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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Burys  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Burys  
Since finding in 2009 that John Stevenson's parents were Thomas and Naomi, I have occasionally searched for their marriage, either of their births, and Naomi's maiden name, without success - until in 2022, searching for records on Ancestry, quite a few member trees showed that she was Naomi Bury. Given this lead, the wills of her father Leonard Bury and her grandfather Thomas Bury were easy to find.  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_601 That Naomi Bury (601) was the mother of John Stevenson (300)  
Naomi the wife of Thomas Stevenson was buried in 1734. D_1734  
Ruth Stevenson, daughter of Thomas Stevenson and Naomi was baptized in 1714 in South Witham, the youngest child after Thomas in 1792, Leonard in 1696 and John Stevenson in 1702. B_1714  
Ruth Stevenson is named in the will of Leonard Bury in 1720 as his granddaughter, implying that Naomi is Leonard Bury's daughter. W_1720  
This Leonard Bury married Ruth Dixon as his second wife in 1667, and a Samuel Dixon was one of the witnesses to Leonard's will. M_1667  
This Samuel Dixon's will in 1695 names his daughter as Ruth Bury, and two of his grandchildren as Leonard Bury and Naomi Stephenson. W_1695  
This proves that Naomi Bury was Leonard Bury's daughter, and that she was the mother of John Stevenson.  
PP_1202 That Leonard Bury (1202) was the father of Naomi Bury (601)  
This is proved above. PP_601  
PP_2404 That Thomas Bury (2404) was the father of Leonard Bury (1202)  
In his will in 1668, Thomas Bury mentions his elder son Leonard, and Leonard's children by his first wife Margaret - Thomas, Ann, John and Samuel. Thomas and Ann are confirmed in the parish register, Ann marrying in Buckminster in 1683, and Thomas in 1692. W_1668  
PP_4808 That George Bury (4808) was the father of Thomas Bury (2404)  
In his will in 1668, Thomas Bury mentions having bought some property from his father George. This is all we have on George so far. W_1668  
Records The Records  
Note that parish records for Buckminster between 1663 and 1673 seem to be missing (FMP, FamilySearch)  
B_1635x6 1635x36 Birth (1795x1815 Hist & Ant Co Leicester Nichols V2part1, p. 126) Leonard (1202)  
Monumental Inscription on the floor of the middle chancel in the church reads:  
Here lies the body of Leonard Bury, sen. who departed this life April 7, 1720, in the 85th year of his age  
M_1657 1667 Marriage in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, Boyd's marriage index, 1415-1808) Leonard (1202) 1657
Leonard Bury and Margaret Dent married the 19th day of February 1666 in Buckminster  
M_1667 1667-05-20 Marriage in Coston, Leicestershire (FMP, PR, 2003) Leonard (1202) 1667
Leonard Bury of Susterne [Sewstern] and Ruth Dixon of Buckminster married the 19th day of February 1666 Ruth (1203)  
W_1668 1668 Will in Sewstern, Leicestershire (Leicestershire Archives 2022) 1668 Thomas (2404) 1668
Testator: Thomas Bury, tanner of Sewstern, Lincolnshire  
Executor: son Thomas  
Date: 26 January 1668, proved 6 November 1668  
Witnesses: Samuel Dixon, Tho: Moore  
Will: - all property, in Sewstern & Buckminster, to son Thomas  
 - including a close he bought from his father George Bury  
 - £2 to 4 children of elder son Leonard when 18 or 21 (Thomas, John, Ann & Samuel)  
 - if son Thomas dies without heirs, all to grandson Thomas, son of Leonard  
 - if this happens, he to pay his sister Anne £2, and his aunt Jane Bury £5  
 - £100 to daughter Jane Bury  
 - bed & some household items to son Thomas  
 - rest of household items to daughter Jane & wife Mary  
 - £3 to ‘present’ wife Mary  
 - rest to son Thomas  
Fortune: £562 12s. 8d.  
B_1669c 1669c Birth () Naomi (601)  
Naomi daughter of Leonard Bury and his wife Ruth (born Dixon) Leonard (1202)  
  Ruth (1203)  
B_1676 1676-09-10 Baptism in Buckminster (FMP, PR) 1676
Leonard son of Leonard Bury Leonard (1202)  
D_1676 1676-12-30 Burial in Buckminster (FMP, PR) 1676
Leonard son of Leonard Bury Leonard (1202)  
B_1678 1678-05-20 Baptism in Buckminster (FMP, PR) 1678
Leonard son of Leonard Bury Leonard (1202)  
D_1679 1679-08-29 Burial in Buckminster (FMP, PR) 1679
Leonard son of Leonard Bury Leonard (1202)  
M_1683 1683-06-05 Marriage in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, PR) 1683
Gilbert Bullivant & Anne Burie [Bury]  
B_1683 1683-07-08 Baptism in Buckminster (FMP, PR) 1683
Ann daughter of Thomas Bury  
M_1690c 1690c Marriage () Naomi (601)  
Thomas Stevenson and Naomi Bury Thomas (600)  
M_1692 1692 Marriage in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, Leicester Marriage Licences 1570-1729) 1692
Thomas Berry [Bury] of Sewstern & Anne Raven of Sewstern  
D_1700 1700-12-20 Burial in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, PR, 2022) 1700
Ann Bury widow 20 December  
M_1702 1702-04-23 Death in Buckminster (1795x1815 Hist & Ant Co Leicester Nichols V2part1, p. 126) Ruth (1203)  
Monumental Inscription on the floor of the middle chancel in the church reads: Leonard (1202)  
Here lieth the body of Ruth, wife of Leonard Bury, sen., of Sewstern, who departed this life April 23, 1702, in the 57th yer of her age.  
D_1702 1702-04-24 Burial in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, PR, 2022) Ruth (1203) 1702
Ruth wife of Leonard Bury buried April 24 1702 Leonard (1202)  
D_1706 1706-02-25 Burial in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, PR, 2022) 1706
Ann daughter of Thomas Bury 25 February 1705  
D_1709 1709-11-07 Burial in Buckminster, Leicestershire (FMP, PR, 2022) 1709
Dorothy daughter of Thomas Bury 7 November 1709  
M_1720 1720-04-07 Death in Buckminster (1795x1815 Hist & Ant Co Leicester Nichols V2part1, p. 126) Leonard (1202)  
Monumental Inscription on the floor of the middle chancel in the church reads:  
Here lies the body of Leonard Bury, sen. who departed this life April 7, 1720, in the 85th year of his age  
D_1720 1720-04-09 Burial in Buckminster (FMP, PR) Leonard (1202) 1720
Leonard Bury was buried April 9 1720  
W_1720 1720 Will in Sewstern, Leicestershire (Leicestershire Archives 2022) 1720 Leonard (1202) 1720
Testator: Leonard Bury, tanner, Sewstern, Lincolnshire  
Executor: son Thomas  
Overseers: sons-in-law Gilbert Bullivant & George Blague  
Date: 28 August 1719, proved 1720  
Witnesses: Seth Agar, Tho Pease?, Theodosia Leland  
Will: - 1s. to eldest son Thomas  
 - £100 to granddaughter Elizabeth Bury  
 - £50 to granddaughter Ruth Bury  
 - £20 to granddaughter Ruth Stephenson  
 - £10 to the poor of Sewstern in 10 yearly installments  
D_1734 1734-04-09 Burial in South Witham, Lincoln (Lincs to the Past) Naomi (601) 1734
Naomi the wife of Tho: Stevenson senior of Gunby was buryed Aprl 9th Thomas (600)  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 13.06.2022, revised 16.01.2023  