marble slab within the rails are the arms of Pallavicini impaling Cromwell, and this inscription:  
Hic jacet Jana d. Oliveri Cromwellii, Hinchinbrochiensis e sedibus Huntindoniensis Equitis Baliensis filia, uxor Tobiae Pallavicini armigeri ex illustri nominus illius in agro Cantabrigiensi familia oriundi, ad quartagesimum etatis ann. Et ferme tertium pertingens quod morale fuit in illa officio vitaque funeta in hoc pulvere deposuit Martii 24, annoq. Christi 1637 Toby (4466)  
See the photo taken in 2017. If the placement of this support exactly there was not absolutely essential, perhaps it was done as an anti-Cromwellian gesture. If so, it backfired, as these Cromwells were royalists!  
1638-04-27 Burial in Chipping Ongar (Chipping Ongar Registers ES/R20, SoG 2012) Jane (4467) 1638
Mrs. Jane Pallavicine  
M_1640A 1640-04-23 Marriage Allegation in the Registry of the Bishop of London (SoG, 2012) Edward (2232)  
Sedgwick, Edward, gent., of Chipping Ongar, Essex, bachelor, 23, his father’s consent, and Susanna Pallavicine, of same, spinster, 22, consent of her father, Tobias Pallavicine, esq., and her brother, Horatio Pallavicine – at St Faith, or St Stephen, Walbrook. 23 April, 1640. B Susanna (2233)  
M_1640L 1640-04-23 Marriage Licence in the Registry of the Bishop of London (Ancestry.co.uk, 2013, copy) Edward (2232)  
Which day appeared personally Edward Sedgwick of the parish of Chipping Ongar in the County of Essex Gent. & a bachelor aged 23 years and alleges that with the consent of his father he intends to marry with Susanna Pallavicine of the same place spinster aged 22 years  Susanna (2233)  
with the consent of her father Tobias Pallavicine Esq. and her brother Horatio Pallavicine Esq. from whom she is to receive her portion, and of the truth of the ? premises as that there is no lawful let whatsoever to hinder this marriage he the said Edward Sedgwick made faith & desired licence to be ? in the parish church of St. Faith the Virgin or St. Stevens Walbroke London Toby (4466)  
Edward Sedgwick  
M_1640 1640-04-30 Marriage at Saint Stephen Walbrook And Saint Benet Sherehog, London (Ancestry.com, copy, 2010) Edward (2232) 1640
Edward Sedgwick of the parish of Chipping Ongar in Essex and Suzan Palavasine of the same parish were married the 30th of Aprill 1640 Susanna (2233)  
W_1648 1648-05-08 Will in Chipping Ongar (TNA, PROB 11/204/218, copy, 2010) Transcription 1648
Testator: Horacio Pallavicine -1648, of Chipping Ongar esquire  
Executors: sister Anna Yonge and brother-in-law Edward Sedgwick Edward (2232)  
Date: 22 July 1644, proved 8 May 1648  
Witnesses: Nathi Pagett Bartholomew Lavender Thomas Burkenfeiler  
Will:  - two respective annuities by me formerly granted during the life of my father unto my two brothers in law  
  - £60 per year to brother James during the life of father, £30 per year thereafter Toby (4466)  
  - £50 per year to brother James  
  - £100 to nephew Thomas Sedgwick  
  - £100 to goddaughter and niece Elizabeth Sedgwick  
  - £10 to cousin Pagett the wife of Doctor Pagett  
  - £20 to loving friend Daniell Joyner minister of Stapleford Tawney  
  - £10 to Cordelia his wife  
  - £50 to goddaughter Anne Joyner  
  - gold ring of remembrance to two executors  
  - rest to two sisters Anne the wife of Robert Yonge gent and Susanna the wife of Edward Sedgwick and their children equally Susanna (2233)  
  - £700 to children of brother James equally after he dies  
1648-05-09 Burial in Chipping Ongar, Essex (Chipping Ongar Registers ES/R20, SoG 2012) Photo  
Horacio Pallavicine, Esquire, was buried  
1652-07-28 Marriage in Oud Beijerland (Google, Nationaal Archief, inv. 7 ondertrouw Oud Beijerland, 1650-1673)  
Jonckhr. James Palavicino j.m. en juffr Sibille van der Hulst won. In 's-Gravenhage, get. Antonij van der Hulst  
D_1648x60 1648x60 Death in ? (?) Toby (4466)  
Tobyas Palavicino alive in 1648 W_1648  
but decased in 1660 P_1660  
P_1660 1660-11-12 Petition (Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/JO/10/1/300; BHO, House of Lords Journal Volume 11) Toby (4466) P_1660
Petition of James Palavicine, son and heir of Toby Palavicine, deceased; prays to be restored to possession of the manors of Foxton and little Shelford.  
Palavicine’s Petition  
Upon reading the Petition of James Palavicine;  
It is ORDERED, To be referred to the Lord Committees, Triers of Petitions.  
Present at the session:  
(Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/JO/10/1/300)  
12 November 1660 -- Petition of James Palavicine, son and heir of Toby Palavicine, deceased; prays to be restored to possession of the manors of Foxton and little Shelford.  
W_1663 1663-04-22 Will PROB 11/311/45 (National Archives, copy, 2010) Edward (2232) 1663
Testator: Edward Sedgwick -1663, of Gray’s Inn Susanna (2233)  
Executrix: wife Susanna  
Supervisor: good friend William Clayer?  
Date: 8 April 1663, proved 22 April 1663  
Witnesses: Richard Barrett Edward Maglidon? Hannah Hignell  
Will:  - property to wife & her heirs  
  - satisfy Horatio Palavicine’s will in favour of brother James Palavicine’s children W_1648  
  - personal estate to be divided among children  
  - 4s to friends and ministers of the Gospel Master John Sheffield Master George Fowler Doctor Lamb  
  - 20s to good friends Master Haviland Master Pledger Master Cradock ministers of Gray’s Inn and Master John Jackson  
  - 40s to the poor of the parish of Wisbech in the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge from where I was removed in my infancy  
1664-01-25 Will (TNA, PROB 11/313/81, copy, 2010) Horatio (8932) 1664
Sarah Palavicin, widow of Edward Palavicino (natural son of Horatio Palavicino)  
D_1680 1680-05 Death (TNA, C 9/414/119) Will Susanna (2233)  
Susanna Sedgwick  
1683 Dispute Dawgs vs. Bowes (TNA, C 5/470/53)  
Orator: Thomas Dawgs in Newgate street in the parish of Bishops Hatfield in the County of Hertford gent.  
Oratrix: Eusebia [Sedgwick] his wife  
Defendants: Paul Bowes of the Middle Temple London Esq. and one Thomas Leech (since deceased)  
Date: 1683  
Dispute:  - Susanna Sedgwick bequeathed to the defendants, in Trust until the marriage of her daughter Eusebia, lands worth £60/yr., they paying £700 to James Pallavicine and his children Susanna (2233)  
  - By a marriage settlement of 5 June 1682, these lands should be transferred to Thomas Dawgs  
  - When it came to executing the transfer, Paul Bowes suddenly demanded an additional payment of 40 guineas  
1689 Dispute Klinckenberge v. Dawgs vs. Bowes (TNA, C 5/202/53)  
Plaintiff: William Klinckenberge  
Defendant: Thomas Dawgs  
Subjext: property in Upwood, Huntingdonshire  
Date: 1699  
© C. R. Watts 2023 created 01.12.2010, revised 28.02.2023  