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Introduction Trees  
Tracing the Aylmers  
The records  
Introduction Introduction  
Tracing Tracing the Aylmers  
Proofs Proofs  
PP_1117 That Rebecca Aylmer (1117) was the mother of Edward Sedgwick (558)  
PP_2234 That Justinian Aylmer (2234) was the father of Rebecca Aylmer (1117)  
PP_4468 That Theophilius Aylmer (4468) was the father of Justinian Aylmer (2234)  
PP_8936 That John Aylmer (8936) was the father of Theophilius Aylmer (4468)  
Records The Records  
B_1521 1521 Birth  (Alumni Cantabrigienses, Ancestry.co.uk) A_1956 John (8936)  
John Aylmer  
M_1561 1559x61 Marriage (DNB) N_1561 John (8936)  
John Aylmer and Judith King alias Bures, daughter of Robert King and widow of Nathaniel Treherne M_1618 Judith (8937)  
N_1561 1561-12 Nomination (DNB) John (8936)  
John Aylmer as one of eight married men suggested by Grindal for the provostship of Eton  
B_1565 1565-04-14 Baptism in the parish of St Margarets-in-the-Close, Lincoln (FamilySearch.com) Family (8936)  
Theophilus Aelmer Theophilius (4468)  
1568-07-11 Baptism in the parish of St Margarets-in-the-Close, Lincoln (FamilySearch.com) Family (8936)  
John Aelmer  
1570-07-30 Baptism in the parish of St Margarets-in-the-Close, Lincoln (FamilySearch.com) Family (8936)  
Elizabeth Aelmer  
1572-10-26 Baptism in the parish of St Margarets-in-the-Close, Lincoln (FamilySearch.com) Family (8936)  
Zacharie Aelmer  
1582 Letter (www.dannatt.eu) John (8936)  
In 1582 Aylmer had written to Burghley unsuccessfully soliciting the office of clerk of the Council for Thomas Dannett, whom he extolled for his honesty, sincerity, secrecy and learning. Applying, again unsuccessfully, in 1586, Dannett this time enlisted the help of Secretary Davison. He may have been the Mr. Donett who held a minor common pleas office in 1592.  
Any of Thomas's court connections could have had him returned for Maidstone in 1572, but his most likely patron would be Aylmer's friend Archbishop Parker, who was instructed by the Privy Council to ensure a 'good choice' of burgesses in Kent for that election. Thomas was appointed to committees concerning rites and ceremonies (20 May 1572), benefit of clergy (7  
Mar. 1576) and London goldsmiths (13 Mar. 1576).  
M_1589 1589c Marriage Theophilius (4468)  
Theophilius Aylmer and Mary Newce Mary (4469)  
1590-01-27 Admission to the honourable society of the Middle Temple, London (Register of Admissions, Vol. 1, 15th C-1781) Family (8936)  
John Ailmer, third son of John, Bishop of London  
1590-08-16 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, John son of Theophilus, clarke/parson there  
1591-09-16 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Theophilus son of Theophilus, clerke/parson there  
1592-11-04 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Mary daughter of Theophilus, clerk  
1593-12-11 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Judith daughter of Theophilus, clerk and parson  
D_1594 1594-06-06 Burial in the parish of St Gregory by St Paul, London (FamilySearch.com) 1594 John (8936) 1594
John Elmer Lord Bishopp of London was buried in the Cathall Church of St Pawle the 6. Day of June at nighte betwene thoures of 21 & 22 of the clock in the night 1594. By Ambrose Goldinge  
W_1594 1594-11-22 Will (TNA PROB 11/84) W_1594 John (8936) 1594
Testator: John Aylmer, Bishop of London Judith (8937)  
Executors: cousin Richard Vaughan D.D., eldest son Samuel Ailmer, son Theophilus Ailmer, Archdeacon of London, and son-in-law William Lynche gent  Theophilius (4468)  
Overseer: Doctor Forthe  Mary (4469)  
Date: 28 April 1594, proved 22 November 1594  
Witnesses: Augustine Allen, Thomas Francis, Anthony Risby  
Will: - £300 to keeping sermons at St Paul’s cross  
 - £100 from Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury for the same use  
 - £200 to daughter Judith Lynch besides £400 given to her marriage  
 - £100 to poor within London  
 - £50 to apprenticeship of grandson John Squire  
 - £100 to marriage of granddaughter Judith Squire  
 - £100 due from brother Newce for marriage of his daughter Mary with son Theophilus to grandsons John and Theophilus  
 - £20 to poor of Fulham  
 - one of his great horses to Sir John Fortescue Chancellor of the Exchequer  
 - £20 to Nicholas Kemp  
 - £5 to the poor of Much Hadham  
 - £20 yearly to wife Judith  
 - £140 for his debts to son-in-law Mr John Folliott  
 - £40 to cousin Richard Vaughan Doctor of Divinity  
 - £40 and one of best geldings to Doctor Forthe  
 - profits of manor of Mugden Hall to executors to fulfil will, then to son Samuel  
 - lands in Revesby, Lincolnshire to son John  
 - all other lands to son Samuel  
 - son Theophilus Ailmer Archdeacon of London to be content with his lands in Wetheringsett  
 - books except some of philosophy for son Samuel to choose, to sons Theophilus, Zachary & Nathaniel equally  
 - rest equally among his children  
1594-12-22 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Elizabeth daughter of Theophilus rector of Much Hadham  
1595-01-15 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Jane daughter of Theophilus parson of Much Hadham  
1595-06-11 Burial in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Jane daughter of Theophilus, Clarke, parson there  
1597-02-28 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Jane daughter of Theophilus, the second daughter of that name, born 17 and baptized 28 Feb 1596  
1597 Inquisition Post Mortem (TNA C 142/258/44) John (8936)  
John Aylmer bishop of London  
1598-09-17 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmore, Cicilia daughter of Theophilus parson born 30 Aug and bapt 17 Sept  
1600-02-02 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Leventhorpe son of Theophilus born 19 Jan and bapt 2 Feb 1599  
1601-03-29 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Aylmer, Samuel son of Theoph. Doctor in Divinity, born 13 March 1600 and bapt 29 the same month then being 1601  
1603-03-27 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Aylmer, Zachariah son of Dr. Aylmer, born 16 March 1602 and bapt 27 March the same year being 1603  
1603-05-10 Burial in the parish of Much Hadham (SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Nathaniel ---  
1604 Will of Bishop Denison (geni.com)  Theophilius (4468)  
My master the right wors'. Sr. John Leventhorpe of Sabridgworth knt. & my reverend Friend and worthy Theophilus Aylmer of Hadham Magna (Much Hadham) Dr. of Divinity, Overseers--to each iijS iiijd.  
1605-10-13 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Elizabeth daughter of Dr. ---   
B_1607 1607-03-25 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Aylmer, Justinian son of Theophilus Justinian (2234)  
1608-10-13 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Almer, Tobeel son of Theophilus parson  
1611-11-15 Baptism in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Edward son of Theophilus (Ailmer)  
1612-06-16 Marriage in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Family (4468)  
Mr. William Booth and Mrs. Mary Ailmer  
1613-01-21 Marriage in the parish of Much Hadham (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Family (4468)  
Mr. Thomas Hone and Mrs. Judith Ailmer  
M_1618 1618-12-17 Monument in the parish church of Much Hadham (Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire) Judith (8937)  
Here lieth the body of Judith Aylmer, the daughter of Robert King, Esq.; she was twice married; first to Nathaniel Treherne, Esq. in Queen Mary’s reign; afterwards in Queen Elizabeth’s reign, to John Aylmer, Bishop of London, by whom he had eight sons and two daughters. She lived a widow 24 years, and died in the 78th year of her age, the 17th day of Dec. An. Dom. 1618.  
D_1618 1618-12-23 Burial in the parish of Much Hadham (SoG) Judith (8937)  
Ailmer, Mrs. Judith, widow deceased late wife to the Reverend Father in God John Ailmer Lord Bishop of London  
W_1619 1619-02-04 Will  (TNA PROB 11/84) W_1619 Judith (8937) 1618
Testator: Judith Aylmer, widow of Much Hadham, Herts Theophilius (4468)  
Executors: son Dr Theophilus Ailmer   
Date: 20 June 1618, proved 4 February 1619   
Witnesses: George Brett, Thomas Gardiner, John Girdler & Jasper Hart  
Will: - ring with agate stone to wife of son Samuel  
 - clothes to daughter the Dr’s [Theophilus] wife  
 - clothes to daughter Lady Folliat  
 - clothes to daughter Lynch  
 - bedding to son Zachary  
 - bedding to son Edmond  
 - bedding to grandson John Lynch  
 - clothes to granddaughter Judith Skopes   
 - bedding to goddaughter Judith Hone  
 - best waistcoat to grandson John Ailmer son of son Dr [Theophilus]  
 - clothes to granddaughters Jane, Cicilie & Elizabeth Ailmer daughters of son Dr [Theophilus]  
 - clothes to cousin Sara Stracy   
 - clothes to old goodwife Brett   
 - cloak to wife of Samuel Rustat   
 - 30s to the poor  
 - clothes to goodwife Strong   
 - petticoat & pan to ?uley wife to Thomas Younge   
 - clothes to maid  
 - clothes to son Dr’s cookmaid  
 - clothes to son Dr’s chambermaid  
 - clothes to goodwife Gapes   
 - clothes to goodwife Wood  
 - clothes to widow Spenser   
 - 2 bodices to wife of Peter Scott   
 - red petticoat to Ann Grace son Dr’s servant  
 - 3s 4d each to son Dr’s men  
 - marriage ring and pair of oxford gloves to son Dr [Theophilus]  
1625-12-07 Indenture (EMW, London Apprentices, vol. 32, Apothecaries Company 1617-1669) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Justinian, s(on of ) Theophilus, Herts., doctor of divinity, to John Reeve, 7 Dec. 1625 Justinian (2234)  
D_1626 1626-01-11 Burial in the parish of Much Hadham (SoG) Theophilius (4468)  
Ailmer, Theophilus, Doctor in Divinity, rector of Much Hadham  
W_1626 1626-02-04 Will (EMW) Theophilius (4468)  
Testator: Theophilus Aylmer, Doctor of Divinity & Archdeacon of London Mary (4469)  
Executrix: wife Mary  
Date: none?, proved x x1626   
Witnesses: Edmund Aylmer, Robert Hone  
Will: - lease of The Lodge to wife Mary  
 - best mourning – to son John  
 - best mourning clothes to son Theophilus  
 - £100 worth of plate to daughters Jane & Elizabeth  
 - books on divinity and some on history to sons John & Theophilus  
 - rest of books on history to Samuel  
 - books on philosophy & humanity to sons Samuel & Tobell  
 - grey horse to son Zacharie  
 - £20 to son Samuel  
 - ring each to daughters Mary Booth, Judith Hone & Cicely Floud  
1626 High Sheriff of Suffolk (wikipedia.org) Family (8936)  
Samuel Aylmer, of Claydon  
1627-07-29 Burial in the parish of St Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (8936) 1627
Edmund Aylmer gent, was buried the 29th of July  
1627-08-02 Will of Zachary Aylmer (TNA PROB 11/152) Family (8936) 1627
Zachary Aylmer of Saint Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex  
1627-08-03 Burial in the parish of St Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (8936)  
Zachary Aylmer gent, was buried the third of August  
1628-01-21 Marriage in the parish of St Gregory by St Paul, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (4468) 1628
Tobie Ailmer & Margarite Cassinghurst married by licence from the Faculties 21 January 1627  
1631-04-07 Burial in the parish of St Bride’s Fleet Street, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (4468)  
John Ailmer son of Tobell  
1632-09-03 Marriage in the parish of St Mary Mounthaw, London (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Justinian Ailemer & Joane Wilmot  
1633-07-21 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Justinian (2234)  
Mary daughter of Mr Justinian Aylmer and Joan  
1634-08-01 Baptism in the parish of Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Justinian (2234)  
Theophilus son of Justinian Aylmer & Joan  
1634-10-26 Baptism in the parish of St Bride’s Fleet Street, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (4468) 1634
Edeth daughter to Tobell and wife Margaret  
1635-10-16 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Justinian (2234)  
Elizabeth Aylmer daughter of Mr Justinian Aylmer and Joan  
1636-11-01 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com, SoG) Justinian (2234)  
Judith daughter of Justinian Aylmer and Joan  
1637 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Justinian son of Justinian Aylmer and Joan  
1637-09-12 Marriage in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Mary (4469)  
John Rowe & Mary Aylmer  
1638-09-17 Burial in the parish of Much Hadham (SoG) Mary (4469)  
Ailmer or Row, Mistress Marie, late the wife of Theophilus Ailmer Doctor of Divinity and late rector of Great Hadham, but was nowe the wife of John Row, gent of Bishopp Stortford was buried in the chancel near the vestry doore  
M_1639 1639-04-09 Marriage in the parish of St Nicholas Acons, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Justinian (2234) 1639
Justinean Elmer of Stopford in the County of Herford and Ane Chandler of the same parish maryed April 9 1639 Ann (2235)  
1640-01-21 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Ann daughter of Justinian Aylmer and Ann Ann (2235)  
1640-11-11 Baptism in the parish of St Bride’s Fleet Street, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (4468) 1640
Mary daughter of Tobie Aylmer wife Margaret  
1641 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Edward Aylmer son of Justinian Aylmer  
1643 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Thomas Aylmer son of Justinian Aylmer  
1646 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
John Aylmer son of Justinian and Ann Aylmer Ann (2235)  
1649 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Samuel Aylmer son of Justinian & Ann Aylmer Ann (2235)  
B_1650 1650-08-25 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234) 1650
Rebecca Ailmer daughter of Justinian Ailmer Rebecca (1117)  
1652 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234)  
Daniell Aylmer son of Justinian Aylmer  
W_1654 1654-01-17 Will (TNA PROB 11/236/74)  Justinian (2234) 1654
Testator: Edward Chandler, Stortford, Herts, Silk-weaver  
Executrix: wife Ann (but proved by son-in-law Justinian Aylmer)  
Date: 1 January 1653, proved 17 January 1654  
Witnesses: John Rowe John ? Theophilus Aylmer  
Will: - 20s to poor of Stortford  
 - 20s to minister at his funeral  
 - household stuff to Ann my loving wife ‘with whom I have lived a long season’  
 - property in Stortford (with all shops, cellars, jollers, chambers, and apartments) where son-in-law Symon Rutland lives, to son-in-law Justinian Aylmer, he to pay  
 - £30 to son-in-law Francis Onge or to daughter Susan his wife  
 - £5 to grandson Samuel Coe  
 - silver beaker to son Francis Chandler  
 - rest to wife Ann  
1661-05-28 Marriage in the parish of St Bartholomew the Less, London (FamilySearch.com) Family (2234)  
Theophilus Aylmer & Mary Goodwin  
1663-09-10 Burial in the parish of St Martin, Ludgate, London (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (4468) 1663
Tobell Aylmer died of the Winds buried Sept 10th  
1663-09-16 Will of Tobell Aylmer (TNA PROB 11/312) Family (4468)  
Tobell Aylmer, Draper of London  
1673-03-01 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Family (2234)  
Rebecca Aylmer daughter of Samuel Aylmer  
1674-03-08 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Family (2234)  
Judith Aylmer daughter of Samuel Aylmer  
1676-05-21 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Family (2234)  
Mary Aylmer daughter of Samuel Aylmer  
D_1676 1676-11-25 Burial in the parish of Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Justinian (2234) 1676
Mr. Justinian Aylmer  
W_1677 1677-01-16 Will (EMW) Justinian (2234)  
Testator: Justinian Aylmer, Bishop Stortford, Herts, Apothecary Ann (2235)  
Executrix: wife Hannah Rebecca (1117)  
Overseer: son Theophilus  
Date: 20 August 1675, proved 16 January 1677   
Witnesses: William Robinson clerk, Edward Maplesden  
Will: - all property for life to wife Hannah, thereafter  
 - dwelling house to son Theophilus  
 - £50 to son Edward  
 - £50 to son Thomas  
 - shop in Fishmarket Row to son Samuel  
 - messuage in Stortford to daughter Anne wife of Barnabas Conway   
 - £50 to son Samuel  
 - messuage to youngest daughter Rebecca  
 - 20s each to son John, daughter Hanchett, daughter Drane & daughter Rochell  
 if wife remarries, messuage in Stortford only to wife Hannah, rest rest to legatees, remainder sold and money equally divided among children Edward, Thomas, John, Samue,l Anne & Rebecca  
M_1679 1679-02-24 Marriage at Albury, Hertford (IGI, 2010; FindMyPast, 2015) Edward (1116) 1678
Edward Sedgwick and Rebekah Elsmore [Aylmer] Rebecca (1117)  
1679-11-04 Baptism in the parish of St Michael, Bishops Stortford (FamilySearch.com) Family (2234)  
Elizabeth Ailmer daughter of Samuel Ailmer  
1681-05-14 Lease (Hertfordshire Archive and Local Studies DE/Z120/43793) Ann (2235)  
Lease for a year Edward (1116)  
By Hannah Aylmer of Bishop's Stortford, widow, and Edward Sedgwick of the same, clerk, and Rebecca his wife, to William Rochell of the same, milliner, of a messuage and a shop belonging thereto. Rebecca (1117)  
Signatures. Seals  
1690-07-03 Will of Hannah Aylmer (TNA PROB 11/400) Ann (2235)  
Hannah Aylmer, widow of Hertfordshire  
1634 Visitation of Hertfordshire  
Elmer alias Aylmer of Much Hadham  
D_1729 1729-04-21 Burial at Walkington, Yorkshire (EMW, 2012; FindMyPast, 2014) Rebecca (1117) 1729
Rebecca Sedgwick, wife of Edward Sedgwick, rector Edward (1116)  
1821 Historical Collections of The Life and Acts of the Right Reverencd Father in God John Aylmer, Lord Bp. Of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth by John Strype, M.A. John (8936)  
A_1956 1956 Alumni Cantabrigienses (Ancestry.co.uk) John (8936)  
Name: John Aylmer  
College: QUEENS'  
Born: 1521  
Died: 1594  
More Information: B.A. 1540-1; M.A. 1545; D.D. 1572. Probably of QUEENS'. B. 1521. Of Aylmer Hall, Tivetshall, Norfolk. Incorp. at Oxford, 1573. Tutor to Lady Jane Grey. R. of Rodney Stoke and Stoke Gifford, 1541. V. of Wellington, Somerset, 1543. Preb. of Wells, 1543. R. of Market Bosworth, 1553. Archdeacon of Stow, Lincs., 1553. Retired to Strassburg  
and Zurich, under Queen Mary. Returned in 1558. R. of Cassington, Leics., 1561. Archdeacon of Lincoln, 1562-77. Bishop of London, 1577-94. Married Judith Bures of Suffolk, by whom he had a large family. Died June 3, 1594. Buried in St Paul's. (Cooper, II. 168; D.N.B.)  
1956 Alumni Cantabrigienses (Ancestry.co.uk) Family (8936)  
Name: John Aylmer  
College: CLARE  
Entered: Lent, 1618  
More Information: Matric. pens. from CLARE, Lent, 1618-9. S. of Tobell, of London, and grandson of the Bishop of London. B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon and priest (London) June 4, 1626, age 24. R. of Melchbourn, Bedford, 1629. R. of Bletsoe, 1630. Brother of Tobell (1628). (Lincs. Pedigrees; Vis. of London, 1634.)  
2012-09-08 Map of Aylmer Hall Farm in Tilney All Saints & St Lawrence (Google Maps) Family (8936)  
ancestral home of the Aylmers?  
© C. R. Watts 2020  created 17.11.2010, revised 18.11.2020  