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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Richs  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Richs  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_187 That Mary Rich (187) was the mother of Lois Wood (93)  
Lois, daughter of John Wood of Upton, was baptised in Burford on 18 June 1762. PP_186  
John and Mary Wood of Upton had 10 children between 1760 and 1779 - Thomas in 1760 (2 months after their marriage), Lois in 1762, Sarah in 1765, Mary in 1767, Peter Rich in 1769, Lydia in 1770, Ann in 1773 (died in 1773, Ann in 1774, John in 1776, and Susannah in 1779.  
John Wood, a papermaker, married Mary Rich in Burford on 10 July 1760. The groom being a papermaker as in 1784, and the couple having daughters named Lois and Lydia - names which were passed down in the Cooke family later, confirm that these are the parents of Isaac Cooke's wife. M_1760  
John Wood had died by 1795, when Mary was described as his widow on their daughter's marriage. M_1795  
A certain Peter Rich, a papermaker (like John Wood) died in Burford just a year after the latter married Mary Rich. This Peter Rich is almost certainly the father of Mary (especially as his wife was named Lois), though I have not find any document which states this directly. D_1761  
Peter Rich and Lois had 6 children between 1734 and around 1750, plus no doubt, Mary - John in 1734, Mary perhaps around 1737, Harris in 1740, Sarah in 1743, Lois in 1844, Ann in 1748, and Thomas around 1750. PC_1  
Peter Rich and Lois must have married shortly before 1734, say 1732, but a record of their marriage is missing - as is an indication of Lois' maiden name.  
So the mother of Lois Wood (93),  
Mary Rich (187), born in 1740c in ?,  
married to John Wood (186) in 1760 in Burford,  
died in ? in ?, was the daughter of  
Peter Rich (374), and Lois (375). PP_374  
PP_374 That Peter Rich (374) was the father of Mary Rich (187)  
Mary Rich was almost certainly the daughter of Peter Rich and Lois his wife born in Burford around 1737. PP_187  
Peter Rich and Lois had 6 children between 1734 and around 1750, plus no doubt, Mary - John in 1734, Mary perhaps around 1737, Harris in 1740, Sarah in 1743, Lois in 1844, Ann in 1748, and Thomas around 1750. PC_1  
Peter Rich and Lois must have married shortly before 1734, say 1732, but a record of their marriage is missing - as is an indication of Lois' maiden name.  
Peter Rich, a papermaker died in Burford in 1761. D_1761  
A birth or baptism record for Peter Rich is also missing - but there is a helpful clue in the names the family used (aside from Lois) - and that is 'Harris'. This shows that Harris, Peter, Thomas, Sarah and Susanna Rich were the children of Peter Rich and Abigail Harris, and were nephews and nieces of Ann Abrahams née Harris, as Abigail and Ann were sisters. PC_2  
Peter was the eldest child of Peter and Abigail (listed in order of age in the will of Ann Abrahams), after Thomas who died in 1720, so would have been born soon after 1701, say c. 1702.  
So the father of Mary Rich (187),  
Peter Rich (374), born in 1702c in Burford?,  
married to Lois ? (375) in 1732c in Burford?,  
died in 1761c in Burford, was the son of  
Peter Rich (748), and Abigail Harris (749). PP_748  
PP_748 That Peter Rich (748) was the father of Peter Rich (374)  
PC_1 The children of Peter Rich and Mary between 1734 and around 1750  
John son of Peter Rich of Upton was baptised on 10 March 1734 in Burford. B_1734  
The births of their other children were probably recorded by the Quakers or in another parish, and these records are either not available, or lost. Later Quaker records can be used to estimate birth years, as they often recorded the parents of those who married, and ages on death.  
Harris Rich died in 1789 aged 49 (born c. 1740). D_1789  
Sarah Rich, the daughter of Peter Rich of Upton and Lois married Thomas Nicks in 1776. M_1776  
Sarah Nicks, wife of Thomas Nicks died in 1784 aged 41 (born c. 1743) D_1784  
Lois Rich died unmarried in 1783 aged 39 (born c. 1744) D_1783  
Ann Rich, daughter of Peter Rich, papermaker, and Lois his wife of Upton died unmarried in 1793 aged 45 (born c. 1748) D_1793  
Thomas, son of Peter Rich, late of Upton, papermaker, and Lois his wife married in 1792. As this marriage comes after most or all of his siblings had died, he would seem to the the youngest, so born c. 1750 or later. M_1792  
Mary Rich (assuming she is also a daughter of Peter Rich and Lois) married John Wood in 1760 so must have been born before 1745, likely in the gap between 1734 and 1740, so say 1737. M_1760  
PC_2 Occurances of the name 'Harris' in the records of the Rich family 1700-1800  
Harris son of Peter and Abigail Rich of Upton was baptised in Witney in 1701. B_1701  
Harris son of Peter and Abigail Rich was buried in Milton in 1720. B_1701  
Susanna Harris Baker d. Edward, citizen & Baker of London & Susanna Harris his wife was baptised in 1742. B_1742  
The Will of Ann Abrahams (née Harris) in 1746 makes Susanna (Harris) Baker her executrix and Edward Baker, citizen & Baker of London a trustee, beside leaving bequests to her nephews and nieces Peter Rich, Thomas Rich, Sarah Rich and Susanna Baker. W_1746  
Susanna Harris Baker (wife of Edward Baker) was buried in Milton in 1761. D_1761S  
The administration bond made on the death of Peter Rich late of Upton, papermaker, in 1761 was signed by Edward Baker, gent., and Harris Rich, Upton, papermaker D_1761b  
Harris Rich married in Burford in 1777. M_1777  
Susanna Baker daughter Edward Baker & Susanna Harris, married in Burford in 1785. M_1785  
Harris Rich died in 1789 aged 49 (born c. 1740). D_1789  
Records The Records  
1698-01-12 Indenture (The Burford Records, 1920, pp. 474-5) Peter (748)  
Certified Copy of an Indenture of Sale by Sir John Cotton of Landwade, Cambridgeshire, and John Stone the younger of London, merchant, to Peter Rich of Upton in the parish of Burford, papermaker. A Capital messuage sometime in the occupation of Richard Merryweather and now or late in the possession of John Winemore (sic the name is later given as Winsmore ; endorsed in margin ' now of Timothy Abraham ') in the High Street of Burford on the east side of the street over against the High Cross, heretofore used for an Inn and known by the name or sign of the Bull ; also a close of pasture ground containing three acres called the Long Bushy Close at or near the east end of the High Mead ; one acre of lot meadow in the same High Mead ; sixty-three acres in the arable lands of Burford and Signett, except two acres, parcel of the said sixty-three acres, called the Two Butts ; one acre of arable land in the West Field in the furlong called the Feme Furlong ; one acre of arable land in the West Field shooting into the highway from Burford to Signett commonly called Dyneacre way, on the west side of the way. Sale for 545.  
Clauses inserted guaranteeing the absolute title of Cotton and Stone.  
M_1698c 1698c Marriage () Peter (748)  
Peter Rich & Abigail Harris Abigail (749)  
B_1701 1701-05-14 Birth in Witney (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) Peter (748) 1701
Harris son of Peter & Abigail Rich of Upton Abigail (749)  
1702c Birth () Peter (748)  
Peter son of Peter & Abigail Rich of Upton Abigail (749)  
  Peter (374)  
1703-05-02 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 475) Peter (748)  
Lease by Peter Rich of Upton, to Henry Hayter of Burford, ironmonger, and Katherine his wife. Part of a messuage or tenement on the west side of the High Street, ' From the Quyne of the wall att the Crosse house Doore streigh downe to the Quyne of the wall of the entry Doore next the streete ', between a tenement of Thomas Curtis on the north and the other part of the said messuage or tenement now in the occupation of Charles Yate and John Coeburne on the south. At a peppercorn rent. As security for the payment to Henry Hayter of a certain annual sum of 16 for a period of 200 years and of a certain capital sum in the event of the decease of Henry  
Hayter or his wife during the ensuing five or ten years, money due upon the sale by Henry Hayter and his wife to Peter Rich of the premises above mentioned.  
Witnesses : John Jordan,- John Jordan junior, Joseph Payton.  
1704c Birth () Peter (748)  
Thomas son of Peter & Abigail Rich of Upton Abigail (749)  
1706c Birth () Peter (748)  
Sarah son of Peter & Abigail Rich of Upton Abigail (749)  
1707-09-29 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 475) Peter (748)  
Lease by Katharine, Countess of Abercorne, to Peter Rich of Upton. A messuage or tenement in Upton late in the possession of John Mutlow, deceased, now in the occupation of Joseph Thorneton, with four yardlands of arable, meadow and pasture in the common fields of Upton, and common of pasture. Lease for 21 years at 30 a year. Rich covenants not to sell any pease straw, barley straw, or dung, but to use it on the land ; and also to keep one hundred sheep on the premises.  
Witnesses : Ellen Winterborne, Wm. Lindsey, William Tomley.  
Note. Signature of Lady Abercorne.  
1709 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, pp. 475-6) Peter (748)  
Lease by Peter Rich of Upton, papermaker, to John Lenthall of Burford, Esquire. A moiety of the fulling mills and paper mills at Burford and Upton. Lease for a year at 55.  
Not executed.  
1709 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 476) Peter (748)  
Lease by Peter Rich, to John Lenthall and Francis Broderick of Langford, Esquire. The Long Bushy Close ; one acre of lot Meadow ; 63 acres of arable except the Two Butts ; one acre of arable' in Feme Furlong and one acre upon Dyneacre way. Lease for 99 years at a peppercorn rent.  
Not executed.  
1709 Indenture (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 476) Peter (748)  
Indenture of Agreement between John Lenthall and Francis Broderick and Peter Rich. There being a possibility on the one side that a son of Peter Rich and Abigail his wife might have a claim on the meadow and arable lands above mentioned, Peter Rich makes a lease of a moiety of the fulling and paper mills as security that in the event of such a son being born the lands shall be properly conveyed by him to John Lenthall ; and on the other side since John Lenthall has the reversion at the death of Lady Abercorne of the fulling and paper mills and has undertaken to convey them to Peter Rich, he conveys to Peter Rich as security the meadow and arable lands as above. Abigail (749)  
Not executed.  
1711-03-23 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 476) Peter (748)  
Lease by Peter Rich to John Lenthall and John Frederick of Bampton, Esquire. The meadow and arable lands as above. For 99 yearsat a peppercorn rent.  
Witnesses : John Jordan junior, J. Eykyn, Joseph Payton.  
1714-04-29 Document (The Burford Records, 1920, pp. 476-7) Peter (748)  
A document mutilated (about one-third cut out) concerning premises apparently in the High Street of Burford late in the occupation of John Turner deceased ... a tenement in the possession of John Jessett on the north side thereof together with three other tenements lately erected . . . Robinson, Thomas Spurryer, and . . . Coburne, and eight acres of arable land . . . except one cottage lately erected in the backside belonging to the . . . Rich lately sold to one John Deane and is now in the said John Deane's possession.  
Endorsed : ' Peter Rich's mortgadge to Margarett Lay pro 40  
On back : Peter Rich's receipt for 40 witnessed by John Jordan junior and Ralph Wall.  
The main document not executed.  
D_1720 1720-11-01 Burial at Milton (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) Peter (748) 1720
Harris son of Peter & Abigail Rich Abigail (749)  
D_1726 1726-07-28 Burial (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) Abigail (749) 1726
Abigail, wife of Peter Rich of Upton, Burford Peter (748)  
1727-07-12 Lease (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 477) Peter (748)  
Counterpart Lease by John Aston of Suffolk Lane in the parish of St. Mary Abchurch, London, merchant, to Peter Rich of Upton, papermaker. A messuage or tenement with seven yardlands and common for 280 sheep, fourteen ' cow beasts ' and seven ' horse beasts ', commonly called Martin's Messuage or Tenement. For 21 years at 55 a year. Clause that John Aston shall be at liberty to open up a quarry at the upper end of the piece of arable adjoining the messuage. Also a clause that Peter Rich may plough up two of the closes belonging to the messuage, but not the enclosed lands called Newbrook Lands unless the tenant farmers and landlords agree to plough up their shares of those lands ; and Peter Rich will in that case sow ' two bushel of good sweet clean and merchantable saintfoyne seed to one bushel of come for every acre of the said closes which shall be plowed up '.  
Witnesses : John Jordan, George Mayer.  
1732c Marriage at ? () Peter (374)  
Peter Rich & Lois ? Lois (375)  
B_1734 1734-03-10 Baptism at Burford, Oxon (Ancestry.co.uk) Peter (374) 1734
John Rich son of Peter Rich of Upton  
1737c Birth (ORO OX/R 44-46) M_1760  
Mary Rich  
1739-09-29 Deed (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 477) Peter (374)  
Deed of Partnership between Joseph Flexney of Burford, clothier, and William Summerfield of Burford, distiller, of the one part, and Peter Rich of Upton, papermaker, of the other part. The paper mills to be worked in partnership ; Flexney and Summerfield are to provide capital ; Rich is to work in the mills as a journeyman, and to instruct the workmen, and also to instruct Flexney and Summerfield in the marketing of the paper ; Rich is to receive weekly wages, is. a week to be deducted as interest due upon a bond of 50 by Rich to Robert Raikes of the City of Gloucester, printer ; Rich is not to drink ale or strong drink with any of the workmen at the mills or elsewhere on pain of a fine of 55. to be deducted from his wages ; nor is he to draw bills upon Flexney and Summerfield for more than is really due to him on pain of forfeiting twice the amount of the bill ; Rich is to enter all the manufacture of paper in a book and to write on every ream the quality of the paper ; Flexney and Summerfield are to receive all moneys and make all payments.  
Witnesses : John Ingles, Benjamin Crossley.  
1740c Birth (Ancestry, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1970) D_1789  
Harris Rich  
B_1742 1742-03-28 Birth (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1742
Susanna Harris Baker d. Edward, citizen & Baker of London & Susanna Harris his wife  
1743c Birth (FamilySearch; Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) M_1776 Peter (374)  
Sarah Rich, d. Peter Rich of Upton & Lois his wife both deceased (CRW: married Thomas Nicks in 1777) D_1784 Lois (375)  
Sarah Nicks, aged 41, wife of Thomas Nicks, shoemaker (CRW: died 1784)  
1744c Birth (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) D_1783  
Lois Rich  
W_1746b 1746-05-23 Will (The Burford Records, 1920, p. 478)  
Copy of the will of Ann Abrahams, wife of Timothy Abrahams of Burford, mercer. Testator bequeaths certain houses in the High Street and Witney Street and 24 acres of land in the common fields belonging to a house in the High Street formerly a capital messuage of one Silvester, in trust for various people including her niece Sarah Rich and her nephew Peter Rich. Testator mentions a mortgage on Peter Rich's estate for 400 and also a bond of Peter Rich for 180.  
[There is another copy of the same will.]  
Note. Most of the Rich Papers have the name ' Padbury ' written on the outside in pencil.  
W_1746 1746-05-23 Will (FindMyPast, Oxford Archdeaconry, 211.161; 114/3/44) 1746
Testator: Ann Abrahams, wife of Timothy Abrahams of Burford, mercer
Executors: Susannah Baker, Edward Dean and George White
Trustees: Edward Baker, of London, baker, Edward Dean of Burford, weaver, and George White of Milton yeoman
Date: 23 May 1746, proved 1748
Witnesses: J. Ingles, R. Pinfold, Thomas Andrews
Will: - profits from house in High street, Burford to
niece Sarah Rich
- House in Witney Street, Burford to
niece Susannah & her husband Edward Baker
- £400 mortgage on
nephew Peter Rich’s estate equally to nephews and nieces Peter Rich, Thomas Rich, Sarah Rich & Susannah Baker
- £100 to
niece Sarah Rich
- Interest on £180 owed by
Peter Rich to niece Susannah Baker for her life
- Plate, clothes & furnishings to
niece Sarah Rich
- Furnishings to
nephew Peter Rich
- Furnishings to
nephew Thomas Rich
- £5 to poor Friends of Burford & Milton
- ½ of rest to
niece Susannah Baker
- ½ of rest in trust for
niece Sarah Rich
Total fortune: - ca. £685, 3 houses, + rest
1748c Birth (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) D_1793 Peter (374)  
Ann Rich d. of Peter Rich, papermaker & Lois his wife of Upton Lois (375)  
1750c Birth (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) M_1792 Peter (374)  
Thomas Rich son of Peter Rich & Lois Lois (375)  
M_1760 1760-07-10 Marriage in Burford, Oxfordshire (ORO OX/R 44-46) John (186) 1760
John Wood (x) papermaker m. My Rich sp lic wits Tho Osman Jn Steer Mary (187)  
D_1761S 1761-03-18 Burial at Milton (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1761
Susanna Harris Baker  
A_1761 1761-12-03 Admon in Upton, Oxfordshire (ORO Peter Rich papermaker Upton 1761 Bd 110.52; 173/1/78) Peter (374) 1761
Peter Rich Upton  
The 3rd day of De[cember?] the same Surrogate committed letters of Administration of all the goods of the deceas’d to Edward Baker his brother-in-law he being duly sworn &c.  
A_1761b 1761-12-03 Bond (FindMyPast, Oxfordshire Wills) Peter (374) 1761
Peter Rich late of Upton, papermaker, Edward Baker, gent., Harris Rich, Upton, papermaker  
M_1776 1776-11-13 Marriage in Witney (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1776
Thomas Nicks & Sarah Rich, d. Peter Rich of Upton & Lois his wife both deceased  
M_1777 1777-12-26 Marriage at Burford, Oxon (FamilySearch) 1777
Harris Rich of Upton & Ann Young  
D_1783 1783-10-19 Burial in Cirencester (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1783
Lois Rich, aged 39  
CRW: born c. 1744  
1784-05-03 Burial in Burford (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1784
Edward Baker aged 72  
D_1784 1784-07-26 Burial in Witney (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1784
Sarah Nicks, aged 41, wife of Thomas Nicks, shoemaker  
M_1785 1785-10-19 Marriage in Burford (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1785
Susanna Baker d. Edward Baker & Susanna Harris, Matthias Padbury  
D_1789 1789-01-20 Burial (Ancestry, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1970) 1789
Harris Rich, aged 49  
CRW: born c. 1740  
1789-07-14c Relief (A Brief State of the Produce of the Bridgehouse Estate, Vol. 2)  
Ann Rich, widow of Harris Rich  
M_1792 1792-05-25 Marriage in Burford (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1792
Thomas Rich of Cheltenham, s. of Peter Rich & Lois both deceased & Mary Coates  
D_1793 1793-04-23 Burial in Witney (Ancestry, Quaker BMD registers, 1578-1837) 1793
Ann Rich d. of Peter Rich, papermaker & Lois his wife of Upton, 45 years  
CRW: born c. 1748  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 09.08.2011, revised 07.05.2020  