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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Frosts  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Frosts  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_11 That Myra Frost (11) was the mother of Helen Myra Greaves (5)  
Helen Myra Greaves daughter of Edward Greaves and Myra formerly Frost was born on 19 August 1885 in Bradford. PP_10  
Edward Greaves and Myra had 5 children between 1884 and 1892, including Helen Myra Greaves in 1885. B_1885  
Edward Greaves and Myra Frost married in 1883 in Bradford, when her age was given as 'full'. M_1883  
Myra Greaves is listed in the 1891 census aged 39 and born (c. 1851) in Enfield, Middlesex. C_1891  
Edward Greaves died in 1910 and was survived by his wife Myra and their children. C_1911  
Myra Frost daughter of Henry James Frost and Helen formerly Cooke was born on 19 November 1851 in Enfield. B_1851  
So the mother of Helen Myra Greaves (5),  
Myra Frost (11), born in 1851 in Enfield,  
married to Edward Greaves (10) in 1883 in Manningham,  
died in 1931 in , was the daughter of  
Henry James Frost (22), and Helen Cooke (23). PP_22  
PP_22 That Henry James Frost (22) was the father of Myra Frost (11)  
Myra Frost daughter of Henry James Frost and Helen formerly Cooke was born on 19 November 1851 in Enfield. PP_11  
Henry James Frost and Helen had 5 children between 1851 and 1859, including Myra Greaves in 1851. B_1851  
Henry James Frost and Helen Cooke married in 1850 in Manchester, both of 'full' age. His father is given as Thomas Frost, a spinner, and hers as John Cooke, an appariser. M_1850  
The 1851 census lists Henry Frost, aged 26, a railway clerk born (c. 1820) in Manchester and his wife Helen, aged 22, born (c. 1828) in Cheltenham, living in Nags Head Lane in Enfield. C_1851b  
Helen Frost died aged 32 on 15 March 1860 in Edmonton, Middlesex. D_1860  
Henry James Frost died aged 46 on 9 January 1871 (born c. 1824) in Chorlton, Manchester. D_1871  
Henry James son of Thomas Frost and Nancy was born on 7 May 1824 in Manchester. B_1824  
So the father of Myra Frost (11),  
Henry James Frost (22), born in 1824 in Manchester,  
married to Helen Cooke (23) in 1850 in Manchester, PP_23  
died in 1871 in Chorlton, was the son of  
Thomas Frost (44), and Nancy (45). PP_44  
PP_44 That Thomas Frost (44) was the father of Henry James Frost (22)  
PP_88 That Thomas Frost (88) was the father of Thomas Frost (44)  
PP_176 That Thomas Frost (176) was the father of Thomas Frost (88)  
Records The Records  
1721-03-29 Baptism in Congleton FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016)  
Mary dau. of Thomas Frost wheelwright & Margaret his wife  
1721-03-29 Baptism in Congleton FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016)  
Mary dau. of Thomas Frost wheelwright & Margaret his wife  
1722-07-29 Baptism in Congleton (FamilySearch; FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016)  
Thomas son of Thomas Frost carpenter & Margaret his wife  
1726-05-01 Baptism in Congleton (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016)  
Joseph son of Thomas Frost carpenter & Margaret his wife  
1720-11-09 Baptism in Congleton (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016)  
Joseph son of Thomas Frost wheelwright & Margaret his wife  
1743-09-22 Marriage in Prestbury Cheshire (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Marriages 1538-1910, 2016)  
Thomas Boothby & Mary Frost  
M_1749 1749-02-06 Marriage in Prestbury and Chelford, Cheshire (IGI) Thomas (176) 1749
Thomas Frost & Anne Boothby Ann (177)  
1751-03-15 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (IGI; FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Charles Son of Thomas Frost of Rainow (March 15 1750)  
1753-01-13 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Peter Son of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield  
B_1754 1754-07-11 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (SoG, seen 2003; FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Thomas Son of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield Ann (177)  
  Thomas (88)  
B_1756 1756-09-13 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (SoG, seen 2003; FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176) 1756
David Son of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield Ann (177)  
  David (90)  
1759-02-04 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (IGI; FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Sarah Daughter of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield  
1761-03-15 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
George Son of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield  
1764-04-14 Baptism in Macclesfield, St. Michael (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Thomas (should be Joseph?!) son of Thomas & Ann Frost of Hurdsfield Ann (177)  
1767-04-11 Baptism in Macclesfield, Back St. Presbyterian (IGI) Thomas (176)  
James son of Thomas & Ann Frost (birth 1767-03-07) Ann (177)  
1769-05-15 Baptism in Macclesfield, Back St. Presbyterian (IGI) Thomas (176)  
Nancy daughter of Thomas & Ann Frost (birth 1769-04-17) Ann (177)  
1772-04-15 Burial in Macclesfield, St. Michael (FindMyPast, Chester Parish Baptisms 1538-1911, 2016) Thomas (176)  
Charles Son of Thomas Frost of Hurdsfield  
M_1778L 1778-02-07 Marriage License in the Parish and Town of Manchester (ChRO, Copy, 1995) Thomas (88) 1778
The Seventh Day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy eight Sarah (89)  
On which Day appeared personally Thomas Frost of the Parish and Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster and Diocese of Chester Turner, and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists, alledged and made Oath as follows, that he is of the Age of Twenty One Years and upwards, and a Bachelor and intends to marry Sarah Howard of the Parish and Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster and Diocese of Chester aged Twenty One Years and upwards, and a Spinster not knowing or believing any lawful Let, or Impediment, by reason of any Præcontract, entered into before the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four, Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other Cause whatsoever, to hinder the said intended Marriage; And  he prayed a Licence to solemnize the said Marriage in the Collegiate and Parish Church of Christ in Manchester the said Thomas Frost further made Oath, that the said Thomas Frost hath had his usual abode for the space of Four Weeks last past.  
        Thomas Frost  
        The same Day the said Thomas Frost  
        was sworn before me Humphrey Owen Surrogate  
1778-02-07 Marriage Bond in the Parish and Town of Manchester (ChRO, Copy, 1995) Thomas (88)  
Know all Men by these Presents, That we Thomas Frost of the Parish and Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Turner and Charles Radcliffe of the Parish and Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Gentleman Sarah (89)  
are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God Beilby by Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester in the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, of good and lawful Money of Great Britain, to be paid unto the said Right Reverend Father, his lawful Attorney, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, to which Payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and Every of us severally for and in the whole, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and the Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, of every of us firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals, and dated the Seventh Day of February in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third King of Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight.  
The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-bounden Thomas Frost and Sarah Howard of the Parish of Manchester spinster now licensed to be married together, be neither of Consanguinity, or Affinity, the one to the other, within the Degrees prohibited for Marriage: If also there be no Let or Impediment, by Reason of any Precontract, entered into before the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four, or any other lawful Cause whatsoever, but that they may be lawfully married together, both by the Laws of GOD, and this Land: Moreover, if the Persons, whose Consent is required by Law in this behalf, be thereunto agreeing: And lastly, if the said Marriage be done and solemnized in such Manner, as in the Licence to them granted is limited: Then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.  
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of  
Thomas Frost (signed, with seal)  
Mary Owen  
Humphrey Owen Surrogate  
Charles Radcliffe (signed, with seal)  
M_1778 1778-02-08 Marriage in the parish of Manchester Cathedral (ChRO, Copy, 1995) Thomas (88) 1778
Thomas Frost of this parish & Town of Manchester, Turner and Sarah Howard of Manchester aforesaid, spinster, were married in this church by licence Revd. Mn Humphrey Owen Surrogate this Eight Day of February in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight by me, Humphrey Owen. Sarah (89)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Thomas Frost  
                                                                                       Sarah Howard  
   In the presence of     Charles Radcliffe  
                                     Tho. Hulme  
1778 Land Tax in Macclesfield (FindMyPast, Cheshire Land Tax) Ann (177)  
James Pearson, Mill Street; Mrs. Frost  
1778-12-20 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (FamilySearch, Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Charles son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1780-11-12 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
James son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1783-01-26 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Sarah dau. of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
D_1784 1784-03-03 Burial in Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk, Lancashire CoE BMD 1538-1812) Thomas (176)  
Thomas Frost  
1784-11-28 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1785-04-25 Marriage Licence in Prestbury (FindMyPast, Cheshire Marriage Licence Bonds and Allegations 1606-1905) Family (176)  
George Frost Manchester & Frances Troughton, David Frost  
1787-07-08 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Joseph son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1789-04-12 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Ann dau. of  Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1794-01-05 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Samuel son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1794-03-01 Burial in St. James, Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Sarah dau of Thomas and Sarah Frost, died Feb 18 1794, buried March 1 1794, 7 yrs palsy Sarah (89)  
1794-03-30 Burial in St. James, Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Samuel son of Thomas and Sarah Frost, died March 28 1794, buried March 30 1794, 6 yrs 9ms fever Sarah (89)  
1794-05-07 Burial in St. James, Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah Frost, died May 5 1794, buried May 7 1794, 9 yrs decline Sarah (89)  
B_1794 1794-09-22 Baptism in St. James, Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88) 1794
Thomas Son of Thomas and Sarah Frost, born Sept 1 1794, christened Sept 22 1794 Sarah (89)  
  Thomas (44)  
1796-04-17 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Charlotte dau. of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1796-04-26 Burial in Newton Heath, All Saints (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Charlotte son of Thomas and Sally Frost, Cotton spinner Sarah (89)  
1797-04-08 Burial in Newton Heath, All Saints (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Samuel son of Thomas and Sally Frost, Cotton spinner, smallpox Sarah (89)  
1797-07-16 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Sarah dau. of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
M_1801 1801-02-04 Marriage in Prestbury, Cheshire (Ancestry.co.uk) David (90) 1801
David Frost of Manchester of this parish widower and Martha Watson of the same place widow were married in this church by Licence the fourth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and one by me Tho. Monkhouse curate Martha (91)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                David Frost  
                                                                                      Martha Watson  
   In the presence of     John Howard  
                                     M? Wadsworth    John Chandley  
1801-07-19 Baptism in Manchester Catherdal (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Charlotte dau. of Thomas & Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1802-01-23 Burial in All Saints Newton Heath (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Charlotte dau. of Thomas & Sarah Frost, cotton spinner Sarah (89)  
W_1802 1802-12-14 Will of Ann Frost, widow, Macclesfield, Cheshire 1802 Ann (177)  
Testator: Ann Frost, Macclesfield, Chester, Widow Thomas (88)  
Executors: sons Thomas Frost of Manchester turner, David Frost of Macclesfield cotton manufacturer David (90)  
Trustees: Executors  
Date: 15 March 1787, proved 14 December 1802  
Witnesses: Wm Henshaw, Henry Hall, Philip Lovell  
Will: - all possessions to be sold and proceeds divided evenly among sons Peter Frost, Thomas Frost, David Frost, George Frost, Joseph Frost and James Frost, and daughters Ann Frost and Sarah the wife of John Parkinson  
1803-01-09 Baptism in Manchester Catherdal (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Hannah dau. of Thomas Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1805-08-18 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Samuel son of Thomas and Sarah Frost Sarah (89)  
1806-04-25 Burial in St. James, Manchester (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (88)  
Samuel son of Thomas and Sarah Frost, died Apr 22 1806, buried Apr 25 1806, 9ms measles Sarah (89)  
1816-04-04 Death of Joseph Frost, brandy merchant, Macclesfield, Cheshire  Family (176)  
1816-10-03 Will of Joseph Frost, brandy merchant, Macclesfield, Cheshire 1816 Family (176)  
Testator: Joseph Frost -1816, brandy merchant, Macclesfield, Chester Thomas (88)  
Executors: brother Thomas Frost, son Joseph Robert Frost  
Trustees: Executors  
Date: 15 March 1816, proved 3 October 1816  
Witnesses: John Coates, Jos. Loney  
Will: - son Joseph Robert Frost and wife Ann to continue business  
- when youngest child 21, value estate and divide equally between wife and children, unless son wants to continue in business... various conditions  
- after death or marriage of wife, her share divided equally among children  
M_1819L 1819-12-01 Marriage License in the Parish of Bowden (ChRO, Copy, 2003) Thomas (44) 1819
The first Day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and nineteen On which Day appeared personally Thomas Frost of Manchester Spinner and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists, alledged and made Oath as follows, that he is of the Age of twenty five Years and upwards, and a bachelor and intends to marry Nancy Frost of Altricham aged eighteen Years and upwards, and a spinster, Thomas Frost her guardian giving consent, in person, not knowing or believing any lawful Let, or Impediment, by reason of any Præcontract, entered into before the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four, Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other Cause whatsoever, to hinder the said intended Marriage; And  he prayed a Licence to solemnize the said Marriage in the Parish Church of Bowden aforesaid. In which said parish the said Thomas Frost further made Oath, that the said Nancy Frost hath had her usual abode for the space of Four Weeks last past. Nancy (45)  
        Thomas Frost Junr  
        The same Day the said Thomas Frost was sworn before me J. T. Law Surrogate  
1819-12-01 Marriage Bond in the Parish of Bowden (ChRO, Copy, 2003) Thomas (44)  
Know all Men by these Presents, That we Thomas Frost, of Manchester Spinner and Robert Wardall of Manchester Apothecary are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God George Henry by Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, of good and lawful Money of Great Britain, to be paid unto the said Right Reverend Father, his lawful Attorney, Executors, Administrators or Nancy (45)  
 Assigns, to which Payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and Every of us severally for and in the whole, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and the Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, of every of us firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals, and dated the first Day of Dec. in the fifty ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord God, One Thousand Eight Hundred and nineteen.  
The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-bounden Thomas Frost and Nancy Frost now licensed to be married together, be neither of Consanguinity, or Affinity, the one to the other, within the Degrees prohibited for Marriage: If also there be no Let or Impediment, by Reason of any Precontract, entered into before the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four, or any other lawful Cause whatsoever, but that they may be lawfully married together, both by the Laws of GOD, and this Land: Moreover, if the Persons, whose Consent is required by Law in this behalf, be thereunto agreeing: And lastly, if the said Marriage be done and solemnized in such Manner, as in the Licence to them granted is limited: Then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.  
Sealed and delivered  
in the Presence of  
Thomas Frost Jun.  
J. T. Law., Surrogate Robert Wardall  
M_1819 1819-12-01 Marriage in Manchester Cathedral Thomas (44) 1819
Thomas Frost of the Parish of Manchester a Bachelor and Nancy Frost of this Parish a Minor were married in this Church by Licence with Consent of her Guardian this first Day of December in the Year One Thousand eight Hundred and nineteen By me James Thomas Law Vicar Nancy (45)  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Thomas Frost Junr  
                                                                                      Nancy Frost  
   In the presence of     Jemima Martin  
                                     Robt Wardall   J. ?eild  
CRW: Thomas Frost and Nancy Frost were cousins (how they were allowed to marry, I don't know) - they were the children of brothers Thomas Frost and David Frost respectively. That is, they share common grandparents in Thomas Frost and Ann Boothby married in 1749.  
1819-12-01 Marriage in Manchester (Derby Mercury 08.12.1819) Thomas (44)  
On Wednesday last, Mr. Thomas Frost, of Manchester, to Nancy, only daughter of the late David Frost, Esq. of Macclesfield Nancy (45)  
  David (90)  
1820-12-01 Baptism in Manchester, All Saints (PRO/C1841, LDS/IGI) Thomas (44)  
Frederick Son Thomas Frost & Nancy Nancy (45)  
1821-02-12 Death of Thomas Frost, gentleman, Altrincham, Cheshire  
W_1821 1821-03-14 Will of Thomas Frost, gentleman, Altrincham, Cheshire 1821 Thomas (88)  
Testator: Thomas Frost, Altrincham, Chester, Gentleman Sarah (89)  
Executors: sons James and Thomas Frost Thomas (44)  
Trustees: sons James and Thomas Frost  
Date: 31 July 1819, proved 14 March 1821  
Witnesses: Tho: Potter of Manchester, Solicitor, clerks Jno Whitworth, Jas Perry  
Will: - £120 per year to wife Sarah for lifetime from property in David Street, Bloom Street and Hart Street, Manchester, and Charlotte Street and Saint James' Street, Manchester, or £60 if she remarries  
- £6 per year to sister Sarah Parkinson for her lifetime  
- property named first above to son James  
- property named second above to son Thomas  
- £1200 in trust for Mary, widow of son Charles Frost, and their four children  
- property in Altrincham to son James for rent and £600 to son Thomas, if he refuses, to son Thomas on the same conditions, if he also refuses, to both jointly  
- rest to sons James and Thomas equally  
- manors messuages lands tenements and hereditaments held in trust to trustees in turn  
1821 Directory Pigot & Dean’s New Directory of Manchester Thomas (44)  
Frost Thos cotton spinner, Cambridge St. Chorlton row  
Frost David, 24 Angel St. (special constable, St. Michael’s District)  
Hadfield & Frost, cotton spinners, 18 Back square  
B_1824 1824-05-29 Baptism in Manchester St. Ann’s (FamilySearch, Helen Cooke's bible; Ancestry, Lancashire Births & Baptisms, 1813-1911) Thomas (44) 1824
Henry James son of Thomas Frost & Nancy, born 7 May 1824 Nancy (45)  
Henry (22)  
1825 Directory Lancashire History, Directory + Gazeteer (SoG, 1989) Thomas (44)  
Frost Thomas cotton spinner h. Blakestock cottage, near Plymouth grove  
1826-05-06 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
Eliza dau. Thomas & Nancy, abode Chorlton Row, Cotton Spinner, born 29 December 1825 Nancy (45)  
1827 Baptism in Manchester? (PRO/C1841) Thomas (44)  
Sarah Anne dau. of Thomas Frost & Nancy Nancy (45)  
1829-05-21 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
David Son Thomas & Nancy Frost, abode Chorlton Row, Cotton Spinner, born 15 February 1829 Nancy (45)  
1831-05-15 Baptism in Manchester Cathedral (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
Charles Son Thomas & Nancy Frost, abode Gorton, Cotton Spinner, born 31 October 1830 Nancy (45)  
1832 Directory (Manchester & Salford Trade Directory) Thomas (44)  
Frost Thomas, cotton spinner and manufacturer, Gorton Hall  
1832 Directory (Ornithological Biography or an account of the habits of the birds of North America, J. J. Audubon, Philadelphia)  
Names of Subscribers:  
1832-09-04 Birth in Gorton?, Lancastershire (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
Emily dau. Thomas & Nancy Frost born Sept 4 1832, bapt in Gorton Oct 18 1838, Kirkmanshulme, Newton, Spinner & Manufacturer Nancy (45)  
1834-04-18 Burial in All Saints, Chorlton upon Medlock, Lancastershire (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (44)  
Thomas Frost, abode Gorton, 18 April, aged 11  
1834-05-03 Birth in Gorton?, Lancastershire (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
Thomas son Thomas & Nancy Frost born Sept 4 1832, bapt in Gorton Oct 18 1838, Kirkmanshulme, Newton, Spinner & Manufacturer Nancy (45)  
D_1835 1835-03-06 Burial in All Saints, Chorlton upon Medlock, Lancastershire (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (44)  
David Frost, abode Gorton, 18 April, aged 6  
1838-07-28 Birth in Gorton, Lancastershire (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
Harriet Dau. Thomas & Nancy Frost born July 28 1838, bapt in Gorton Oct 18 1838, Kirkmanshulme, Newton, Spinner & Manufacturer Nancy (45)  
1839-11-22 Baptism in Gorton (PRO/C1841, LDS/IGI) Thomas (44)  
Alfred Ernest Son Thomas Frost & Nancy Nancy (45)  
1841-06-07 Census record for Chorlton/Medlock, Manchester (PRO, Copy) Thomas (44)  
Brighton Grove Nancy (45)  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county Henry (22)  
   Thomas Frost 40 M M. Y Martha (91)  
   Nancy do 30 F - Y  
   Frederick do 20 M - Y  
   Henry do 15 M - Y  
   Eliza do 15 F - Y  
   Sarah do 14 F - Y  
   Charles do 10 M - Y  
   Emily do 8 F - Y  
   Thomas do 6 M - Y  
   Alfred do 1 M - Y  
   Martha Cope 75 F Ind. Y  
   Margaret Jones 30 F F.S. N  
   Ann Pearson 25 F do N  
   Elizabeth Quillian 20 F do Isle of Mann  
   Mary Pimm 15 F do Y  
1841-06-15 Birth in the Sub-district of Ardwick in the County of Lancaster, Thomas (44)  
Registration District: Chorlton (GRO, Copy, LDS/IGI, 1987) Nancy (45)  
When and where born:                  Fifteenth of June 1841 at Rusholme  
Name, if any:                                Walter Howard  
Sex:                                               Boy  
Name and surname of father:       Thomas Frost  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Nancy Frost formerly Frost  
Occupation of father:                   Manufacturing Spinner  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                Thomas Frost, Father, Brighton Green, Rusholme  
When registered:                          Twelfth of July 1841  
Signature of registrar:                  John Watkinson, Registrar  
1841-11-05 Baptism in St. James, Birch in Rusholme (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
William Edward son of Thomas Frost & Nancy Nancy (45)  
1844-02-26 Baptism in St. James, Birch in Rusholme (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44)  
William Edward son of Thomas Frost & Nancy Nancy (45)  
1845 Slater's Directory Manchester (SoG, 1991) Thomas (44)  
Hadfield & Frost cotton spinners + manufacturers 13 Chapel Walks  
1850 Manchester Directory Thomas (44)  
Thomas Frost, manufacturer (Hadfield and Frost), Trafford House, Stretford Road. Situation of mill, Warrington. Town address 16 Chapel Walks, Private residence Brighton Grove, Rusholme.  
M_1850 1850-09-18 Marriage solemnized at St. Johns Church in the parish of Manchester in the County of Lancaster, Registration District: Manchester (GRO, Copy, 1980) Henry (22) 1850
   Name and Surname                    Henry James Frost                       Hellen Cooke Helen (23)  
   Age                                             full                                                  full   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                         Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Gentleman                                      -  
   Residence                                   Great Yarmouth Nflk                      Manchester  
   Father's Name and Surname       Thomas Frost                                John Cooke  
   Father's Rank or Profession        Spinner                                           Appraiser  
Married in the church of St. Johns according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by License by me, Wm Huntington  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             Henry James Frost  
                                                                                    Hellen Cooke  
   In the presence of       John Cooke  
                                       Emiley Frost  
1850-09-18 Marriage (Manchester Courier 21.09.1850)  Henry (22)  
On the 18th inst. at St. John's Church, by Rev. W. Huntington, M.A., rector, Mr. Henry James Frost of Great Yarmouth, second son of Thomas Frost, Esq. of this town, to Helen, fourth daughter of John Cooke, Esq. of Cheltenham. Helen (23)  
  Thomas (44)  
1851 Death in ? (Family Record) Family (44)  
Frederick Frost  
1851-03-01 Advertisement in the Manchester Guardian (Internet 08.2004) Thomas (44)  
Valuable and Extensive Mills, and Machinery for Spinning and Weaving Cotton, situate in and near Warrington, in the county of Lancaster  
By T. M. FISCHER & SON, on Tuesday the 11th of March 1851, at the Star Hotel, in Deangate, Manchester, punctually at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, and in one or more lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale:  
All the Substantial and Well-arranged BUILDINGS, situate in Warrington, known as the Cock Hedge Mills, late in the occupation of Messrs. Hadfield and Frost, with the two nearly new Condensing Steam Engines, each of 70 horses' power, and Cylindrical Steam Boilers, equal to 250 horses' power; and all the Shafting, Mill Geering, Steam and Water Pipes and Gas Fittings through the premises which, including the capital Reservoirs, embrace the area of 11,682 square yards, perfectly enclosed and detached, being accessible only by the lodge gates. The Machinery consists of 117 throstles, containing 19,136 spindles, by the best makers, with most ample preparation of the first class, and all convenient and requisite implements and utensils, in the manufacturing departments, the winding, warping and sizing apparatus, are of the best description; and the looms, which are mostly fitted with the patent stop motion and temple, comprise 156 7-8, 95 4-4, 330 9-8,139 5-4 and 34 6-4, with all necessary apparatus. Also all that capital Mill, situate in Latchford, near Warrington aforesaid, with the recently erected detached Warehouse, and other outbuildings, condensing steam engine, 25 horses' power; two cylindrical steam boilers, each 30 horses' power, with the shafting, mill geering, steam and water pipes, and gas fittings; and the Machinery, consisting of 14,600 mule spindles, with all the requisite preparation. The site of this property occupies 2,155 square yards, and possesses a frontage of considerable extent on the banks of the river Mersey. Warrington is advantageously situated for carrying on the cotton manufactory, the railway and navigation affording easy and convenient access to Liverpool and Manchester. Wages and provisions are comparatively low, and coal, which is raised in the immediate neighbourhood, is supplied at a very reasonable rate. The vendors are disposed to deal liberally with a respectable purchaser as to the mode of payment.  
Mr. Hadfield will show the premises, and further particulars may be had on application to Messrs. Wagstaff, Marsh, and Barratt, solicitors, Warrington; or to Messrs. Peet and Paine, accountants, 64, Cross-street; Messrs. Oswald Milne and Sons, solicitors, St. James's Square; or to T. M. Fisher and Son, auctioneers, 39, Princess-street, Manchester.  
C_1851a 1851-03-30 Census record for Stretford, Lancashire (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011) Thomas (44)  
Shakespeare Terrace, Stretford New Road Nancy (45)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Frost Head M 56 M Cotton Spinner Manchester, Lancs  
   Nancy do wife M 48 F Macclesfield, Cheshire  
   Charles do son U 20 M Commercial Clerk Manchester, Lancs  
   Emmilia do dau U 18 F Manchester, Lancs  
   Thomas do son U 16 M Commercial Clerk Manchester, Lancs  
   Alfred do son U 11 M Scholar Manchester, Lancs  
   Walter do son U 9 M Scholar Manchester, Lancs  
   William do son U 7 M Scholar Manchester, Lancs  
   Ann Heath serv U 29 F Newcastle, Staffs  
   Emma Gallinion serv U 23 F house servant Stafford, Staffs  
C_1851b 1851-03-30 Census record for Enfield, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011) Henry (22)  
Nags Head Lane Helen (23)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Henry Frost Head M 26 M Railway Clerk Manchester, Lancs  
   Helen do wife M 22 F Cheltenham, Glocs  
   William Newman serv M 30 M Railway Porter Enfield, Msx  
   Charlotte do serv M 25 F Porters wife Bu?, Essex  
   William do - U 3 M Lakenheath, Sfk  
   Elizabeth do - U 1 F Enfield, Msx  
   Eliza do - U 1 F Enfield, Msx  
B_1851 1851-11-19 Birth in the Sub-district of Enfield in the County of Middlesex, Henry (22) 1851
Registration District: Edmonton (GRO, Copy, 1978) Helen (23)  
When and where born:               Nineteenth November 1851, Nags Head Lane, Enfield Myra (11)  
Name, if any:                              Myra  
Sex:                                             Girl  
Name and surname of father:     Henry James Frost  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:      Helen Frost formerly Cooke  
Occupation of father:                  Railway Agent  
Signature, description and   
   residence of informant:            H. J. Frost, Father, Nags Head Lane, Enfield  
When registered:                         Twenty sixth November 1851  
Signature of registrar:                 William Clayton Sawyer, Registrar  
1853-04-11 Birth in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Henry Howard son of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1854-06-30 Birth in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Helen dau. of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1854-10-04 Marriage in Manchester Cathedral (Family Record, Manchester Courier 07.10.1854) Family (44)  
Benjamin Carver and Emily Frost  
1854-12-30 Death in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Helen dau. of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1855-11-29 Birth in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Charles son of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1856-02-14 Death in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Charles son of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1857-06-15 Birth in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Walter son of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
1859-01-25 Birth in Edmonton, Middlesex. (Helen Cooke's bible) Henry (22)  
Alfred son of Henry James Frost & Helen Helen (23)  
D_1860 1860-03-15 Death in the Sub-district of Enfield in the County of Middlesex, Henry (22)  
Registration District: Edmonton (GRO, Copy, 1987) Helen (23)  
Where and when died:               Fifteenth March 1860 Enfield Town  
Name and surname:                   Helen Frost  
Sex:                                            Female  
Age:                                           32 years  
Occupation:                               Wife of Henry James Frost a Railway Station Master  
Cause of death:                          Carcinoma, 5 Months, certified  
Signature, description, and  
   residence of informant:           Susannah Parry Davies, present at the death, Baker Street, Enfield  
When registered:                        Sixteenth March 1860  
Signature of registrar:                John Purdry Registrar  
E_1860 1860-03-19 Entries in Helen Cooke's Bible Helen (23) 1860-1
John Lovesy, Imperial Library Cheltenham Henry (22) 1860-2
Helen Cooke Sep. 1 1839 Myra (11) 1860-3
Feb 25 1860 Henry James Frost - A Parting Gift from a departing Wife to the best the dearest + most devoted of Husbands - Read it often, + teach the little ones to read it dearest Henry to you - Oh! thus will you find true comfort in this Life, + be guided Safe later to Heaven!!  
Helen Cooke  
Born Sept 1st 1828 Christened Aug 5 1843 Confirmed Mar 14 1843  
Henry James Frost  
Born May 7 1824 Christened May 29 1824 Confirmed   184  
Married at St. John's Church Manchester on Wed. Sep. 18 1850  
Myra Frost Enfield  
Born Nov 19 1851 Christened Jan 1 1852  
Henry Howard Frost  
b. April 11 1853 Christ. July 13 1853  
Helen Nancy  
b. June 30 1854 bapt. Dec. 14 1854 d. Dec 30 1854 Interred parish church Jan 4 1855  
Charles Alfred  
b. Nov 29 1855  bapt.  Jan  7 1856  d.  Feb 14 1856   "    Feb 18 1856  
Walter James  
b. June 15 1857 Christ. Aug 7 1857  
Ernest Alfred  
b. Jan 26 1859 Christ. Feb 17 1860  
Helen, wife of Henry James Frost died 15th March 1860 aged 31 years + interred at St. Andrews Enfield on the 19th March 1860 –  
CRW: this last probably the handwriting of Henry James Frost  
1861-04-07 Census record for Enfield, Msx (Ancestry.co.uk) Henry (22)  
Railway Station  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Henry J Frost Head W 35 M Station Master Manchester  
   Henry H do son U 7 M Enfield, Msx  
   Walter do son U 4 M Enfield, Msx  
   Ernest do son U 2 M Enfield, Msx  
1863-01-20 Marriage (Manchester Courier 25.04.1863) Family (44)  
Alfred Ernest Frost  
D_1870 1870-01-26 Death of Thomas Frost, gentleman, Moss Side,Lancashire Thomas (44)  
1870-01-29 Burial at St. James, Birch in Rusholme, Lancaster (Ancestry.co.uk) Thomas (44) 1870
Thomas Frost, abode ?, aged 75  
W_1870 1870-02-23 Will of Thomas Frost, gentleman, Moss Side,Lancashire 1870 Thomas (44)  
Testator: Thomas Frost, Moss Side, Manchester, Lancaster, Gentleman Nancy (45)  
Executrix: wife Nancy  
Date: 29 July 1863, proved 23 February 1870  
Witnesses: Tho. Potter Solr Manchester, Joshua Ashcroft  
Will: - all to wife Nancy  
Proved, under £100  
D_1871 1871-01-09 Death in the Sub-district of Chorlton upon Medlock in the County of Lancaster, Henry (22) 1871
Registration District: Chorlton (GRO, Copy, 1998)  
Where and when died:               Ninth January 1871, 44 Higher Cambridge Street  
Name and surname:                   Henry James Frost  
Sex:                                            Male  
Age:                                           46 years  
Occupation:                               Formerly Railway Station Master  
Cause of death:                          Apoplexy, certified  
Signature, description, and  
   residence of informant:           Henry H. Frost, present at the death, 44 Higher Cambridge Street, Chorlton upon Medlock  
When registered:                        Tenth January 1871  
Signature of registrar:                Edwd B. Rowley Registrar  
1871-04-02 Census record for Moss Side, Manchester, Lancs. (Ancestry.co.uk 2011) Nancy (45)  
Heald Grove  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Nancy Frost Head W 69 F Annuitant Macclesfield, Cheshire  
   William Edw do son U 26 M Unemployed Manchester, Lancs  
   Walter James do gson U 13 M Clerk Enfield, Msx  
   Ernest Alfred do gson U 12 M Scholar Enfield, Msx  
   Sarah Cooper serv U 25 F Domestic servant Belpen, Derbys  
P_1880 1880c Photo 1880c Myra (11)  
Myra Frost  
1881-04-03 Census record for Rusholme, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Nancy (45)  
126 Dickenson Road  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Nancy Frost head W 79 F Annuitant Macclesfield, Cheshire  
   William " son U 36 M Rusholme, Lancs  
   Walter H. " gson U 16 M Hulme, Lancs  
   Elizabeth Lovatt serv M 33 F domestic servant Chester, Cheshire  
1881-04-03 Census record for Moss side, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
62 Ellesmore St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Walter H. Frost head M 39 M Townsman Rusholme, Lancs  
   Mary " M 38 F Kendal  
   Walter H. " U 16 M Clerk Stretford  
   William A. " U 14 M Scholar Stretford  
   Jessie " U 13 F Scholar Hazel Grove, Cheshire  
   Amy " U 12 F Scholar Hazel Grove, Cheshire  
   Thomas F. " U 10 M Scholar, blind Hazel Grove, Cheshire  
   Louise " U 8 F Scholar Hazel Grove, Cheshire  
   Maud M. " U 4 F Scholar Heaton Chapel, Lancs  
1881-04-03 Census record for Withington, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
Ramsey Villa, Palatine Road  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Eliza Bateson head M 55 F Insurance Agents wife Manchester, Lancs  
   Gordon Bateson son U 27 M Bank Clerk Lancaster, Lancs  
   Emily " dau U 25 F - Lancaster, Lancs  
   Alfred " son U 20 M Yarn Agents clerk Mold, Flint, Wales  
   Margaret Baker serv U 15 F Winford, Cheshire  
1881-04-03 Census record for Kensington, London, Mdsx. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
16 Russel Road  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   William Fox head  
   Frederick F. Bateson vis M 61 M Insurance Agent Liverpool, Lancs  
1881-04-03 Census record for Prestwick, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
Polefield House  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Benjamin Carver head W 57 M General Merchant Ingarsby, Leics  
   Elizabeth " sis U 64 F Ingarsby, Leics  
   Arthur H. " son U 22 M Commercial clerk Gibraltar  
   Frank " son U 19 M Commercial clerk Gibraltar  
   3 servants  
1881-04-03 Census record for Great Malvern, Worcs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
Abbey Road  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Harriet E. Jay head schoolmistress  
   Dora Carver U 14 F Scholar (BS), Spain  
1881-04-03 Census record for Lytham, Westmoreland (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (44)  
Seafield School  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   William Carver U 12 M Scholar Gibraltar  
1881-04-03 Census record for Hulme, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (22)  
7 Wellington Grove  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Henry H. Frost M 27 M Commission Agent Enfield, Msx.  
   Emily " M 28 F Manchester  
   Annie " U 9 F Manchester  
   Walter E. " U 7 M Manchester  
   Frederick W. " U 6 M Manchester  
   Ada F. " U 4 F Manchester  
   Maud " U 2 F Stretford, Cheshire  
1881-04-03 Census record for Liverpool, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (22)  
75 Hunter St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Walter Frost lgr M 25 M Commissioner London, Msx.  
1881-04-03 Census record for Toxteth Park, Lancs. (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (22)  
22 Dalkeith St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Ernest A. Frost bdr U 22 M Druggists traveller Enfield, Msx.  
1881-04-03 Census record for Manningham, Yorks. (PRO/CD, 2000) Myra (11)  
24 North Park Rd.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   John Turner Cooke head W 49 M Stuff Merchant Cheltenham, Glocs.  
   Myra Frost niec U 29 F Housekeeper Enfield, Msx.  
   Jane Smith serv U 29 F Cook Dom. Serv. Harley, Yorks  
   Sarah Smith serv U 27 F Housemaid Harley, Yorks  
M_1883 1883-10-10 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the parish of St. Luke Manningham in the County of York, Edward (10) 1883
Registration District: Bradford Yorkshire (GRO, Copy, 1978) Myra (11)  
   Name and Surname                    Edward Greaves                 Myra Frost Henry (22)  
   Age                                             full                                        full  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Commission Agent               -  
   Residence                                   Manningham                         Manningham  
   Father's Name and Surname      John Greaves                         Henry James Frost  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Wine Merchant                      Gentleman  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, John T. Maguinness, Vicar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Edward Greaves  
                                                                                       Myra Frost  
   In the presence of     F. Gluston                   Norris Eli Milms  
                                     Frank Dewhurst          Helen Milms         William Greaves        Maria Rogerson  
1883-10-11 Marriage (The Bradford Observer Bradford, Yorks., Copy) Edward (10)  
MARRIAGES Myra (11)  
COOKE - GREAVES - At. St. Luke's Manningham by the Rev. J. T. Maguinness, vicar, assisted by the Rev. J. C. Hamer, John Turner Cooke, of Manningham, to Mary, only daughter of the late John Greaves of Bradford. Henry (22)  
GREAVES - FROST - At the same time and place, Edward, eldest son of the late John Greaves, to Myra, only daughter of the late Henry James Frost, of Manchester.  
D_1891 1891-02-18 Death of Nancy Frost, widow, Moss Side, Lancashire (Manchester Courier 21.02.1891) Nancy (45)  
W_1891 1891-04-02 Will 1891 Nancy (45)  
Testator: Nancy Frost, Moss Side, Manchester, Lancaster, Widow  
Executors: sons-in-law Frederick Septimus Bateson, Benjamin Carver  
Date: 17 February 1870, proved 2 April 1891  
Codicils: 8 July 1871, 1 July 1873  
Witnesses: M. Bateson Wood Solicitor Manchester, Geo. E. Marshland his clerk  
Will: - all possessions and property to executors in trust  
- £40 per year for son William Edward  
- sell rest and divide equally among children except William Edward  
- son Alfred Ernest’s share diminished by £151 he already received  
- son Walter Howard’s share diminished by £120 he already received  
- sons Thomas and Frederick’s shares to be held for 3 years in case of news of them, then shared equally among other children  
- daughters to receive their shares directly, independent of hunbands and their debts  
A_1891 1891-06-29 Affidavit of Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carter (TNA, PL 31/286) 1891 David (90)  
This affidavit is filed on the part of Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carter Martha (91)  
In the Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Manchester District Nancy (45)  
In the matter of the Estate of David Frost deceased and  
In the matter of the Estate of Martha Cope deceased and  
In the matter of the Estate of Nancy Frost deceased and  
In the matter of the Chancery of Lancaster Acts 1850 to 1890  
We Frederick Septimus Bateson of the City of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Insurance Agent and Benjamin Carter of the said City of Manchester Merchant J. P. make oath and say as follows:  
1. David Frost late of Hulme in the County of Lancaster Gentleman made his Will dated the 17th day of April 1826 whereby after directing payment of debts funeral and testamentary expenses He gave devised and bequeathed all his estate and effects both real and personal unto and to the use of his cousins James Frost and Thomas Frost their heirs executors administrators and assigns Upon trust that they or the survivor should sell and convert the same into money in manner in the said Will provided. And as to the moneys to arise therefrom Upon trust that they or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor should invest the same in manner in the said Will directed And should stand possessed of the said trust moneys and investments thereof Upon trust during so much of the Testators sister Nancy Frost the Wife of the said Thomas Frost as she should continue to be the Wife of widow of the said Thomas Frost to pay the income thereof to her or as she should direct And after the marrying again of death of the said Nancy Frost then subject to an annuity to Testators mother Martha Cope (who died in the lifetime of the said Nancy Frost and whose annuity therefore never became payable) testator directed that his said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor should stand possessed of the said trust moneys upon the following trust, namely "Upon trust for and to be paid and applied to and equally between and amongst all and every of the children of the said Nancy Frost by her husband the said Thomas Frost or such of the said children as shall be then living and the issue of them as shall be then dead leaving issue such issue taking amongst them in equal shares the part or share parts or shares only his her or their parent or parents would have taken had he she or they been living the share or shares of such children of such children of the said Nancy Frost to be vested in them him or her respectively at their his or her respective ages of twenty one years or respective days of marriage which shall first happen and to be payable and paid as soon after the vesting thereof respectively as conveniently may be. And I do hereby direct that if any one or more of such children of the said Nancy Frost shall die before the vesting of his her or their said share or shares then as to the original share and shares of such child or children so dying as last mentioned Upon trust for the survivor or survivors of them and to be vested and payable at the same ages and days and in the same manner as are hereinbefore appointed concerning the original share or shares of the same children respectively."  
2. The testator David Frost died in the year 1826 and his said Will was proved at Chester on the 12th day of December 1826 by the Executors James Frost and Thomas Frost. The parchment document now produced and shewn to us marked "A" is the probate of the said Will.  
3. Martha Cope late of Kirkmanshulme near Manchester (the before mentioned mother of the said David Frost and Nancy Frost) made her Will dated the 4th day of August 1835 whereby after directing payment of debts funeral and testamentary expenses She gave devised and bequeathed all her real and personal estate and effects unto and to the use of the said James Frost and Thomas Frost their heirs executors administrators and assigns Upon trust that they or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor should sell and convert the same into money in manner in the said Will provided. And stand possessed of the proceeds Upon trust that they or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor should invest the same in manner in the said Will directed And should stand possessed of the said trust moneys and investments for the same Upon trust during the life of her daughter the said Nancy Frost to pay the income thereof to her or as she should direct And after the death of the said Nancy Frost testatrix directed that her said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor should stand possessed of the said trust moneys upon the following trust, namely "Upon trust for and to be paid and applied to and equally between and amongst all and every the children of my said daughter Nancy Frost or such of them as shall be then living and the issue of them as shall be then leaving issue such issue taking amongst them in equal shares the part or share parts or shares only his her or their parent or parents would have taken had he she or they been living the share or shares of of the children of my said daughter to be vested in them him or her respectively at their his or her respective ages of twenty one years or respective days of marriage which shall first happen and to be payable and paid as soon after the vesting thereof respectively and the decease of my said daughter as conveniently may be. And I do hereby direct that if any one or more of such children of my said daughter shall die before the vesting of his her or their said share or shares Then as to the share or shares both original and accruing of such child or children so dying as last mentioned Upon trust for the survivor or survivors of them and to be vested and payable at the same ages and days and in the same manner as are hereinbefore appointed concerning the original share or shares of the same children respectively."  
4. The testatrix Martha Cope died on the 19th day of November 1844 and her said Will was proved at Chester on the 31st day of May 1845 by the Executors James Frost and Thomas Frost. The parchment document now produced and shewn to us marked "B" is the probate of the said Will.  
5. The said James Frost died on the 7th day of April 1851 leaving the said Thomas Frost his cotrustee of the Wills of the said David Frost and Martha Cope surviving him. The said Thomas Frost died on the 26th day of January 1870 having made a Will by which he left all his real and personal estate to his Wife the said Nancy Frost and appointed her sole Executrix and which Will was duly proved by her.  
6. The said Nancy Frost never married again.  
7. The said Nancy Frost made her Will dated the 17th day of February 1870 whereby after directing payment of debts funeral and testamentary expenses She gave devised and bequeathed directed limited and appointed all estate and effects both real and personal comprised in certain settlements (under which she had an absolute power of appointment) or otherwise belonging to her unto and to the use of her sons-in-law the deponents Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carver their heirs executors administrators or assigns Upon trust that they should in the first place out of the said trust moneys set aside a fund or sum the annual income whereof would in their judgement produce the clear yearly sum of £40 And should during the life of testatrix's son William Edward invest the same in manner in the said Will provided And should out of the income thereof or in the case of deficiency of income then out of the capital thereof pay the yearly sum of £40 to her son William Edward for his life as in the said Will is directed And upon trust that they should sell and dispose of her said estate and effects in manner in the said Will directed and stand possessed thereof as well as of the said sum directed to be set aside for her said son William Edward on the determination of his life interest therein Upon the trust following namely "Upon trust for and to be equally divided between all my children except my son William Edward who shall be living at my decease and the issue who shall attain the age of twenty one years or be married of any of my children who may have died in my lifetime leaving issue such issue nevertheless only taking amongst them equally if more than one the share to which their parent would if living have been entitled." And testatrix charged the shares of her sons Alfred Ernest and Walter Howard respectively or of their respective children with certain debts owing by them respectively to her And the said Will contained a proviso as follows - "Provided always and I do hereby further direct and appoint that in case my said trustees or the trustees or trustee for the time being under this my Will shall not within the space of three years from my decease receive from my sons Thomas and Frederick who went abroad many years ago or from their respective child or children any information where he or they is or are then without any obligation on the said trustees part to make enquiry the shares or share to which my said sons Thomas and Frederick or his or their child or children or to which the one of them concerning whom no information shall be received within the period aforesaid would have become entitled under this my Will and all accumulations thereof shall go and be paid to and divided among my other children except and exclusive of my said son William Edward or their respective issue in addition to their original shares."  
8. The said Nancy Frost made a Codicil dated the 28th day of July 1871 to her said Will whereby she charged the share of her son Charles or his children with a debt owing by him to her and she made a second Codicil dated the 1st day of July 1873 to her said Will whereby she charged the share of her son Walter Howard or his children with a debt owing by him to her.  
9. The testatrix Nancy Frost died on the 18th day of February 1891 and her said Will and Codicils were proved at Manchester on the 2nd day of April 1891 by the deponents Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carver. The parchment document now produced and shewn to us marked "C" is the probate thereof.  
10. At the date of the death or the said Nancy Frost the trust estate subject to the trusts of the Will of the said David Frost consisted of a sum of £1360 10s invested in mortgages and the same is now vested in the deponents Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carver as her Executors.  
11. At the date of the death of the said Nancy Frost the trust estate subject to the trusts of the Will of the said Martha Cope consisted of a sum of £932 invested in mortgages and the same is now vested in the deponents Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carver as her Executors.  
12. The estate of the said Nancy Frost consists of the following particulars -  
Cash in the house at death £28 2 6  
Do Bank 32 16 0  
Debts owing to deceased by her sons  
Walter Howard Frost  £120  £105  £80 £305 0 0  
Charles Frost 45 0 0  
Alfred Ernest Frost 151 10 0 501 10 0  
Funds held under Settlements of 20th  
November 1819, 6th October 1830 and   
4th June 1844 over which she had absolute   
general power of appointment 1595 14 11  
Furniture sold for 133 2 11  
Income up to death under Wills of David  
Frost and Martha Cope 32 0 5  
£2323 6 9  
Less Debts and Funeral expenses 67 12 6  
Net estate estimated at £2255 14 3  
out of which has been paid probate duty.  
13. The said Nancy Frost had 13 children of whom 5 attained 21 and are now living, 3 attained 21 and died in her lifetime leaving children, 3 died in her lifetime under 21 and without children, and 2 attained 21 but are believed to have died in her lifetime without leaving children.  
14. The 5 children of Nancy Frost who attained 21 and are now living are the following  
(1) Eliza Bateson (Wife of the deponent Frederick Septimus Bateson)  
(2) Charles Frost  
(3) Alfred Ernest Frost  
(4) Walter Howard Frost  
(5) William Edward Frost  
15. The 3 children of Nancy Frost who attained 21 and died in her lifetime leaving children and the said children so left are  
(1) Henry James Frost who died on 9th January 1871 leaving the following children all of whom attained 21  
(1) Myra Greaves now the wife of Edward Greaves  
(2) Howard Frost who died on 5th May 1888 intestate and to whose estate letters of Administration have not been taken out  
(3) Walter Frost  
(4) Ernest Frost  
(2) Sarah Anne Smith (Wife of Alexander Watson Smith) who died on 18th August 1853 leaving the following children both of whom attained 21  
(1) William Alexander Smith  
(2) Wyndham Smith  
(3) Emily Carver (Wife of Benjamin Carver) who died on 28th July 1870 leaving the following children all of whom attained 21  
(1) Alexander Howard Carver  
(2) Percy William Carver  
(3) Frank Carver  
(4) Frances Maude Wilson (now Wife of Hubert Malcolm Wilson)  
(5) Dora Louisa Carver  
(6) William Henton Carver  
16. The three children of Nancy Frost who died in her lifetime and under age without leaving children are  
(1) Thomas Frost (who died 14th April 1834 aged 11)  
(2) David Frost (who died 3rd March 1835 aged 6)  
(3) Harriet Frost (who died 28th October 1838 aged 3 months)  
17. The two children of Nancy Frost who attained 21 but are believed to have died in her lifetime without leaving children are  
(1) Frederick Frost (born 30th September 1820)  
(2) Thomas Frost (born 3rd May 1834)  
Frederick 18. The said Frederick Frost sailed on or about 17th September 1850 from Liverpool in the ship "Madowska" for Australia. He wrote a letter dated 21st September 1850 (now produced and shewn to us and marked "D") from board ship to his mother. This letter was descriptive of the voyage and does not appear to be important. He wrote another letter dated 28th February 1851 and 27th March 1851 (now produced and shewn to us and marked "E") from Melbourne to his parents. In this letter he referred to his marriage on 30th December 1850 at Melbourne to Elizabeth Fairclough (a woman who had sailed out from Liverpool in the same ship as himself). He also gave 134 Latrobe Street (East) Melbourne as his address. The rest of the letter was chiefly an account of his doings and of the place and does not appear to be important. He wrote another letter dated 29th September 1851 (now produced and shewn to us and marked "F") from Melbourne to his mother. In this letter the following passages occur "Business here is very quiet all the talk being the Gold Diggings near Geelong men are getting £20 a week by it some considerably more. A party of young gentlemen want me to join them for a month taking a months provisions with them also a horse and dray tents etc. I do not know what to do yet not having met with a situation in fact anyone that comes to this infernal place must be such as mechanics joiners and that class except they are men of capital. No society of any kind" ... "I saw in the papers the death of my poor uncle" (meaning his uncle James Frost who died in England in April 1851) ... "My health am glad to say continues good" ... "When you next write me address my letter to the post office Melbourne. We only took the house for 12 months and it will be uncertain whether we stay in it after the time." The letter does not appear to contain other passages of importance. We believe that other letters were received from him which have been lost long ago but we have always understood from Mrs Nancy Frost that the above mentioned letter of 29th September 1851 was the last one which was received from him. She stated this to be the case in the memorandum dated 9th July 1873 (now produced and shewn to us and marked "G") signed by her. We believe that a friend of the said Nancy Frost who went out to Australia made enquiries at Melbourne and was there informed that Frederick Frost with a number of other people from his street (Latrobe Street) went off to the diggings and that none of them was ever heard of again. Frederick Frost was on affectionate terms with the family and nothing had occurred to affect these terms in any way. He was well aware that on his mothers death he would be entitled along with the rest of the family to share in the family property. We have no doubt that if there had been a child born or expected when the letter of 29th September 1851 was written he would have mentioned it. It has always been assumed and believed by the family that Frederick Frost went out to the Gold Diggings soon after 29th September 1851 and that he died soon afterwards either at the Diggings or on the way there without issue.  
Thomas 19. The said Thomas Frost sailed on or about 30th September 1854 from Southampton in the ship "Star Queen" for Australia. The only letter from him which has not been destroyed is one dated 8th June 1856 (now produced and shewn to us and marked "H") from Warrnambool Victoria to his parents. In this letter he said "I never was in better health than I have been since I have been in Australia. I am now living on a farm working like a labouring man at the wages twenty shillings per week with board and lodgings" ...  also "I now intend to turn my hand to farming" also in a postscript he said "I have heard nothing of anyone from Manchester but hope to hear something meaning to go over to Melbourne before long. I am only about one hundred miles from there and about five hundred from Adelaide when you write direct to me Post office Warrnambool Victoria". The rest of the letter is descriptive of his doings which were of a very hand to mouth character walking or riding long distances and picking up employment of a more or less menial character wherever he could. We have always understood from Mrs. Nancy Frost that the above mentioned letter of 8th June 1856 was the last one which was received from him. She mentioned this in the above mentioned memorandum marked "G". She afterwards wrote to him at the address mentioned and received no reply. The memorandum now produced and shewn to us and marked "I" is in the handwriting of Nancy Frost. None of his letters ever mentioned his being married or thinking of being married. If he had been so we have no doubt he would have mentioned it. There had been an unpleasantness between him and his mother before he left England but this had entirely gone as is shown by the affectionate tone of the letter of 8th June 1856 and otherwise he was on affectionate terms with all the family and nothing occurred to affect this. He was well aware that on his mothers death he would be entitled along with the rest of the family to share in the family property. It has always been assumed and believed by the family that Thomas Frost died soon afterwards soon after his letter of 8th June 1856.  
20. Referring to both Frederick Frost and Thomas Frost we do not think that advertisements for them were ever sent out from England for insertion in the Australian papers though we understand from Mr. Charles Frost that some advertising was done in Melbourne. On the death of their father Thomas Frost in 1870 the following announcement was inserted in the London Times "On the 26th January at his residence Rusholme Manchester Thomas Frost aged 75 late of the firm of Hadfield & Frost. Australian and New Zealand papers please copy" and no doubt the leading Australian and New Zealand papers would insert this in their issues as soon as the Times reached them.  
21. The following members of the family are at present abroad namely, Walter Frost (son of Henry James Frost) is in America, Percy William Carver is in Alexandria in Egypt and Alfred Ernest Frost is in Australia.  
Sworn by the said Frederick  
Septimus Bateson and Benjamin F. S. Bateson  
Carver at Manchester in the Benj. Carver  
County of Lancaster this 29th  
day of June 1891  
Before me  
Arthur A. K. Smith  
A Commissioner to administer Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature in England  
A_1891c 1891-06-30 Affidavit of Charles Frost David (90)  
In the Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Manchester District Martha (91)  
Frost deceased Nancy (45)  
This affidavit is filed on the part of Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carter  
In the Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Manchester District  
In the matter of the Estate of David Frost deceased and  
In the matter of the Estate of Martha Cope deceased and  
In the matter of the Estate of Nancy Frost deceased and  
In the matter of the Chancery of Lancaster Acts 1850 to 1890  
I Charles Frost of the City of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Agent make oath and say as follows:  
1. I am a son of the above named Nancy Frost.  
2. I have read the paragraphs 18, 19 and 20 of the joint affidavit of Frederick Septimus Bateson and Benjamin Carter sworn in the above matter on the 29th day of June 1891 and I fully believe the same to be correct.  
3. Many years ago my mother the said Nancy Frost being anxious to obtain information as to her two missing sons Frederick and Thomas made enquiries in Liverpool after the family of Elizabeth Fairclough (to whom Frederick had as he said been married) in the hope that they would have some news. She found them and learnt from them that Frederick and his Wife had in fact gone to the Gold Diggings and had never been heard of since.  
4. Some time after that my cousin James Frost (who is now abroad though I do not know where) went out to Melbourne and at the request of my mother he advertized in the Melbourne papers for both Frederick and Thomas. He heard at Melbourne that the people who went out to the Diggings were dieing by hundreds in the road like rotten sheep (I distinctly remember this expression as used by him) and he returned home with the full conviction that Frederick and his Wife had died among the rest. Except as aforesaid he could not obtain any information or trace of either Frederick or Thomas.  
5. At a later date my brother Alfred Ernest Frost went out to Australia (and he is in fact still there). He also by my mothers desire advertized for Frederick and Thomas in the Melbourne papers and made enquiries there and elsewhere in Australia but though he succeeded in finding some people named Frost he satisfied himself that they were strangers and he did not succeed in obtaining any information as to either Frederick or Thomas.  
6. That the statements contained in paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof though not within my own absolute personal knowledge are made from my general knowledge as a member of the family and are based upon conversations with my mother and the said James Frost and with other members of the family.  
Sworn by the said Charles Frost at Manchester in the County of Lancaster the 30th day of June 1891 Charles Frost  
before me  Arthur A.K. Smith  
A Commissioner to administer oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature in England  
1906 Death in San Francisco, U.S.A. (Family Record) Family (22)  
Walter James Frost  
D_1931 1931 Death in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Family Record)     Myra (11)  
Myra Greaves née Frost, aged 80        
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
1965? Recollections (undated sheet) Edward (10)  
EDWARD GREAVES and MYRA FROST (Father and Mother of Fred, Nell, Con, Gert, and Bernard) Myra (11)  
Father and Mother of Edward Greaves, were John and Catherine Greaves and they lived at Westfield, Bradford, Yorkshire (not as typed on a tree by Gert Milner)  
JOHN COOKE and SARAH COOKE, Grandparents of Myra Frost on her Mother's side, Father and Mother of Helen Cooke, who married Henry Frost. Their daughter married Edward Greaves.  
Photograph found in Myra Frost's cowhide covered trunk says a photo was taken in 1865 when John Cooke was 74 years of age.  
Grandpapa and Grandmama Frost, Grandparents of Myra Frost on her Father's side: buried at Birch Church, near Manchester. They lived in Manchester, Rusholme side of the City.  
HELEN FROST, mother of Myra Frost, buried at Parish Church of Enfield, Middlesex, also her sister and 2 children (a photo in Myra Frost's cowhide trunk says the photo of the church was taken about 1860.  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 12.04.1978, revised 09.05.2020  