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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Lacons  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Lacons  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_35741 Jane Lacon (35741), the mother of Thomas Bromley (17870)  
PP_71482 Thomas Lacon (71482), the father of Jane Lacon (35741)  
Records The Records  
B_1475 1475 Birth in Willey, Shropshire (?) 1503 IPM Thomas (71482)  
Thomas Laken  
He was 28 years old on 1 July 1503.  
M_1495c 1495c Marriage (?) Thomas (71482)  
Thomas Lacon and Maria Corbet Maria (71483)  
D_1503 1503-11-16 Inquisition Post Mortem in Shropshire (CIPM, Henry VII, Vol. 3, p. 543)  Richard (142964)  
Richard Laken, knight, deceased  
He died 1 July 18 Henry VII [1503] seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages etc.  
Thomas Laken aged 28 years and more is his son and heir Thomas (71482)  
Manor of Kenley with its members, to wit, Gretton, Hatton and Wildertop, worth 20 marks, held of the lord Arundell, services unknown.  
Manor of Harley, and Willey (which is a member of the same manor), worth £20, held of the lord Zouche, service unknown.  
13 messuages, 200 acres of land and pasture and 70 acres of meadow in Coton, Laken, Wolverley, Lopynton, Edstaston, Tillulley and Wemme, service unknown.  
B_1503c 1505c Birth in Willey, Shropshire (?) Jane (35741)  
Jane daughter of Thomas Lacon and Maria Thomas (71482)  
  Maria (71483)  
W_1513 1513 Will (TNA, PROB 11/17/f. 214-5)  
Whereas I, Sir Robert Corbet, knight, have made a feoffment by deed unto Sir Henry Vernon, knight, Thomas Englefield, knight, Thomas Cornwall, knight, Thomas Lacon, esquire, Roger Corbet, my son and heir apparent, esquire, Richard Vernon, esquire, Roger Thornes, esquire and George Onslowe…  
I make and ordain Thomas Cornwall, knight, Thomas [ ], esquire, Elizabeth, my wife, George Bromley and George Onslowe my executors, and Henry Vernon, knight, and Richard Vernon, his son and heir, overseers… George (35740)  
M_1521 1521-01-10 Indentures (Shropshire Archives, 6000/3296, X6000/17/3296) Thomas (71482)  
Thomas Laken, marriage of William Leighton & Dorothy Laken  
Indentures dated January 10th, 12 Henry VIII. Between 1) Thomas Laken of Wylley Esq; 2) William Leighton of Plashe Esq. For a marriage between William & Dorothy, daughter of Thomas - covenant to secure joynture etc of the manors of Donyngton or Bymys Hall, to the use of Dorothy etc. Long Deed ( damaged in places) with many legal technicalities. Seal gone.  
M_1521x4 1521x4 Marriage (?) PP_35740 George (35740)  
George Bromley and Jane Lacon Jane (35741)  
1524-08-01 Commission to collect the Subsidy (BHO, Henry VIII: August 1524, 1-9', Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4: 1524-1530 (1875), pp. 232-251)  
Salop:—Ralph Egerton, Wm. Woodall, Wm. Thomas, Thos. Blounte, Peter Newton, Ric. Bruerton, Geo. Bromley, Thos. Laykyn, Thos. Newport, Thos. Skreven, Wm. Wotley, Francis Yong, John Salter, John Cotes, Thos. Wotley, Ric. Horde, Wm. Gattaker, Nich. Gorbyn, Humph. Goldston, the bailiffs of the town of Wenlok, Thos. Laken, Lawrence Lodlowe, Ric. Charleton, Edw. Moche, John Mynsterley, Thos. Monshowe, Wm. Bentall, Rog. Horton. Thomas (71482)  
D_by1536 1536 Death in Willey, Shropshire (TNA PROB 11/25/371) Will Maria (71483)  
Maria née Lacon, wife of Thomas Lacon of Willey Thomas (71482)  
"that where so I die within the realm of England that he fetch my body to Harley and bury me there and to remove my wife’s body out of Much Wenlock’s church to Harley and to lay her with me there"  
W_1536 1536-03-25 Will (TNA PROB 11/25/371) Transcription Thomas (71482) 1536
Testator: Thomas Lacon of Willey, knight  
Executors: sons William & Lancelot, brother Richard Lakyn, Richard Harnage of Schenton esquire & Sr William Dyason clerk  
Date: 15 January 1536, proved 25 March 1536  
Witnesses: son & heir Richard Lakyn, son Lancelot, Richard Harnage of Echenton esquire, brother Richard Lakyn of the Cotes & Sr William Dyason clerk  
Will:  - buried in Harley with wife  
  - lordship & possessions in Willey & £20 to heir Richard  
  - Childeswoolands? & Kylmeseete & animals in Kenley to son Edward  
  - property in Hatton & Acton Pigott to son William  
  - ready money to three youngest sons, Edward William and Lancelot, saving £200 to all daughters  
  - £21 to priest to sing for souls  
  - £40 to daughter Alice Corbet  
  - £20 to daughter Anne Berriton’s children  
  - £20 to daughter Mary Acton  
  - £20 to daughter Dorothe Walwyn toward her daughter Margery Leighton’s marriage  
  - 100 marks to three youngest sons, Edward William and Lancelot  
  - £5 to brother Richard Lakyn of the Cotes  
  - 8s 4d to Richard Downing, 5s to John Emery & 5s to Lancelot Lewes  
D_1536 1536-08-19 Inquisition Post Mortem in Bridgnorth, Shropshire (TNA, C 142/58/60) Latin Thomas (71482) 1536
Thomas Lakyn deceased  
George Griffith armiger, Thomas Chetwyn armiger, George Blount armiger, Edward Pygott, William Corbett, William Leighton, John Barkeley, & Edward Lakyn gents  
Agnete Lakyn wife Richard Lakyn armiger son & heir  
Thomas Lakyn died 19 February 1536 … son & heir Richard Lakyn aged 32 years  
B_1539 1539-09-28 Baptism in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) 1539
Ralph son of William Egerton armiger baptized 28 day of the month of September 1539 (Latin) Jane (35741)  
1540-12-28 Baptism in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) 1540
Agnes daughter of William Egerton baptized 28 day of the month of December 1540 (Latin) Jane (35741)  
B_1541 1541-12-31 Baptism in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) 1541
Johanna daughter of William Egerton baptized 31 day of the month of December 1541 (Latin) Jane (35741)  
1541-12-31 Burial in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) 1541
Johanna daughter of William Egerton buried 31 December 1541 (Latin) Jane (35741)  
D_1553 1553-06-30 Death in Shrewsbury, Worcs. (Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, XVII, Part 1, 2003, p. 36) 1553
Here lies George Pontesbury the son of Thomas Pontesbury  
Late of Adbrightly which died the 10th day of October Anno Domini  
1550 (and in the 4th year of the reign of King Edward  
the sixth) and also Jane his wife one of the daughters of Sir  
Richard Lacon knight which died the last day of June in the Richard (142964)  
7th year of the reign of the above named worthy prince King  
Edward VI on whom the Lord for Jesus Christ' sake have mercy.  
Heraldry: Quarterly per fess indented ermine and azure (LACON)  
D_1564 1564-04-28 Death in Tenbury, Worcs. (Church of Tenbury, Worcestershire, churchmonumentssociety.org) 1564
Here lies Thomas Acton of Sutton esquire who at the age of 70 years departed this life the 2 of January 1546 and Mary his wife daughter of Sir Thomas Lacon of Willy knight being of the age of 58 years likewise deceased the 28 of April 1564 having issue in their lifetime two sons Lancelot and Gabriel who died before them in their infancy and Joyce their only daughter and heir being then of the age of 12 years was espoused to Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlcot knight which Dame Joyce in dutiful remembrance of her loving parents has erected this monument Anno 1581. Thomas (71482)  
Mary Acton is a sister of Jane Lacon. Mary's birth in 1506 gives an approximate date for the birthdate of Jane Lacon.  
Mary Lacon's husband Thomas Acton was born in 1476, so Jane Lacon marrying George Bromley born around 1470 would not be all that unusual, for the time.  
D_1571 1571-11-22 Burial in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) 1571
William Egerton armiger buried 22 November 1571 Jane (35741)  
D_1578 1578-10-28 Burial in Betley, Shropshire (FMP, Staffordshire Burials 1538-1900) Jane (35741) 1578
Jana Egerton widow buried 22 October 1578  
© C. R. Watts 2023 created 20.11.2010, revised 14.04.2023  