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The records Trees  
Tracing the Forresters  
The records  
Tracing Tracing the Forresters  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_27 That Isabella Forrester (27) was the mother of Rachel Norris (13)  
PP_54 That Andrew Forrester (54) was the father of Isabella Forrester (27)  
PP_108 That John Forrester (108) was the father of Andrew Forrester (54)  
Records The Records  
M_1838 1838-04-17 Marriage solemnized at St. Johns Church in the parish of Wakefield in the County of York (GRO, Copy, 1995) Andrew (54) 1838
   Name and Surname Mary (55)  
   Name and Surname                    Andrew Forrester                       Mary Scholefield John (108)  
   Age                                             full                                                full  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                       Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Soldier                                          -  
   Residence                                   Leeds                                            Wakefield  
   Father's Name and Surname      John Forrester                            John Scholefield  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Farmer                                          Cloth Draper  
Married in the Church of St. Johns  according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Licence by me, J. G. Cumming, Curate.  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Andrew Forrester  
                                                                                       Mary Scholefield X her mark  
   In the presence of     Richd Tisdall  
                                     Elizabeth Woodson  
1841-06-07 Census record for Wakefield, York (Ancestry.co.uk) Andrew (54)  
Thorne Lane Mary (55)  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born in county  
   Andw Forester 30 M Baker Scotland  
   Mary do 20 F Y  
   Elizabeth 4m F Y  
   Richard ?dnee 20 M ? Ireland  
1841 Officers of Wakefield House of Correction (rootsweb.com/../prisons-uk) Andrew (54)  
Return of Officers employed at Wakefield House of Correction, Name Age Office Salary Appointed  
Andrew Forrester 31 Watchman 54-12-0 1841  
1841 Baptism in Wakefield, Yorks. (LDS/IGI, 1994) Andrew (54)  
Elizabeth dau. of Andrew Forrester & Mary Mary (55)  
1842 Baptism in Wakefield, Yorks. (LDS/IGI, 1994) Andrew (54)  
Alexander son of Andrew Forrester & Mary Mary (55)  
B_1844 1844-05-15 Birth in the Sub-district of Wakefield in the County of York, Andrew (54) 1844
Registration District: Wakefield (GRO, Copy, 1995) Mary (55)  
When and where born:                  Fifteenth of May 1844, Back Garden Street Isabella (27)  
Name, if any:                                Isabella  
Sex:                                               Girl  
Name and surname of father:       Andrew Forrester  
Name, surname, and   
  maiden surname of mother:       Mary Forrester formerly Schofield  
Occupation of father:                   Bread Baker  
Signature, description and   
residence of informant:                The mark of X Mary Forrester, Mother, Back Garden Street  
When registered:                          Sixth of June 1844  
Signature of registrar:                  J. Holdsworth, Registrar  
1845 Officers of Wakefield House of Correction (Reports from Commissioners, Inspectors of Prisons, 4.02-9.08 1845, Vol. XXIV, p. 18) Andrew (54)  
Return of Officers employed at Wakefield House of Correction, Name Age Office Salary Appointed  
Andrew Forrester 35 Warder 54-12-0 1841  
1847-10-07 News report (BNA, Bradford Observer) Andrew (54)  
Andrew Forrester, watch stolen; officer at the Wakefield House of Correction Mary (55)  
A person named George Stubley was charged with stealing a watch on the 23rd of September last, the property of Mr. Andrew Forrester, officer at the Wakefield House of Correction. The prosecutor resides in Garden Street, and on the morning in questions, Mrs. Forrester happening to be in the cellar kitchen, and hearing someone cross the floor above, she ran up stairs immediately, and found the door open. She then missed the watch in question, which had been suspended against the wall over the fire place, and she thereupon went to look out in the street, and saw the prisoner, whom she overtook going in a direction from her house. He said to her, “I know what you want”, and put his hands into his pockets and pulled out the watch which he then gave to her. Information was immediately given to some parties of what had happened, who apprehended him. The prisoner was committed to take his trial at the next Leeds sessions.  
1851 Census record for Wakefield, 120 Back Garden St. (PRO, 1997) Andrew (54)  
   Name Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. born Mary (55)  
   Andrew Forrester Head 40 M Chief Warder, Prison Scotland Isabella (27)  
   Mary do 31 F - York Wakefield  
   Elizabeth do 10 F scholar York Wakefield  
   Alexander do 9 M scholar York Wakefield  
   Isabella do 6 F scholar York Wakefield  
   Ann do 4 F scholar York Wakefield  
   Andrew do 2 M scholar York Wakefield  
1861-04-07 Census record for Wakefield, Yorks (Ancestry.co.uk) Andrew (54)  
Back Garden Street Mary (55)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born Isabella (27)  
   Andrew Forrester Head M 50 M Prison Officer Scotland  
   Mary do wife M 43 F Wakefield, Yorks  
   Elizabeth do dau U 20 F House Servant Thornes, Yorks  
   Alexander do son U 18 M Cabinet Maker (ap) Wakefield, Yorks  
   Isabella do 16 U 16 F House Servant Wakefield, Yorks  
   Andrew do son U 12 M Scholar Wakefield, Yorks  
   Jane do dau U 9 F do Wakefield, Yorks  
   John do son U 7 M do Wakefield, Yorks  
   Walter son U 2 M do Wakefield, Yorks  
   James son U 8m M Wakefield, Yorks  
M_1866 1866-04-04 Marriage solemnized in St. Austin's Chapel in the district of Wakefield in the County of York (GRO, Copy, 1990) Richard (26) 1866
   Name and Surname                    Richard Norris                       Isabella Forrester Isabella (27)  
   Age                                             22                                             21 Andrew (54)  
   Condition                                    Bachelor                                  Spinster  
   Rank or Profession                     Stationer                                   -  
   Residence                                   Upper Parliament Street           Garden Street  
   Father's Name and Surname      Richard Norris                        Andrew Forrester  
   Father's Rank or Profession       Schoolmaster                            Chief Warder of the West Riding Prison  
Married in the St. Austin's Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church by me, John Baron; John Whitaker, Registrar  
   This marriage was solemnized between us                Richard Norris Jnr  
                                                                                       Isabella Forrester  
   In the presence of     John Norris  
                                     Elizabeth Forrester  
1866-04-04 Marriage in Wakefield, Yorks. (British Newspaper Archive, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advisor 07.04.1866) Richard (26)  
NORRIS – FORRESTER – April 4, at St. Austin’s Roman Catholic Church, Wakefield, Richard Norris, Esq., Liverpool, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr. Andrew Forrester, of Wakefield Isabella (27)  
  Andrew (54)  
1870-07-02 Retirement (BNA, Leeds Times) Andrew (54)  
£66 10s. 4d. Was granted to Andrew Forrester, late principal warder at the Wakefield House of Correction  
1871-04-02 Census record for Wakefield, Yorks (Ancestry.co.uk) Andrew (54)  
Back Garden Street Mary (55)  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Andrew Forrester Head M 63 M Retired Prison Officer Scotland  
   Mary do wife M 53 F Wakefield, Yorks  
   Elizabeth do dau U 30 F Wakefield, Yorks  
   John do son U 17 M Wool sorter Wakefield, Yorks  
   Walter do son U 12 M Scholar Wakefield, Yorks  
   James do son U 10 M Scholar Wakefield, Yorks  
   Joseph Scholefield ldgr U 47 M Wool sorter Wakefield, Yorks  
D_1876 1876-05-18 Death in the Sub-district of Islington in the County of Lancaster, Isabella (27) 1876
Registration District: Liverpool (GRO, Copy, 1999) Richard (26)  
Where and when died:                   Eighteenth May 1876, 2 Scotland Road  
Name and surname:                       Isabella Norris  
Sex:                                                Female  
Age:                                               32 years  
Occupation:                                    Wife of Richard Norris, Publican  
Cause of death:                               Injury to brain caused by accidental discharge of a revolver by her husband, 6 weeks  
Signature, description, and   
residence of informant:                  Certificate received from Clarke Aspinell Coroner for Liverpool, Inquest held 20th and  
                                                        29th May 1876  
When registered:                            Thirtyfirst May 1876  
Signature of registrar:                     C. Hart Registrar  
I_1876 1876-05-30 Inquest in Liverpool in the County of Lancaster (Daily Courier) Isabella (27) 1876
Fatal Incautious Use of a Revolver Richard (26)  
The adjourned inquest on the body of Isabella Norris, 32 years of age, wife of Richard Norris, a publican, of 2, Scotland-road, was resumed yesterday before the borough coroner. Mr, Bremner was present to watch the proceedings on behalf of the deceased’s husband. It appeared that Joseph Norris, brother-in-law of the deceased, had been using a revolver on the 4th ult. He was in the same room as his brother and his brother’s wife (the deceased) who had a child upon each knee. He handed the revolver to his brother, four of the chambers being at the time loaded, but he did not tell his brother the weapon was loaded. He told his brother that the quickest way of firing the cartridges successively was to pull the trigger back with the thumb instead of using the trigger. Richard Norris pulled the hammer back with his thumb, but the hammer slipped from his hold and exploded the cartridge. The ball grazed the deceased’s nose and passed through the orbit of her right eye into the brain at the back of the head. She lived to the 18th inst., and spoke rationally of the affair till within a short time of her death. The accident was not, however, mentioned to her, for fear of its exciting her. Once before her death, in speaking of the affair to her mother, she said that the revolver went off by accident. After a long investigation the jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death”, and were of opinion that Joseph Norris was deserving of censure, as he had been careless in using the weapon and not warning his brother that the revolver was loaded.  
D_1878 1878-2Q Death in Wakefield (FreeBMD) Mary (55)  
Deaths Jun 1878   (>99%)  
Forrester Mary 60 Wakefield 9c 33  
D_1879 1879-1Q Death in Wakefield (FreeBMD) Andrew (54)  
Deaths Mar 1879   (>99%)  
Forrester Andrew 74 Wakefield 9c 37  
W_1879 1879-02-14 Will (TNA, England & Wales, National Probate Calendar) Andrew (54) 1879
Andrew Forrester  
The Will of Andrew Forrester late of Back-Garden-street Wakefield in the County of York who died 1 February 1879 at Back-Garden-street was proved at Wakefield by Andrew Forrester of 6 Upper-Warwick-street Toxteth Park Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Out-door Officer in Her Majesty’s Customs the son and George Pilkington of Back-Garden-street Mechanical Engineer the Executors  
1881 Census record for Toxteth Park, Lancs (PRO/CD, 2000) Family (54)  
70 Pickwick St.  
   Name Rel. C. Age Sex Profession, trade, etc. Where born  
   Andrew Forrester head M 33 M Outdoor Off. HM Cust. Wakefield, Yorks.  
   Mary " wife M 36 F Newcastle, Nhumb.  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 10.12.1990, revised 09.05.2020  