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Tracing the Watts  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Watts  
The starting point for tracing our Watts ancestors was my grandfather's birth certificate from 1879. No stories, records or artefacts were passed down to us from before my grandfather's lifetime, so the search to trace the life of my great-grandfather William John Yallop Watts, and the identity of his father, which started in 1977 and took 47 years (!), is outlined below. PP_8  
Proofs Proofs  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
PP_8 That William John Yallop Watts (8), born William John Yallop, was the father of Ernest William Watts (4)  
My grandfather Ernest William Watts, who I knew personally toward the end of his life, was born in 1879 in Kensington, Middlesex - the son of William John Yallop Watts and Emmeline Watts formerly Otter. B_1879  
The marriage record for his parents was easy to find in the public record office in London, it having taken place less than a year previously, in 1878. His father's name is given as James Watts, a builder. One of the witnesses to the marriage is a Clara Elizabeth Watts - perhaps his sister. Unfortunately, the ages of both bride and groon are given as 'full', so I could not get any further. This was back in 1977 - well before the Internet, world-wide web, and all the websites and on-line databases we have today. M_1878  
Consulting with my father via 'snail-mail', he thought William John Yallop Watts died around 1937. So on my next trip to London a year later, I could find his death certificate and that he was aged 84 on 5 November 1937, the day he died. D_1937  
So he was born in the year before 5 November 1853. But no William John Yallop Watts was born during several years either side of 1853, nor did either William John Watts born in that year have a father called James. William Watts is a fairly common name, so the search started to look difficult, or even hopeless.  
Having puzzled over this for some time, I started to wonder where the 'Yallop' had come from, and started to look under that name. As it turns out, there was a John William Yallop born in 1853. He was born on 8 August 1853, son of James Pell Yallop, a carpenter (which is a building trade) and Jemima Caroline née Hudson. It looked as though this could be him - if he reversed his first names, and added the surname Watts before 1978. B_1853  
I found no record of a John William Yallop or William John Yallop marrying up to 1899, nor dying up to 1955, so his fate was otherwise unaccounted for. If the Clara Elizabeth Watts who witnessed the marriage was his sister, then she must actually have been Clara Elizabeth Yallop. And in fact, a search in the PRO found that a Clara Elizabeth Yallop was born in Battersea on 17 June 1861, and her father was James Yallop, a builder! B_1861  
This gave me the family's address in the 1861 census and there, lo and behold, we find her brother named William J. Yallop. All he still had to do was add the Watts! C_1861b  
In that census entry, William's elder brother Thomas James Yallop is named. His marriage on the 18th of May 1872 is intriguing, as one of the witnesses is a Sarah Elizabeth Watts! This may be the source of the surname Watts - although why still remains a mystery.  
Getting this far had already taken years - our trips to London were never long - and ordering a certificate usually took 2 or 3 days, so one could make only perhaps two small steps each trip, i.e. each year. I could not find the family in the 1881 census, as they had moved since Ernest's birth in 1879, and although my father remembered that his father's siblings had been Beatrice, Frank, Maud, Eline and Gladys, they proved difficult to trace (especially as each attempt would involve ordering a certificate at £5 a time), Watts being a relatively common name.  
I then noticed that Ernest William Watts' bible had a dedication from his uncle Frank Wetherall Griffin. Finding the birth of my great-uncle Frank Wetherall Watts in 1884 was then easy, and this gave me the family's address at the time. B_1884  
They had been there in 1881, so I could locate them in the census of that year. Now, John William Yallop was born at Millbank, Westminster, although his birthplace is given as St. George Hanover Square in the 1861 census. William John Yallop Watts' place of birth is given as Pimlico in the 1881 census, which is the same place. Of all the places he might have been born, his birth just happens to coincide with that of John William Yallop. His age in the 1881 census, as of the 3rd of April, was 27. His being born on 8 August 1853 is consistent with this, and with his being 84 on the 5th of November 1937. C_1881c  
This was not direct proof, but was getting pretty close. The clincher I only found in 1992. William John Yallop Watts, in his will in 1937 left everything to his daughter Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson Watts. John William Yallop's mother was Jemima Caroline Hudson, so I considered the identification finally proved. W_1937  
Since the above was written, I have found descendants of the Hudson family who knew about this change of name from information passed down in their side of the family.  
And then there is the naming of my great grandfather William John Yallop and his siblings Thomas James Yallop and Sarah Elizabeth Yallop. His mother Jemima evidently named her children - Sarah Elizabeth Yallop after her sisters Sarah and Elizabeth Hudson (and maybe her sister-in-law Elizabeth Yallop), Thomas James Yallop after her brother and father both named Thomas Hudson, and her husband James Yallop, and William John Yallop after her brother William, and her brother-in-law John Yallop. None of the children's uncles and aunts on the Hudson side were neglected - and probably served as godparents.  
I have also found much more information on James Yallop the builder, which gives a very good reason for my great-grandfather to have changed his name. Shortly after he married in 1843, he and his father, an experienced builder who had built and was collecting rent on 10 small houses, took out a rather large loan of around £7000 to build 10 more houses. However, when the houses were half-built, his father caught pneumonia and died, leaving his inexperienced son unable to finish the houses. The creditors foreclosed on him, and he was forced into bankruptcy at the age of 19! In Chancery  
He struggled from then on, and in 1862 was bankrupted again - at which point he changed his name to 'James Pell' (dropping the 'Yallop'), moved to another part of London where he was unknown, and started from scratch again. Bankruptcy  
This would have provided my great-grandfather with another reason to change his name. His ambition was to be an architect, but as a 'Yallop' he might be tainted by his fathers' bankruptcies - so to avoid that, he adopted Watts as a surname, free of any pre-history.  
BUT, then in 2019 I took an autosomal DNA test, and immediately looked for confirmation of the 'Yallop' connection - but didn't find any! I did find a male-line descendant of James Yallop 1767-1854 and we did a Y-DNA test (my being presumably also a male-line descendant of the Yallops), but found that we didn't match!!  
So after over 40 years of believing in the Yallop connection, it turned out not to be the case…  
I then concentrated on our other families, with quite some success - including Jemima Caroline Hudson's family, which DNA confirms back to George Hudson born in 1764, and his wife Catherine Nevill born in 1769.  
I did find matches that seemed to fall in the 'Watts' sector, notably Lathams and Spodes from around Sandbach in Cheshire, but could never quite convince myself that the matches were strong enough.  
Almost running out of ideas, I then had a closer look at about 8 DNA matches who seemed to be inter-related and had matches to me, my brother, and some of our Watts second cousins (but none to our Hudson, Otter or Boon cousins we should have in common). Most of the 8 had trees going back at least 1 or 2 generations, but I'd never seen a common thread - until tracing further back from a few of them, I found a connection between 2, then 3, and then quickly for most of them - with a Hawkins family.  
With a bit more work, I could see that my brother and I and a second cousin had matches to 13 descendants of 5 of the children of a certain Edward Mardon Hawkins (born in 1814, so potentially a natural father of my great-grandfather born in 1853), and also to 6 descendants of this Edward's sister. His mother was an Elizabeth Horrell born 1786 in Devon, and I also soon found that we have matches to 11 descendants of Elizabeth's brother, and matches to 3 descendants of her father's brother. Trees  
Edward Mardon Hawkins earned a living as a plasterer - a building trade, and was in London from before 1834. The Yallops were builders in London since at least 1818, so they could have known each other, and the Yallops could even employed Edward at times.  
Edward lived for many years, off and on, in Ponsonby Place in Pimlico, including in 1851. Census  
When William John Yallop was born in 1853 his family were living in Ponsonby Terrace - about 80 metres away from Edward Hawkins in Ponsonby Place - so they lived quite near to each other. Birth  
The strength and number of these DNA matches can, I think, only be explained if Edward Mardon Hawkins was my great grandfather's natural father.  
So the father of Ernest William Watts (4),  
William John Yallop Watts (8), born William John Yallop in 1853 in Westminster,  
married to Emmeline Otter (9) in 1878 in Acton, PP_9  
died in 1937 in Beckenham, was the son of  
Edward Mardon Hawkins (16) and PP_16  
Jemima Caroline Hudson (17). PP_17  
PP_16 That Edward Mardon Hawkins (16), was the father of William John Yallop Watts (8) PP_8  
William John Yallop was born on 8 August 1853, and baptized on 5 September 1853 as the son of James Pell Yallop and Jemima Caroline née Hudson - but as mentioned above, DNA shows that his natural father was actually Edward Mardon Hawkins born in December 1814 in Jersey, Channel Islands. Birth  
His parents were Thomas Hawkins and Elizabeth Horrell, who married in February 1814 in Jersey. Parents'  
Edward Mardon Hawkins married Ann Perry in 1834 in Lambeth, Marriage  
and had 9 children with her, of whom at least 5 married and have descendants today, and at least 13 of them have DNA matches with Watts descendants of William John Yallop Watts. Trees  
Edward can be found in every census from 1841 to 1901, giving his profession consistently as plasterer, his place of birth as Jersey (but once as Exeter and once as Devon)  
Edward is recorded in the 1851 census at 24 Ponsonby Place, Millbank, aged 36, a master plasterer. Census  
Edward died the 12th of May 1905 in Chelsea, London, aged 90. Death  
The number and strength of DNA matches between myself and my Watts cousins, and descendants of 5 of Edward's children, as well as descendants of Edward's sister Sarah confirm that Edward is our ancestor - logically, the natural father of my great-grandfather William John Yallop Watts born 1853 in Ponsonby Terrace, Millbank. Trees  
So the father of William John Yallop Watts (8), born William John Yallop,  
Edward Mardon Hawkins (16), born in 1814 in Jersey, Channel Islands,  
NOT married to Jemima Caroline Hudson (17), PP_17  
died in 1905 in Chelsea, was the son of  
Thomas Hawkins (32) and PP_32  
Elizabeth Horrell (33). PP_33  
PP_32 That Thomas Hawkins (32) was the father of Edward Mardon Hawkins (16) PP_16  
Thomas Hawkins and Elizabeth Horrell married in February 1814 on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. Marriage  
Their son Edward Mardon Hawkins was baptized on Christmas day 1814 in Jersey, Elizabeth's brother Joshua and his wife Sarah being godparents. B_1814  
Their first daughter Sarah Bridget Hawkins (named presumably after her aunt Sarah, and her grandmother - Elizabeth's mother Bridget) was baptized in Jersey in 1817. B_1814  
Their only other child, Elizabeth was baptized in Stoke Damerel, Plymouth in 1824 - the family then living in Devonport, and Thomas working as a mason. B_1824  
Thomas and Elizabeth Hawkins are recorded in the 1841 census living in St. George Hanover Square, Westminster, London at 6 Osnaburg Row, Thomas aged 50, Elizabeth 53, with children Edward 25 (staying the night, his wife and children in Ranelagh Grove nearby), Sarah 25, and Elizabeth 18, and a grandchild Elizabeth 1. C_1841  
Thomas and Elizabeth Hawkins are recorded in the 1851 census living in 23 Franklins Row (around the corner from Manor St.), Chelsea, Thomas aged 52 and born in Devonport, Elizabeth 60, with daughters Sarah 25, and Elizabeth 25, and granddaughters Elizabeth 11 and Eliza 2. C_1851  
Thomas Hawkins' death is recorded at 5 Manor St. Chelsea on 23 July 1856, aged 62. Death  
Thomas Hawkins' burial is recorded at 66 Manor St. Chelsea on 28 July 1856, but his age is given as 66. Burial  
From the records above, Thomas Hawkins was born sometime between 1790 and 1794 - discounting the 1851 census where he ages just 2 years since 1841 while his wife ages 7 years.   
There is a Thomas Hawkins baptized in 1794 in Stoke Damerel, son of Thomas, clerk in HM dockyard and brother of George Drew Hawkins RN and Hannibal Earle Hawkins - but no contact with them has come to light, nor did any of their names such as Hannibal, Drew or Earle echo down our family, so I would discount him.  
Much more likely is the third Thomas Hawkins born to Edward Hawkins, a carpenter, and Betsey Rescorla in 1792 in Stoke Damerel - of whose 8 siblings, 5 died in infancy, and the rest are so far untraceable - so he might have had no siblings who married and had descendants. This would explain the lack of DNA matches found so far on Ancestry, unlike the Horrells who are confirmed for Elizabeth Horrell and for her father Joshua.  
So the father of Edward Mardon Hawkins (16),  
Thomas Hawkins (32), born in 1792 in Plymouth,  
married to Elizabeth Horrell (33) in 1814 in Jersey, Channel Islands, PP_33  
died in 1856 in Chelsea, was the probably the son of  
Edward Hawkins (64) and   
Betsey Rescorla (65).  
Records The Records  
Due to William John Yallop Watts' natural father being Edward Mardon Hawkins, and his possibly being unaware of this fact, Hawkins records after 1853 are only of interest for us as pointers back to events before 1853, and any Yallop records before 1843 (when Jemima Caroline Hudson married James Pell Yallop junior) are only possibly of interest for our family history for their effect on Jemima Caroline Hudson or her son William John Yallop (Watts).  
So the family records are split into 2 parts - Hawkins records down to 1853 with a few after that, and Watts/Yallop records from 1843 onwards. Watts_Records  
Hawkins_Records Hawkins Records  
B_1766 1766-04-01 Baptism in Topsham, Devon (Ancestry, 2023) Edward (64) 1766
Edward, son of Thomas & Mary Hawkins baptized 1 April 1766  
M_1789 1789-09-11 Marriage in Stoke Damerel (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1789
Edward Hawkins of this parish House Carpenter & Betsey Rescorle of this parish spinster were married in this church by banns this leventh day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and eigty nine by me J. Williams chaplin of St. Aubyn Chapel Betsey (65)  
This marriage was solemnized between us Edward Hawkins, the mark X of Betsey Rescorle in the presence of Wm Pomery, Mary Ann Wandley  
1790-02-02 Birth in Stoke Damerel, Devon - baptism 30 May 1803 (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1790
Thomas, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins born 2 February 1790 Betsey (65)  
1791-06-13 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1791
Thomas Roscorle, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins Betsey (65)  
1791-11-21 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1791
Thomas Leserel, buried 21 Nov 1791 Betsey (65)  
1792-08-03 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1792
Thomas Hawkins, buried 3 Aug 1792, aged 1 year 6 months Betsey (65)  
B_1792 1792-11-11 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1792
Thomas, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins  Betsey (65)  
1793-12-31 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1793
Betsey Hawkins aged 1 year 6 months Betsey (65)  
1795-05-03 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1795
Ann Rescarl, daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Hawkins Betsey (65)  
1797-10-15 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1797
James, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins Betsey (65)  
1798-11-26 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1798
Betsey Hawkins aged 7 days Betsey (65)  
1800-04-30 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1800
James Hawkins aged 3 years 1 month Betsey (65)  
1802-09-05 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1802
William, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins Betsey (65)  
1805-06-09 Baptism in Devonport, Plymouth Dock, Devon, Wesleyan Methodist (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1805
Mary, son of Edward & Betsey Hawkins Betsey (65)  
D_1806 1806-08-26 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Edward (64) 1806
Edward Hawkings aged 40  
M_1814 1814-02-05 Marriage in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (Ancestry, 2023) Thomas (32) 1814
Thomas Hawkins of the parish of St. Andrews, and Elizabeth Horrell of the parish of Holdesworthy [Holsworthy], Devonshire, were married on the fifth day of February, one thousand eight hundred & fourteen. Elizabeth (33)  
B_1814 1814-12-25 Baptism in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (Ancestry, 2023) 1814
Edward Mardon, son of Edward Mardon Hawkins & of Elizabeth his wife, was baptised on the twenty fifth day of December, one thousand eight hundred & fourteen. Edward (16)  
Joshua Horrell godfather, Sarah Horrell & Mary Caplin godmothers. Thomas (32)  
CRW: The father's name should of course be Thomas Hawkins - see the marriage record. M_1814 Elizabeth (33)  
B_1817 1817-05-04 Baptism in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (Ancestry, 2023) 1817
Sarah Bridget, daughter of Thomas Mardon Hawkins & Elizabeth Horrell his wife, was baptised on the fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred & seventeen, said father & Joshua Horrell godfathers, Elizabeth Hughes & Mary Gallichan godmothers. Thomas (32)  
  Elizabeth (33)  
B_1824 1824-03-02 Baptism in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FindMyPast, 2023) 1824
Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hawkins mason & Elizabeth 2 March 1824, Abode: Devonport. Thomas (32)  
  Elizabeth (33)  
D_1830 1830-09-05 Burial in Stoke Damerel, Devon (FMP, 2023) Betsey (65) 1830
Elizabeth Hawkins aged 53, abode Prospect Row  
M_1834 1834-03-11 Marriage in St. Mary at Lambeth, London (Ancestry, 2023) 1834
Edward Hawkins of this parish bachelor, and Ann Perry of this parish spinster, were married in this church by banns this eleventh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty four, by me Chas. Turner curate. Edward (16)  
This marriage was solemnized between us: the mark of Edward Hawkins, the mark of Ann Perry  
In the presence of Jas. Longman Gawler, John Seager  
B_1835 1835-01-28 Baptism in Clapham, Lambeth, Surrey (Ancestry, 2024) 1835
Emma Ann, daughter of Edward Hawkins, plasterer & Ann 28 Jan 1835, Abode: Brixton. Edward (16)  
B_1835a 1835-01-28 Baptism in Clapham, Lambeth, Surrey (Ancestry, 2024) 1835a
Mary Ann, daughter of Edward Hawkins, plasterer & Ann 28 Jan 1835, Abode: Brixton. Edward (16)  
B_1836 1836-10-23 Baptism in Clapham, Lambeth, Surrey (Ancestry, 2024) 1836
Charlotte Elisabeth, daughter of Edward Hawkins, plasterer & Ann 23 Oct 1836, Abode: Clapham. Edward (16)  
B_1839 1839-01-28 Baptism in St. George Hanover Square, Westminster, London (Ancestry, 2023) 1839
Charlotte, daughter of Edward Hawkins, plasterer & Ann 19 Mar 1839, Abode: Belgrave Buildings. Edward (16)  
C_1841 1841-06-07 Census in St. George Hanover Square, Westminster, London (Ancestry, 2024) 1841
6 Osnaburg Row  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   Thomas Hawkins 50 M Plasterer Y Thomas (32)  
   Elizabeth Hawkins 53 F - Y Elizabeth (33)  
   Edward Hawkins 25 M Plasterer Y Edward (16)  
   Sarah Hawkins 25 F F.S. Y  
   Elizabeth Hawkins 18 F F.S. Y  
   Elizabeth Hawkins 1-6 F - Y  
C_1841a 1841-06-07 Census in Pimlico, St. George Hanover Square, Westminster, London (Ancestry, 2023) 1841a
Ranelagh Grove  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   Ann Hawkins 30 F - Y  
   Emma Hawkins 6 F - Y  
   Elizabeth Hawkins 4 F - Y  
   Charlotte Hawkins 2 F - Y  
C_1851 1851-03-30 Census record for Chelsea, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, 2023) 1851
23 Franklins Row  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Hawkins Head M 52 M Plasterer Devonport Thomas (32)  
   Elizabeth Hawkins wife M 60 F - Devon Holsworthy Elizabeth (33)  
   Elizabeth Hawkins daur U 25 F Ironer Devonport  
   Sarah Wilson daur M 25 F Ironer Jersey  
   Elizabeth Hawkins gdau U 11 F - Chelsea, Msx  
   Eliza Hawkins gdau U 2 F - Chelsea, Msx  
C_1851a 1851-03-30 Census record for Holy Trinity, Westminster, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, 2024) 1851
24 Ponsonby Place  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Edward Hawkins Head M 36 M Plasterer Master Lancaster Edward (16)  
   Ann Hawkins wife M 36 F - St. Georges Msx  
   Emma Hawkins daur U 15 F - Brixton, Surrey  
   Elizabeth Hawkins daur M 13 F - Brixton, Surrey  
   Charlotte Hawkins daur U 11 F Scholar St. Georges Msx  
   Thomas Hawkins son U 6 M Scholar St. Georges Msx  
   William Hawkins son U 3 M Scholar St. Georges Msx  
D_1856 1856-07-23 Death in St. Luke's Chelsea, London (email from a Hawkins descendant, 2024)  
Thomas Hawkins, 5 Manor St., Chelsea, age 62, severe ulceration of leg and exhaustion, wife present at death. Thomas (32)  
D_1856a 1856-07-28 Burial in Victoria Park Cemetery, Hackney, London (FindMyPast, 2024) 1856
Thomas Hawkins, 66 Manor St., Chelsea, age 66 Thomas (32)  
G_1859 1859-06-17 Examination at the Court-House in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn, London (The London Gazette, 2024) 1859
Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors  
The following persons who, on their several petitions filed in the Court, have obtained Interim Orders for protection from process, are required to appear in Court as hereinafter mentioned, at the Court-House,  in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn, as follows, to be examined and dealt with according to the Statute:  
Edward Mardon Hawkins (sued and known as Edward Hawkins), late of Crescent-road, Millbank, Middlesex, Plasterer and Coffee-house Keeper, and also renting stables at the back of his house, latterly a Prisoner in the Debtor's Prison for London and Middlesex. Edward (16)  
C_1861 1861-04-08 Census record for St. Luke, Chelsea, Middlesex (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk) 1861
34 Britten St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Elizabeth Hawkins Head W 72 F - Devonshire Elizabeth (33)  
   Elizabeth Hawkins daur U 34 F Laundress Devonshire  
   Sarah Wilson - U 41 F Charwoman Jersey  
C_1861a 1861-04-08 Census record for St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Middlesex (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk) 1861
1 Ponsonby St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Edward Hawkins Head M 46 M Plasterer St. Helier, Jersey Edward (16)  
   Ann Hawkins wife M 45 F - St. Georges Bermondsey  
   Thomas Hawkins son U 17 M Plasterer St. Georges Bermondsey  
   William Hawkins son U 12 M - St. George Han Sq.  
   Jane Hawkins daur U 9 F - St. Margaret Westminster  
   George Hawkins son U 8 M - St. Margaret Westminster  
D_1863 1863-06-03 Death in St. Luke's Chelsea, London (email from a Hawkins descendant, 2024)  
Elizabeth Hawkins, 8 Britten St., Chelsea, widow of Thomas Hawkins, age 78, died of old age, daughter Sarah Wilson present at death. Elizabeth (33)  
C_1871d 1871-04-02 Census record for Harpenden, Hertfordshire (Ancestry.co.uk, 2024) 1871
Bird in Hand', Cravells Road  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Edward Hawkins Head Mar 55 M Plasterer Jersey, St. Hiliers Edward (16)  
   Ann do wife Mar 55 M - Middlesex, St. Georges, London  
   George do son U 18 M Plasterer Middlesex, Pimlico, London  
   George Parsons boarder U 30 M Ag. Lab. n. k.  
M_1879 1879-06-14 Marriage in St. Mary at Lambeth, London (Ancestry, 2024) 1879
Edward Mardon Hawkins aged 60 widower, plasterer, resident at Vauxhall Walk, son of Thomas Hawkins, plasterer, deceased, Edward (16)  
and Julia Cooper aged 48 widow,  resident at Vauxhall Walk, daughter of Joseph Wallis, carpenter, deceased, were married in this church by banns this eleventh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty four, by me Chas. Turner curate.  
Married in the parish church by the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church  
C_1881d 1881-04-03 Census record for Marylebone, London (Ancestry.co.uk, 2024) 1881
63 Boston Place  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Edward Hawkins Head Mar 62 M Plasterer Devon Exeter Edward (16)  
   Julia do wife Mar 52 M - Surrey Lambeth  
C_1891d 1891-04-05 Census record for Westminster, London (Ancestry.co.uk, 2024) 1891
24 Ponsonby Place  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Edward Hawkins Head W 74 M Builder Jersey Edward (16)  
C_1901c 1901-03-31 Census record for St. George Hanover Square, Belgrave, London (Ancestry.co.uk, 2024) 1901
149 Coleshill Buildings  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Charles Swan Head M 54 M Carpenter Bucks, Taplow  
   Charlotte do wife M 53 F - London Pimlica  
   Charlotte do dau U 23 F Shop assistant London Marlebone  
   Charles do son U 18 M valet dom. London Marlebone  
   Edward Hawkins FinL W 86 M Plasterer Jersey St. Helier Edward (16)  
D_1905 1905-05-12 Death in Chelsea, London (email from a Hawkins descendant, 2024) 1905
Edward Mardon Hawkins, aged 90 years, St. George's Infirmary, cause of death: old age and cardiac failure Edward (16)  
Watts_Records Watts Records  
M_1843 1843-10-23 Marriage solemnized at the parish Church in the district/parish of St. Mary Haggerston in the County of Middlesex, Registration District: Shoreditch (GRO, Copy, 1980) 1843
   Name and Surname                    James Pell Yallop              Jemima Caroline Hudson Jemima (17)  
   Age                                             full age                               minor  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                            Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Carpenter                           -  
   Residence                                   St. Margaret Street             93 Church Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      James Pell Yallop               Thomas Higgs Hudson  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Carpenter                            Oilman  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Jno. Soper B.A.  
   This marriage was solemnized between us               James Pell Yallop  
                                                                                     Jemima Caroline Hudson  
   In the presence of     Thos Higgs Hudson  
                                    Sarah Jane Hudson  
1844 Electoral Roll in the parish of St John Hackney (Ancestry.co.uk)  
9754 Yallop, James, junior, House, 12 Pritchard’s-place  
9755 Yallop, James, House, 15 Pritchard’s-place  
D_1844 1844-10-08 Death in the Sub-district of South Hackney in the County of Middlesex, 1844
Registration District: Hackney (GRO, Copy, 1982)  
Where and when died:            Eighth of October 1844 at Pritchards Place  
Name and surname:                James Pell Yallop  
Sex:                                         Male  
Age:                                        45 years  
Occupation:                            Carpenter and Builder  
Cause of death:                       Rheumatic fever ending in water in the chest  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:           the mark of Mary Fone, present at thedeath, 14 Goring Street  
When registered:                    Tenth of October 1844  
Signature of registrar:            William Drewett Registrar  
1844-10-16 Burial in South Hackney, Middlesex 1844
James Pell Yallop Pritchards place Oct 16 1844 age 46 years  
1845-01-14 Bankruptcy announcement in the London Gazette No. 20432 1845
Whereas a Fiat in Bankruptcy bearing date the 11th day of January 1845, is awarded and issued forth against James Pell Yallop, of Durham Street, Hackney Road, and of Pritchards Place, Hackney in the county of Middlesex, Carpenter and Builder, and he being declared a bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to Edward Goulburn, Esq. one of her Majesty’s Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy, on the 21st of January instant, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon precisely, and on the 1st day of March next, at twelve o’clock at noon precisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, in the City of London, and make full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts; and at the first sitting to choose assignees, and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish his examination. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. John Follett, No. 1, Sambrook-court, Basinghall-street, the Official Assignee, whom the Commissioner has appointed, and give notice to Messrs. Norton and Son, Solicitors, New-street, Bishopsgate.  
1845-01-24 Notice (The Times, Law Notices, Court of Chancery, Westminster)  
Court of Bankruptcy, Basinghall Street  
Before Mr. Commissioner Goulburn  
J. P. Yallop, Hackney, carpenter – adjourned choice of assignees at 1.  
1845 Electoral Roll in the parish of St John Hackney (Ancestry.co.uk)  
9960 Yallop, James, junior, House, 12 Pritchard’s-place  
A_1845 1845-05-07 Notice (The British Newspaper Archive, The Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, p. 4, column 5)  
Yallop’s Bankruptcy  
   In this case the bankrupt applied for his certificate. He was a builder and carpenter, carrying on business in the London-fields, Hackney. His debts amounted, during a trading of about 14 months, to £9’000, and there was little or nothing for his creditors.  
   Mr. Sturgeon opposed the application, on the ground that the bankrupt had got into credit by false representations.  
   The bankrupt, it appeared, had built a number of small houses in Ion-square, Hackney-road, commencing in November, 1843, and obtaining funds from a building society for the purpose. A question was raised about a certain bill of exchange, the signature of which was doubted, but nothing positive was established against the bankrupt.  
   Mr. Petersdorff, for the bankrupt, pleaded youth and inexperience, and the absence of general extravagance.  
   Mr. Commissioner Goulburn said the conduct of the bankrupt was most reprehensible. He had commenced business without capital, and now his affairs were in such a condition that there was scarcely anything for the creditors who had trusted him. His Honour then adjourned the certificate for two years, refusing the bankrupt protection; intimating that such would be the rule of that Court in future in all cases where suspensions were ordered. Misconduct in traders should be punished, and not protected.  
D_1845 1845-11-01 Death in the Sub-district of Northern Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Betsey (65) 1845
Registration District: Great Yarmouth (GRO, Copy, 1983) Edward (64)  
Where and when died:                   First of November 1845 North End  
Name and surname:                       Charlotte Pell Yallop  
Sex:                                                Female  
Age:                                               74 years  
Occupation:                                    Wife of James Yallop Carpenter  
Cause of death:                               Paralysis of left side, 7 weeks, certified  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  Emily Jeckells, her X mark, Present at the death, Laughing Images Corner  
When registered:                            Sixth of November 1845  
Signature of registrar:                     H. Worship Registrar  
M_1846 1846-08-05 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the parish of Christchurch in the County of Middlesex, Registration District: Whitechapel (GRO, Copy, 1987) Edward (64)  
   Name and Surname                   James Yallop                               Elizabeth Button  
   Age                                            of full age                                     of full age  
   Condition                                   Widower                                     Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                    Carpenter                                     -  
   Residence                                   No 15 Crispin Street                   No 15 Crispin Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      Robert Yallop                              William Button  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Farmer                                         Farmer  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Banns by me, William Stoke Rector  
   This marriage was solemnized between us            James Yallop  
                                                                                   Elizabeth Button her X mark  
   In the presence of       Mary Kelly her X mark  
                                       Jonathan Root  
S_1846 A Marriage of convenience  
The marriage above is that of James Yallop aged 78 and his niece Elizabeth Button Yallop aged about 38! How can that be, one might ask? Well, this is a marriage of convenience, of use to both parties.   
James Yallop's wife had died the year before, and he evidently needed someone to look after him in his old age. At the very least, he was going blind. D_1845  
Elizabeth Yallop was an unmarried mother, having given birth to a daughter Eliza in Lakenham in 1835. B_1835  
She was working as a female servant in a household in Lakenham (in 1841), C_1841c  
while her daughter was living with a family in St. George Colegate Norwich, about a 30 minute walk away. C_1841d  
The solution to their problems was to get married in London where they were essentially unknown, and for Elizabeth to give her name as just "Elizabeth Button" - a bit of a while lie - to avoid arousing suspicion about consanguinity. M_1846  
So James gained a carer for life, and Elizabeth gained respectability as a married woman (this being Victorian England), and just changed her employer, so to speak. And Eliza was freed of the stigma of illegitimacy. C_1851b  
The marriage was known to James' brother (Elizabeth's father), William Yallop, as evidenced by his will in 1850  (it might even have been his idea). W_1850  
James was a bit vague about the arrangement, stating just that Elizabeth resided with him - which is the way they must have presented the arrangement to their neighbours. W_1854  
1846-09-27 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the parish of Hackney in the County of Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, Copy, 2012) 1846
   Name and Surname                   John Butler                              Penelope Yallop  
   Age                                            full                                           full   
   Condition                                   Bachelor                                  Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                    Carrier                                     -  
   Residence                                  Water Lane                              Pritchards Place  
   Father's Name and Surname      Richard Butler                        James Pell Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Sadler                                      Builder  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, J. G. Packer officiating minister  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                  John Butler  
                                                                                         Penelope Yallop  
   In the presence of           Fredk Moojer?  
                                          Charlotte Pell Yallop  
1847-05-14 Bankruptcy announcement in the London Gazette No. 20733 1847
Whereas the Commissioner acting in the prosecution of a Fiat in Bankruptcy awarded and issued forth against James Pell Yallop, of Durham Street, Hackney Road, and of Pritchards Place, Hackney in the county of Middlesex, Carpenter and Builder, hath certified to the Court of Review in Bankruptcy, that the said James Pell Yallop hath in all things conformed himself according to the directions of the Acts of Parliament made and now in force, that, by virtue of an Act, passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled “An Act for the amendment of the laws in bankruptcy”, the Certificate of the said James Pell Yallop will be allowed and confirmed by the said Court of Review in Bankruptcy, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the 4th day of June 1847.  
1848 Birth in Hackney, Middlesex (C1851, C1861, SC)  
Thomas James son of James Pell Yallop & Jemima C.  
1848-08-20 Marriage solemnized at St Philips Church in the parish of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, Copy, 2013) 1848
   Name and Surname                    Frederick James Wigg             Sarah Packer Yallop  
   Age                                             21                                             21   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                  Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Carpenter                                  -  
   Residence                                    9 Alface Place                         3 Pritchards Place  
   Father's Name and Surname       Artimass Wigg                        James Pell Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession        Plumber & Glazier                  Builder  
Married in the district church aforesaid according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, James Porter MA  
   This marriage was solemnized between us              Frederick James Wigg  
                                                                                     Sarah Packer Yallop  
   In the presence of         William Sargent  
                                         Jane Wayte her X mark  
W_1850 1850-11-22 Will (NRO)  
Testator:       William Yallop, Farmer at Seething, N.  
Executors:    Son Samuel and daughter Elizabeth Yallop, wife of James Yallop.  
Codicil:        Elizabeth replaced by his housekeeper Mary Collett  
Date:            31 August 1846, codicil 24 February 1847, proved 1851  
Will: - £25 per year to son William Yallop from houses and property in Bungay, surplus in accumulating fund; on his death: sell  
- 3 cottages in Seething with some garden to the north to son Samuel after payment of £68 owing to daughter Harriet the Wife of Robert Grimmer  
- Own house and effects minus parts of garden above to son William for his lifetime after payment of £60 owing to son Robert Yallop  
- After William’s death:  
- household effects equally to son Samuel and daughter Elizabeth codicil: Elizabeth’s share equally to daughter Mary the Wife of Robert Lubbock,  daughter Charlotte the Wife of Mr. Spurgeon, and son George Yallop  
- house to be sold to any of his children, or if none is willing, publicly  
- money remaining after all costs 1/8 each to  
- son James Yallop  
- daughter Mary the Wife of Robert Lubbock  
- son Robert Yallop  
- daughter Harriet the Wife of Robert Grimmer  
- son Samuel Yallop  
- daughter Elizabeth the Wife of James Yallop  
- son George Yallop  
- daughter Charlotte the Wife of William Spurgeon  
or if deceased to their respective heirs equally  
C_1851b 1851-03-30 Census record for Great Yarmouth, Norfolk (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk) Edward (64)  
47 North Quay  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James Yallop Head M 83 M Cottage Holder Oulton Nfk Blind  
   Elizabeth do Wife M 43 F - Mundham do  
   Eliza do daur U 15 F Dress Maker Lakenham do  
C_1851c 1851-03-30 Census record for Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets, Middlesex (Copy, 1990; Ancestry.co.uk)  
Marian Square Jemima (17)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James P. Yallop Head M 29 M Carpenter (2 men) Msx Shoreditch  
   Jemima do Wife M 23 F - Msx Bethnal Green  
   Thomas do Son 4 M - Msx Hackney  
C_1851d 1851-03-30 Census record for Shoreditch, Middlesex (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk)  
91 Alfred Terrace  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Frederick Wigg Head M 24 M Carpenter Msx Shoreditch  
   Sarah do Wife M 20 F Household duties do Bethnal Green  
   Frederick do Son 2 M - do Shoreditch  
   Artemis do Son 5m M - do do  
   Elizabeth Yallop vis U 17 F Staymaker do Hackney  
C_1851e 1851-03-30 Census record for South Hackney (PRO, 2000; Ancestry.co.uk) 1851
Goring Street  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Penelope Yallop Head W 54 F Wilts Bishopstone  
   John " Son U 24 M Carpenter Msx Bethnal Green  
1851-08-31 Marriage solemnized at St Philips Church in the parish of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, Copy, 2012) 1851
   Name and Surname                    Thomas Merrion             Elizabeth Yallop  
   Age                                             19                                    18   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                         Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Bricklayer                        -  
   Residence                                   17 Clinger Street             1 Goring Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      George Merrion               James Pell Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Bricklayer                        Builder  
Married in the district church aforesaid according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, James Porter MA  
   This marriage was solemnized between us              Thomas Merrion  
                                                                                     Elizabeth Yallap  
   In the presence of        William Sarvent  
                                        Mary Tilsley her X mar  
1851-12-07 Marriage solemnized at St Philips Church in the parish of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, Copy, 2012) 1851
   Name and Surname                    John Yallop                   Elizabeth Russ  
   Age                                             25                                  21   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                       Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Carpenter                      -  
   Residence                                   Thomas Street               Thomas Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      James Yallop                 Titus Russ  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Carpenter                      Whitesmith  
Married in the district church aforesaid according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, James Procter MA  
   This marriage was solemnized between us              John Yallop  
                                                                                     Elizabeth Russ  
   In the presence of        William Sarvent  
                                        Sarah Ann Vincent  
B_1853 1853-08-08 Birth in the Sub-district of St. John the Evangelist in the County of Middlesex, 1853
Registration District: Westminster (GRO, Copy, 1980) Jemima (17)  
When and where born:                  Eighth August 1853, 5 Ponsonby Terrace, Millbank William (8)  
Name, if any:                                John William  
Sex:                                               Boy  
Name and surname of father:       James Pell Yallop  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Jemima Caroline Yallop formerly Hudson  
Occupation of father:                   Carpenter  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                J. C. Yallop, Mother, 5 PonsonbyTerrace, Millbank, Westminster  
When registered:                          Thirtyfirst August 1853  
Signature of registrar:                  W. C. G. Pearse, Registrar  
1853-09-05 Baptism in St. Peter Bethnal Green, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk) 1853
William John Yallop son of James Pell & Jemima Caroline Yallop, 5 Ponsonby Terrace, Carpenter, born 8 Aug 1853 Jemima (17)  
  William (8)  
D_1854 1854-04-28 Death in the Sub-district of Northern Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Edward (64) 1854
Registration District: Great Yarmouth (GRO, Copy, 1985)  
Where and when died:                   Twentyeighth April 1854 North Quay  
Name and surname:                       James Yallop  
Sex:                                                Male  
Age:                                               87 years  
Occupation:                                    Sawyer  
Cause of death:                               General decay, certified  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  Eliza Yallop, Present at the death, North Quay, Yarmouth  
When registered:                            Twentyeighth April 1854  
Signature of registrar:                     ? Registrar  
W_1854 1854-04-28 Will (NRO) Edward (64) 1854
Testator:           James Yallop, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Sawyer  
Executors:        Elizabeth Button Yallop the daughter of my late brother William Yallop (and which said Elizabeth Button Yallop now resides with me), Mr John Baker of Great Yarmouth aforesaid Solicitor and Mr Job Johnson of the same Town Builder  
Date:                19 March 1853, proved 28 April 1854  
Witnesses:        Wm Turner, John Manthorpe  
Will: - £5 to Job Johnson  
- dwellinghouse at No. 9 Fullers Hill and 5 Fish Offices to be sold and profits to Elizabeth Button Yallop  
- all other real Estate and tools to Elizabeth Button Yallop for her lifetime, on her death: sell, and profits  
- 1/4 to  daughter Harriet Harper Darnell  
- 1/4 to  daughter Emily Jeckels  
- 1/4 to  son Ephraim Yallop  
- 1/4 to Eliza Yallop the daughter of Elizabeth Button Yallop to be paid to her at 21 or on her marriage, otherwise her part equally to the other three   
- furniture and household effects to Elizabeth Button Yallop, and on her death to her daughter Eliza  
- remainder to Elizabeth Button Yallop  
A_1855 1855-02-21 Notice (The Times) 1855
W. S. Masterman, Plaintiff’s Solicitor, 15, Clifford’s Inn. Geo. Whiting, Chief Clerk  
PURSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in the matter of the estate of James Pell Yallop, In a cause between “Frederick James Wigg and Sarah Packer Wigg, plaintiffs, and Penelope Yallop, defendant” all persons claiming to be CREDITORS or ENCUMBRANCERS upon the LEASEHOLD ESTATE of JAMES PELL YALLOP, late of the parish of Hackney, in the county of Middlesex, builder, the intestate in the proceedings of this matter and cause named, (who died in or about the month of October 1844) are, by their solicitors, on or before the 21st day of March, 1855, to come in and prove their claims at the chambers of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart, 12, Old-square, Lincoln’s Inn, Middlesex; or, in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order. Friday, the 23d day of March, 1855, at 12 o’clock at noon, at the said chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims. Dated this 21st day of February, 1855.  
W. M. Peake, Chief Clerk  
W.S. Adams, Solicitor of the Plaintiffs, 16, George-street, Mansion-house  
1855-08-02 In Chancery (TNA, J90/838)  
Schedule of Documents deposited by the Defendant with the Clerk of the Records and Writs pursuant to Order dated 2nd Aug. 1855  
Temple & Windsor, 4 Blomfield Street, City  
No. 1 11th February 1813. Lease, James Tilly to Samuel Huet, of Premises on the south side of Garden Place Hope Town Bethnal Green Middlesex and Assignment indorsed  
No. 2 14th April 1836. Assignment, Samuel Gill to Thomas Ross of the premises comprised in the last mentioned Lease  
No. 3 2nd September 1836. Assignment, the said Thomas Ross to William Barlow of the premises comprised in the last mentioned Assignment  
No. 4 23rd September 1840. Assignment, the said William Barlow to William Dunn of the premises comprised in the last mentioned Assignment  
No. 5 22nd December 1842. Assignment, the said William Dunn to James Pell Yallop of the premises comprised in the last mentioned Assignment  
No. 6 16th February 1843. Memorandum of receipt of premium and duty for Insurance of the above premises in the West England Fire and Life Insurance Office  
No. 7 1st March 1843. Policy No. 139647 for insurance of same Premises in the West England Fire and Life Insurance Office for £200  
No. 8 9th May 1844. Lease, Andrew Pritchard and his Trustee to the said James Pell Yallop the Elder of Premises Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41 on the south side of Goring Street, Pritchard’s Place, Hackney, Middlesex  
No. 9 10th May 1844. Receipt for last mentioned Lease signed by Richard King, Secretary to the Trustee  
No. 10 10th May 1844. Mortgage, the said James Pell Yallop to The Trustees of the National Benefit Building Society of the premises comprised in the last mentioned Lease and receipt by Mortgagees for Mortgage money indorsed  
No. 11 23rd October 1844. Letters of Administration to the effects of the said James Pell Yallop  
Bundle Marked A consisting of Vouchers numbered from 1 to 461 both inclusive-  
Bundle Marked B consisting of Vouchers and various documents numbered from 1 to 336 both inclusive-  
Bundle Marked C consisting of 4 rent books numbered from 1 to 4 both inclusive.  
In the Matter of the Estate of James Pell Yallop  
late of the Parish of Hackney in the County of Middlesex deceased,  
Frederick James Wigg and Sarah Packer Wigg  
Sarah Penelopy Yallop  
Upon the application of Frederick James Wigg and Sarah Packer Wigg his wife of No 2 Providence Place Balls Pond Road in the County of Middlesex which said Sarah Packer Wigg claims as one of the next of kin  
of the above-named James Pell Yallop  
LET Sarah Penelopy Yallop  
the administratix  
of the said James Pell Yallop  
attend at my Chambers No 11 Old Square Lincolns Inn Middlesex on Saturday the ninth of December instant at 1/2 past 11 of the clock in the forenoon, and show cause, if she can, why an Order for the Administration of the personal estate of the said James Pell Yallop by the High Court of Chancery, should not be granted.  
Dated the First day of December 1854  
John Stuart, Vice Chancellor  
Note.- If you the above-named Sarah Penelopy Yallop do not attend, either in person or by your Solicitor, at the time and place above-mentioned such order will be made in your absence, as the Judge may think just and expedient,  
This Summons was taken out by William Samuel Adams of No 16 George Street Mansion House in the City of London Solicitor for Frederick James Wigg and Sarah Packer Wigg  
Filed 7th November 1855  
In the Matter of the Estate of James Pell Yallop late of the Parish of Hackney in the County of Middlesex deceased  
Between Frederick James Wigg and Sara Packer Wigg - Plaintiffs  
Penelope Yallop in the Summons originating proceedings and the duplicate thereof by mistake called Sarah Penelopy Yallop - Defendant  
Depositions of Witnesses sworn and examined in this matter and cause before Robert William Peake, one of the Chief Clerks attached to the Courts of Vice Chancellor Sir John Stuart.  
Thursday the 28th of June 1855  
Penelope Yallop the Defendant cross-examined on her Affidavit verifying her Account (A).  
I borrowed a Sum of £300 shortly after the death of my husband of Mr. Temple to pay the Administration Money and other debts owing on my husband's Accounts. Mr. Temple acted as my Solicitor. I also borrowed £100 of him to meet a bill that I was answerable for on Account of my Eldest Son James Pell Yallop. I believed I executed a deed for both Advances. The Accounts were all read over to me when I made the Affidavit in this cause relating to them. The Account produced is true? and I cannot say whether Mr. Temple advanced the monies personally or the Lender was some other person. I only knew Mr. Temple in the transaction. I always have paid Mr. Temple the Interest. I had some money transactions with my Son about the time I borrowed the monies. The Account produced B has my handwriting at the Foot. The Statement in the Account B that the £300 borrowed ? ? for James Yallop his use was not a correct statement. I cannot say whether I read over the Account before I signed it. or whether it was explained or who drew it up, I gave no instructions for its being drawn up. I relied upon Mr. Temple when I signed it for its correctness. The Statement in the Account as to the loan of £100 borrowed to lend James Yallop is correct. The Statement in the Account A as to the £100 being borrowed on Account of my husband's Estate is incorrect. It did not attract my Notice when the Account was read over to me before I made the Affidavit. When I borrowed the Money I left part with Mr. Temple to pay him money that my husband owed him. The rest I had myself I paid a good deal of the Money to Mr. Connor. I lack the Security from my son for Monies that I had lent him. I dare say it was for the Amount stated in the Account B. Mr. Connors Bill was money borrowed for my son for which I was answerable to pay a Debt of my sons to Craker & Booker.  
My husband was in the habit of dealing with Cracker and Booker. I don't know whether he owed them money at his death. I cannot say whether my husband ever lent his Name to pay my sons debt to Cracker & Booker. Mr. Jones was a Bill Broker. I do not know whether my husband had any transactions with James - I should think not - My son had.  
Penelope Yallop  
Monday the 2nd of July 1855  
Thomas Jones Blyth of 28 King St. Stepney Auctioneer. Sworn and examined on behalf of the Defendant  
I produce an Account marked S of Monies paid by me to John Yallop on Account of work done to Mr. Yallop's property in Pritchards Place and Goring Street Hackney. The Account has been compared by me with my cash Book. Those accounts with B marked against them are correct with my cash Book both as to amount and date. The payments so marked were all made by me to John Yallop or to his wife.  
John Yallop never did any other work under my employ  
Thos J. Blyth  
Henry George Temple of No 4 Blomfield St., City, Auctioneer and Estate Agent sworn and examined for the Defendant  
I look upon the Account S. The Items therein marked T were payments made by me or my Clerks to John Yallop in respect of Work to Pritchards Place and Goring Street. I have entries of them in my cash Book. The paper S marked as abovesaid agrees with such entries in date & amount. I did not employ John Yallop for any other work. I produce vouchers for the several Items for the amounts signed by John Yallop to which the letter v is attached. The other Items I paid John Yallop personally. Hy Geo Temple  
Friday the 20th of July 1855  
John Yallop of No 4 Pritchard's Place, Hackney in Middlesex  
Sworn and examined on the part of the Defendant  
I am a son of the deceased James Pell Yallop and the Defendant. I knew Charles Connor. I knew that my father borrowed money from him. I knew that he was accustomed to give Bills or Notes for what he borrowed, My Brother James was in the habit of borrowing money from Connor. I know that my father was responsible for monies so borrowed. I do not think my Brother borrowed of Connor after my Fathers Death. I know that my Mother paid Connor money after my Fathers death, many ? I cannot say the amount. He has called several times half a dozen or a dozen times that I know of. More often He received money than He did not, I should think. He must have received one hundred pounds. I have not seen the letter before marked 3.  
Cross examined by Plaintiff  
There have been separate transactions between Connor and my Brother before my father's death. They were acceptances. I cannot specify them. Here a discussion arose upon a Question to the Witness as to a Conversation that had occurred between the witness and Connor as to these Bills with a view to discredit Connors ? which I stopped as Connor had not been cross-examined.  
I was not quite 18 years old when my Father Died. I managed my Fathers business. He had a Small Bill Book with his acceptances in it. I never looked into it. I had no conversation with my father about his affairs before his death.  
I was not present when transactions took place between Connor and my Brother. Connor used to lend my Brother money on deposit of goods. That is as far as I can say.  
The Witness was then cross-examined and upon his affidavit filed 30 June 1855.  
just before my Fathers death I was at work for my Brother at £1 per week for about 4 Months, I was at work for Mr. Liscumbe for two months after my Fathers death - under Hack a Task Master - not immediately after my fathers death - it might have been four months after my Fathers death - I will swear that I worked for a period of 3 months between Oct 1844 and February 1848 – repain[te]d a house left dilapidated by my Father. I finished some alterations begun by him. I was not paid £35 for it. There was a bill made out when the Accounts were to pass the Legacy affair. This is the Bill (marked T). I have put "paid" to it. I do not consider that I ever received £3 for it in victuals or Money. I lived from Oct 1844 to the 16th Feb 1845 at No 3 Pritchards Place with my Mother - but not at her Expense. I paid towards the household Expenses - say 6s/ a week - not in money but in goods. On Saturday I would go out ? and buy a joint of meat which was cooked and Eaten in the house. I was doing small jobbing work for myself. I did work for Mr. Johnson which was set against his Bill for Mourning amounting to £15.12. I took besides (£) in Money. I had no other work during the above period except small jobbing matters. I should think I put in to the house during the time above mentioned £35 - as nearly as I can recollect the receipt was wanted for passing the Legacy affair and so I signed it. I put "paid" at the time, and my Name a few weeks ago. I have asked my Mother for the £35. I cannot say when. I have been receiving Money from my fathers Estate for works done from 1850 till now - till about 3 weeks since - except a period of ? about one year. I should think I had received about £12.00. what monies I have received were paid by Moore and Temple. I never applied to them for the £35. after February 1845 I contracted Small Jobs on my own Account. I continued to live with my Mother till the 17th of Feb 1848. during that term I lived out and kept myself. I cannot say all my meals were had out. I have taken money home to my Mother previous to 1848, £3 or £4 I might say. From February 1845 to February 1848 I did not take provisions home in lieu of money. My Brother James did no part of Johnson's Work. From February 1845 to Feb 1848 I did repairs to the 23 houses. My Mother found the Materials. I did work Elsewhere. I had no payment from my Mother. I did not apply for payment. Things were bad. I repeat what I stated from Feb 1845 to Feb 1848 I did not live with my Mother. I lodged in the house. I did not eat and drink there.  
I signed the receipt for £35 in Msrs Temple and Windsor’s affair, about three weeks before I made my Affidavit. One of the clerks asked me to sign it. I said I am going to sign what I never received the money for. My own mind persuaded me to sign it as I saw my Mother there. I felt for her. I spoke to her about it. She said what a deal of trouble I am brought into. I made no objection to her to sign the receipt. I said nothing to her then about it. The Clerk made no remark upon my observation but let me sign it. There were several others for which I had had money and I then signed them.  
My Mother once lent me £7 which I returned a week or so afterwards. I have had her acceptance upon which to raise Money. There was one discounted by a Mr Jones of the Paragon. I cannot say whether she paid him £12 on my Account. I will not swear that she did not! It was a Bill in favour of Cracker & Co. & discounted by Jones. I put in a Skip? for Mr Bye. My Mother did not lend me any money on that occasion. I never set up a coalshed. There was a coalshed on the premises. I did not conduct the business there. I might have been there to ta? to Hibart who had the Premises. I cannot say whether my Mother ever lent me £5 on a Saturday Night to pay my wages. I bought the Timber of a hut belonging Mr. Pigote, my Mother lent me the money. It was about 40 shillings or 50 shillings. I cannot say I ever repaid the Amount. My Mother was answerable for me as accepter to Bulcoott. It was an accommodation Bill, also to Mr. Blackshaw on two Bills. his Bills were together £60 and Bulcootts was £40. We were both sued upon Blackshaws Bill. My Mother was alone Sued on Bulcott. My Mother was taken in Execution on a Judgement by Blackshaw. She was in White Cross Street above two years. She paid Bullcoott and Blackshaw £10 each and was thereupon released from prison. I think my Mother lent me £3 or £4 one Saturday to pay my wages.  
Blackshaws Judgements are still outstanding against me. Both are Standing against my Mother  
John Yallop  
James Yallop of No 5 Ponsonby Terrace, Millbank, Westminster  
Sworn and Examined on the part of the Defendant  
I am a son of the Intestate and of the Defendant. I knew Connor. I knew my Father was in the habit of borrowing Money of him. He gave Bills in return. I borrowed Money myself of Connor in the life term of my Father, my Father always joined me in the Security. I have no Recollection of Connor lending me any Money after my Fathers death. He died in October 1844. I was Bankrupt in January 1845. I did have some Money after my Fathers death I cannot say how much. I think I have a Recollection of borrowing twenty five pounds, whatever is put down in my schedule at the Court I have no doubt I borrowed. I have no recollection of any body joining me in the Security. I cannot charge my memory with having had any other Money. I cannot recollect any Money transactions between Mr. Connor myself and my Mother. I cannot say whether I and my Mother borrowed Money jointly of Mr. Connor. I have received of my Mother on Account of my Share of my Fathers Estate one Sum of £95. I think in November 1844. I have received several other sums of my Mother not upon the same Account. My Brother John worked for me occasionally before my Fathers death. I do not know whether He worked for any other person. I cannot say what wages I paid him. I saw my Brother John frequently between my Fathers death and January 1845. I cannot say who he was working for during that time. He worked for me a part of that time. He was living with my Mother. I often saw him there. My Brother did the work for Johnson except about £5 which I did myself. The sum of £60 stated in my Mothers Affidavit to have been paid to me was the £60 advanced by Connor. The £60 Bill as near as I cannot recollect. I wanted Money to pay a Bill for £60. I applied to my Mother and she accepted a Bill for £60 & I took it to Connor to discount My Mother paid it when due.  
I do not know what Amount in value was Johns proportion of the work for Johnson.  
I had of my Fathers property a Silver Watch and Spoons. They were in pledge and I redeemed them for £4.14. They were pledged to raise Money to pay out an Execution against my Brother John. They consist of a watch 2 Table spoons 6 Tea Spoons and two Mustard Spoons. I have them now. I think there was about £8 or £9 Cash in the house at my Fathers death. I will not swear that it was more or less. I will not swear that I did not receive some of this Money.  
Other members of the family have divided among themselves part of my fathers household Furniture. I also had a desk which was in pledge.  
James Yallop  
Charles Connor of No 5 Helenesley? Terrace Auctioneer  
Sworn and Crossexamined in the part of the Plaintiffs  
I had money transactions with the [father]?. I had no transactions with James Pell Yallop the son except as Drawer or Accepter of Bills. I never to my Knowledge lent him any money upon his individual Security. I had Bills of the Father and son in my possession after the Fathers death. I have no doubt that the Exhibit to my Affidavit is a correct Statement. I lack no Security except when the Father died the Bills were charged against the Son. I took his Acceptance for those liabilities. To the best of my belief I proved for these Bills under the Sons Bankruptcy. I have received no dividend or value for them either from the Son or any other person. They are still unpaid.  
I believe that I lack receivals from the son for the Bill. I never applied to Mrs Yallop for payment. The £60 Bill was paid by Mrs Yallop upon looking at this Bill for £22.4. The handwriting upon the back is mine. It means received. I do not recollect calling upon or sending to Mrs Yallop after her husbands death. To the best of my belief I never actually received money from Mrs Yallop  
Charles Connor  
Sarah Packer Wigg the Plaintiff  
Crossexamined on behalf of the Defendant being first Sworn  
I was aged about 12 at my fathers Death. I maintained myself during the period mentioned in my Affidavit by needlework and as Nurse Maid. I did Collar Stitches and Shirt Making for Mrs Wheeler who lived in one of my Father's houses. I was Nurse maid in Broad St. Bloomsbury for about 9 Months. I used to earn at Needlework at first 3/6 a week and afterwards 5/ a week. I did Shirt Making for Mrs Kirsting. I was there about 4 or 5 Months. I lived at my Mothers and what I earned I gave her. I began to work two or three weeks after my Fathers death. I had Constant Work. I know nothing about Mr. Connor's Matter. I have seen him at my Mothers house. I never saw my Mother pay Mr. Connor money. I was not at home ill for three months.  
Sarah Packer Wigg  
Elizabeth Merriam 55 Minton? Street New North Road Middlesex  
Sworn and Crossexamined on behalf of the Defendant  
I was about 10 years old when my father died. I worked with my sister Mrs Wigg. We used to divide our Earnings between us, about 7 8 or 9 shillings a week. I began to work directly after my fathers death we lived with my Mother. We paid her so much money to keep us. If we earned 5/ we gave her 4/. My Brother John lived with my Mother after my fathers death. I do not know how long - until she went to prison. He had his [meals]? with us. He did the repairs of the Property. He paid I consider for his living in that way. I knew Connor. I have seen him at my Mothers house after my father’s death. I do not know that she ever paid him any Money.  
John Yallop earned money besides doing repairs. He used to give us Money to buy food while he was living with My Mother. He did not give us much Money.  
Elizabeth Merriam  
Charlotte Pell Yallop No 1 Goring Street Linden Fields Hackney  
Sworn and Examined by the Defendant  
I was between 17 and 18 years old when my father died. It was about Six Months after my Fathers death that I and my Sisters began to work. We all worked at the same house, Mrs Wheelers, Stitching Gentleman’s Collars at 6d to 8d a dozen. When we got used to it we earned from 4s/ to 5s/ a week each of us. We had not constant work. We were paid by the week. Sometimes for two or three weeks together we had nothing at all to do. We worked the full week when we earned the 4s/ or 5s/. We were very often unemployed for several days together. Sometimes we had no work for several weeks, but not often. We earned too trifling a sum at shirt making to mention. I took my sister Sarah ? for 18 weeks when she was ill. She was at home all that time. I and my sisters bought our Cloths with the Money. We did give something towards the housekeeping. I am sure we did not pay for our living. We never paid any Money into my Mothers hand. We contributed to housekeeping by buying things for the house and provisions.  
Charlotte P. Yallop  
Thursday the 2nd of August 1855  
The Defendant Penelope Yallop examined by the Chief Clerk.  
I will swear that I made the payments Items No 10 to 16 in my Account A to Mr. Connor. I paid them with my own hands. I have no memorandum of the payment. My papers were all destroyed when I was from home. I took memorandums of the receipt. I do not recollect the times, it was after the death of my husband, during a period of about 18 months. I questioned Mr. Connor at the time whether my husband owed him any Money. He said it was between my Son and my husband. I knew my husband was responsible. I paid him as I could. I never had the Bills. I obtained the Amounts from the particulars furnished by Mr. Connor some time ago. I am not satisfied now that my husband owed the Money. I relied upon Mr. Connors representations and My Sons. I did make payment. I am positive that I did make the payments to the Amount charged in my Account on my husbands Account. I paid Mr. Connor personally or his son for him. The £60 paid to Connor on the Bill of James Pell Yallop Junior and myself was a separate Account and distinct from the Items before referred to. I do not know whether James Pell Yallop made any Arrangement with Connor about these Bills. I was not party to any other Arrangement.  
Penelope Yallop  
I certify that the evidence contained in this and the foregoing 30 pages was taken before me and was read over & signed by the Witnesses respectively in my presence and in the presence of the parties examining such Witnesses respectively.  
Robt Wm Peake Chief Clerk  
1856-04-30 Announcement (The Times) 1856
To be sold, Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in the matter of the Estate of James Pell Yallop, and in a cause between Frederick James Wigg and Sarah Packer Wigg, plaintiffs, and Penelope Yallop, defendant, with the approbation of his Honour the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart, by Messrs Moore and Temple, on Friday, the 16th day of May, 1856 at 1 o’clock in the afternoon precisely, at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew-lane, in the city of London, in two lots  
SEVEN Leasehold Houses, numbered respectively 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41, on the south side of Goring-street, Hackney, in the county of Middlesex, held by lease for a term of 84 years from Midsummer, 1843, and four leasehold houses, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Garden-place, Hope-town, Bethnal-green, in the said county of Middlesex, and late the property of James Pell Yallop, deceased. The property may be viewed, and printed particulars and conditions may be had gratis, on applying at the office of Mr. W. S. Adams, 16 George-street, Mansion-house, solicitor; of Messrs Temple and Windsor, 4 Blomfield-street, Moorfields, city; of Messrs Moor and Temple, auctioneers, 4 Blomfield-street, city; and on the premises.  
1856-05-27 Marriage solemnized at the parish Church in the parish of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Registration District: Great Yarmouth (GRO, Copy, 1988) Family (64)  
   Name and Surname                    Charles William Barber          Eliza Yallop Porter  
   Age                                             21                                            21   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                 Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Grocer                                     -  
   Residence                                   St. Nicholas Road                   North Quay  
   Father's Name and Surname      Benjamin Porter                      James Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Cabinet maker                         Carpenter  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Nicholas S. Gurry  
   This marriage was solemnized between us              Charles William Barber Porter  
                                                                                     Eliza Yallop  
   In the presence of        Henry Rivott Albrow  
                                        Elizabeth Yallop X her mark  
1858-07-11 Marriage solemnized at the parish Church in the parish of South Hackney in the County of Middlesex, Registration District: Hackney (GRO, Copy, 1983) 1858
   Name and Surname                    James Beer                             Charlotte Pell Yallop  
   Age                                             full                                          full   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                 Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Tailor                                      -  
   Residence                                   South Hackney                       South Hackney  
   Father's Name and Surname      Thomas Beer                          James Pell Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Saddler                                   Builder  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, James M. Bennie  
   This marriage was solemnized between us              James Beer  
                                                                                     Charlotte Pell Yallop  
   In the presence of        James Harwood  
                                        Sarah Harwood X her mark  
D_1859 1859-04-14 Death in the Sub-district of South Hackney, in the County of Middlesex,  
Registration District: Hackney (GRO, Copy, 2000)  
Where and when died:               Fourteenth April 1859, Well Street  
Name and surname:                   Penelope Packer Yallop  
Sex:                                            Female  
Age:                                           64 years  
Occupation:                               Widow of James Yallop, Builder  
Cause of death:                          Disease of the Heart, certified  
Signature, description, and  
   residence of informant:           James Beer, present at the death,Well Street, South Hackney  
When registered:                        Nineteenth April 1859  
Signature of registrar:                Richard ? Registrar  
1859-04-21 Burial in South Hackney, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk) 1859
Penelope Packer Yallop, abode Eaton Place, Age 64 years  
C_1861b 1861-04-08 Census record for Battersea (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk)  
Oak Wharf Jemima (17)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born William (8)  
   James Yallop Head M 39 M Coal Merchant Msx Shoreditch  
   Jemima do Wife M 33 F - Msx Bethnal Green  
   Thomas J. do son 12 M - Msx Hackney  
   William J. do son 7 M - Msx St. G. Han. Sq.  
C_1861c 1861-04-08 Census record for Great Yarmouth, Norfolk (Copy; Ancestry.co.uk)  
      21 North Quay  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Elizabeth Yallop Head W 52 F Prop. of House Norfolk Mundham  
   Charles Porter slaw M 26 M Grocer Assist. do Yarmouth  
   Eliza do daur M 25 F do do Norwich  
   Clara do gdau 4 F - do Yarmouth  
B_1861 1861-06-17 Birth in the Sub-district of Battersea in the County of Surrey, 1861
Registration District: Wandsworth (GRO, Copy, 1985) Jemima (17)  
When and where born:               Seventeenth June 1861, Battersea Square  
Name, if any:                             Clara Elizabeth  
Sex:                                            Girl  
Name and surname of father:     James Yallop  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:      Jemima Caroline Yallop formerly Hudson  
Occupation of father:                  Coal Merchant  
Signature, description and   
   residence of informant:            James Yallop, Father, Battersea Square, Battersea  
When registered:                         Third July 1861  
Signature of registrar:                 William Griffin, Deputy Registrar  
1861-09-05 Baptism in Battersea, Wandsworth, Surrey (Ancestry.co.uk) 1861
Clara Elizabeth Yallop dau. James & Jemima, Coal Merchant, born 17 June 1861 Jemima (17)  
A_1862 1862-04-01 Bankruptcy announcement in the London Gazette No. 22613  
Notice is hereby given, that the following is a copy of an entry made in the book kept by the Chief Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy for the registration of Trust Deeds for the benefit of creditors, Composition and Inspectorship Deeds executed by a debtor, as required by the Bankruptcy Act, 1861, etc.  
James Yallop of Oak Wharf, Battersea Square, in the County of Surrey, Builder, Coal Merchant, and Dealer in Building Materials  
P_1867 1867c Photo 1867c William (8)  
Gus Barnes and Willie Yallop around 1867  
CRW: "Willie" is certainly the one seated  
M_1872 1872-05-18 Marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Jude Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex (GLRO, Copy, 1988) 1872
   Name and Surname                    Thomas James Yallop           Eleanor Winsor  
   Age                                             24                                          22   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Hairdresser                               -  
   Residence                                   33 Treverton Street               6 Lucas Place  
   Father's Name and Surname      James Yallop                         George Winsor  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Builder                                  Mariner  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Alfred Shugnall M.A. vicar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             Thomas James Yallop  
                                                                                    Eleanor Winsor  
   In the presence of       George Winsor  
                                       Sarah Elizabeth Watts  
1877-12-22 Marriage solemnized at Dentigh Road Chapel in the district of Kensington in the County of Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) William (8) 1877
   Name and Surname                    Charles Joseph Elijah Otter         Catherine Boon Otter  
   Age                                             29                                                 23   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                      Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Joiner                                           -  
   Residence                                   Star St., Paddington                     249 Cornwall Road  
   Father's Name and Surname      Elijah Otter                                   Charles Edward Otter  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Hairdresser                                   Carpenter  
Married in the Dentigh Road Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Wesleyan Methodists by, Certificate, by me James Chalman  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             Chas J. E. Otter  
                                                                                    Catherine B. Otter  
   In the presence of       William J. Watts  
                                       Mary E. Otter  
M_1878 1878-09-14 Marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Acton in the County of Middlesex, Registration District: Brentford (GLRO, Copy, 1977; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) William (8) 1878
   Name and Surname                    William John Yallop Watts         Emmeline Otter Emmeline (9)  
   Age                                             full                                                 full   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                        Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Architect                                        -  
   Residence                                   Acton                                             Notting Hill  
   Father's Name and Surname      James Watts                                 Charles Otter  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Builder                                           Farmer  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Alfred H. Barrow  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             William John Yallop Watts  
                                                                                    Emmeline Otter  
   In the presence of       Fredk Wesson  
                                       Clara Elizabeth Watts  
B_1879 1879-08-03 Birth in the Sub-district of Kensington in the County of Middlesex, William (8) 1879
Registration District: Kensington (GRO, Copy) Emmeline (9)  
When and where born:               Third August 1879, 249 Cornwall Road Ernest (4)  
Name, if any:                              Ernest William  
Sex:                                             Boy  
Name and surname of father:     William John Yallop Watts  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:      Emmeline Watts formerly Otter  
Occupation of father:                  Surveyors Assistant  
Signature, description and   
   residence of informant:            William J. Watts, Father, 249 Cornwall Road  
When registered:                         Thirteenth September 1879  
Signature of registrar:                 C. R. Barnes,  Registrar  
1879-09-28 Baptism in St. Mark Notting Hill, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1879
Ernest William son of William John Yallop Watts and Emmeline, 249 Cornwall Rd., Surveyor, born 3 August 1879 Emmeline (9)  
  Ernest (4)  
1881-02-02 Marriage solemnized at the Register Office in the district of Kensington in the County of Middlesex (GRO, Copy, 1990) Family (9)  
   Name and Surname                    Frank Wetherall Griffin         Frances Elizabeth Legge  
   Age                                             24                                           28   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                Widow  
   Rank or Profession                     Clerk                                      -  
   Residence                                   249 Cornwall Road                249 Cornwall Road  
   Father's Name and Surname      Francis John Griffin               Charles Edward Otter  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Lieut. Colonel 54th Foot        Farmer  
Married in the Register Office by Certificate before me, C. R. Barnes, Registrar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             F. W. Griffin  
                                                                                    F. E. Legge  
   In the presence of       Henry Dimond  
                                       Martha Dimond  
1881-1Q Birth in Kensington, Middlesex. (GRO, PRO/C1891) William (8)  
Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson dau. of William John Yallop Watts and Emmeline Emmeline (9)  
1881-03-11 Birth in St. Mark Notting Hill, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1881
Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson dau. of William John Watts and Emmeline, 68 Chesterton Rd., Surveyor, bapt. 24 July 1887 Emmeline (9)  
C_1881a 1881-04-03 Census record for Lee, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011, Copy)  
5 Crown Terrace Jemima (17)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James Pell Head M 48 M Carpenter & Joiner Hoxton, Msx  
   Jemima Pell wife M 41 F B. Green, Msx  
   Clara Pell dau. U 19 F Milliner Battersea, Surrey  
1881-04-03 Census record for Mile End Old Town (Ancestry.co.uk, 2012, Copy)  
358 Commercial Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Yallop Head M 32* M House Carpenter Hackney, Msx  
   Eleanor " wife M 32 F Lancs ?  
   Eleanor " dau. S 6 F Scholar Islington, London  
   Minnie " dau. S 5 F Scholar Islington, London  
   Clara “ dau. S 3 F Norwood, Surrey  
   William “ son S 1 M Norwood, Surrey  
   * actually looks like 52…  
C_1881c 1881-04-03 Census record for Kensington, Middlesex (PRO, Copy; Ancestry.co.uk) William (8)  
182 Golborne Rd. Emmeline (9)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county Ernest (4)  
   William J. Watts Head M 27 M Surveyor Assist. Msx Pimlico  
   Emmeline " Wife M 23 F - Rutl. Uppingham  
   Ernest W. " son 1 M - Msx Kensington  
   not christened daur 3w F - Msx Kensington  
   Charles E. Otter Flaw M 61 M - Rutl. Uppingham  
   Mary A. " Mlaw M 58 F - North. Gretton  
   Ellen " slaw U 17 F Milliner Rutl. Uppingham  
   Louisa Clark serv U 17 F Domestic Msx Chelsea  
   Chas Cutler lodg U 19 M Perfumer Brompton  
   John Coburn brdr U 30 M Auctioneers Clerk Somerset  
1881-04-03 Census record for Kensington, Middlesex (PRO, Copy; Ancestry.co.uk) Family (9)  
249 Cornwall Rd.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   Frank P. Griffin Head M 24 M Clerk Coop. Stores Devon Torquay  
   Frances E. Griffin Wife M 27 F Wife Rutl. Uppingham  
   Sophia F. Griffin moth W 56 F - Ireland Damboysel  
   Frances E. Griffin sis U 25 F Governess Canada Montreal  
   Mary Anderson cous M 31 F - Canada Quebec  
1882-06-24 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the County of Middlesex (GLRO, Copy, 1986; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) 1882
   Name and Surname                    Petrus Langenegger               Clara Elizabeth Yallop  
   Age                                             40                                           21   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Clerk                                      -  
   Residence                                   Stoke Newington                   Shoreditch  
   Father's Name and Surname      Jan Langenegger                    James Pell Yallop  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Hotel proprietor                      Builder  
Married in the parish church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Licence by me, S. Bass, Vicar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             Petrus Langenegger  
                                                                                    Clara Elizabeth Yallop  
   In the presence of       Edward Willmore  
                                       Agatha Smith  
B_1884 1884-04-03 Birth in the Sub-district of Kensington Town in the County of Middlesex, William (8)  
Registration District: Kensington (GRO, Copy, 1990) Emmeline (9)  
When and where born:               Third April 1884, 68 Chesterton Road  
Name, if any:                              Frank Wetherall  
Sex:                                             Boy  
Name and surname of father:     William John Yallop Watts  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:      Emma Watts formerly Otter  
Occupation of father:                  Architect  
Signature, description and   
   residence of informant:            Emma Watts, Mother, 68 Chesterton Road  
When registered:                         Fifteenth May 1884  
Signature of registrar:                 C. R. Barnes,  Registrar  
1887-07-24 Baptism in St. Mark Notting Hill, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1887
Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson dau. of William John Watts and Emmeline, 68 Chesterton Rd., Surveyor, born 11 March 1881 Emmeline (9)  
1887-07-24 Baptism in St. Mark Notting Hill, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1887
Frank Wetherall son of William John Watts and Emmeline, 68 Chesterton Rd., Surveyor, born 3 April 1884 Emmeline (9)  
1887-07-24 Baptism in St. Mark Notting Hill, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1887
Marian Maud dau. of William John Watts and Emmeline, 68 Chesterton Rd., Surveyor, born 21 Nov. 1886 Emmeline (9)  
1887 Birth in Kensington, Middlesex. (GRO, PRO/C1891) Family (8)  
Maud  Watts  
1888 Birth in Kensington, Middlesex. (GRO, PRO/C1891) Family (8)  
Emmeline Adelaide Watts  
1888-11-18 Baptism in St. Helen, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1888
Emmeline Adelaide dau. of William John Watts and Emmeline, 68 Chesterton Rd., Architect & Surveyor Emmeline (9)  
E_1890 1890 Electoral Roll in No. 10 or South Lee Polling District, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, London Electoral Registers 1832-1965) Edward (16)  
H998 Pell, James, House, 26 Taunton road  
C_1891a 1891-04-05 Census record for Lee, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011, Copy)  
Clifton Cottage, 21 Eltham Rd Jemima (17)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   James Pell Head M 70 M Carpenter Shoreditch, Msx  
   Jemima Pell wife M 63 F B. Green, Msx  
C_1891b 1891-04-05 Census record for Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011, Copy)  
65 Ennersdale Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas J Yallop Head M 42 M Newsagent Hackney, London  
   Eleanor " wife M 42 F Assist in business Lancs.  
   Eleanor " dau. S 16 F Dressmaker apprent. Islington, London  
   Mina J. " dau. S 15 F Dressmaker apprent. Islington, London  
   Clara L. “ dau. S 13 F Scholar Norwood, Surrey  
   William H. “ son S 11 M Norwood, Surrey  
   Winifred “ dau. S 9 F Lewisham, Kent  
   Florence “ dau. D 5 F Lee, Kent  
C_1891c 1891-04-05 Census record for Kensington, Middlesex (PRO, Copy, 1993) William (8)  
68 Chesterton Rd. Emmeline (9)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Ernest (4)  
   William J. Watts Head M 36 M Surveyor Msx London  
   Emmeline " Wife M 32 F - Rutl. Uppingham  
   Ernest " son 11 M - London  
   Beatrice " daur 10 F - London  
   Frank " son 7 M - London  
   Maud " daur 4 F - London  
   Emmeline A. " daur 2 F - London  
   Charles E. Otter Flaw M 71 M - Rutl. Uppingham  
   Mary Anne " Mlaw M 68 F - North. Gretton  
   Ellen " slaw U 27 F Rutl. Uppingham  
1891 Electoral Roll in No. 10 or South Lee Polling District, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, London Electoral Registers 1832-1965)  
H423 Pell, James, House successive, 26 Taunton road and Clifton lodge  
1892 Electoral Roll in No. 10 or South Lee Polling District, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, London Electoral Registers 1832-1965)  
K409 Pell, James, House, Clifton lodge  
P_1895 1895-06-01 Photo 1895 William (8)  
William John Yallop Watts taken by his son Ernest William Watts Emmeline (9)  
1895 Electoral Roll in No. 1 or Church Ward Polling District, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, London Electoral Registers 1832-1965)  
13058 Pell, James, House, Clifton lodge, Eltham road and 45 Church street (place of abode)  
1896 Electoral Roll in No. 1 or Church Ward Polling District, Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, London Electoral Registers 1832-1965)  
13265 Pell, James, House, 45 Church street  
1896-04-08 Birth in the Sub-district of Kensington Town in the County of London, William (8)  
Registration District: Kensington (GRO, Copy, 1991) Emmeline (9)  
When and where born:               Eighth April 1896, 4 The Triangle, St. Quintin Park  
Name, if any:                              Gladys Winifred  
Sex:                                             Girl  
Name and surname of father:     William John Watts  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:      Emmeline Watts formerly Otter  
Occupation of father:                  Surveyor  
Signature, description and   
   residence of informant:            William J. Watts, Father, 4 The Triangle, St. Quintin Park  
When registered:                         Nineteenth May 1896  
Signature of registrar:                 C. R. Barnes,  Registrar  
D_1896 1896-10-21 Death in the Sub-district of Lee in the County of London, 1896
Registration District: Lewisham (GRO, Copy, 1992) Jemima (17)  
Where and when died:               Twenty first October 1896, 20 Weardale Road, Lee  
Name and surname:                   James Pell Yallop  
Sex:                                            Male  
Age:                                           72 years  
Occupation:                               a Carpenter Journeyman  
Cause of death:                          Influenza, certified by Leopold Burroughs L.R.C.P  
Signature, description, and  
   residence of informant:           J. C. Yallop, Widow of the deceased, present at the death, 20 Weardale Road, Lee  
When registered:                        Twenty First October 1896  
Signature of registrar:                ? Registrar  
1897-05-09 Baptism in St. Helen, Kensington, Middlesex. (Ancestry.co.uk) William (8) 1897
Gladys Winifred dau. of William John Watts and Emma, 4 The Triangle, Surveyor Emmeline (9)  
C_1901a 1901-03-31 Census record for Lewisham (Ancestry.co.uk, 2011, Copy) Jemima (17)  
96 Murillo Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Jemima C. Pell Head W 73 F Living on own means B. Green, London  
C_1901b 1901-03-31 Census record for Kensington, Middlesex (PRO Internet, 2002; Ancestry.co.uk) William (8)  
4 The Triangle Emmeline (9)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Ernest (4)  
   William J. Watts Head M 47 M Surveyor London  
   Emmeline " wife M 43 F Uppingham, Rutland  
   Ernest W. " son S 21 M Draughtsman London  
   Beatrice F. E. H. " dau. S 20 F London  
   Frank W. " son S 16 M Clerk London  
   Marion M. " dau. S 14 F London  
   Emmeline A. " dau. S 12 F London  
   Gladys W. " dau. S 4 F London  
   Florence Satterley vis U 24 F - Barnstaple, Devon  
   Lydia M. Cox serv U 25 F Cooke Church Gresley, Derby  
1901-03-31 Census record for Lewisham (PRO Internet, 2002; Ancestry.co.uk)  
65 Ennersdale Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Jas Yallop Head M 52 M Carpenter Hackney, London  
   Eleanor " wife M 52 F Fleetwood, Lancs.  
   Clara " dau. S 23 F Collar Machinist Norwood, Surrey  
   Florence " dau. S 15 F Lee, Kent  
1902-07-17 Letter to William John Yallop Watts (Original) William (8)  
St. Helen's Vicarage, St. Quinitin Avenue W., July 17, 1902  
Dear Mr Watts  Kensington St. Helens  
On behalf of the Clergy, Churchwardens, and Sidesmen of the above, forming the Repairs Committee, I am writing to ask your acceptance of a small tribute of their appreciation of the valuable and prolonged assistance given by you during the recent repairs done to St. Helen's Church?  
They trust that you will not estimate that appreciation by the value of the Gift. Although, you have left the parish, the parishioners will always remember your great help, with the deepest gratitude. One feature is firmly impressed upon their minds, the readiness with which you gave them the benefit of your long and varied experience.  
The Committee cordially unite in wishing Mrs. Watts, your family, and self much happiness in your new home, while they greatly deplore your departure from their midst.  
Signed on behalf of St. Helen's Repairs Committee, F. J. Jomini, Vicar & Chairman  
(2 silver tankards in the possession of B. G. Watts, 1995)  
1903-11 Letter to Ernest William Watts (Copy) Ernest (4) 1903
The Surveyor's Institution (Incorporated by Royal Charter), 12, Great Georg Street, Westminster, SW, November 1903  
SIR, We beg to inform you that on the 28th day of October you were elected a Professional Associate of THE SURVEYORS INSTITUTION, and herewith transmit to you a copy of the By-Laws and Regulations of the Institution.  
According to the Regulations, you are required as a Professional Associate to pay £5.50 being your entrance fee and subscription for the year 1904 and to return the accompanying obligation with your signature within two months of the date of your election; otherwise your election will be void. These conditions being complied with, you will be considered as admitted into the Institution; and any publications or notices to which you are entitled will be forwarded according to your directions.  
We have to direct your attention to Section VII of the By-Laws, and to point out that all annual subscription become due on the 1st of January for the current year.  
We are, SIR, Your obedient Servants, ?, Secretary  
E. W. Watts, Esq.  
1905-12-19 Letter to Ernest William Watts (Copy) Ernest (4)  
War Office, Horse Guards, Whitehall, S.W.  
Mr. E. Watts has been employed in the Fortification Design branch of this office for 6-1/2 years on design work + also occasionally taking out quantities + making approximate estimates. During the last 5 years he has worked under my personal supervision + has given me every satisfaction.  
F. Rainsford ?, Colonel, Asst. Director Fortifn. + Works  
Envelope: On His Majesty's Service, E. W. Watts, Esqre, Castledene House, Anerley Park, SE.  
P_1906 1906-07 Photo 1906 William (8)  
The Watts family - back row: Eline, William, Beatrice , middle row: Maud, Emmeline, cousin Florrie (certainly Satterley), front row: Hunter, Gladys Emmeline (9)  
1906-09-18 Marriage solemnized at St. Stephens Church in the parish of St. Stephens Paddington in the County of London (Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Family (9)  
   Name and Surname                    Louis Thomas Griffin                           Ellen Otter  
   Age                                             37                                                          40   
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                               Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Govt. Taxidermist to the Transvaal      -  
   Residence                                   59 Westbourne Park Rd.                       59 Westbourne Park Rd.  
   Father's Name and Surname      Louis Morow Griffin dec.                     Charles Edward Otter  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Naturalist                                              Farmer  
Married in the Church of St. Stephen according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after banns, by me Lionel G. Titley  
   This marriage was solemnized between us             Louis Thomas Griffin  
                                                                                    Ellen Otter  
   In the presence of       George James Griffin  
                                      Mabel S. E. Otter        E. Watts  
1907-08-20 Letter to Ernest William Watts (Copy) Ernest (4)  
W. J. WATTS, SURVEYOR, 2 Old Queen Street, Westminster SW, 20 August 1907, Telephone No. 189 Victoria William (8)  
Mr. E. W. Watts was articled to me and has done occasional work for me to the present date, he is careful and painstaking with his work and has a good knowledge of his profession.  
William J. Watts  
P_1910c 1910c Photo 1910 Ernest (4)  
Ernest William Watts  
C_1911a 1911-04-02 Census record for Lewisham (1911 Census website, 2009, Copy) Jemima (17)  
103 Leahurst Rd  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Thomas Duke Head M 37 M Carter Erith Kent  
   Gertrude “ wife M 37 F Plumstead Kent  
   Sidney Thomas “ son U 16 M Call office assist. Bexleyheath Kent  
   George Henry “ son U 15 M Shop assistant Bexleyheath Kent  
   Albert Edward “ son U 13 M School boy Bexleyheath Kent  
   William Charles “ son U 10 M School boy Lee SE Kent  
   Winifred Annie “ dau. U 4 F Lewisham SE Kent  
   Jemima Caroline Yallop bdr W 83 F B. Green, Msx  
C_1911b 1911-04-02 Census record for Croydon, Penge, Surrey (Ancestry.co.uk, 2013, Copy) William (8)  
54 Anerley Park SE Emmeline (9)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   William Watts Head M 57 M Surveyor London  
   Emmeline “ wife M 53 F - Uppingham, Rutl.  
   Beatrice “ dau U 30 F - N. Kensington  
   Gladys “ dau U 14 F School N. Kensington  
   Della Satterley niece U 10 F - Harrow, Msx  
   Pierre Vigueras guest U 19 M Clerk Paris, France  
   Kate Young serv U 38 F Servant London  
A_1913 1913-11-17 Admission to Lewisham High Street Workhouse (Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Jemima (17)  
Jemima Caroline Yallop, widow, born 1828  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
D_1920 1920-4Q Death in Lewisham (TNA, FreeREG) Jemima (17)  
Jemima C. Yallop, aged 92, Lewisham DEC 1920 1d 1172  
W_1921 1921-01-05 Death/Will in Beckenham, Kent (GRO, Copy) Emmeline (9) 1921
This is the last Will and Testament of me, Emeline Watts, and I hereby will & bequeath all my property of every description whatsoever to my dear husband William John Watts absolutely. William (8)  
Emeline Watts, 54 Anerley Park, Anerley SE26  
Signed in the presence of: L. E. Rickett, M. R. Musselwhite, this fourth day of January 1921  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
W_1937 1934-05-19 Will in London (PRO, Copy, 1992) William (8) 1937
The last Will of me William John Watts of 56, Anerley Park, London SE20, Architect and Surveyor.  
I APPOINT my daughter Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson Watts my SOLE EXECUTRIX and give to her all my property whatsoever and wheresoever for her absolute use and benefit.  
AS WITNESS my hand this 19th day of May One thousand nine hundred and thirty four - William J. Watts - SIGNED by the above-named William John Watts as his last will in the joint presence of us who in his presence and that of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses - HENRY J. SATTERLEY, 56 Anerley Park, Anerley, London SE20 Master Mariner (Retired) - SARAH LOUISE TAYLOR, 18 Rushkin Walk, Herne Hill SE24 Widow.  
P_1936c 1936c Photo 1936c William (8)  
William J. Watts, Maude Watts, Henry Satterley  
D_1937 1937-11-05 Death in the Sub-district of Beckenham in the County of Kent, William (8) 1937
Registration District: Bromley (GRO, Copy, 1978)  
Where and when died:               Fifth November 1937, 56 Anerley Park, Penge, U.D.  
Name and surname:                   William John Yallop Watts  
Sex:                                            Male  
Age:                                           84 years  
Occupation:                               Architect  
Cause of death:                          1a. Carcinoma of Stomach, G. de H. Dawson, M.R.C.S.  
Signature, description, and  
   residence of informant:           H. J. Satterley, Inmate, 56 Anerley Park, SE20  
When registered:                        Fifth November 1937  
Signature of registrar:                E.G. Noakes Registrar  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
1963-06-27 Death (National Probate Records) Family (8) 1964
Beatrice Frances Eva Hudson Watts  
CRW: records deleted for privacy  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 15.03.1977, revised 18.10.2024  