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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Rookes  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Rookes  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_1513 That Lucia Rooke (1513) was the mother of Thomas Baker (756)  
PP_3026 That John Rooke (3026) was the father of Lucia Rooke (1513)  
PP_6052 That John Rooke (6052) was the father of John Rooke (3026)  
PP_12104 That Thomas Rooke (12104) was the father of John Rooke (6052)  
PP_24208 That John Rooke (24208) was the father of Thomas Rooke (12104)  
Records The Records  
W_1582 1582-01-26 Will (TNA, PROB 11/64/30) 1582 John (24208) 1582
Testator: John Rooke of Evenlode, Glocs., yeoman Agnes (24209)  
Executor: wife Agnes Thomas (12104)  
Overseers: John Tydmarsh clerk curate of Brodewell, brother Thomas Rocke, Thomas Fletcher, Anthony Greynehill, William Freeman of Brodewell  
Date: 31 July 1581, proved 26 January 1582  
Witnesses: Barnarde Powes, Anthony Greynehill, John Tidmarsh  
Will: - 3s 4d to repair the church of Evenlode  
 - 3s 4d to neediest poor of Evenlode  
 - 3s 4d to neediest poor of Stow on the Wold  
 - 3s 4d to neediest poor of Morton Henmarsh  
 - 3s 4d to neediest poor of Blockley  
 - 3s 4d to neediest poor of Chipping Norton  
 - 3s 4d to repair the highway of Evenlode  
 - property in Ludstone to son Thomas, he to pay rent of 5s 8d yearly  
 - 10s and a sheep apiece to the 2 daughters of son Thomas  
 - 40s to daughter Johan, wife of Thomas Newman of Kingham  
 - right to sow one quarter of barley yearly at Ludstone to son-in-law Thomas Newman, as long as wife Johan lives  
 - 40s to John, eldest son of Thomas Newman and Johan, when 14  
 - 40s to Anne, eldest daughter of Thomas Newman and Johan, when 14  
 - 20s to daughter Anne, wife of William Johnsons of Oddington  
 - 40s and a sheep to Richard, eldest son of William Johnsons and Anne, when 14  
 - 20s and a sheep to Elinor, daughter of William Johnsons and Anne  
 - a quarter of barley yearly to daughter Anne Johnsons from son Edward  
 - 4d apiece to every godchild  
 - 12d apiece to every servant living with him at his decease  
 - one sheep apiece to Anne & Mary Elkes, daughters of sister  
 - property on lease in North Brooke & Nether Stratford to son Edward  
 - rest of property on lease in North Brooke & Nether Stratford to wife Agnes  
 - lease of Ludstone to son Edward  
 - implements & furniture to son Edward & wife Agnes  
 - rest equally between son Edward & wife Agnes  
Total fortune: - ca. £13, leases on properties, livestock & crops, + rest  
W_1587 1587-11-17 Will (Glocester Consistory Court, Will 1587/178) 1587 Family (6053)  
Testator: Richard Checker of Maugersbury, Glocs.  
Executor: wife Alice  
Overseers: Richard Winsmore? William Ansell  
Date: 10 July 1587, proved 17 November 1587  
Witnesses: C.R.? parson of Stow, Richard Winsmore? William Ansell & ?  
Will: - 10d to almshouse of Stow  
 - 12d to repair of church of Stow  
 - corn to brother Hu?  
 - A sheep apiece to four children of brother Hu?  
 - A sheep apiece to three children of brother William?  
 - A sheep to godson Thomas ?  
 - A sheep apiece to two children of ?  
 - £13 6s to son Rowland when 21  
 - 10 sheep to son Rowland  
 - £10 to daughter Lucy when 21  
 - 10 sheep to daughter Lucy  
 - rest to wife Alice  
Total fortune: - ca. £25, 30 sheep, + rest  
Richard Checker's widow Alice afterward married Thomas Rooke. Lucy Checker married John Rooke in 1605, and Rowland Checker married Elizabeth (probably Rooke) before 1610. Alice died in 1627 and made son Rowland Checker and daughter Lucy Rooke her executors.  
M_1605 1605-11-25 Marriage in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813, f. 4) John (6052) 1605
John Roocke & Lucy Checker Lucia (6053)  
1606-01-16 Marriage in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813, f. 4)  
Thomas Rooke & Mary Wright  
W_1608 1608-05-24 Will (Consistory Court of Gloucester, Will 1608/131) 1614 John (6052) 1614
Testator: William Johnstones of Oddington, Glocs. Lucia (6053)  
Executor: brother-in-law Thomas Rooke of Bledington John (3026)  
Overseers: brother Ferdinand Johnsons, brother-in-law Thomas Rooke of Barton-on-the-Water, son-in-law John Hill  
Date: 29 January 1608, proved 24 May 1608  
Witnesses: John Stowe, Thomas Gamond, John Wade, Thomas Rooke of Bledington, Ferdinand Johnsons  
Will: -   
This will shows that the wife of Thomas Rooke of Bledington was Agnes, sister of William Jonh  
1612-05-08 Baptism in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813, f. 10)  
Mary d. Tho: Rooke & Anne his wife  
W_1614 1614-02-10 Will (TNA, PROB 11/123/157) 1614 John (6052) 1614
Testator: Thomas Rooke of Bledington, Glocs., yeoman Lucia (6053)  
Executor: wife Alice John (3026)  
Overseers: John Wade, Thomas Hawkins & John Johnson  
Date: 28 November 1612, proved 10 February 1614  
Witnesses: Thomas Cooke clerk, John Wade, Thomas Hawkins, John Johnson  
Will: - 6s 8d to repair of church of Bledington  
 - 6s 8d worth of corn to the poor of Bledington  
 - team of horses etc. in Bledington to son John after death of wife Alice  
 - his part of team of horses etc. in Maugersbury to Rowland Checker and Elizabeth his wife  
 - £80 to daughter Dorothy  
 - one quarter of seed barley to Thomas Farrant and Anne his wife  
 - 8s 4d to sister-in-law Agnes Rooke widow  
 - 20s each to her children John, Agnes & Elinor  
 - one heifer to Agnes Ancott  
 - 20s apiece to each grandchild  
 - 6s 8d to the poor in the alms house in Stow-on-the-Wold  
 - 7d apiece to each godchild  
 - 7d to each servant living with his at his death  
 - rest to wife Alice  
Total fortune: - ca. £90, 2 teams of horses, livestock, + rest  
Thomas Rooke leaves bequests to his children, probably in order of age: son John, daughter Elizabeth married to Rowland Checker (his second wife Alice's son), daughter Dorothy, and daughter Ann married to Thomas Farrant.  
W_1627 1627-10-23 Will (TNA, PROB 11/152/504) 1627 Family (6053) 1627
Testator: Alice Rooke of Bledington, Glocs., widow Family (6052)  
Executors: son Rowland Checker & daughter Lucy Rooke  
Overseers: John Vilmore and Richard Howford  
Date: 20 October 1626, proved 23 October 1627  
Witnesses: Tho: Cooke clerk, John Vilmore  
Will: - 20s to repair of church of Bledington  
 - 1 quarter of mill corn to the poor of Bledington  
 - corn to brother Hu?  
 - one cow to Thomas Rooke  
 - £5 & furniture and tools to John Rooke  
 - £5 & kettle to Richard Rooke  
 - £20 & furniture to Alice Checker  
 - £20 & kettle to Alice Rooke  
 - £5, pot & 3 platters to Elizabeth Checker  
 - £5 & 3 platters to Dorothy Checker  
 - £5 & 3 platters to Ann Checker  
 - money from sale of 15 beasts equally to John Rooke, Richard Rooke Elizabeth Checker, Dorothy Checker & Anne Checker  
 - 1 quarter of mill corn to Anne Farrant  
 - 26s 8d equally divided to her children  
 - 1 quarter of barley & ½ quarter of pulse to John Norris  
 - 5s to carter Thomas Trinder  
 - 10s to Edward Hathaway  
 - 2s each to other servants  
 - farm lease to daughter Lucy Rooke  
 - rest to executors  
 - owed by various persons £48  
Total fortune: - ca. £70, lease on farm, + rest  
Alice Rooke makes her son Roland Checker and daughter Lucy Rooke (married to John Rooke) executors of her will. Her first husband was Richard Checker, who died in 1587 (40 years before!), and he mentions his son Rowland and daughter Lucy in his will.  
M_1637 1637 Marriage in Icomb, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) John (3026) 1637
John Rucke & Joane Robbins Johanne (3027)  
B_1638 1638-07-22 Baptism in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) John (3026) 1638
Lucia d. John Rooke & Johanna his wife Johanne (3027)  
  Lucia (1513)  
1647 Court Case concerning Bledington, Gloucs (The Changing English Village 1066-1914, M. K. Ashby) John (3026)  
For the year 1647 a notable document was carried by five Bledington "men of the Jury" to the Hundred Court. By that time the Civil Wars had gone on for five years. The first engagement, the Battle of Edgehill, had been fought twenty miles from here, on and below the ridge that runs from Stow via Chatleton to Sunrising and Knoll End Hills, and looks over the Vale of the Red Horse. That was in 1642; in 1643 royalist soldiers were quartered in Oddington and Stow was the scene of a contest between Lord Essex the Parliamentary leader and Prince Rupert. Essex had heavy guns which must have been heard in Bledington. Civil customs and events were disturbed: Dover's Games, we know, were halted. But as in the Wars of the Roses, much of local government continued hereabouts in its accustomed way. Whichever party, Royal or Parliamentary, held sway sent bailiffs as usual to hold Hundred Courts, and the ancient customs of open-fields farming could not be dispensed with. Yet doubtless disturbance and failure of authority in the national sphere favoured division and indiscipline in smaller communities. Certainly Bledington had its disharmony. The absence of the manorial court had left commoners with only their ancient meeting which alone had no power to compel. Men had been breaking the old rules - ignoring the dates for turning rother beasts on to the common and sheep on to the stubble. A new misdemeanour was turning sheep on to the common and baiting them there on their way to and from Stow market. Meetings of commoners had discussed these matters but the miscreants defied their fellows. There were only four or five of them against twenty one. The majority decided to appeal to the Hundred Court. They drew up a summary of the rules - mostly ancient, but with a few adjustments e.g. provision for growing oats. The duties and rights of fieldsmen and oarsmen were also set out. Finally this long clear document provided that the fines for disobedience would be the property of the Hundred Court. The twenty-one signatures to the document include the old names - Guy, Baker, Ivinge, Grayhurst, Pegler, Lord, Hathaway, Cooke, Rooke, Andrews and Dodford, besides some already named above, and a few more recent ones - Winter, Dalby, Taylor and Ellems, Cornwell and Young.  
M_1661 1661-12-30 Marriage in Bledington, Gloucs (IGI, 2017; Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) William (1512) 1661
William Baker & Lucia Rooke Lucia (1513)  
1668 Will (The Changing English Village 1066-1914, M. K. Ashby, p. 163) John (3026)  
John Rooke  
The largest monetary legacies of all are those of John Rooke or Rucke whose will was proved in 1677. His house was the one above the present vicarage: to it were attached two yardlands (the original copyhold) and also a part of the demesne lands – a petty farm and two berridales. When John died he lest all his possession to his “loving wife Johane” for her life. After her death they are to go to his son Thomas, on one condition – that within two years he pay to his brothers and sisters sums amounting to £700. If he does not, the overseers of the will are to “let and set” the messuage and land for fifteen years and take the rent. (The Rookes’ farm would probably be the equivalent of 120 acres. Thus, the rent would be about 6s 8d per acre)  
W_1678 1678-08-02 Will (Consistory Court of Gloucester, Will 1678/10) 1678 John (3026) 1678
Testator: John Rooke of Bledington, Glocs., yeoman Johanne (3027)  
Executor: wife Johane  
Overseers: friend Nathaniel Brookes of Burford gent. & brother Richard Rooke of Great Rissington yeoman  
Date: 20 May 1677, proved 2 August 1678  
Witnesses: Anne Brookes Charles Brookes  
Will: - house & lands in Bledington to wife Johane for life, then to son Thomas if he pays  
 - £200 to son John  
 - £200 to daughter Johane  
 - £100 to daughter Alice  
 - £100 to son Richard  
 - 5s apiece to children of daughter Baker  
 - 5s apiece to son Thomas & daughter Lucy  
 - 20s apiece to overseers  
Total fortune: - ca. £600, house & lands, + rest  
D_1692 1692-10-25 Burial in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) Johanne (3027) 1692
Joane Rooke  
I_1692 1692-11-01 Inventory in Bledington, Gloucs () Johanne (3027) 1692
Joane Rooke, total £119 15s 10d, of which crop of corn £55, and 11 cattle £33  
1697-03-17 Burial in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) Family (3026)  
Johannes Rooke  
1697 Chancery proceeding (Chancery proceedings, Bridges' division, 1613-1714, preserved in the TNA) Family (3026)  
Bledington ; personal estate of John Rooke. Gloucester  
1697 Dispute (TNA, C 5/286/6) Family (3027)  
John Rooke of Bledington  
Short title: Bridgeman v Robins.  
Plaintiffs: William Bridgeman and Alice Bridgeman, his wife.  
Defendants: George Robins, Joan Robins, his wife, and others.  
Subject: personal estate of the deceased John Rooke of Bledington, Gloucestershire.  
Document type: bill, answer  
Date:  1697  
Held by: The National Archives, Kew  
© C. R. Watts 2020  created 01.08.2017, revised 24.11.2020  