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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Brookess  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Brookess  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_379 That Sarah Brookes (379) was the mother of Ann Baker (189)  
PP_758 That Robert Brookes (758) was the father of Sarah Brookes (379)  
PP_1516 That William Brookes (1516) was the father of Robert Brookes (758)  
Records The Records  
1636-05-17 Burial in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI, Ancestry.co.uk, 2017) 1636
Susanna the wife of James Brookes  
1640-11-08 Marriage in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI, Ancestry.co.uk, 2017) 1642
John Gookinge & Katherine Brooke  
1644-11-20 Burial in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI, Ancestry.co.uk, 2017) 1644
James Brookes  
B_1670 1670-02-27 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI, Ancestry.co.uk, 2017) William (1516) 1670
Robert Brooks s. William Robert (758)  
1684-09-16 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) William (1516) 1684
Thomas Brooks s. William  
M_1696 1696-02-02 Marriage in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1696
Robert Brookes & Sarah Joyner Sarah (759)  
1696-10-12 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1696
Elizabeth Brooks d. Robert  
B_1698 1698-08-07 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1698
Sarah Brooks d. Robert Sarah (379)  
1700-06-16 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1700
Mary Brooks d. Robert  
1702-11-06 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1702
Christian Brooks d. Robert  
1705-08-06 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Robert (758) 1705
Anne Brooks d. Robert  
1709-12-26 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Robert (758) 1709
Robert Brooks s. Robert  
1713-11-26 Baptism in Churchill, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Robert (758) 1713
William Brooks s. Robert  
1719-06-09 Marriage in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Family (758) 1719
John Woodward of Oxford and Mary Brooks otp  
D_1721 1721-07-23 Burial in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) William (1516) 1721
William Brooks  
W_1721 1721 Will in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Oxfordshire RO, W.208.294; 116/4/49, 2004) William (1516)  
Testator: William Brooks, Churchill, Oxfordshire, Yeoman Robert (758)  
Executrix: son Robert Brooks Sarah (379)  
Date: 20 July 1721, proved 12 October 1721  
Witnesses: Priscilla Gardiner, Ann Carr, Robert Smith  
Will: - house in Churchill called Halles to son Robert  
 - house occupied by William Harby to son Thomas, he to pay £50  
 - that £50 plus £50 owed by son Thomas to children of son John equally  
 - £20 to Sarah daughter of son Robert  
 - £10 to each other child of son Robert   
 - rest to son Robert  
M_1726 1726-06-07 Marriage in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (IGI; Ancestry.co.uk, 2016) Thomas (378) 1726
Thomas Baker mar. Sarah Brooks Sarah (379)  
1733-04-28 Marriage in Sarsden, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Family (758) 1733
Robert Brooks of Churchill & Susannah Shepard otp  
1738-07-20 Admon in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Oxfordshire RO, Bd. 109.4; 77/4/8, 2004) Family (758) 1738
Mr. Robert Brooks of Churchill, husbandman; widow Susanna Brookes of Churchill; Robert Sheppard of Sarsden, Oxon, husbandman  
I_1741 1741-10-10 Indenture (Will of William Brookes 1802) W_1802 Family (758)  
Indenture of Settlement Tripartite bearing date the tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and forty one and made between Robert Brooks and Sarah his wife and me the said William Brooks by the description of William Brooks only son of the said Robert and Sarah of the first part, William Bartlet the elder and Elizabeth Bartlett spinster daughter of the said William Bartlett of the second part, and Thomas Brooks and William Bartlett the younger of the third part, and made previous to any marriage with the said Elizabeth Bartlett. It is witnessed that in consideration of said marriage and of the sum of three hundred pounds to me the said William Brooks by the said William Bartlett the elder paid and for other the considerations therein mentioned The messuage of Tenement, one yard land and one half quarter of one yard land hereditaments and premises herein after mentioned were granted released and confirmed unto the said Thomas Brooks and William Bartlett the younger their heirs and assigns to and for the uses intents and purposes and under and subject to the powers limitations provisions and agreements therein after expressed and contained concerning the same  
And it is further witnessed that in consideration of the said marriage and marriage portion I the said William Brooks did for myself my heirs executors and administrators covenant promise and agree with the said Thomas Brooks and William Bartlett the younger that I the said William Brooks would within the space of ten years then next ensuing exend and employ the sum of three hundred pounds in the purchase of freehold messuages lands tenements and herediatments and grant convey and assure the same to and for the several uses intents and purposes therein after mentioned of and concerning the same  
In which said Indenture is contained a proviso that ? the said William Brooks and Elizabeth my intended wife with the consent of the said Thomas Brooks and William Bartlett the younger or the survivor of them should have full power and authority during our joint natural lives by any deed of writing under our hands and seals to be executed in the prersence of two or more witnesses to revoke and make void all before recited limited and declared of and concerning the said messusge or tenement hereditaments and premises and of the said sum of three hundred pounds intended to be the purchase money of such lands as aforesaid if the same should not be laid out and by the same deed or writing to declare limit or appoint the uses as well of the said lands and tenements as also of the said three hundred pounds in case the same should happen not to be laid out as aforesaid as to us should earn most  
CRW: the above is reported in the Will of William Brookes in 1802  
M_1741 1741-11-24 Marriage in Chastleton, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Family (758) 1741
William Brookes of Churchill & Elizabeth Bartlet otp  
D_1751 1751-02-11 Burial in Churchill, Oxfordshire (Ancestry, Oxfordshire BMD, 1538-1812) Robert (758) 1751
Mr. Robert Brooks  
P_1773 1773-02-19 Deed Poll (Will of William Brookes 1802) W_1802 Family (758)  
And whereas by deed poll bearing date the nineteenth day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy three under the hands and seals of me the said William Brooks, Elizabeth my wife, and the said William Bartlett the younger who survived the said Thomas Brooks  
I the said William Brooks and Elizabeth my wife by the consent an approbation of the said William Bartlett the younger did revoke annul and make void all and every the uses estates and trusts in and by the said writing limited created declared and appointed of and concerning the said sum of three hundred pounds and did therebylimit the said three hundred pounds and all and every the messuages lands and premises to be purchased therewith unto me the said William Brooks and by me alone to be given bequeathed and disposed of by deed will or otherwise when to whom how and in what manner and at what time or times as I the said William Brooks should think proper  
As in and by the said in part recited Indenture and Deed Poll ? being thereunto had will now at large appear  
CRW: the above is reported in the Will of William Brookes in 1802  
D_1775 1775-01-08 Burial in Bledington, Gloucs (Ancestry, Gloucestershire BMD, 1538-1813) Sarah (379) 1775
Sarah Baker, widow, aged 75  
W_1800 1800 Will in Bledington, Gloucs (R. Stayt, 1992) Family (758)  
Testator: Thomas Baker, Bledington, Gloucestershire, Gentleman  
Executrix: niece Ann Trinder, wife of William Trinder  
Date: 16 July 1799, proved 4 September 1800  
Witnesses: Thos Perkins, John Gilkes, Jos. Knight  
Will: - income from his own messuage and land in Bledington - 50s yearly to poor of Bledington, rest to nephew Thomas Stayte of Upton for his lifetime, thereafter to his male heirs  
 - farm house and land in Oddington to nephew Edward Stayte  
 - two messuages in Bledington to nephew William Stayte, plus £200  
 - three messuages and 10 acres in Bledington to niece Ann the Wife of William Trinder  
 - messuage in Bledington inhabited by William Edginton and Sarah his Wife to them for their lives, thereafter to nephew Thomas Stayte  
 - interest from £200 to Mary the Wife of Richard Cooper of Bledington for her life, thereafter to her children  
 - £200 to niece Sarah Stayte  
 - £200 to niece Elizabeth Stayte  
 - £100 to Sarah Brookes Wife of William Brookes of Kingham  
 - interest on £100 to Sarah Brookes for her daughter Sarah Baker Brookes until 21, thereafter principal to her directly  
 - £20 to Samuel Collett of Withington to pay legacies  
 - rest to Ann Trinder  
 - remit half years' rent for William Harbert his tenant at Oddington  
W_1802 1802 Will in Churchill, Oxfordshire (TNA, PROB 11/1368/) Family (758) 1802
Testator: William Brookes, Bledington, Gloucestershire, Gentleman  
Executors: sons Robert Brooks and William Brooks  
Date: 30 June 1801, proved 26 January 1802  
Witnesses: Joseph Harvey, Robert Gardner, Thos Tilsley  
Will: - Whereas by an indenture of Settlement … I_1742  
And whereas by deed poll bearing date … P_1773  
Now I the said William Brooks do by this my last Will and Testament…  
W_1826 1826 Will in Kingham, Gloucestershire (TNA, PROB 11/1718/) Family (758) 1826
Testator: William Brookes, Kingham, Gloucestershire, Gentleman  
© C. R. Watts 2020 created 10.12.2004, revised 10.05.2020  