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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Caves  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Caves  
In his will of 1650, William Kinge minister of Edmondthorpe, mentions his wife Anne and his brother-in-law Theophilus Cave. 1650  
This lends credence to the Visitation of Leicestershire from the year 1619 which shows Anna Cave, daughter of Henry Cave and Philippa Braham, daughter of Robert, and Henry's parents as Francis Cave and Margaret Lisle (or Lisley). Visitation  
Nichols' History and Antiquities of Leicestershire adds more detail to Henry Cave's family. Nichols  
All of the above is confirmed below by the wills of Richard Cave 1538, Francis Cave 1583, and Henry Cave 1600, and in additon, the relationship of the Caves, and Kinges, right through to the Dixons is proved by the will of Humphrey Babbington 1692 naming Rogert Braham as his great-grandfather, Henry Cave as his grandfather, and Martha Wilshire and Samuel Dixon as his cousins. W_1692  
The Visitation of England and Wales vol 29 gives details of Francis Cave's family, his father Richard Cave d. 1538 including his two wives. It also gives Richard's parents as Thomas Cave of Stanford and Thomasine Passemer. Vis. E & W  
A Thomas Cave is recorded in Bridges' History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire as having a brass memorial in the church of Stanford upon Soar, in the middle aisle, with the effigies of a man, his two wives and eight children and a text giving his date of death as 17 September 1495.  
This could be Richard Cave's father, although in his will Richard mentions no siblings, but does mention two Cave cousins, which seems odd. I have yet to find any other record of this Thomas Cave or his wife. W_1538  
Bridges records another brass in the church of Stanford upon Soar, in a burial place parted off by rails at the upper end of the north aisle, with the effigies of a man and his wife and an inscription that says that Thomas Cave was the son of Peter Cave and Margeri.  
Bridges also records a brass in the church of Stanford upon Soar, in the chancel, stating that Johannes (John) Cave vicar of Stanford died the 27th of February 1471 [1472].  
These monuments are likely to be from the same Cave family, though supporting documentation from other sources is lacking so far.  
The Caves of Stanford bore the arms 'argent fretty azure', Stanford Arms  
the same arms as the Caves of South Cave, Yorkshire, but how that right came down to them is not clear. South Cave Arms  
They are, though, included in pedigrees in Betham's Baronstage of England of 1801, Betham  
and Hall's History of South Cave of 1892, for instance. Hall  
Both of these pedigrees say that the the ancestral Cave lands in South Cave etc. came to Robert Sheffield thus: from Sir Alexander Cave alive in 1340, his son Sir John Cave, his son Sir Alexander Cave, his daughter Maud who married Alexander Lounde, and their daughter Janet married Robert Sheffield MP. Sheffield MP  
However, this Robert Sheffield's father-in law Alexander Lound was the son another Alexander Lound MP, Lounde MP  
and in 1405 Alexader Lounde brough a plea into court concerning land inherited from Margaret Lounde, living in 1331, the sister of the same Sir Alexander Cave above. 1405 Plea  
But this Margaret Lounde and Sie Alexander Cave seem to have not only caught illegally occupying former Templar properties, but also, Margaret is called "sister and heir of Alexander de Cave, knight". 1340 Order  
This means not only that the Cave properties came to Robert Sheffield through Margaret Lounde, Gerard Lounde, Gerard Londe knt., Alexander Lounde and Alexander Lound, but also that Alexander Cave had no son John to pass property to, so that whole part of the Cave pedigree must be incorrect.  
Which in turn means that we have no idea at present how the Caves of South Cave Yorkshire and the Caves of Stanford upon Soar are related.  
What we do know is that the Abbey of Selby (22 miles west of South Cave in Yorkshire) had a long-time interest in Stanford, Richard Cave left a bequest to the abbot of Selby in his will in 1538 (before the abbey's disolution) and that the Caves were well-placed to profit from the dissolution when it happened. W_1538  
The Abbey of Selby was surrendered on 6 December 1539. Abbey of Selby  
On John Cave's confirmation as Abbot of Selby in 1429, the escheators of Yorkshire and York were ordered to deliver the temporalities of the Abbey to him, but also the escheators of the Counties of Lincoln, Northampton and Leicester - so the Abbey also had properties in the latter three counties. Confirmation  
The account roll of the Abbey of Selby in 1459 includes Stanford and Stormesworth in Leicestershire, both mentioned in the will of Richard Cave in 1538 below. Account Roll  
In 1353 there was already a Cave involved with affairs in Standford, Doune and Stormesworth - Henry de Cave was the abbot's attorney in dealing with the properties. (The Coucher Book of Selby, Hodges, 1891, pp. 75, 78) Coucher  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_4815 That Anne Cave (4815) was the mother of Dorothy Kinge (2407)  
In his will of 1650, William Kinge minister of Edmondthorpe, mentions his wife Anne, his brother-in-law Theophilus Cave and his daughters Dorothy Dixon and Martha Wilshire. 1650  
Humphrey Babbington, son of Margaret Cave and nephew of Anne Cave, not only mentions his cousins Martha Wilshire and Samuel Dixon (husband of his actual cousin Dorothy Dixon), confirming his relationship to the Kinges and Dixons, but also mentions his grandfather Henry Cave (giving Anne Caves father), and also his great-grandfather Robert Braham (confirming that Philippa, wife of Henry Cave, was the daughter of Robert Braham) W_1692  
PP_9630 That Henry Cave (9630) was the father of Anne Cave (4815)  
Humphrey Babbington, son of Margaret Cave and nephew of Anne Cave, not only mentions his cousins Martha Wilshire and Samuel Dixon (husband of his actual cousin Dorothy Dixon), confirming his relationship to the Kinges and Dixons, but also mentions his grandfather Henry Cave (giving Anne Caves father), and also his great-grandfather Robert Braham (confirming that Philippa, wife of Henry Cave, was the daughter of Robert Braham) W_1692  
PP_19260 That Francis Cave (19260) was the father of Henry Cave (9630)  
PP_38520 That Richard Cave (38520) was the father of Francis Cave (19260)  
PP_77040 That Thomas Cave (77040) was the father of Richard Cave (38520)  
Records The Records  
D_1472 1472-02-27 Death in Stanford upon Soar (Monument in the church, History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, John Bridges, Volume I, p. 581)  
John Cave, vicar of Stanford  
In the chancel on a brass plate upon a marble on the ground  
Hic jacet Johannes Cave primus Vicarus istius Ecclesiae qui obiit penultimo die Mensis Febrarii Anno Dni Millesimo CCCC septagen?o primo cujus anime prop??tar Deus Amen  
D_1475c 1475c Death in Stanford upon Soar (Monument in the church, History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, John Bridges, Volume I, p. 582)  
Peter Cave  
In a burial place parted off by rails at the upper end of the north aisle, under the effigies of a man and his wife a brass inscription that says  
O Christi genitrix Petri Cave sis miseratrix Peter (154080)  
Et . . . . tue de penis Margeri serva Margery (154079)  
At fuit ille Pater Thome Cave, haec sua Mater Thomas (77040)  
Funde preces Domino pro nobis semper in alto  
M_1490c 1490c Marriage in ? (?) Richard (38520)  
Richard Cave & Elizabeth Mervyn  
W_1492 1492 Will in Church Lawford, Warw. (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/9/219)  
Testator: John Mervyn  
Executors: William Lane Richard Cave John Knight and William Mirven. Richard (38520)  
Date: 22 October 1492, proved 20 November 1492  
Item I will that if the said Hugh or William die without heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten that then all the foresaid lands and tenements shall remain to Elizabeth Cave, Agnes Knight and Jane Lane and to their heirs forever.  
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Cave 6 wethers 6 ewes and 3 hoggrells and also 20 beasts in part of payment of such money and goodsI promised to give to her husband and her in free marriage  
And of this my last will and testament my executors I make and ordain the said William Lane Richard Cave John Knight and William Mirven.  
D_1495 1495-09-17 Death in Stanford upon Soar (Monument in the church, History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, John Bridges, Volume I, p. 582) Thomas (77040)  
Thomas Cave  
Under a brass plate under the figures of a man, his two wives, and eight children in brass, with two brass-plates above and beneath them on which is inscribed in Gothic characters JoU Merci  
Salvator Mundi Thome Cave Tu Miserere  
Cui precor alme Deus Coeli Gloriam det  
Qui moritur festo Lamberti Turiis Almi  
Mille semel quater et Centos etiam Nonaginta  
Adjicias quinque Domini certos habet annos  
Aeterne vivet Anima, proque hujus orate  
W_1495 1495 Will (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/10/507)  
Testator: Margaret Mervyn  
Executors: son Hugh Mervyn and son-in-law William Lane  
Date: 18 July 1494, proved 24 November 1495  
Item I give and bequeath to Edward Cave and Margaret Cave the children of my daughter Elizabeth Cave to either of them 5 ewes & 5 lambs and to either of them 9 cows and 2 steers of my cattle of Pulteney  
Richard Cave's first wife Elizabeth Mervyn evidently died between October 1492 and July 1494.  
M_1495c 1495c Marriage in ? (?) Richard (38520)  
Richard Cave & Margaret Saxby Margaret (38519)  
G_1513 1513-12-01 Grant (TNA WARD 2/39/146I/51)  
Grant by Thomas Pulteney to Sir Thomas Lucy, William Lane of Orlingbury (Orlisbury), Northamptonshire, Richard Cave of 'Staunton', Northamptonshire, and Thomas Bosworth of North Kilworth, Leicestershire, of an annuity of £6 13s 4d issuing from the manor of Poultney (Pulteney), Leicestershire, in consideration of the marriage between William Pulteney, Thomas Pulteney's brother, and Isabella, one of the daughters of John Boteler, son of John Boteler late of Exhall, [Warwickshire]. Richard (38520)  
Witnesses: John Waylle, Thomas Turner, John Turner junior, John Campyon junior, John Streyttun junior, Richard Bossworthe, clerk and others.  
Signature of Thomas Pulteney, seal missing.  
Held by: The National Archives, Kew  
Legal Status: Public Record(s)  
Language: English and Latin  
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description  
R_1528 1528-10-15 Deed (TNA E 41/55)  
Richard Verney esquire, Thomas Brokesby, Richard Cave, William Saunders, Robert Chauntrell, Julyn Nethermyll, John Thorneton, and William Willis, gentelmen To Richard Fermer merchant of the staple of Calais (appointment as receiver of the lands late of Sir Thomas Lucy deceased in the room of the grantors, who were so appointed by Lady Lucy): manors of Beckerings [in Ridgmont], Wilden (Beds.); Haversham, Loughton, Dagnell [in Eddlesborough] (Bucks); Wyck Rissenden (Wykresiden) (Gloucs.); Great (Nether) Claybrook (Leics.); Higford Middleton [in Bitterley] (Salop); Bishampton (Worsc.) - and others: Bedford, Buckingham, Gloucester, Leicester, Salop, Worcester. Richard (38520)  
Note: Deed mutilated  
Held by: The National Archives, Kew  
Legal Status: Public Record(s)  
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description  
I_1531 1531-02-14 Inquisition (TNA C 131/112/14) Richard (38520)  
Debtor: Francis Poulter {Pulter}, and Robert Castle {Castell}, of London, gentlemen.  
Creditor: Robert Booth, a citizen and mercer of London.  
Amount: £20.  
Before whom: Thomas Seymour, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.  
When taken: 03/06/1530  
First term: 14/01/1531  
Last term: 14/01/1531  
Writ to: Sheriff of Northants  
Inquisition and return: Date to be returned: 18/06/1531. Attached is the inquisition made at Rothwell [in Rothwell Hundred] in Northants. on 15/0 6/1531 before Richard Cave, Sheriff. Francis Poulter on the day of the recognisance was seised in demesne of the Manor of Northborough [in Nassaburgh Hundred, Northants.], and of 6 messuages, 40 acres of land, and 40 acres of pasture in Northborough, worth altogether £7 a year after expenses.  
Sent by: Chancery.  
Endorsement: Richard Cave, Sheriff, replies that Robert Castle has no goods or chattels, lands or tenements in the bailiwick; he has seized those of Francis Poulter into the King's hands. Wikipedia  
Date: 1531 Feb 14   
Held by: The National Archives, Kew  
1533-05-20 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533, pp. 211-228)  
515. Thomas Emson.  
The answer of Thos. Emson to the certificate of Sir John Clerke, Ric. Cave, Will. Saunders, and Maurice Osborn, acting under the King's commission dated 20 May 25 Hen. VIII., touching the condition of the manors of Eston, Hulcote, Lychebaro, &c. Richard (38520)  
ii. The answer of Thos. Emson to the demands of Ric. Fermer.  
Pp. 9. Endd.  
1533-09-07 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533, pp. 449-466)  
1092. Cranmer to his Chancellor.  
Desires him, in accordance with the Archbishop's licence, to admit into the Arches the bearer, Dr. Cave, a civilian. Francis (19260)  
1537-01-13 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12, 1537, pp. 30-50)  
Doubts not he will be his good lord in the controversy between him and Mr. Dyngley for the commandry of Shingay in Cambridgeshire. As it will appear by a writing which my brother the bearer will show you the Religion has given it me for my "melliorment," and has collated the commandry that I have possession of to another young gentleman. If Dingley has it, no man will be preferred but himself, for he would then keep two commandries, besides a member that he has out of the prioralty worth 40l. a year, and a pension out of another commandry of 100 cr. of the sun. No man for so little time serving the Religion is so rewarded. He should be content and not seek means to break the ancient style and custom of the Religion.  
My lord of St. John's lately received a letter from Malta, which he should deliver to the King with credence for certain news from those parts. The gentleman who should bring the news is fallen sick in France, and till he come my lord can know nothing. Being troubled with gout he gave the letter to Cave to deliver, and if Cave were in health he would have come himself. Sends two carpets as a gift. London, 13 Jan. 1536.  
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.  
D_1538 1538-06-22c Death in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/27/273) W_1538  
Richard Cave of Stanford, Northamptonshire, esq Richard (38520)  
W_1538 1538 Will in Stanford on Avon, Northamptonshire (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/27/273) Transcription 1538
Testator: Richard Cave of Stanford, Northamptonshire, esq. Richard (38520)  
Executors: son Thomas Cave, son Doctor Francis Cave, son Brian Cave Francis (19260)  
Overseers: Edward Montagu sergeant at law, son Sir Ambrose Cave knight of Rhodes, sons-in-law John Croke and Robert Chauntrell Wikipedia  
Date: 17 June 1538, proved 22 June 1538  
Witnesses: Brian Cave, Tho: Cave, John Dalby, Thomas Marshall  
Will: - buried in Stanford Church near first wife Elizabeth and second wife Margaret Margaret (38519)  
  - 12d to church of Lincoln  
 - £5 and second chalice of silver and pearl gilt for repair to Stanford church  
 - best chalice to son Thomas Cave  
 - £100 to daughter Elizabeth Wyrley for marriage of her children of which £54 has been paid to her husband  
 - 100 marks [2/3 of £100] to daughter Dorothy Smyth for marriage of her children  
 - 100 marks to daughter [Margaret] Chauntrell for marriage of her children of which £40 already paid  
 - 40 marks to daughter Prudence Croke for marriage of [her son] John Croke  
 - 40 marks to daughter Bryget Tauffelde for marriage of her children and wife’s chain of gold  
 - 100 marks to son Sir Ambrose Cave HoP  
 - 100 marks to son Doctor Francis Cave Francis (19260)  
 - £100 to son Brian Cave  
 - meat & drink to all priests and gentlemen and all other honest men coming to burial  
 - [1?] pence apiece to poor as the time of the year shall require  
 - meat & drink 2d to neighbours of Stanford both old and young on a day executors think best  
 - 2s to every godchild alive at my departing  
 - 8d to every priest and 2d to every clerk that says mass and dirge for my soul at my departing  
 - £5, a livery, grass & 8 oxen in Stormesworth, house & croft he dwells in free for life to servant Robert Coton to be provided by son Thomas  
 - 4 marks to servant Thomas Nycolls  
 - 26s 8d towards their marriage to every woman servant in my service since a year at my death  
 - 20s apiece to [servants] John Andrew/Dawes and Greenborough towards their marriage   
 - 13s 4d apiece towards their marriages to every servant doing daily service since a year at my death to pray for my soul etc.  
 - 5 marks to every child of my cousin Thomas Cave  
 - 5 marks to my Lord Abbot of Selby, 5 marks to the master prior there, 20s to every master that is a priest, 2s 4d to every novice Wikipedia  
 - 40 marks rent yearly from William Symonds farm in Swinford held of the Commandry of Dyngley to Richard son of son Thomas, minus 10s for candles for the curch of Stanford  
 - lease of pastures in Pulteney from Sir Thomas Pulteney to son Anthony  
 - 40s to my Lord of Pypwell to say mass and dirge for my soul, 4s 8d to every priest there 6s 8d, 3s 4d to every novice  
 - 20s to my Lord of Combe to say mass and dirge for my soul, 26s 8d all other priests and novices there  
 - 13s 4d to every house of freres in Northampton Coventry and Leicester to say mass dirge and a trental of masses for my soul etc.  
 - household stuff in Stanford, and sevants for at least a year, to son Thomas  
 - yearly obit kept for me at Stanford by executors for 2 years, logding for 2 days at expense of son Thomas or Lord of the manor  
 - £40 to poor people or to highways or to the marriage of poor maidens at the discretion of my executors  
 - 40s to poor Richard my boy in the kitchen towards his living  
 - my lease that I have of the Commander of Battesford and Dyngley of the friary to son Brian  
 - lease of pasture called Blakden in [Eltyngton] Elkington, house of Pypwell & parsonage of Lilborn to son Richard Cave  
 - 40s to Thomas Hardyman and 20s to his two brothers  
 - £6 to Katheryn Andrews and Margaret Cave daughters of son Edward  
 - one hundred ewes and lambs with them to son Anthony  
 - one hundred ewes and lambs with them to son Richard  
 - rest of sheep, beasts and cattle in Stormesworth and Stanford to my son Thomas  
 - all great beasts and cattle in farm of Yugwardby [Ingarsby] & grey sc?oned horse that I have of my Lady Skevington to son Brian Ingarsby  
 - leases in Cokhall and Cotehyll pastures in Eltington [Elkington] & sixteen score ewes and thirty beasts to my son Thomas, he to pay 26s 8d and his livery to servant Richard Payne for life  
 - grass and pasture summer & winter in the field of Cokhilles for six geldings each to sons Sir Ambrose Cave and Francis Cave provided free by son Thomas   
 - executors to cause a bridge and causeway of stone for carts to pass over to be made at Brownes Man  
 - £50 he owes me to brother John Saxby, £10 to executors (return his 3 silver bowls held as pledge) and £40 to the marriage of his daughter Clemence my goddaughter   
 - £200 he owes me to son Anthony Cave  
 - £100 to son Richard Cave & £200 to the marriage of his children  
 - £5 to servant Alice Gardiner  
 - 40s to Thomas Flekyn of Lylborn [Lilbourne]  
 - 20s to Joan Warde late servant of son Richard Cave  
 - 40s, my old gown furred with fox & the money he owes me to cousin Thomas Cave  
 - fifty marks her husband owes me to daughter Dorothy Smyth  
 - 10 marks each to Katheryn Andrews & Margaret Cave daughters of son Edward   
 - The debts they owe me to vicar of Lilborn, parson of Oakley & Thomas Downhall  
 - 5s 4d per year rent to godson Laurence Cave son of cousin John Cave  
 - £10 for two salts of silver whole gilt with a cover for each son & daughter  
 - one gelding to son Sir Ambrose   
 - cloth and fox fur I bought for a new gown for myself to son Richard  
 - silver gilt bason and ewer, three bowls with cover, two best salts with cover, spoons the apostles of the ends to son Thomas Cave  
 - what he owes me, if under 20s, to every poor man, he to pray for my soul  
 - part of what they owe me to be forgiven if over 20s to other poor men  
 - lease of manor and pastures of Yugwardby [Ingarsby] and tithe of Hungarton to son Bryan Cave  
 - rest of plate equally to son Thomas Cave, Doctor Francis Cave, Anthony Cave, Richard Cave & Bryan Cave  
 - 13s 4d to the priest to say dirge & mass, 4d to the clerk, 2d to poor people in most need help (once a year for 40 years) to pray for my soul my father my mother my wives Elizabeth and Margaret Cave’s soul and for all Christian souls  
 - fine black to make gowns for every sons and their wives, my sons-in-law and their wives, all servants in my house at Stanford & my priests   
 - 40s to vicar of Swynford & 20s to my chantry priest there  
 - 20s to Sr Richard my priest and Sr Robert to pray for my soul  
1538-08-28 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, 1538, pp. 75-101)  
207. Leicester, St. Mary Pre Abbey.  
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Leic, Warw., Ntht., [Buck?, Beds.], Notts, Line, Derb., Lane, and London and elsewhere in England, Wales and the Marches thereof.——30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Bourchier, abbot, Ric Duckytt, Ric. Webbe, sub-prior and 17 others. [See Eighth Report of Dep. Keeper, App. ii., 27.].  
Stained. Two seals, injured.  
Enrolled [Cl. Roll, p. 3, No. 25] as acknowledged same day (fn. n7) before Fras. Cave, LL.D., King's Commissioner.  Francis (19260)  
1538-08-28 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, 1538, pp. 75-101)  
208. John Bourchier, Priest, to Cromwell.  
I and my brethren have surrendered our house into the King's hands, and thanks to his Highness and your Lordship, we be well entreated. Dr. Cave and Mr. Freman have given me the King's reward, 20l., to serve me till Lady Day in Lent next. It will cost me 8l. or 9l. in competent apparel, and then I have little left to serve me and 2 or 3 servants. I desire you to write to Dr. Cave that I may have as much more as you shall please; for so poor a man never made surrender. Leicester, 28 August. Signed. Francis (19260)  
P.S. in his own hand: I beg you to grant me this in my need.  
P. 1 Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: late abbot of Leicester.  
1538-08-29 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, 15383, pp. 75-101)  
211. Dr. Francis Cave to [Cromwell]. Francis (19260)  
This is to advertise "your good Lordship" of the state, of the late monastery of Leicester, of which we have taken the surrender. By your Lordship's goodness I am in possession of the house and demesnes. Found debts, to 411l. 10s., besides the debt to the King; against which sale of stock, &c. brought 228l., find the plate, which Mr. Freman has, is worth 190l., lead worth 1,000l., and bells 88l. Discharged the abbot and convent with 149l. as appears by the book we send. The abbot having 20l. desires of your Lordship that he may have 20l. more. Church and house remain undefaced, and in the former are many things unsold. Requests instructions about defacing "the church and other superfluous buildings "; for 100 mks. a year would not cover the yearly repair of them all. Late monastery of Leicester, 29 Aug. Signed.  
1538-11-21 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, 1538, pp. 369-378)  
886. Cranmer to Cromwell.  
Cromwell's servant, Dr. Cave, is willing to resign his prebend in the King's College at Oxford to Cranmer's chaplain Dr. Barber. Asks Cromwell to obtain it from the King in whose gift it is. Lambeth, 21 Nov. Signed. Francis (19260)  
1538-12-22 Letter (BHO, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, 1538, pp. 466-475)  
1122. John Smythe to Francis Cave. Francis (19260)  
Received his letter on Wednesday last, and as to the priory of Lawnd, has caused two honest persons to review the demesnes, which, along with Whatboro (Whadborough) Field were wont to keep this time of year 2,000 sheep, though there are now scant 500, of which he supposes the one half of them be not the prior's. And whereas the prior used to keep on his commons in Loddyngton Field 500 sheep, there is at this day not one. Neither is there at Frisby, where he used to have a flock. All fat "beys," except a very few for the house, are sold, and much of the stuff conveyed away before the prior's last going to London. Cannot find, however, that he has made away with any cattle since his coming home, except certain milch kye and one bull, which he caused to be conveyed the night he carne from London to Loddington. The prior told him he had made away the plate a good while ago, in hope to redeem his house, except the jewels and plate of the church, which still remain. He had given away several of his horses to his servants. No leases have been made out of the demesnes except tithes, but some of certain closes and mills at Loddington were granted conditionally before the prior's going to London. Knows the prior has been in hand with his brethren since his coming home, to have a lease sealed of all his purchased land in Alstyd, &c. Withcoke, 22 Dec.  
Added on back: Sir, because the prior is my neighbour and has ever been kind to me, I pray you be good to him and his canons.  
Hol. p. 1. Add.: Dr. Cave in Pater Noster Roo, nygh Poolles in London. Endd.  
G_1540c 1540c Grant (A Topographical Dictionary of England, London, 1848, BHO)  
STANFORD (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Rugby, hundred of Guilsborough, S. division of the county of Northampton, 3½ miles (S. W.) from Welford, and 5 (S. E.) from Lutterworth; containing 32 inhabitants.   
After the Dissolution, the manor and advowson were granted by Henry VIII., for the sum of £1194. 3. 4., to Thomas Cave, Esq.   
M_1543c 1543c Marriage in ? (?) Francis (19260)  
Francis Cave & Margaret Lisley Margaret (19259)  
L_1543 1543-11-02 Letters Patent Baggrave (Leicester & Rutland RO, DG51/1) Francis (19260)  
Letters Patent granting Baggrave, in the parish of Hungarton to Francis Cave, Margaret his wife and their heirs Margaret (19259)  
1548 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Sir Ambrose Cave, knt.  
F_1552 1552-05-14 Licence to Thomas Cave esq. (TNA, CPR 1550-3, p. 415)  
Licence, for £20, to Thomas Cave, to grant the manor of Stanford, Nhants. & Leics., with the rectory there and the advowson of the vicarage, and all his lands in Stanford and Downe, Nhants. And in Stormesworth and Boresworth, Leics. - to Ambrose Cave, knight, Edward Saunders, king's sergeant at law, Brian Cave, William Skeffington, esquires, Edward Noble and John Hewet, their heirs and assigns.  
A feoffment by Thomas Cave, son and heir of Richard Cave who died in 1538.  
1558 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Brian Cave, esq.  
1568 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Brian Cave of Ingarsby, esq.  
1568-08-20 Marriage Settlement (Leicester & Rutland RO, 44'28/415)  
(i) Francis Cave of Baggrave in Leicestershire, Esq. Francis (19260)  
(ii) Eleanor Babington of Rothley, widow, lately the wife of Thomas Babington, Esq., deceased, and executrix of his will.  
(iii) Humfrey Babington of Rothley, son and heir of Thomas.  
(iii) to (i) who is to convey to Thomas Skeffington of Skeffington, Edward Cave of Ingarsby, and Francis Saunders of Stoughton and Edward Vincent of Marston, the estates of (iii) and the Manor of Rothley belonging to (iii) with the appurtenances in Leicestershire, the parsonage of Rothley and all other messuages of Humfrey situated in Mountsorrel and Woodhouse, excepting the messuages, houses and property which were lately in the tenure of Richard Tempell, gent. The above property has a yearly value of £40.  
To be held to the use of:  
a) the uses mentioned in the will of Thomas Babington for 6 years.  
b) to the use of (iii) and Margaret, his wife to be, and their heirs. If there are no heirs other arrangements made.  
Other conditions.  
Consideration: The marriage of (iii) and Margaret Cave, one of the daughters of (i). The marriage to take place before the next Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.  
Margaret Cave and Hunphrey Babbington are the grandparents of Humphrey Babbington d. 1692. W_1692  
1578 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Thomas Cave of Stanford Hall, esq.  
M_1580c 1580c Marriage in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire? (?) Henry (9630)  
Henry Cave & Philippa Braham Philippa (9629)  
1581 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Brian Cave of Ingarsby, esq.  
1583-03-17 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1583
Thomas Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 17th day March 1583 Henry (9630)  
buried in July 1583, so year here must be 1583?  
1583-07-24 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1583
Thomas Cave buried the 24th July 1583 Henry (9630)  
D_1583 1583-10-31 Burial in Hungarton, Leicestershire (Visitation of England and Wales, Vol29, p. 126) Memorial Francis (19260)  
Francis Cave  
W_1583 1583 Will in Baggrave, Leicestershire (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/66/161) Transcription 1583
Testator: Francis Cave of Baggreave, Leics. esq. HoP Francis (19260)  
Executors: brother Brian Cave, son Thomas Cave  
Overseers: sons Anthony Cave, Brian Cave, Henry Cave, Lysley Cave & William Cave Henry (9630)  
Date: 19 March 1582 [1583], proved 25 November 1583  
Witnesses: Brian Cave, Tho: Cave, John Dalby, Thomas Marshall  
Will: - buried in Hungarton Church near to the place where my wife is buried  
  - £5 to the poor  
 - piece of silver plate of £5 as a memorial to son Thomas  
 - greatest piece of old gold to his wife  
 - one pair of gilt salts with one cover to son Thomas and to the heirs of Baggrave Hall according to his grandfather’s will Richard (38520)  
 - piece of silver plate of £5 as a memorial to each younger natural son & daughter  
 - £20 to each of youngest sons Brian, Henry and William Henry (9630)  
 - one of his best gowns to brother Mr. Brian Cave  
 - lease of land in Gaddesby to old servant William Dracott for 21 years, rent to son Thomas, then to Arthur Yeavamat when 21; when expired to Arthur for life, then to son Thomas & his heirs  
 - similar arrangement for old servant Thomas Marshall  
 - £5 to another old servant Bartholomew Cave  
 - all his land in Barsby to son Thomas giving 10s per year for repairs to the church in Hungarton  
 - 40s to John Dalby brother Bryan Cave’s man for writing this will  
 - rest to son Thomas  
B_1584 1584-11-08 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1584
Theophilus Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 8th day November 1584 Henry (9630)  
1586-01-16 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1586
Margaret Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 17th day March 1585 Henry (9630)  
1586 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
William Cave of Pickwell, esq.  
1588-04-23 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1588
Elizabeth Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 23rd day March 1585 Henry (9630)  
1589-09-09 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1588
Anne Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 9th day September 1589 Henry (9630)  
1589-12-12 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1588
Anne Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave buried the 21st day December 1589 Henry (9630)  
B_1591 1591-01-31 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) Anne (4815) 1591
Anne Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 31 day January 1590 Henry (9630)  
1591 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Thomas Cave of Stanford Hall, esq.  
1592-09-04 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1592
Dorothe Cave daughter of Mr. H. Cave Baptized the 3rd day September 1592 Henry (9630)  
1592-12-23 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1592
Dorothe Cave buried the 23rd December 1592 Henry (9630)  
1593-11-11 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1593
Robert Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 11th day November 1593 Henry (9630)  
1595 Sheriff of Leicestershire (1815 History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, John Nicholas, Vol. I, Part 2, pp. 460-1)  
Henry Cave of Barrow, esq. Henry (9630)  
1595-03-14 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1595
William Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 14th day March 1595 Henry (9630)  
Written as 1595 although the new year only started on the 25th.  
1596-05-30 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1596
Edward Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 30th day May 1596 Henry (9630)  
1597-11-27 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1597
Thomas Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 27th day November 1597 Henry (9630)  
1599-03-25 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1599
Henry Cave son of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 25th day March 1599 Henry (9630)  
D_1600 1600-06-27 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) Memorial Henry (9630) 1600
Henry Cave gent. buried the 27th day of June 1600  
W_1600 1600 Will in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/216/599) Transcription 1600
Testator: Henry Cave of Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire Henry (9630)  
Executorix: wife Philippa Philippa (9629)  
Date: ca. 17 June 1600, proved 17 January 1601  
Witnesses: ? Cave, Ro Braham, Anth: Cave, Lisley Cave, Robert H?oone Robert (19262)  
Will: - all my goods & chattels whatsoever towife Pjhilippa to bring up my children in the fear of God & to pay my debts  
1600-08-27 Baptism in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1600
Katherine Cave daughter of Mr. Henry Cave baptized the 27th day August 1600 Henry (9630)  
She was baptized 2 months after her father's burial  
D_1609 1609-08-21 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) Philippa (9629) 1609
Philippa Cave gentlewoman [widow of Henry Cave] buried 20-22 August 1609  
M_1611c 1611c Marriage in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire? (?) William (4814)  
William Kinge & Anne Cave Anne (4815)  
1627-08-16 Death in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1627
Mr. Edward Cave buried 16 August 1627  
1627-08-16 Inventory (implying Death) in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1627
Edward Cave inventory taken 16 August 1627 sum £68 16s 8d  
1640-01-23 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1640
Henry Cave gent. buried the 25th January 1639  
1646-08-24 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1646
Thomas Cave gentleman buried August 24 1646  
1650-09-30 Burial in Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1650
Isabel Cave gentlewoman [wife of Theophilus Cave] buried September 1650  
W_1692 1692 Will in Boothby Paynell, Leicestershire (Ancestry PCC Wills 1384-1858, TNA PROB 11/408/224) Transcription 1692
Testator: Humphrey Babbington, Doctor of Divinity & Rector of Boothy Paynell, Lincs. Wikipedia  
Executors: sisters Mrs. Katherine Clarke and Mrs Anne Fowler  
Date: 16 August 1686, proved 16 February 1691 [1692]  
Witnesses: Tho. Hartorp, Ch. Farnham, Tho: Bywater, Wm. Cooke, John Bromhead  
Will: - to be buried in the church of Barrow upon Soar near memorials to great-grandfather Mr. Robert Braham and grandfather Mr. Henry Cave or Trinity College Chapel Cambridge Robert (19262)  
  - 10s for a ring to daughter Anne Orme Henry (9630)  
 - £5 to poor of Barrow if buried there, else £1, and £5 to people in Cambridge  
  -  collections of maps, coins, scientific & musical instruments to Royal College Cambridge  
 - rings of 20s and 10s to masters and fellows of the college  
 - ring of 20s to Mr. Samuel Newton registrar of Trinity College  
 - £10 and ring to loving and very worthy friend Mr. Thomas Barrow father of Doctor Isaac Barrow the late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge  
 - £10 worth of his books to the public library of the town of Leicester  
 - 3 rings of 20s to Thomas Harrington of Boothby Paynell, his wife & daughter  
 - £5 and ring of 20s to curate Mr. John Lord  
 - £5 to dear sister Mrs. Katherine Clarke  
 - £5 to nephew Mr. Edward Storer of Buckminster  
 - £10 to nephew Arthur Storer his brother  
 - 55 acres of land in Swineshead and Birker Lincs. to nephew Edward Storer  
 - £20 to godson Francis Baron  
 - house in Grantham to Edward Baron son of niece Katherine Vincent  
 - £5 to dear sister Mrs. Anne Fowler  
 - £20 to nephew William King silkweaver after giving £50 to set him up  
 - 20s to each servant  
 - 20s to godson Mr. Humphrey Perkins  
 - £5 to godson Thomas Walker son of Mr. William Walker late rector of Costerworth  
 - £5 to poor of Boothby Paynell at £1 per year  
 - his Gerards Herbal (history of plants) to cousin Mr. Samuel Dixon [husband of Dorothy Kinge, Anne Cave's daughter] Samuel (2406)  
 - £5 to cousin Mrs. Martha Wiltshire [nee Kinge - Anne Cave's daughter]  
 - £20 to Joseph Birkhead son of cousin Mr. John Birkhead deceased  
 - property in Barrow upon Soar, Quarndon and Mountsorrel into a trust to finance an almshouse in Barrow for 6 men in the name of his revered uncle Theophilus Cave  
 - £10 per year out of the above to Thomas Parkyns of Bunny, Notts. Baronet  
 - £10 per year out of the above to nephew Edward Storer  
 - 16 acres of land in Barrow to sister Mrs. Anne Fowler for life, then to the trust  
 - £5 to executors  
Humphrey Babbington was the son of Adrian Babbington and Margaret Cave, so he was Anne Cave's nephew. He was orphaned when he was 13 years old, and was helped and mentored by his uncle Theophilus Cave. Adrian Babbington's father also married a Margaret Cave - a sister of Humprey's grandfather Henry Cave.  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 01.02.2023, revised 05.02.2023  